
326 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using Godot;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
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using Godot.Collections;
using Array = Godot.Collections.Array;
using Vector2 = Godot.Vector2;
using Vector3 = Godot.Vector3;
public class TileWorld : Spatial
private enum GenerationState
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// constants
private static readonly Color RockColor = new Color (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.4f, 1f);
private static readonly Color GrassColor = new Color (0, 0.4f, 0, 1f);
private GenerationState _currentGenerationState = GenerationState.Heightmap;
// signals
delegate void WorldGenerated();
// public members
[Export] public int Size = 64;
public float HeightScale = 2.0f;
public Image Heightmap;
public Image Colormap;
public int Seed = 0;
// private members
private HexGrid _hexGrid;
private Random _tileTypeRandom;
private Viewport _worldOffscreenViewport;
private TextureRect _worldOffscreenTextureRect;
private Viewport _heightmapOffscreenViewport;
private TextureRect _heightmapOffscreenTextureRect;
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private Array<Spatial> _rockAssets = new Array<Spatial>();
private Array<Spatial> _grassAssets = new Array<Spatial>();
private Spatial _environmentNode;
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
_hexGrid = new HexGrid();
_tileTypeRandom = new Random();
_worldOffscreenViewport = (Viewport)GetNode("WorldOffscreenViewport");
Debug.Assert(_worldOffscreenViewport != null);
_worldOffscreenViewport.Size = new Vector2(Size, Size);
_worldOffscreenTextureRect = (TextureRect)GetNode("WorldOffscreenViewport/TextureRect");
Debug.Assert(_worldOffscreenTextureRect != null);
_worldOffscreenTextureRect.SetSize(new Vector2(Size, Size));
_heightmapOffscreenViewport = (Viewport)GetNode("HeightmapOffscreenViewport");
Debug.Assert(_heightmapOffscreenViewport != null);
_heightmapOffscreenViewport.Size = new Vector2(Size, Size);
_heightmapOffscreenTextureRect = (TextureRect)GetNode("HeightmapOffscreenViewport/TextureRect");
Debug.Assert(_heightmapOffscreenTextureRect != null);
_heightmapOffscreenTextureRect.SetSize(new Vector2(Size, Size));
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GetNode<Spatial>("Assets").Visible = false;
foreach (Spatial asset in GetNode<Node>("Assets/Rocks").GetChildren())
foreach (Spatial asset in GetNode<Node>("Assets/Grass").GetChildren())
_environmentNode = GetNode<Spatial>("Environment");
public void Generate(int size)
GD.Print("Triggering generation for size: " + size);
Size = size;
_worldOffscreenViewport.Size = new Vector2(size, size);
_heightmapOffscreenViewport.Size = new Vector2(size, size);
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// GenerateDebugMap();
private void GenerateDebugMap()
Colormap = new Image();
Colormap.Create(Size, Size, false, Image.Format.Rgba8);
Heightmap = new Image();
Heightmap.Create(Size, Size, false, Image.Format.Rf);
foreach (int coord_x in Enumerable.Range(0, Size))
foreach (int coord_y in Enumerable.Range(0, Size))
Colormap.SetPixel(coord_x, coord_y, new Color((float) Mathf.Min(coord_x, coord_y) / Size, (float) 0, 0, 1));
Heightmap.SetPixel(coord_x, coord_y, new Color((float) Mathf.Min(coord_x, coord_y) / Size, (float) 0, 0, 1));
Colormap.SetPixel(Size - 1, Size -1, new Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
private void GenerateNoiseMap()
Heightmap = new Image();
Heightmap.Create(Size, Size, false, Image.Format.Rgba8);
OpenSimplexNoise noiseGenerator = new OpenSimplexNoise();
noiseGenerator.Seed = Seed;
noiseGenerator.Octaves = 4;
noiseGenerator.Period = 20;
noiseGenerator.Persistence = 0.2f;
noiseGenerator.Lacunarity = 4;
ImageTexture heightmapTexture = new ImageTexture();
heightmapTexture.CreateFromImage(noiseGenerator.GetSeamlessImage((int) Size));
heightmapTexture.Flags = 0;
_heightmapOffscreenTextureRect.Texture = heightmapTexture;
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private void OnMapGenerationStart()
foreach (Node child in _environmentNode.GetChildren())
private void OnHeightMapChanged()
_currentGenerationState = GenerationState.Heightmap;
_heightmapOffscreenViewport.RenderTargetUpdateMode = Viewport.UpdateMode.Once;
private void OnMapGenerationComplete()
_currentGenerationState = GenerationState.Done;
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Spatial SelectAsset(Vector2 offsetCoord, Array<Spatial> assets, Random randomGenerator, double probability)
if (randomGenerator.NextDouble() < 1.0 - probability)
return null;
int assetIndex = randomGenerator.Next(assets.Count);
Spatial assetInstance = (Spatial) assets[assetIndex].Duplicate();
Transform assetTransform = Transform.Identity;
assetTransform.origin = GetTileWorldCenterFromOffset(offsetCoord);
assetTransform.origin.y += 1.2f;
assetTransform.basis = assetTransform.basis.Rotated(Vector3.Up, (float)(randomGenerator.NextDouble() * Mathf.Pi * 2));
assetInstance.Transform = assetTransform;
return assetInstance;
bool IsColorEqualApprox(Color colorA, Color colorB)
Vector3 colorDifference = new Vector3(colorA.r - colorB.r, colorA.g - colorB.g, colorA.b - colorB.b);
return colorDifference.LengthSquared() < 0.1 * 0.1;
private void PopulateEnvironment()
Random environmentRandom = new Random(Seed);
foreach (int coord_x in Enumerable.Range(0, Size))
foreach (int coord_y in Enumerable.Range(0, Size))
Vector2 offsetCoord = new Vector2(coord_x, coord_y);
Color colorValue = Colormap.GetPixel(coord_x, coord_y);
if (IsColorEqualApprox(colorValue, RockColor))
Spatial rockAsset = SelectAsset(offsetCoord, _rockAssets, environmentRandom, 0.15);
if (rockAsset != null)
} else if (IsColorEqualApprox(colorValue, GrassColor))
Spatial grassAsset = SelectAsset(offsetCoord, _grassAssets, environmentRandom, 0.35);
if (grassAsset != null)
public override void _Process(float delta)
if (_currentGenerationState == GenerationState.Heightmap)
_currentGenerationState = GenerationState.Color;
ImageTexture imageTexture = new ImageTexture();
imageTexture.Flags = 0;
_worldOffscreenTextureRect.Texture = imageTexture;
_worldOffscreenViewport.RenderTargetUpdateMode = Viewport.UpdateMode.Once;
else if (_currentGenerationState == GenerationState.Color)
Colormap = new Image();
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Colormap.Create(Size, Size, false, Image.Format.Rgb8);
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_currentGenerationState = GenerationState.Objects;
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public bool IsOffsetCoordValid(Vector2 offsetCoord)
return ((int)Math.Clamp(offsetCoord.x, -Size / 2, Size / 2 - 1) == (int)offsetCoord.x
&& (int)Math.Clamp(offsetCoord.y, -Size / 2, Size / 2 - 1) == (int)offsetCoord.y);
public HexTile3D.TileType GetTileTypeAtOffset(Vector2 offsetCoord)
if (!IsOffsetCoordValid(offsetCoord))
return HexTile3D.TileType.Undefined;
return HexTile3D.ValidTileTypes[_tileTypeRandom.Next(HexTile3D.ValidTileTypes.Length)];
public Vector2 OffsetToTextureCoord(Vector2 offsetCoord)
// Vector2 textureCoord = (offsetCoord - Vector2.One * (Mathf.Floor(Size / 2))) % (Vector2.One * Size);
Vector2 mapSize = Vector2.One * Size;
Vector2 textureCoord = (offsetCoord + mapSize / 2).PosMod(mapSize);
return textureCoord;
public void SetHeightAtOffset(Vector2 offsetCoord, float height)
Vector2 textureCoord = OffsetToTextureCoord(offsetCoord);
Heightmap.SetPixel((int)textureCoord.x, (int)textureCoord.y, new Color(height, 0f, 0f));
public float GetHeightAtOffset(Vector2 offsetCoord)
if (_currentGenerationState != GenerationState.Done)
return 0f;
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Vector2 textureCoord = OffsetToTextureCoord(offsetCoord);
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float heightmapHeight = Heightmap.GetPixel((int)textureCoord.x, (int)(textureCoord.y)).r;
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if (heightmapHeight > 0.5)
heightmapHeight = 0.6f;
// heightmapHeight = Mathf.Floor(heightmapHeight);
// heightmapHeight = heightmapHeight * 10)
// heightmapHeight = Mathf.Clamp(heightmapHeight, -1f, 5);
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return heightmapHeight * HeightScale;
public Vector2 WorldToOffsetCoords(Vector3 worldCoord)
return _hexGrid.GetHexAt(new Vector2(worldCoord.x, worldCoord.z)).OffsetCoords;
public Vector3 GetTileWorldCenterFromOffset(Vector2 offsetCoord)
Vector2 tileCenter = _hexGrid.GetHexCenterFromOffset(offsetCoord);
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// TODO: coordinates do not match for bigger maps
return new Vector3(
tileCenter.x - Mathf.Round(Size * 0.75f * 0.5f),
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tileCenter.y + (Mathf.Sqrt(3) / 2) * Size * 0.5f);