2021-06-15 21:58:31 +02:00
extends Node2D
onready var HexTile = get_node("HexTile")
onready var WorldCamera = get_node("Camera")
onready var OffsetValueLabel = get_node("UI/TopContainer/OffsetValue")
onready var ZoomValueLabel = get_node("UI/TopContainer/ZoomValue")
onready var HexCoordValueLabel = get_node("UI/TopContainer/HexCoordValue")
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onready var PlayerChar = get_node("PlayerChar")
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var HexGrid = preload("../thirdparty/gdhexgrid/HexGrid.gd").new()
var hex_size = 128
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var hex_grid_bbox = [[0,0], [10,10]]
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var hex_hover = Vector2.ZERO
var is_dragging = false
var drag_start = null
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var target = Vector2()
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# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
HexGrid.hex_scale = Vector2(hex_size, hex_size)
HexTile.hex_scale = Vector2(hex_size, hex_size)
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# Set player starting position
PlayerChar.position = HexGrid.get_hex_center(Vector2(0,0))
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func _draw():
for r in range(hex_grid_bbox[0][0], hex_grid_bbox[1][0]):
for c in range(hex_grid_bbox[0][1], hex_grid_bbox[1][1]):
var coords = HexGrid.get_hex_center(Vector2(r,c))
draw_set_transform(coords, 0, Vector2.ONE)
draw_polygon (HexTile.HexPoints, HexTile.HexColors[HexTile.TileType.None])
draw_polyline(HexTile.HexPoints, "#888", 1 * WorldCamera.zoom.x)
var coords = HexGrid.get_hex_center (hex_hover)
draw_set_transform(coords, 0, Vector2.ONE)
draw_polyline(HexTile.HexPoints, "#f00", 2 * WorldCamera.zoom.x)
func screen_to_world(pos: Vector2):
pos = pos - OS.get_window_safe_area().size * 0.5
return WorldCamera.offset + pos * WorldCamera.zoom
func screen_to_hex(pos: Vector2):
return HexGrid.get_hex_at(screen_to_world(pos)).axial_coords
func world_to_screen(pos: Vector2):
return pos * WorldCamera.zoom + WorldCamera.offset
func _unhandled_input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
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# Move main character
if event.pressed and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT:
PlayerChar.target = HexGrid.get_hex_center(screen_to_hex(event.position))
# Move camera
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if event.pressed and event.button_index == 3:
is_dragging = true
drag_start = (WorldCamera.offset / WorldCamera.zoom.x + event.position)
is_dragging = false
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# Zoom Camera
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if event.pressed and event.button_index == BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN and event.pressed:
WorldCamera.zoom = WorldCamera.zoom * 1.0 / 0.8
elif event.button_index == BUTTON_WHEEL_UP and event.pressed:
WorldCamera.zoom = WorldCamera.zoom * 0.8
if 'position' in event:
if is_dragging:
WorldCamera.offset = (drag_start - event.position) * WorldCamera.zoom.x
hex_hover = screen_to_hex(event.position)
HexCoordValueLabel.text = str(hex_hover)
OffsetValueLabel.text = str(WorldCamera.offset)
ZoomValueLabel.text = str(WorldCamera.zoom)