138 lines
5.2 KiB
138 lines
5.2 KiB
![]() |
import sys, re, os
def usage(arg0):
print ("Usage: {} <input.template.pyx> <output.pyx>".format(arg0))
wrapper_command_strings = {
"ClassDefinitions" : """cdef class _%PARENT%_%MEMBER%_%TYPE%_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.%PARENT% *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.%PARENT% *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [%TYPE%.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.%MEMBER%[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return %TYPE%.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.%MEMBER%[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], %TYPE%), "Invalid type! Expected %TYPE%, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.%MEMBER%[i] = (<%TYPE%> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, %TYPE%), "Invalid type! Expected %TYPE%, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.%MEMBER%[key] = (<%TYPE%> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.%MEMBER%.size()
"MemberDefinitions" : """ cdef _%PARENT%_%MEMBER%_%TYPE%_VectorWrapper %MEMBER%""",
"CInitCode" : """ self.%MEMBER% = _%PARENT%_%MEMBER%_%TYPE%_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)""",
"AddProperty" : """ property %MEMBER%:
def __get__ (self):
return self.%MEMBER%
def parse_line (line_str):
command = ""
args = {}
# remove comments
line_str = line_str.split("#")[0]
wrapper_line_str_match = re.search ("%VectorWrapper(\S*)\s*\((.*)\).*%", line_str)
if (wrapper_line_str_match):
command = wrapper_line_str_match.group(1)
arg_str = wrapper_line_str_match.group(2)
arg_match = re.findall("(\s*(\S*)\s*=\s*(\w*)\s*,?)", arg_str)
if len(arg_match) > 0:
for arg in arg_match:
if len(arg) != 3:
print ("Invalid command args at line_str {}".format
args[arg[1]] = arg[2]
return command, args
return False, None
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
usage (sys.argv[0])
infilename = sys.argv[1]
outfilename = sys.argv[2]
print ("Processing {} to generate {}".format (infilename, outfilename))
infile = open(infilename)
outfile = open(outfilename, "w")
outfile.write ("""# WARNING!
# This file was automatically created from {} using {}.
# Do not modify this file directly. Edit original source instead!!
""".format (os.path.basename(infilename), os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
template = infile.read()
template_lines = template.split ("\n")
# find the classes that will contain generated code
generated_parent_classes = []
generated_parent_members = {}
for line_number, line_str in enumerate (template_lines):
command, args = parse_line (line_str)
if command:
if args["PARENT"] not in generated_parent_classes:
generated_parent_classes.append (args["PARENT"])
generated_parent_members[args["PARENT"]] = []
if command=="AddProperty":
generated_parent_members[args["PARENT"]].append ({
"TYPE": args["TYPE"],
"MEMBER": args["MEMBER"]
# generate code
for line_number, line_str in enumerate (template_lines):
command, args = parse_line (line_str)
if not command:
outfile.write (line_str + "\n")
# print (command, wrapper_command_strings.keys())
if command in wrapper_command_strings.keys():
parent = args["PARENT"]
if command == "AddProperty":
content_type = args["TYPE"]
member_name = args["MEMBER"]
command_code = wrapper_command_strings[command][:]
command_code = command_code.replace (
"%PARENT%", parent).replace (
"%MEMBER%", member_name).replace (
"%TYPE%", content_type)
outfile.write (command_code + "\n")
for member in generated_parent_members[parent]:
content_type = member["TYPE"]
member_name = member["MEMBER"]
command_code = wrapper_command_strings[command][:]
command_code = command_code.replace (
"%PARENT%", parent).replace (
"%MEMBER%", member_name).replace (
"%TYPE%", content_type)
outfile.write (command_code + "\n")