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2022-08-25 14:19:22 +02:00
# Script to attach to a node which represents a hex grid
extends Node2D
var HexGrid = preload("./HexGrid.gd").new()
var HexShape = preload("./HexShape.tscn")
onready var highlight = get_node("Highlight")
onready var area_coords = get_node("Highlight/AreaCoords")
onready var hex_coords = get_node("Highlight/HexCoords")
var rect_min = Vector2(-200, 50)
var rect_max = Vector2(400, 200)
var drag_start = null
func _ready():
HexGrid.hex_scale = Vector2(50, 50)
func _draw():
var hex_cell_bb_min = HexGrid.get_hex_at(rect_min).offset_coords
var hex_cell_bb_max = HexGrid.get_hex_at(rect_max).offset_coords
var hex_cell_offset_min = Vector2(
min(hex_cell_bb_min.x, hex_cell_bb_max.x),
min(hex_cell_bb_min.y, hex_cell_bb_max.y)
var hex_cell_offset_max = Vector2(
max(hex_cell_bb_min.x, hex_cell_bb_max.x),
max(hex_cell_bb_min.y, hex_cell_bb_max.y)
var rect_highlights = get_node ("rect_highlights")
if rect_highlights:
rect_highlights = Node2D.new()
rect_highlights.name = "rect_highlights"
for xi in range (hex_cell_offset_min.x, hex_cell_offset_max.x + 1):
for yi in range (hex_cell_offset_min.y, hex_cell_offset_max.y + 1):
var offset_coords = Vector2(xi, yi)
var hex_shape = HexShape.instance()
hex_shape.position = HexGrid.get_hex_center_from_offset(offset_coords)
var hex_shape_coords = hex_shape.get_node("HexCoords")
hex_shape_coords.text = str(offset_coords)
rect_highlights.add_child (hex_shape)
var rect = Rect2(rect_min, rect_max - rect_min)
draw_rect (rect, Color("55FFFFFF"))
func _unhandled_input(event):
if 'position' in event:
var relative_pos = self.transform.affine_inverse() * event.position
# Display the coords used
if area_coords != null:
area_coords.text = str(relative_pos)
if hex_coords != null:
hex_coords.text = str(HexGrid.get_hex_at(relative_pos).axial_coords)
# Snap the highlight to the nearest grid cell
if highlight != null:
highlight.position = HexGrid.get_hex_center(HexGrid.get_hex_at(relative_pos))
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT:
if event.pressed:
drag_start = relative_pos
drag_start = null
if drag_start != null:
rect_min = Vector2(min(drag_start.x, relative_pos.x), min(drag_start.y, relative_pos.y))
rect_max = Vector2(max(drag_start.x, relative_pos.x), max(drag_start.y, relative_pos.y))