
213 lines
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#include "rbdl_tests.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "rbdl/Logging.h"
#include "rbdl/Model.h"
#include "rbdl/Kinematics.h"
#include "Fixtures.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace RigidBodyDynamics;
using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math;
const double TEST_PREC = 1.0e-14;
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FixedBase3DoF, __FILE__"_TestCalcPointSimple", "") {
QDDot[0] = 1.;
ref_body_id = body_a_id;
point_position = Vector3d (1., 0., 0.);
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, ref_body_id, point_position);
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT(Vector3d (0., 1., 0.), AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
// LOG << "Point accel = " << point_acceleration << endl;
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FixedBase3DoF, __FILE__"_TestCalcPointSimpleRotated", "") {
Q[0] = 0.5 * M_PI;
ref_body_id = body_a_id;
QDDot[0] = 1.;
point_position = Vector3d (1., 0., 0.);
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, ref_body_id, point_position);
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT(Vector3d (-1., 0., 0.), AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
// LOG << "Point accel = " << point_acceleration << endl;
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FixedBase3DoF, __FILE__"_TestCalcPointRotation", "") {
ref_body_id = 1;
QDot[0] = 1.;
point_position = Vector3d (1., 0., 0.);
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, ref_body_id, point_position);
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT(Vector3d (-1., 0., 0.), AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
// if we are on the other side we should have the opposite value
point_position = Vector3d (-1., 0., 0.);
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, ref_body_id, point_position);
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT(Vector3d (1., 0., 0.), AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FixedBase3DoF, __FILE__"_TestCalcPointRotatedBaseSimple", "") {
// rotated first joint
ref_body_id = 1;
Q[0] = M_PI * 0.5;
QDot[0] = 1.;
point_position = Vector3d (1., 0., 0.);
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, ref_body_id, point_position);
REQUIRE_THAT(Vector3d (0., -1., 0.), AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
point_position = Vector3d (-1., 0., 0.);
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, ref_body_id, point_position);
REQUIRE_THAT(Vector3d (0., 1., 0.), AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FixedBase3DoF, __FILE__"_TestCalcPointRotatingBodyB", "") {
// rotating second joint, point at third body
ref_body_id = 3;
QDot[1] = 1.;
point_position = Vector3d (1., 0., 0.);
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, ref_body_id, point_position);
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT(Vector3d (-1., 0., 0.), AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
// move it a bit further up (acceleration should stay the same)
point_position = Vector3d (1., 1., 0.);
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, ref_body_id, point_position);
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT(Vector3d (-1., 0., 0.), AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FixedBase3DoF, __FILE__"_TestCalcPointBodyOrigin", "") {
// rotating second joint, point at third body
QDot[0] = 1.;
ref_body_id = body_b_id;
point_position = Vector3d (0., 0., 0.);
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, ref_body_id, point_position);
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT(Vector3d (-1., 0., 0.), AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC ));
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FixedBase3DoF, __FILE__"_TestAccelerationLinearFuncOfQddot", "") {
// rotating second joint, point at third body
QDot[0] = 1.1;
QDot[1] = 1.3;
QDot[2] = 1.5;
ref_body_id = body_c_id;
point_position = Vector3d (1., 1., 1.);
VectorNd qddot_1 = VectorNd::Zero (model->dof_count);
VectorNd qddot_2 = VectorNd::Zero (model->dof_count);
VectorNd qddot_0 = VectorNd::Zero (model->dof_count);
qddot_1[0] = 0.1;
qddot_1[1] = 0.2;
qddot_1[2] = 0.3;
qddot_2[0] = 0.32;
qddot_2[1] = -0.1;
qddot_2[2] = 0.53;
Vector3d acc_1 = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, qddot_1, ref_body_id, point_position);
Vector3d acc_2 = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, qddot_2, ref_body_id, point_position);
MatrixNd G = MatrixNd::Zero (3, model->dof_count);
CalcPointJacobian (*model, Q, ref_body_id, point_position, G, true);
VectorNd net_acc = G * (qddot_1 - qddot_2);
Vector3d acc_new = acc_1 - acc_2;
REQUIRE_THAT(net_acc,AllCloseVector(acc_new, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FloatingBase12DoF, __FILE__"_TestAccelerationFloatingBaseWithUpdateKinematics", "") {
ForwardDynamics (*model, Q, QDot, Tau, QDDot);
Vector3d accel = CalcPointAcceleration (*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, child_2_rot_x_id, Vector3d (0., 0., 0.), true);
REQUIRE_THAT (Vector3d (0., -9.81, 0.), AllCloseVector(accel, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FloatingBase12DoF, __FILE__"_TestAccelerationFloatingBaseWithoutUpdateKinematics", "") {
ForwardDynamics (*model, Q, QDot, Tau, QDDot);
Vector3d accel = CalcPointAcceleration (*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, child_2_rot_x_id, Vector3d (0., 0., 0.), false);
REQUIRE_THAT (Vector3d (0., 0., 0.), AllCloseVector(accel, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
// cout << accel.transpose() << endl;
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FixedBase3DoF, __FILE__"_TestCalcPointRotationFixedJoint", "") {
Body fixed_body(1., Vector3d (1., 0.4, 0.4), Vector3d (1., 1., 1.));
unsigned int fixed_body_id = model->AddBody (body_c_id, Xtrans (Vector3d (1., -1., 0.)), Joint(JointTypeFixed), fixed_body, "fixed_body");
QDot[0] = 1.;
point_position = Vector3d (0., 0., 0.);
Vector3d point_acceleration_reference = CalcPointAcceleration (*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, body_c_id, Vector3d (1., -1., 0.));
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, fixed_body_id, point_position);
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT (point_acceleration_reference, AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));
TEST_CASE_METHOD (FixedBase3DoF, __FILE__"_TestCalcPointRotationFixedJointRotatedTransform", "") {
Body fixed_body(1., Vector3d (1., 0.4, 0.4), Vector3d (1., 1., 1.));
SpatialTransform fixed_transform = Xtrans (Vector3d (1., -1., 0.)) * Xrotz(M_PI * 0.5);
unsigned int fixed_body_id = model->AddBody (body_c_id, fixed_transform, Joint(JointTypeFixed), fixed_body, "fixed_body");
QDot[0] = 1.;
point_position = Vector3d (0., 0., 0.);
Vector3d point_acceleration_reference = CalcPointAcceleration (*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, body_c_id, Vector3d (1., 1., 0.));
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
// cout << "Point position = " << CalcBodyToBaseCoordinates (*model, Q, fixed_body_id, Vector3d (0., 0., 0.)).transpose() << endl;
// cout << "Point position_ref = " << CalcBodyToBaseCoordinates (*model, Q, body_c_id, Vector3d (1., 1., 0.)).transpose() << endl;
point_acceleration = CalcPointAcceleration(*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, fixed_body_id, point_position);
// cout << LogOutput.str() << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT (point_acceleration_reference, AllCloseVector(point_acceleration, TEST_PREC, TEST_PREC));