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class_name SpringDamper
extends Object
# Based on: allenchou.net/2015/04/game-math-precise-control-over-numeric-springing/
var omega
var zeta
var v:Variant = null
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
func _init(v0:Variant, osc_freq:float = 4, osc_red:float = 0.003, osc_red_h:float = 0.003):
assert (osc_red > 0.001 and osc_red < 0.999)
omega = osc_freq * 2 * PI
zeta = log(1.0 - osc_red) / (-omega * osc_red_h)
v = v0
func calc(x, xt, h:float):
var f = 1.0 + 2.0 * h * zeta * omega
var oo = omega * omega
var hoo = oo * h
var hhoo = hoo * h
var det_inv = 1.0 / (f + hhoo)
var det_x = f * x + h * v + hhoo * xt
var det_v = v + hoo * (xt - x)
x = det_x * det_inv
v = det_v * det_inv
return x
func calc_clamped_speed(x, xt, h:float, s_max:float):
var x_old = x
var x_new = calc(x, xt, h)
var vel_new = (x_new - x_old) / h
var speed_new = abs(vel_new)
if not vel_new is float:
speed_new = vel_new.length()
if speed_new > s_max:
vel_new = (vel_new / speed_new) * s_max
x = x_old + vel_new * h
return x