
294 lines
9.5 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Godot;
using Priority_Queue;
using AxialCoordDirectionPair = System.Tuple<Godot.Vector2, Godot.Vector3>;
public class HexGrid : Resource {
private readonly Vector2 _baseHexSize = new(1, Mathf.Sqrt(3) / 2);
private Rect2 _boundsAxialCoords = new(-Vector2.Inf, Vector2.Inf);
private Rect2 _boundsOffsetCoords = new(-Vector2.Inf, Vector2.Inf);
private Vector2 _hexScale = new(1, 1);
private Vector2 _hexSize = new(1, Mathf.Sqrt(3) / 2);
private Transform2D _hexTransform;
private Transform2D _hexTransformInv;
private HexCell _maxCoords = new();
private HexCell _minCoords = new();
public Dictionary<(Vector2, Vector3), float> Barriers = new();
public int FindPathCheckedCellCount;
public Dictionary<Vector2, float> Obstacles = new();
public float PathCostDefault = 1;
public HexGrid() {
HexScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
public Vector2 HexSize => _hexSize;
public Vector2 HexScale {
get => _hexScale;
set {
_hexScale = value;
_hexSize = _baseHexSize * _hexScale;
_hexTransform = new Transform2D(
new Vector2(_hexSize.x * 3 / 4, -_hexSize.y / 2),
new Vector2(0, -_hexSize.y),
new Vector2(0, 0)
_hexTransformInv = _hexTransform.AffineInverse();
public Vector2 GetHexCenter(HexCell cell) {
return _hexTransform * cell.AxialCoords;
public Vector2 GetHexCenterFromOffset(Vector2 offsetCoord) {
HexCell cell = new HexCell();
cell.OffsetCoords = offsetCoord;
return GetHexCenter(cell);
public Vector3 GetHexCenterVec3FromOffset(Vector2 offsetCoord) {
HexCell cell = new HexCell();
cell.OffsetCoords = offsetCoord;
Vector2 hexCenter = GetHexCenter(cell);
return new Vector3(hexCenter.x, 0, hexCenter.y);
public HexCell GetHexAtOffset(Vector2 offsetCoord) {
HexCell cell = new HexCell();
cell.OffsetCoords = offsetCoord;
return cell;
public HexCell GetHexAt(Vector2 planeCoord) {
HexCell result = new HexCell(_hexTransformInv * planeCoord);
return result;
public void SetBounds(Vector2 minAxial, Vector2 maxAxial) {
SetBounds(new HexCell(minAxial), new HexCell(maxAxial));
public void SetBounds(HexCell minCell, HexCell maxCell) {
_minCoords = minCell;
_maxCoords = maxCell;
_boundsAxialCoords = new Rect2(_minCoords.AxialCoords,
_maxCoords.AxialCoords - _minCoords.AxialCoords + Vector2.One);
public void SetBounds(HexCell center, int size) {
Vector2 centerOffset = center.OffsetCoords;
SetBounds(GetHexAtOffset(centerOffset - Vector2.One * size / 2),
GetHexAtOffset(centerOffset + Vector2.One * size / 2));
public void SetBoundsOffset(HexCell cellSouthEast, Vector2 size) {
_boundsOffsetCoords = new Rect2(cellSouthEast.OffsetCoords, size);
_boundsAxialCoords = new Rect2(-Vector2.Inf, Vector2.Inf);
public void AddObstacle(Vector2 axialCoords, float cost = 0) {
AddObstacle(new HexCell(axialCoords), cost);
public void AddObstacle(HexCell cell, float cost = 0) {
Obstacles[cell.AxialCoords] = cost;
public void RemoveObstacle(HexCell cell) {
public void AddBarrier(Vector2 axialCoords, Vector3 directionCube, float cost = 0) {
AddBarrier(new HexCell(axialCoords), directionCube, cost);
public void AddBarrier(HexCell cell, Vector3 directionCube, float cost = 0) {
Barriers.Add((cell.AxialCoords, directionCube), cost);
public void RemoveBarrier(HexCell cell, Vector3 directionCube) {
if (Barriers.ContainsKey((cell.AxialCoords, directionCube))) {
Barriers.Remove((cell.AxialCoords, directionCube));
public float GetHexCost(HexCell cell) {
return GetHexCost(cell.AxialCoords);
public float GetHexCost(Vector2 axialCoords) {
if (!_boundsAxialCoords.HasPoint(axialCoords)) {
return 0;
if (!_boundsOffsetCoords.HasPoint(new HexCell(axialCoords).OffsetCoords)) {
return 0;
float value;
return Obstacles.TryGetValue(axialCoords, out value) ? value : PathCostDefault;
public float GetMoveCost(Vector2 axialCoords, Vector3 directionCube) {
HexCell startCell = new HexCell(axialCoords);
HexCell targetCell = new HexCell(startCell.CubeCoords + directionCube);
float cost = GetHexCost(axialCoords);
if (cost == 0) {
return 0;
cost = GetHexCost(targetCell.AxialCoords);
if (cost == 0) {
return 0;
float barrierCost;
if (Barriers.ContainsKey((axialCoords, directionCube))) {
barrierCost = Barriers[(axialCoords, directionCube)];
if (barrierCost == 0) {
return 0;
cost += barrierCost;
if (Barriers.ContainsKey((targetCell.AxialCoords, -directionCube))) {
barrierCost = Barriers[(targetCell.AxialCoords, -directionCube)];
if (barrierCost == 0) {
return 0;
cost += barrierCost;
return cost;
public HexCell GetClosestWalkableCell(HexCell fromCell, HexCell toCell) {
if (GetHexCost(toCell) == 0) {
HexCell[] line = fromCell.LineTo(toCell);
foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(1, line.Length)) {
if (GetHexCost(line[i]) == 0) {
toCell = line[i - 1];
return toCell;
public List<HexCell> FindPath(HexCell startHex, HexCell goalHex) {
Vector2 goalAxialCoords = goalHex.AxialCoords;
SimplePriorityQueue<Vector2, float> frontier = new SimplePriorityQueue<Vector2, float>();
frontier.Enqueue(startHex.AxialCoords, 0);
Dictionary<Vector2, Vector2> cameFrom =
new Dictionary<Vector2, Vector2>();
Dictionary<Vector2, float> costSoFar =
new Dictionary<Vector2, float>();
cameFrom.Add(startHex.AxialCoords, startHex.AxialCoords);
costSoFar.Add(startHex.AxialCoords, 0);
FindPathCheckedCellCount = 0;
while (frontier.Any()) {
HexCell currentHex = new HexCell(frontier.Dequeue());
Vector2 currentAxial = currentHex.AxialCoords;
if (currentHex == goalHex) {
foreach (HexCell nextHex in currentHex.GetAllAdjacent()) {
Vector2 nextAxial = nextHex.AxialCoords;
float nextCost = GetMoveCost(currentAxial, new HexCell(nextAxial - currentHex.AxialCoords).CubeCoords);
if (nextHex == goalHex && GetHexCost(nextAxial) == 0) {
// Goal ist an obstacle
cameFrom[nextHex.AxialCoords] = currentHex.AxialCoords;
if (nextCost == 0) {
nextCost += costSoFar[currentHex.AxialCoords];
if (!costSoFar.ContainsKey(nextHex.AxialCoords) || nextCost < costSoFar[nextHex.AxialCoords]) {
costSoFar[nextHex.AxialCoords] = nextCost;
float priority = nextCost + nextHex.DistanceTo(goalHex);
frontier.Enqueue(nextHex.AxialCoords, priority);
cameFrom[nextHex.AxialCoords] = currentHex.AxialCoords;
// GD.Print("Checked Cell Count: " + FindPathCheckedCellCount);
List<HexCell> result = new List<HexCell>();
if (!cameFrom.ContainsKey(goalHex.AxialCoords)) {
GD.Print("Failed to find path from " + startHex + " to " + goalHex);
return result;
if (GetHexCost(goalAxialCoords) != 0) {
HexCell pathHex = goalHex;
while (pathHex != startHex) {
pathHex = new HexCell(cameFrom[pathHex.AxialCoords]);
result.Insert(0, pathHex);
return result;
public List<HexCell> GetCellsForLine(Vector2 fromPlane, Vector2 toPlane) {
List<HexCell> result = new List<HexCell>();
float distance = (toPlane - fromPlane).Length();
Vector2 direction = (toPlane - fromPlane) / distance;
Vector2 currentPointPlane = fromPlane;
HexCell currentCell = GetHexAt(currentPointPlane);
float currentDistance = 0;
do {
Vector2 currentPointLocal = currentPointPlane - GetHexCenter(currentCell);
int neighbourIndex;
float boundaryPlaneDistance;
currentCell.QueryClosestCellBoundary(currentPointLocal, direction, out neighbourIndex,
out boundaryPlaneDistance);
currentCell = currentCell.GetAdjacent(HexCell.NeighborDirections[neighbourIndex]);
currentDistance += boundaryPlaneDistance * 1.001f;
currentPointPlane = fromPlane + direction * boundaryPlaneDistance;
} while (currentDistance < distance);
return result;