48 lines
1.6 KiB
48 lines
1.6 KiB
extends Panel
signal start_game(game_path:String)
@onready var game_name_edit: TextEdit = %GameNameEdit
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
pass # Replace with function body.
func sanitize_game_name(value:String) -> String:
push_warning("Warning: sanitize_game_name not yet implemented!")
return value
func create_game_directory() -> String:
var dir_access = DirAccess.open("user://")
if not dir_access.dir_exists("game_profiles"):
var game_base_directory = DirAccess.open("user://game_profiles")
if game_base_directory == null:
var sanitized_name = sanitize_game_name(game_name_edit.text)
if game_base_directory.dir_exists(sanitized_name):
var free_name_counter:int = 0
var sanitized_name_with_counter = sanitized_name + "_" + str(free_name_counter)
while game_base_directory.dir_exists(sanitized_name_with_counter):
free_name_counter = free_name_counter + 1
sanitized_name_with_counter = sanitized_name + "_" + str(free_name_counter)
sanitized_name = sanitized_name_with_counter
var game_profile = GameProfile.new()
game_profile.game_name = game_name_edit.text
game_profile.last_played = Time.get_datetime_string_from_system()
ResourceSaver.save(game_profile, "user://game_profiles/" + sanitized_name + "/game.tres")
return sanitized_name
func _on_start_game_button_pressed() -> void:
start_game.emit("user://game_profiles/" + create_game_directory() + "/game.tres")