424 lines
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424 lines
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using Godot;
using Godot.Collections;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
#nullable enable
namespace DialogueManagerRuntime
public enum TranslationSource
public partial class DialogueManager : Node
public delegate void PassedTitleEventHandler(string title);
public delegate void GotDialogueEventHandler(DialogueLine dialogueLine);
public delegate void MutatedEventHandler(Dictionary mutation);
public delegate void DialogueEndedEventHandler(Resource dialogueResource);
public static PassedTitleEventHandler? PassedTitle;
public static GotDialogueEventHandler? GotDialogue;
public static MutatedEventHandler? Mutated;
public static DialogueEndedEventHandler? DialogueEnded;
[Signal] public delegate void ResolvedEventHandler(Variant value);
private static GodotObject? instance;
public static GodotObject Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = Engine.GetSingleton("DialogueManager");
return instance;
public static Godot.Collections.Array GameStates
get => (Godot.Collections.Array)Instance.Get("game_states");
set => Instance.Set("game_states", value);
public static bool IncludeSingletons
get => (bool)Instance.Get("include_singletons");
set => Instance.Set("include_singletons", value);
public static bool IncludeClasses
get => (bool)Instance.Get("include_classes");
set => Instance.Set("include_classes", value);
public static TranslationSource TranslationSource
get => (TranslationSource)(int)Instance.Get("translation_source");
set => Instance.Set("translation_source", (int)value);
public static Func<Node> GetCurrentScene
set => Instance.Set("get_current_scene", Callable.From(value));
public void Prepare()
Instance.Connect("passed_title", Callable.From((string title) => PassedTitle?.Invoke(title)));
Instance.Connect("got_dialogue", Callable.From((RefCounted line) => GotDialogue?.Invoke(new DialogueLine(line))));
Instance.Connect("mutated", Callable.From((Dictionary mutation) => Mutated?.Invoke(mutation)));
Instance.Connect("dialogue_ended", Callable.From((Resource dialogueResource) => DialogueEnded?.Invoke(dialogueResource)));
public static async Task<GodotObject> GetSingleton()
if (instance != null) return instance;
var tree = Engine.GetMainLoop();
int x = 0;
// Try and find the singleton for a few seconds
while (!Engine.HasSingleton("DialogueManager") && x < 300)
await tree.ToSignal(tree, SceneTree.SignalName.ProcessFrame);
// If it times out something is wrong
if (x >= 300)
throw new Exception("The DialogueManager singleton is missing.");
instance = Engine.GetSingleton("DialogueManager");
return instance;
public static async Task<DialogueLine?> GetNextDialogueLine(Resource dialogueResource, string key = "", Array<Variant>? extraGameStates = null)
Instance.Call("_bridge_get_next_dialogue_line", dialogueResource, key, extraGameStates ?? new Array<Variant>());
var result = await Instance.ToSignal(Instance, "bridge_get_next_dialogue_line_completed");
if ((RefCounted)result[0] == null) return null;
return new DialogueLine((RefCounted)result[0]);
public static CanvasLayer ShowExampleDialogueBalloon(Resource dialogueResource, string key = "", Array<Variant>? extraGameStates = null)
return (CanvasLayer)Instance.Call("show_example_dialogue_balloon", dialogueResource, key, extraGameStates ?? new Array<Variant>());
public static Node ShowDialogueBalloonScene(string balloonScene, Resource dialogueResource, string key = "", Array<Variant>? extraGameStates = null)
return (Node)Instance.Call("show_dialogue_balloon_scene", balloonScene, dialogueResource, key, extraGameStates ?? new Array<Variant>());
public static Node ShowDialogueBalloonScene(PackedScene balloonScene, Resource dialogueResource, string key = "", Array<Variant>? extraGameStates = null)
return (Node)Instance.Call("show_dialogue_balloon_scene", balloonScene, dialogueResource, key, extraGameStates ?? new Array<Variant>());
public static Node ShowDialogueBalloonScene(Node balloonScene, Resource dialogueResource, string key = "", Array<Variant>? extraGameStates = null)
return (Node)Instance.Call("show_dialogue_balloon_scene", balloonScene, dialogueResource, key, extraGameStates ?? new Array<Variant>());
public static Node ShowDialogueBalloon(Resource dialogueResource, string key = "", Array<Variant>? extraGameStates = null)
return (Node)Instance.Call("show_dialogue_balloon", dialogueResource, key, extraGameStates ?? new Array<Variant>());
public static async void Mutate(Dictionary mutation, Array<Variant>? extraGameStates = null, bool isInlineMutation = false)
Instance.Call("_bridge_mutate", mutation, extraGameStates ?? new Array<Variant>(), isInlineMutation);
await Instance.ToSignal(Instance, "bridge_mutated");
public bool ThingHasMethod(GodotObject thing, string method)
MethodInfo? info = thing.GetType().GetMethod(method, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
return info != null;
public async void ResolveThingMethod(GodotObject thing, string method, Array<Variant> args)
MethodInfo? info = thing.GetType().GetMethod(method, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
if (info == null) return;
#nullable disable
// Convert the method args to something reflection can handle
ParameterInfo[] argTypes = info.GetParameters();
object[] _args = new object[argTypes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.Length; i++)
// check if args is assignable from derived type
if (i < args.Count && args[i].Obj != null)
if (argTypes[i].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(args[i].Obj.GetType()))
_args[i] = args[i].Obj;
// fallback to assigning primitive types
_args[i] = Convert.ChangeType(args[i].Obj, argTypes[i].ParameterType);
else if (argTypes[i].DefaultValue != null)
_args[i] = argTypes[i].DefaultValue;
// Add a single frame wait in case the method returns before signals can listen
await ToSignal(Engine.GetMainLoop(), SceneTree.SignalName.ProcessFrame);
// invoke method and handle the result based on return type
object result = info.Invoke(thing, _args);
if (result is Task taskResult)
// await Tasks and handle result if it is a Task<T>
await taskResult;
var taskType = taskResult.GetType();
if (taskType.IsGenericType && taskType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task<>))
var resultProperty = taskType.GetProperty("Result");
var taskResultValue = resultProperty.GetValue(taskResult);
EmitSignal(SignalName.Resolved, (Variant)taskResultValue);
EmitSignal(SignalName.Resolved, null);
EmitSignal(SignalName.Resolved, (Variant)result);
#nullable enable
public partial class DialogueLine : RefCounted
private string id = "";
public string Id
get => id;
set => id = value;
private string type = "dialogue";
public string Type
get => type;
set => type = value;
private string next_id = "";
public string NextId
get => next_id;
set => next_id = value;
private string character = "";
public string Character
get => character;
set => character = value;
private string text = "";
public string Text
get => text;
set => text = value;
private string translation_key = "";
public string TranslationKey
get => translation_key;
set => translation_key = value;
private Array<DialogueResponse> responses = new Array<DialogueResponse>();
public Array<DialogueResponse> Responses
get => responses;
private string? time = null;
public string? Time
get => time;
private Dictionary pauses = new Dictionary();
public Dictionary Pauses
get => pauses;
private Dictionary speeds = new Dictionary();
public Dictionary Speeds
get => speeds;
private Array<Godot.Collections.Array> inline_mutations = new Array<Godot.Collections.Array>();
public Array<Godot.Collections.Array> InlineMutations
get => inline_mutations;
private Array<Variant> extra_game_states = new Array<Variant>();
private Array<string> tags = new Array<string>();
public Array<string> Tags
get => tags;
public DialogueLine(RefCounted data)
type = (string)data.Get("type");
next_id = (string)data.Get("next_id");
character = (string)data.Get("character");
text = (string)data.Get("text");
translation_key = (string)data.Get("translation_key");
pauses = (Dictionary)data.Get("pauses");
speeds = (Dictionary)data.Get("speeds");
inline_mutations = (Array<Godot.Collections.Array>)data.Get("inline_mutations");
time = (string)data.Get("time");
tags = (Array<string>)data.Get("tags");
foreach (var response in (Array<RefCounted>)data.Get("responses"))
responses.Add(new DialogueResponse(response));
public string GetTagValue(string tagName)
string wrapped = $"{tagName}=";
foreach (var tag in tags)
if (tag.StartsWith(wrapped))
return tag.Substring(wrapped.Length);
return "";
public override string ToString()
switch (type)
case "dialogue":
return $"<DialogueLine character=\"{character}\" text=\"{text}\">";
case "mutation":
return "<DialogueLine mutation>";
return "";
public partial class DialogueResponse : RefCounted
private string next_id = "";
public string NextId
get => next_id;
set => next_id = value;
private bool is_allowed = true;
public bool IsAllowed
get => is_allowed;
set => is_allowed = value;
private string text = "";
public string Text
get => text;
set => text = value;
private string translation_key = "";
public string TranslationKey
get => translation_key;
set => translation_key = value;
private Array<string> tags = new Array<string>();
public Array<string> Tags
get => tags;
public DialogueResponse(RefCounted data)
next_id = (string)data.Get("next_id");
is_allowed = (bool)data.Get("is_allowed");
text = (string)data.Get("text");
translation_key = (string)data.Get("translation_key");
tags = (Array<string>)data.Get("tags");
public string GetTagValue(string tagName)
string wrapped = $"{tagName}=";
foreach (var tag in tags)
if (tag.StartsWith(wrapped))
return tag.Substring(wrapped.Length);
return "";
public override string ToString()
return $"<DialogueResponse text=\"{text}\"";