2024-03-03 20:22:06 +01:00

289 lines
11 KiB

v0.9.4 (WIP):
NEW: Editor: Add smooth zoom (#266)
BUGFIX: Canvas: Remember index of first command buffer to not miss updating any used (#260)
BUGFIX: Editor: Don't duplicated ImVec2/ImVec3 == != operators defined since ImGui r19002 (#268)
BUGFIX: Examples: Use imgui_impl_opengl3_loader.h instead of gl3w (#264)
v0.9.3 (2023-10-14):
CHANGE: Canvas: Use ImDrawCallback_ImCanvas macro as draw callback sentinel (#256), thanks @nspitko
BUGFIX: Canvas: Ensure SentinelDrawCallback cleanup (#255)
BUGFIX: Editor: Don't call Reasume/Suspend on invisible canvas (#255)
v0.9.2 (2023-09-01):
NEW: Editor: Add offset of hover/select to style (thanks @MultiPain)
NEW: Editor: Add IMGUI_NODE_EDITOR_API to support building editor as a shared library (#189)
NEW: Canvas: Add IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API to support building canvas as a shared library (#189)
CHANGE: Editor: Support ImGui r18836 after SetItemUsingMouseWheel removal (#218), thanks @ocornut
CHANGE: Editor: Define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS before <imgui.h> (#209), thanks @ocornut
CHANGE: Examples: Define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS before <imgui.h> (#209), thanks @ocornut
CHANGE: Canvas: Don't use deprecated SetItemAllowOverlap (#250)
CHANGE: Examples: Don't use deprecated SetItemAllowOverlap (#250)
CHANGE: Editor: Define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS before <imgui.h> (#209), thanks @ocornut
CHANGE: Editor: Unary operator- for ImVec2 is defined by ImGui since r18955 (#248)
BUGFIX: Editor: Correctly initialize 'width' for view resize code (thx @gnif)
BUGFIX: Examples: Handle node deletion before links (#182)
Deleting node queue connected links for deletion.
BUGFIX: Examples: Simplify and fix drawing of node header line (#180)
BUGFIX: Editor: Cleanup tabs.
BUGFIX: Editor: Use ImGuiKey directly with ImGui r18822 (#183)
BUGFIX: Examples: Use ImGuiKey directly with ImGui r18822 (#183)
BUGFIX: Examples: Use ImGuiKey_KeypadEnter with ImGui r18604 (#183)
BUGFIX: Examples: Add missing <cstdint> include for std::intptr_t (#199)
BUGFIX: Examples: Don't use empty string as identifier
BUGFIX: Editor: Clean long to int implicit cast warning in crude_json
BUGFIX: Canvas: Ensure canvas draw commands are separated from other ImGui draw commands (#205, #250)
BUGFIX: Editor: Don't call Canvas.End() when Canvas.Begin() failed (#186), thanks @pthom, @TheZoc
v0.9.1 (2022-08-27):
CHANGE: Remove unwanted extra frame height from node bottom
CHANGE: Allow to specify if links of deleted node should also be automatically deleted
Now it is possible to delete only node without automatically serving links,
application can choose to do this operation by itself and for example
short circuit flow links ot do any other special operation.
CHANGE: Canvas: Allow to overlap canvas widget
CHANGE: Natvis: Move crude_json natvis to separate file
CHANGE: Natvis: Show readable NodeId/PinId/LinkId
CHANGE: Make Navigate action to honor duration
CHANGE: Travis: Use Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) for CI, to get newer version of GLFW3
CHANGE: Editor: Make action button internally configurable
CHANGE: Make Node Editor forward compatible with ImGui 1.80+ (#112)
We're keeping backward compatibility with pre 1.8x versions.
CHANGE: Update internal copy ImGui to 1.84 (WIP) (3512f2c2c283ec86) (#107)
Internal copy has two PR's merged:
https://github.com/thedmd/imgui/tree/feature/layout - used in blueprints example only
https://github.com/thedmd/imgui/tree/feature/extra-keys - optional: used by Node Editor if present
CHANGE: Use github actions instead of Travis and AppVeyor (#113)
CHANGE: Delete operation on node/link will remove internal object (#173)
CHANGE: Natvis: Add crude_json::value visualization
NEW: All source components are now versioned
NEW: Make view state independent of window resolution.
NEW: Editor can now break links connected specified node or pin
New API:
int BreakLinks(NodeId nodeId);
int BreakLinks(PinId pinId);
NEW: Editor can now tell if node or pin has any links attached
New API:
bool HasAnyLinks(NodeId nodeId);
bool HasAnyLinks(PinId pinId);
NEW: Editor can be queried if particular node or link is selected
New API:
bool IsNodeSelected(NodeId nodeId);
bool IsLinkSelected(LinkId linkId);
NEW: Editor now can return pins of the link
New API:
bool GetLinkPins(LinkId linkId, PinId* startPinId, PinId* endPinId);
`startPinId` and `endPinId` may be null if caller is not interested
in particular id.
NEW: Editor now return ids of hovered node/pin/link
New API:
NodeId GetHoveredNode();
PinId GetHoveredPin();
LinkId GetHoveredLink();
NEW: Add SetGroupSize() to explicitly set group size
New API:
void SetGroupSize(NodeId nodeId, const ImVec2& size);
NEW: crude_json: Add save() and load()
When CRUDE_JSON_IO == 1 value will have load() and save()
function implemented using stdio.h FILE.
NEW: crude_json: Add erase() and get_ptr()
NEW: Application overhaul
- Convert from function based to inheritable class
- Add ability to close app and change title from code
- Add ability to control main window flags (ex. show menubar)
- Save ImGui state to ini file
- Render using pre-multiplied alpha textures
- Add extra fonts to examples.
NEW: Reintegrate Widgets example from @crolando (#77)
NEW: User can now override button indices for various actions (#88)
New API in Config:
int DragButtonIndex; // Mouse button index drag action will react to (0-left, 1-right, 2-middle)
int SelectButtonIndex; // Mouse button index select action will react to (0-left, 1-right, 2-middle)
int NavigateButtonIndex; // Mouse button index navigate action will react to (0-left, 1-right, 2-middle)
int ContextMenuButtonIndex; // Mouse button index context menu action will react to (0-left, 1-right, 2-middle)
NEW: Flow direction can now be picked per flow (#104)
New API:
enum class FlowDirection
void Flow(LinkId linkId, FlowDirection direction = FlowDirection::Forward);
NEW: Editor can now return number of submitted nodes (#81)
New API:
int GetNodeCount(); // Returns number of submitted nodes since Begin() call
NEW: Editor can now return nodes in order they are drawn (#81)
New API:
int GetOrderedNodeIds(NodeId* nodes, int size); // Fills an array with node id's in order they're drawn; up to 'size` elements are set. Returns actual size of filled id's.
NEW: Editor now allow to set Z position for nodes (#109)
Nodes with higher Z position are drawn on top of ones with lower.
New API:
void SetNodeZPosition(NodeId nodeId, float z); // Sets node z position, nodes with higher value are drawn over nodes with lower value
float GetNodeZPosition(NodeId nodeId); // Returns node z position, defaults is 0.0f
NEW: Editor: SaveReasonFlags now inform about node creation/deletion
NEW: Editor: Expose button index background was clicked with
New API:
ImGuiMouseButton GetBackgroundClickButtonIndex(); // -1 if none
ImGuiMouseButton GetBackgroundDoubleClickButtonIndex(); // -1 if none
NEW: Editor: Expose configuration editor was created with
New API:
const Config& GetConfig(EditorContext* ctx = nullptr);
NEW: Editor: Add highlighting of Links connected to selected Node (#175)
New API:
NEW: Editor: Add ability to snap link origin to pin direction (#167)
New API:
NEW: Editor: Add way to override default zoom levels (#174)
New API:
ImVector<float> Config::CustomZoomLevels;
NEW: Editor: Add canvas size mode (#170)
Config can now decide how editor should resize view when changing size.
New API:
enum class CanvasSizeMode;
BUGFIX: Avoid crash while destroying editor.
BUGFIX: Save draw list used by editor between Begin() and End()
There is a chance ImGui::GetWindowDrawList() will return different draw list
while nodes are being composed. To avoid troubles of manipulating incorrect
draw list one obtained in Begin() is remembered and used.
BUGFIX: Avoid division by zero in ImCubicBezierBoundingRect
BUGFIX: Don't stuck in delete action if user does not handle it
BUGFIX: Enable use channel splitter inside Begin/End for node and pin. #28
BUGFIX: Don't manipulate channels when editor is suspended #28
BUGFIX: Fix ObjectId serialization
BUGFIX: GroupNode resize instead of move on low zoom #87
BUGFIX: Make Canvas work with Viewports (#91, #90)
BUGFIX: Explicitly choose embedded GL3W as OpenGL extension loader (#96)
BUGFIX: Application: Don't apply HiDPI logic for (-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX) mouse position
BUGFIX: Editor: Clamp over-the-edge drag distance to prevent scrolling to infinity on focus lost
BUGFIX: Editor: Consume scroll event (#73) (require ImGui 17909 or later)
BUGFIX: Editor: Respect window focus while handling actions (#99)
BUGFIX: Examples: Correct case of `data` directory (#97)
BUGFIX: Canvas: Save/Restore CursorMaxPos only in Begin/End (#101)
BUGFIX: Editor: Don't implicitly capture keyboard (#83)
BUGFIX: Application: Reset key down state after loosing keyboard focus
BUGFIX: Editor: Make off-screen dragging work again
BUGFIX: ImGui: Disable obsolete functions (#103)
BUGFIX: Editor: Allow nodes with zero size (#134)
BUGFIX: Canvas: Update call ImGui::IsClippedEx() on ImGui > 18415 (#138)
BUGFIX: Canvas: Disable pink debug outline around widget (#150)
BUGFIX: Editor: Remove node settings when it is explicitly deleted (#153)
BUGFIX: Editor: Improve link dragging with fast movement (#156)
BUGFIX: Editor: Make selection rect start at click point
BUGFIX: Editor: Make selection rect sharp
BUGFIX: Editor: Don't populate unused channels with empty draw command, fixes memory leak (#168, #165)
BUGFIX: Application: Correctly set DX11 View for NULL textures (#162)
BUGFIX: Application: Recreate DX11 resources lazily (related to #162)
BUGFIX: Editor: Don't steal input from active user widget (#172)
BUGFIX: Editor: Delete item from internal list only when action accepts (#178)
BUGFIX: Editor: Cycle canvas to correctly restore view on first frame (#159)
BUGFIX: Editor: Don't relay on ImGui CursorMaxPos to apply padding (https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/5548)