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* RBDL - Rigid Body Dynamics Library
* Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Martin Felis <martin@fysx.org>
* Licensed under the zlib license. See LICENSE for more details.
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "rbdl/rbdl_math.h"
#include "rbdl/rbdl_mathutils.h"
#include "rbdl/Logging.h"
namespace RigidBodyDynamics {
struct Model;
/** \page dynamics_page Dynamics
* All functions related to kinematics are specified in the \ref
* dynamics_group "Dynamics Module".
* \defgroup dynamics_group Dynamics
* @{
/** \brief Computes inverse dynamics with the Newton-Euler Algorithm
* This function computes the generalized forces from given generalized
* states, velocities, and accelerations:
* \f$ \tau = M(q) \ddot{q} + N(q, \dot{q}, f_\textit{ext}) \f$
* \param model rigid body model
* \param Q state vector of the internal joints
* \param QDot velocity vector of the internal joints
* \param QDDot accelerations of the internals joints
* \param Tau actuations of the internal joints (output)
* \param f_ext External forces acting on the body in base coordinates (optional, defaults to NULL)
RBDL_DLLAPI void InverseDynamics (
Model &model,
const Math::VectorNd &Q,
const Math::VectorNd &QDot,
const Math::VectorNd &QDDot,
Math::VectorNd &Tau,
std::vector<Math::SpatialVector> *f_ext = NULL
/** \brief Computes the coriolis forces
* This function computes the generalized forces from given generalized
* states, velocities, and accelerations:
* \f$ \tau = N(q, \dot{q}, f_\textit{ext}) \f$
* \param model rigid body model
* \param Q state vector of the internal joints
* \param QDot velocity vector of the internal joints
* \param Tau actuations of the internal joints (output)
* \param f_ext External forces acting on the body in base coordinates (optional, defaults to NULL)
RBDL_DLLAPI void NonlinearEffects (
Model &model,
const Math::VectorNd &Q,
const Math::VectorNd &QDot,
Math::VectorNd &Tau,
std::vector<Math::SpatialVector> *f_ext = NULL
/** \brief Computes the joint space inertia matrix by using the Composite Rigid Body Algorithm
* This function computes the joint space inertia matrix from a given model and
* the generalized state vector:
* \f$ M(q) \f$
* \param model rigid body model
* \param Q state vector of the model
* \param H a matrix where the result will be stored in
* \param update_kinematics whether the kinematics should be updated (safer, but at a higher computational cost!)
* \note This function only evaluates the entries of H that are non-zero. One
* Before calling this function one has to ensure that all other values
* have been set to zero, e.g. by calling H.setZero().
RBDL_DLLAPI void CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithm (
Model& model,
const Math::VectorNd &Q,
Math::MatrixNd &H,
bool update_kinematics = true
/** \brief Computes forward dynamics with the Articulated Body Algorithm
* This function computes the generalized accelerations from given
* generalized states, velocities and forces:
* \f$ \ddot{q} = M(q)^{-1} ( -N(q, \dot{q}) + \tau)\f$
* It does this by using the recursive Articulated Body Algorithm that runs
* in \f$O(n_{dof})\f$ with \f$n_{dof}\f$ being the number of joints.
* \param model rigid body model
* \param Q state vector of the internal joints
* \param QDot velocity vector of the internal joints
* \param Tau actuations of the internal joints
* \param QDDot accelerations of the internal joints (output)
* \param f_ext External forces acting on the body in base coordinates (optional, defaults to NULL)
RBDL_DLLAPI void ForwardDynamics (
Model &model,
const Math::VectorNd &Q,
const Math::VectorNd &QDot,
const Math::VectorNd &Tau,
Math::VectorNd &QDDot,
std::vector<Math::SpatialVector> *f_ext = NULL
/** \brief Computes forward dynamics by building and solving the full Lagrangian equation
* This method builds and solves the linear system
* \f[ H \ddot{q} = -C + \tau \f]
* for \f$\ddot{q}\f$ where \f$H\f$ is the joint space inertia matrix
* computed with the CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithm(), \f$C\f$ the bias
* force (sometimes called "non-linear effects").
* \param model rigid body model
* \param Q state vector of the internal joints
* \param QDot velocity vector of the internal joints
* \param Tau actuations of the internal joints
* \param QDDot accelerations of the internal joints (output)
* \param linear_solver specification which method should be used for solving the linear system
* \param f_ext External forces acting on the body in base coordinates (optional, defaults to NULL)
* \param H preallocated workspace area for the joint space inertia matrix of size dof_count x dof_count (optional, defaults to NULL and allocates temporary matrix)
* \param C preallocated workspace area for the right hand side vector of size dof_count x 1 (optional, defaults to NULL and allocates temporary vector)
RBDL_DLLAPI void ForwardDynamicsLagrangian (
Model &model,
const Math::VectorNd &Q,
const Math::VectorNd &QDot,
const Math::VectorNd &Tau,
Math::VectorNd &QDDot,
Math::LinearSolver linear_solver = Math::LinearSolverColPivHouseholderQR,
std::vector<Math::SpatialVector> *f_ext = NULL,
Math::MatrixNd *H = NULL,
Math::VectorNd *C = NULL
/** \brief Computes the effect of multiplying the inverse of the joint
* space inertia matrix with a vector in linear time.
* \param model rigid body model
* \param Q state vector of the generalized positions
* \param Tau the vector that should be multiplied with the inverse of
* the joint space inertia matrix
* \param QDDot vector where the result will be stored
* \param update_kinematics whether the kinematics should be updated (safer, but at a higher computational cost)
* This function uses a reduced version of the Articulated %Body Algorithm
* to compute:
* \f$ \ddot{q} = M(q)^{-1} \tau\f$
* for given \f$q\f$ and \f$\tau\f$ in \f$O(n_{\textit{dof}})\f$ time.
* \note When calling this function repeatedly for the same values of Q make sure
* to set the last parameter to false as this avoids expensive
* recomputations of transformations and articulated body inertias.
RBDL_DLLAPI void CalcMInvTimesTau (
Model &model,
const Math::VectorNd &Q,
const Math::VectorNd &Tau,
Math::VectorNd &QDDot,
bool update_kinematics=true
/** @} */