Tweaking GroundMotionComponent

Martin Felis 2022-12-31 18:36:52 +01:00
parent 385ed55505
commit 3ed113dd41
3 changed files with 40 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -1,28 +1,49 @@
using Godot;
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using Godot;
using Vector2 = Godot.Vector2;
using Vector3 = Godot.Vector3;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public class GroundMotionComponent
public float MaxSpeed = 3;
public float Accel = 50;
public float Damping = 0.2f;
public float MaxSpeed = 2;
public void Process(float delta, Entity entity, Vector3 target_position)
public void PhysicsProcess(float delta, Entity entity, Vector3 target_position)
Vector3 direction_xy = new Vector3(target_position.x - entity.GlobalTranslation.x,
Vector2 plane_target_vector = new Vector2(target_position.x - entity.GlobalTranslation.x,
target_position.z - entity.GlobalTranslation.z);
float distance_error = plane_target_vector.Length();
Vector3 new_velocity = direction_xy.Normalized() * MaxSpeed;
new_velocity.y = entity.Velocity.y - 9.81f * delta;
if (distance_error < 0.01)
entity.Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
} else {
Vector2 plane_velocity = new Vector2(entity.Velocity.x, entity.Velocity.z);
plane_velocity = plane_velocity + plane_target_vector / distance_error * Accel * delta;
if (direction_xy.LengthSquared() > 0.01)
entity.Velocity = entity.MoveAndSlide(new_velocity);
entity.Velocity = Vector3.Up * -9.81f * delta;
float projected_step = plane_target_vector.Dot(plane_velocity * delta);
GD.Print("Projected step: " + projected_step);
if (projected_step > 1)
plane_velocity /= projected_step;
float plane_speed = plane_velocity.Length();
if (plane_speed > MaxSpeed)
plane_velocity *= MaxSpeed / plane_speed;
entity.Velocity = new Vector3(
plane_velocity.x, 0, plane_velocity.y);
entity.Velocity.x -= entity.Velocity.x * Damping;
entity.Velocity.z -= entity.Velocity.z * Damping;
entity.Velocity = entity.MoveAndSlide(entity.Velocity);

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@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ public class Player : Entity
public override void _Process(float _delta)
public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
_groundMotion.Process(_delta, this, TargetPosition);
_groundMotion.PhysicsProcess(delta, this, TargetPosition);
public void OnPositionUpdated(Vector3 newPosition)

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ albedo_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 0.156863 )
extents = Vector3( 20, 1, 20 )
[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape" id=7]
radius = 0.475
radius = 0.2
height = 0.5
[sub_resource type="CapsuleMesh" id=8]