
175 lines
5.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
public class WorldChunk : Spatial
// ui elements
// scene nodes
private MeshInstance PlaneRectMesh;
// resources
// exports
[Export] public Texture TileTypeMap;
[Export] public Texture NavigationMap;
[Export] public Texture HeightMap;
[Export] public int Size = 32;
[Export] public Vector2 ChunkAddress;
public bool ShowTextureOverlay
return _showTextureOverlay;
if (PlaneRectMesh != null)
PlaneRectMesh.Visible = value;
// signals
// delegate void OnCoordClicked(Vector2 world_pos);
// other members
public Rect2 PlaneRect;
public Color DebugColor = Colors.White;
public Viewport TileTypeOffscreenViewport;
public bool NoiseTextureCheckerboardOverlay = true;
private TextureRect _heightmapRect;
private SpatialMaterial _rectMaterial = new SpatialMaterial();
private bool _showTextureOverlay = false;
public WorldChunk()
public WorldChunk(int size)
public void SetSize(int size)
Size = size;
if (TileTypeOffscreenViewport != null)
TileTypeOffscreenViewport.Size = Vector2.One * size;
// other members
public void SaveToFile(String chunkName)
Image image = new Image();
image.CreateFromData(Size, Size, false, Image.Format.Rgba8, TileTypeMap.GetData().GetData());
image.SavePng(chunkName + "_tileType.png");
image.CreateFromData(Size, Size, false, Image.Format.Rgba8, NavigationMap.GetData().GetData());
image.SavePng(chunkName + "_navigationMap.png");
image.CreateFromData(Size, Size, false, Image.Format.Rgba8, HeightMap.GetData().GetData());
image.SavePng(chunkName + "_heightMap.png");
public void LoadFromFile(String chunkName)
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
PlaneRectMesh = (MeshInstance)FindNode("PlaneRectMesh");
Debug.Assert(PlaneRectMesh != null);
if (PlaneRectMesh.Visible)
_showTextureOverlay = true;
Transform planeRectTransform = Transform.Identity;
planeRectTransform =
planeRectTransform.Scaled(new Vector3(PlaneRect.Size.x, 0.125f, PlaneRect.Size.y));
planeRectTransform.origin.x = PlaneRect.GetCenter().x;
planeRectTransform.origin.z = PlaneRect.GetCenter().y;
PlaneRectMesh.Transform = planeRectTransform;
// PlaneRectMesh.MaterialOverride = new SpatialMaterial();
// ((SpatialMaterial)PlaneRectMesh.MaterialOverride).AlbedoColor = DebugColor;
// ((SpatialMaterial)PlaneRectMesh.MaterialOverride).FlagsTransparent = true;
TileTypeOffscreenViewport = (Viewport)FindNode("TileTypeOffscreenViewport");
TileTypeOffscreenViewport.Size = Vector2.One * Size;
Debug.Assert(TileTypeOffscreenViewport != null);
_heightmapRect = (TextureRect)FindNode("HeightmapTexture");
public void SetHeightmap(Texture texture)
GD.Print("Setting HeightmapRect Texture: " + _heightmapRect + " with size " + _heightmapRect.GetSize());
_heightmapRect.Texture = texture;
// Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
public override void _Process(float delta)
Texture tileTypeTexture = TileTypeOffscreenViewport.GetTexture();
if (NoiseTextureCheckerboardOverlay)
Image tileTypeImage = tileTypeTexture.GetData();
foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, Size))
foreach (int j in Enumerable.Range(0, Size))
Vector2 textureCoord = new Vector2(i, j);
Color baseColor = tileTypeImage.GetPixelv(textureCoord);
if ((i + j) % 2 == 0)
tileTypeImage.SetPixelv(textureCoord, baseColor);
tileTypeImage.SetPixelv(textureCoord, baseColor * 0.6f);
ImageTexture imageTexture = new ImageTexture();
imageTexture.CreateFromImage(tileTypeImage, (uint) 0);
tileTypeTexture = imageTexture;
_rectMaterial.AlbedoTexture = tileTypeTexture;
_rectMaterial.FlagsTransparent = true;
// _rectMaterial.AlbedoTexture = _heightmapRect.Texture;
_rectMaterial.Uv1Scale = new Vector3(-3, -2, 1);
_rectMaterial.Uv1Offset = Vector3.One * 2;
//RectMaterial.Uv1Triplanar = true;
PlaneRectMesh.SetSurfaceMaterial(0, _rectMaterial);
TileTypeOffscreenViewport.RenderTargetUpdateMode = Viewport.UpdateMode.Once;
PlaneRectMesh.MaterialOverride = null;