
142 lines
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using System.Diagnostics;
using Godot;
public class HexTile3D : Spatial
public enum TileType
static public TileType[] ValidTileTypes = { TileType.Sand, TileType.Grass, TileType.DeepGrass };
// scene nodes
private MeshInstance _mesh;
private StaticBody _staticBody;
// signals
delegate void TileClicked(HexTile3D tile3d);
delegate void TileHovered(HexTile3D tile3d);
// other member variables
private SpatialMaterial _undefinedMaterial;
private SpatialMaterial _sandMaterial;
private SpatialMaterial _grassMaterial;
private SpatialMaterial _deepGrassMaterial;
private SpatialMaterial _previousMaterial;
private HexGrid _hexGrid;
public HexCell Cell = new HexCell();
public bool IsMouseOver = false;
public MeshInstance Mesh;
public Vector2 OffsetCoords
get { return Cell.OffsetCoords; }
Cell.OffsetCoords = value;
Transform tile3dTransform = Transform;
Vector2 cellPlaneCoords = _hexGrid.GetHexCenter(Cell);
tile3dTransform.origin.x = cellPlaneCoords.x;
tile3dTransform.origin.z = cellPlaneCoords.y;
Transform = tile3dTransform;
private TileType _type;
public TileType Type
get { return _type; }
_type = value;
// switch (_type)
// {
// case TileType.Undefined:
// _mesh.SetSurfaceMaterial(0, _undefinedMaterial);
// break;
// case TileType.Sand:
// _mesh.SetSurfaceMaterial(0, _sandMaterial);
// break;
// case TileType.Grass:
// _mesh.SetSurfaceMaterial(0, _grassMaterial);
// break;
// case TileType.DeepGrass:
// _mesh.SetSurfaceMaterial(0, _deepGrassMaterial);
// break;
// default:
// GD.Print("Invalid tile type: " + value.ToString());
// break;
// }
_hexGrid = new HexGrid();
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
_mesh = GetNode<MeshInstance>("Mesh");
_staticBody = GetNode<StaticBody>("StaticBody");
_staticBody.Connect("input_event", this, nameof(OnAreaInputEvent));
_staticBody.Connect("mouse_entered", this, nameof(OnAreaMouseEntered));
_staticBody.Connect("mouse_exited", this, nameof(OnAreaMouseExited));
_undefinedMaterial = GD.Load<SpatialMaterial>("res://materials/UndefinedTile.tres");
_sandMaterial = GD.Load<SpatialMaterial>("res://materials/SandTile.tres");
_grassMaterial = GD.Load<SpatialMaterial>("res://materials/GrassTile.tres");
_deepGrassMaterial = GD.Load<SpatialMaterial>("res://materials/DeepGrassTile.tres");
Mesh = GetNode<MeshInstance>("Mesh");
Debug.Assert(Mesh != null);
this.Type = TileType.Undefined;
public void OnAreaInputEvent(Node camera, InputEvent inputEvent, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal,
int shapeIndex)
if (IsMouseOver && inputEvent is InputEventMouseButton)
InputEventMouseButton mouseButtonEvent = (InputEventMouseButton)inputEvent;
if (mouseButtonEvent.ButtonIndex == 1 && mouseButtonEvent.Pressed)
EmitSignal("TileClicked", this);
public void OnAreaMouseEntered()
IsMouseOver = true;
_previousMaterial = (SpatialMaterial)_mesh.MaterialOverride;
EmitSignal("TileHovered", this);
// SpatialMaterial clonedMaterial = (SpatialMaterial)_mesh.GetSurfaceMaterial(0).Duplicate();
// clonedMaterial.AlbedoColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);
// _mesh.MaterialOverride = clonedMaterial;
public void OnAreaMouseExited()
IsMouseOver = false;
_mesh.MaterialOverride = _previousMaterial;