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// Canvas widget - view over infinite virtual space.
// Canvas allows you to draw your widgets anywhere over infinite space and provide
// view over it with support for panning and scaling.
// When you enter a canvas ImGui is moved to virtual space which mean:
// - ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos() return (0, 0) and which correspond to top left corner
// of the canvas on the screen (this can be changed using CanvasView()).
// - Mouse input is brought to canvas space, so widgets works as usual.
// - Everything you draw with ImDrawList will be in virtual space.
// By default origin point is on top left corner of canvas widget. It can be
// changed with call to CanvasView() where you can specify what part of space
// should be viewed by setting viewport origin point and scale. Current state
// can be queried with CanvasViewOrigin() and CanvasViewScale().
// Viewport size is controlled by 'size' parameter in BeginCanvas(). You can query
// it using CanvasContentMin/Max/Size functions. They are useful if you to not specify
// canvas size in which case all free space is used.
// Bounds of visible region of infinite space can be queried using CanvasViewMin/Max/Size
// functions. Everything that is drawn outside of this region will be clipped
// as usual in ImGui.
// While drawing inside canvas you can translate position from world (usual ImGui space)
// to virtual space and back using CanvasFromWorld()/CanvasToWorld().
// Canvas can be nested in each other (they are regular widgets after all). There
// is a way to transform position between current and parent canvas with
// CanvasFromParent()/CanvasToParent().
// Sometimes in more elaborate scenarios you want to move out canvas virtual space,
// do something and came back. You can do that with SuspendCanvas() and ResumeCanvas().
// Note:
// It is not valid to call canvas API outside of BeginCanvas() / EndCanvas() scope.
// VERSION 0.1
// This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
// license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
// publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
// Written by Michal Cichon
# ifndef __IMGUI_EX_CANVAS_H__
# define __IMGUI_EX_CANVAS_H__
# pragma once
# include <imgui.h>
# include <imgui_internal.h> // ImRect, ImFloor
namespace ImGuiEx {
struct CanvasView
ImVec2 Origin;
float Scale = 1.0f;
float InvScale = 1.0f;
CanvasView() = default;
CanvasView(const ImVec2& origin, float scale)
: Origin(origin)
, Scale(scale)
, InvScale(scale ? 1.0f / scale : 0.0f)
void Set(const ImVec2& origin, float scale)
*this = CanvasView(origin, scale);
// Canvas widget represent view over infinite plane.
// It acts like a child window without scroll bars with
// ability to zoom to specific part of canvas plane.
// Widgets are clipped according to current view exactly
// same way ImGui do. To avoid `missing widgets` artifacts first
// setup visible region with SetView() then draw content.
// Everything drawn with ImDrawList betwen calls to Begin()/End()
// will be drawn on canvas plane. This behavior can be suspended
// by calling Suspend() and resumed by calling Resume().
// Warning:
// Please do not interleave canvas with use of channel splitter.
// Keep channel splitter contained inside canvas or always
// call canvas functions from same channel.
struct Canvas
// Begins drawing content of canvas plane.
// When false is returned that mean canvas is not visible to the
// user can drawing should be skipped and End() not called.
// When true is returned drawing must be ended with call to End().
// If any size component is equal to zero or less canvas will
// automatically expand to all available area on that axis.
// So (0, 300) will take horizontal space and have height
// of 300 points. (0, 0) will take all remaining space of
// the window.
// You can query size of the canvas while it is being drawn
// by calling Rect().
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API bool Begin(const char* id, const ImVec2& size);
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API bool Begin(ImGuiID id, const ImVec2& size);
// Ends interaction with canvas plane.
// Must be called only when Begin() retuned true.
// Sets visible region of canvas plane.
// Origin is an offset of infinite plane origin from top left
// corner of the canvas.
// Scale greater than 1 make canvas content be bigger, less than 1 smaller.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API void SetView(const ImVec2& origin, float scale);
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API void SetView(const CanvasView& view);
// Centers view over specific point on canvas plane.
// View will be centered on specific point by changing origin
// but not scale.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API void CenterView(const ImVec2& canvasPoint);
// Calculates view over specific point on canvas plane.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API CanvasView CalcCenterView(const ImVec2& canvasPoint) const;
// Centers view over specific rectangle on canvas plane.
// Whole rectangle will fit in canvas view. This will affect both
// origin and scale.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API void CenterView(const ImRect& canvasRect);
// Calculates view over specific rectangle on canvas plane.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API CanvasView CalcCenterView(const ImRect& canvasRect) const;
// Suspends canvas by returning to normal ImGui transformation space.
// While suspended UI will not be drawn on canvas plane.
// Calls to Suspend()/Resume() are symetrical. Each call to Suspend()
// must be matched with call to Resume().
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API void Suspend();
// Transforms point from canvas plane to ImGui.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API ImVec2 FromLocal(const ImVec2& point) const;
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API ImVec2 FromLocal(const ImVec2& point, const CanvasView& view) const;
// Transforms vector from canvas plant to ImGui.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API ImVec2 FromLocalV(const ImVec2& vector) const;
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API ImVec2 FromLocalV(const ImVec2& vector, const CanvasView& view) const;
// Transforms point from ImGui to canvas plane.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API ImVec2 ToLocal(const ImVec2& point) const;
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API ImVec2 ToLocal(const ImVec2& point, const CanvasView& view) const;
// Transforms vector from ImGui to canvas plane.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API ImVec2 ToLocalV(const ImVec2& vector) const;
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API ImVec2 ToLocalV(const ImVec2& vector, const CanvasView& view) const;
// Returns widget bounds.
// Note:
// Rect is valid after call to Begin().
const ImRect& Rect() const { return m_WidgetRect; }
// Returns visible region on canvas plane (in canvas plane coordinates).
const ImRect& ViewRect() const { return m_ViewRect; }
// Calculates visible region for view.
IMGUIEX_CANVAS_API ImRect CalcViewRect(const CanvasView& view) const;
// Returns current view.
const CanvasView& View() const { return m_View; }
// Returns origin of the view.
// Origin is an offset of infinite plane origin from top left
// corner of the canvas.
const ImVec2& ViewOrigin() const { return m_View.Origin; }
// Returns scale of the view.
float ViewScale() const { return m_View.Scale; }
// Returns true if canvas is suspended.
// See: Suspend()/Resume()
bool IsSuspended() const { return m_SuspendCounter > 0; }
struct Range
int BeginVertexIndex = 0;
int EndVertexIndex = 0;
int BeginComandIndex = 0;
int EndCommandIndex = 0;
# endif
void UpdateViewTransformPosition();
void SaveInputState();
void RestoreInputState();
void SaveViewportState();
void RestoreViewportState();
void EnterLocalSpace();
void LeaveLocalSpace();
bool m_InBeginEnd = false;
ImVec2 m_WidgetPosition;
ImVec2 m_WidgetSize;
ImRect m_WidgetRect;
ImDrawList* m_DrawList = nullptr;
int m_ExpectedChannel = 0;
ImVector<Range> m_Ranges;
Range* m_CurrentRange = nullptr;
# endif
int m_DrawListFirstCommandIndex = 0;
int m_DrawListCommadBufferSize = 0;
int m_DrawListStartVertexIndex = 0;
CanvasView m_View;
ImRect m_ViewRect;
ImVec2 m_ViewTransformPosition;
int m_SuspendCounter = 0;
float m_LastFringeScale = 1.0f;
ImVec2 m_MousePosBackup;
ImVec2 m_MousePosPrevBackup;
ImVec2 m_MouseClickedPosBackup[IM_ARRAYSIZE(ImGuiIO::MouseClickedPos)];
ImVec2 m_WindowCursorMaxBackup;
# if defined(IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT)
ImVec2 m_WindowPosBackup;
ImVec2 m_ViewportPosBackup;
ImVec2 m_ViewportSizeBackup;
# if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM > 18002
ImVec2 m_ViewportWorkPosBackup;
ImVec2 m_ViewportWorkSizeBackup;
# else
ImVec2 m_ViewportWorkOffsetMinBackup;
ImVec2 m_ViewportWorkOffsetMaxBackup;
# endif
# endif
} // namespace ImGuiEx
# endif // __IMGUI_EX_CANVAS_H__