563 lines
18 KiB
563 lines
18 KiB
![]() |
# Read output of gen_json.py and generate Zig language bindings.
# Nim coding style:
# - types and constants are PascalCase
# - functions, parameters, and fields are camelCase
import gen_ir
import json, re, os, shutil
module_names = {
'sg_': 'gfx',
'sapp_': 'app',
'stm_': 'time',
'saudio_': 'audio',
'sgl_': 'gl',
'sdtx_': 'debugtext',
'sshape_': 'shape',
c_source_paths = {
'sg_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_gfx.c',
'sapp_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_app.c',
'stm_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_time.c',
'saudio_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_audio.c',
'sgl_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_gl.c',
'sdtx_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_debugtext.c',
'sshape_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_shape.c',
func_name_ignores = [
func_name_overrides = {
'sgl_error': 'sgl_get_error', # 'error' is reserved in Zig
'sgl_deg': 'sgl_as_degrees',
'sgl_rad': 'sgl_as_radians',
struct_field_type_overrides = {
'sg_context_desc.color_format': 'int',
'sg_context_desc.depth_format': 'int',
prim_types = {
'int': 'int32',
'bool': 'bool',
'char': 'char',
'int8_t': 'int8',
'uint8_t': 'uint8',
'int16_t': 'int16',
'uint16_t': 'uint16',
'int32_t': 'int32',
'uint32_t': 'uint32',
'int64_t': 'int64',
'uint64_t': 'uint64',
'float': 'float32',
'double': 'float64',
'uintptr_t': 'uint',
'intptr_t': 'int',
'size_t': 'int',
prim_defaults = {
'int': '0',
'bool': 'false',
'int8_t': '0',
'uint8_t': '0',
'int16_t': '0',
'uint16_t': '0',
'int32_t': '0',
'uint32_t': '0',
'int64_t': '0',
'uint64_t': '0',
'float': '0.0',
'double': '0.0',
'uintptr_t': '0',
'intptr_t': '0',
'size_t': '0'
struct_types = []
enum_types = []
enum_items = {}
out_lines = ''
def reset_globals():
global struct_types
global enum_types
global enum_items
global out_lines
struct_types = []
enum_types = []
enum_items = {}
out_lines = ''
re_1d_array = re.compile("^(?:const )?\w*\s\*?\[\d*\]$")
re_2d_array = re.compile("^(?:const )?\w*\s\*?\[\d*\]\[\d*\]$")
def l(s):
global out_lines
out_lines += s + '\n'
def as_nim_prim_type(s):
return prim_types[s]
# prefix_bla_blub(_t) => (dep.)BlaBlub
def as_nim_struct_type(s, prefix):
parts = s.lower().split('_')
outp = '' if s.startswith(prefix) else f'{parts[0]}.'
for part in parts[1:]:
if (part != 't'):
outp += part.capitalize()
return outp
# prefix_bla_blub(_t) => (dep.)BlaBlub
def as_nim_enum_type(s, prefix):
parts = s.lower().split('_')
outp = '' if s.startswith(prefix) else f'{parts[0]}.'
for part in parts[1:]:
if (part != 't'):
outp += part.capitalize()
return outp
# prefix_bla_blub(_t) => (dep.)BlaBlub
def as_nim_const_type(s, prefix):
parts = s.lower().split('_')
outp = '' if s.startswith(prefix) else f'{parts[0]}.'
for part in parts[1:]:
if (part != 't'):
outp += part.capitalize()
return outp
def check_struct_field_type_override(struct_name, field_name, orig_type):
s = f"{struct_name}.{field_name}"
if s in struct_field_type_overrides:
return struct_field_type_overrides[s]
return orig_type
def check_func_name_ignore(func_name):
return func_name in func_name_ignores
def check_func_name_override(func_name):
if func_name in func_name_overrides:
return func_name_overrides[func_name]
return func_name
def trim_prefix(s, prefix):
outp = s;
if outp.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()):
outp = outp[len(prefix):]
return outp
# PREFIX_BLA_BLUB to bla_blub
def as_snake_case(s, prefix = ""):
return trim_prefix(s, prefix).lower()
# prefix_bla_blub => blaBlub
def as_camel_case(s, prefix = ""):
parts = trim_prefix(s, prefix).lower().split('_')
outp = parts[0]
for part in parts[1:]:
outp += part.capitalize()
return outp
# prefix_bla_blub => BlaBlub
def as_pascal_case(s, prefix):
parts = trim_prefix(s, prefix).lower().split('_')
outp = ""
for part in parts:
outp += part.capitalize()
return outp
def as_enum_item_name(s):
outp = s
if outp.startswith('_'):
outp = outp[1:]
parts = outp.lower().split('_')[2:]
outp = ""
for part in parts:
outp += part.capitalize()
if outp[0].isdigit():
outp = 'N' + outp
return outp
def enum_default_item(enum_name):
return enum_items[enum_name][0]
def is_prim_type(s):
return s in prim_types
def is_struct_type(s):
return s in struct_types
def is_enum_type(s):
return s in enum_types
def is_string_ptr(s):
return s == "const char *"
def is_const_void_ptr(s):
return s == "const void *"
def is_void_ptr(s):
return s == "void *"
def is_const_prim_ptr(s):
for prim_type in prim_types:
if s == f"const {prim_type} *":
return True
return False
def is_prim_ptr(s):
for prim_type in prim_types:
if s == f"{prim_type} *":
return True
return False
def is_const_struct_ptr(s):
for struct_type in struct_types:
if s == f"const {struct_type} *":
return True
return False
def is_func_ptr(s):
return '(*)' in s
def is_1d_array_type(s):
return re_1d_array.match(s)
def is_2d_array_type(s):
return re_2d_array.match(s)
def type_default_value(s):
return prim_defaults[s]
def extract_array_type(s):
return s[:s.index('[')].strip()
def extract_array_nums(s):
return s[s.index('['):].replace('[', ' ').replace(']', ' ').split()
def extract_ptr_type(s):
tokens = s.split()
if tokens[0] == 'const':
return tokens[1]
return tokens[0]
def as_extern_c_arg_type(arg_type, prefix):
if arg_type == "void":
return "void"
elif is_prim_type(arg_type):
return as_nim_prim_type(arg_type)
elif is_struct_type(arg_type):
return as_nim_struct_type(arg_type, prefix)
elif is_enum_type(arg_type):
return as_nim_enum_type(arg_type, prefix)
elif is_void_ptr(arg_type):
return "pointer"
elif is_const_void_ptr(arg_type):
return "pointer"
elif is_string_ptr(arg_type):
return "cstring"
elif is_const_struct_ptr(arg_type):
return f"ptr {as_nim_struct_type(extract_ptr_type(arg_type), prefix)}"
elif is_prim_ptr(arg_type):
return f"[*c] {as_nim_prim_type(extract_ptr_type(arg_type))}"
elif is_const_prim_ptr(arg_type):
return f"ptr {as_nim_prim_type(extract_ptr_type(arg_type))}"
return '??? (as_extern_c_arg_type)'
def as_nim_arg_type(arg_prefix, arg_type, prefix):
# NOTE: if arg_prefix is None, the result is used as return value
pre = "" if arg_prefix is None else arg_prefix
if arg_type == "void":
if arg_prefix is None:
return "void"
return ""
elif is_prim_type(arg_type):
return pre + as_nim_prim_type(arg_type)
elif is_struct_type(arg_type):
return pre + as_nim_struct_type(arg_type, prefix)
elif is_enum_type(arg_type):
return pre + as_nim_enum_type(arg_type, prefix)
elif is_void_ptr(arg_type):
return pre + "pointer"
elif is_const_void_ptr(arg_type):
return pre + "pointer"
elif is_string_ptr(arg_type):
return pre + "cstring"
elif is_const_struct_ptr(arg_type):
return pre + f"ptr {as_nim_struct_type(extract_ptr_type(arg_type), prefix)}"
elif is_prim_ptr(arg_type):
return pre + f"ptr {as_nim_prim_type(extract_ptr_type(arg_type))}"
elif is_const_prim_ptr(arg_type):
return pre + f"ptr {as_nim_prim_type(extract_ptr_type(arg_type))}"
return arg_prefix + "??? (as_nim_arg_type)"
# get C-style arguments of a function pointer as string
def funcptr_args_c(field_type, prefix):
tokens = field_type[field_type.index('(*)')+4:-1].split(',')
s = ""
n = 0
for token in tokens:
n += 1
arg_type = token.strip()
if s != "":
s += ", "
c_arg = f"a{n}:" + as_extern_c_arg_type(arg_type, prefix)
if (c_arg == "void"):
return ""
s += c_arg
if s == "a1:void":
s = ""
return s
# get C-style result of a function pointer as string
def funcptr_res_c(field_type):
res_type = field_type[:field_type.index('(*)')].strip()
if res_type == 'void':
return ''
elif is_const_void_ptr(res_type):
return ':pointer'
return '???'
def funcdecl_args_c(decl, prefix):
s = ""
for param_decl in decl['params']:
if s != "":
s += ", "
arg_type = param_decl['type']
s += as_extern_c_arg_type(arg_type, prefix)
return s
def funcdecl_args_nim(decl, prefix):
s = ""
for param_decl in decl['params']:
if s != "":
s += ", "
arg_name = param_decl['name']
arg_type = param_decl['type']
s += f"{as_nim_arg_type(f'{arg_name}:', arg_type, prefix)}"
return s
def funcdecl_res_c(decl, prefix):
decl_type = decl['type']
res_type = decl_type[:decl_type.index('(')].strip()
return as_extern_c_arg_type(res_type, prefix)
def funcdecl_res_nim(decl, prefix):
decl_type = decl['type']
res_type = decl_type[:decl_type.index('(')].strip()
nim_res_type = as_nim_arg_type(None, res_type, prefix)
if nim_res_type == "":
nim_res_type = "void"
return nim_res_type
def gen_struct(decl, prefix, use_raw_name=False):
struct_name = decl['name']
nim_type = struct_name if use_raw_name else as_nim_struct_type(struct_name, prefix)
l(f"type {nim_type}* = object")
isPublic = True
for field in decl['fields']:
field_name = field['name']
if field_name == "__pad":
# FIXME: these should be guarded by SOKOL_ZIG_BINDINGS, but aren't?
isPublic = not field_name.startswith("_")
field_name = as_camel_case(field_name, "_")
if field_name == "ptr":
field_name = "source"
if field_name == "ref":
field_name = "`ref`"
if field_name == "type":
field_name = "`type`"
if isPublic:
field_name += "*"
field_type = field['type']
field_type = check_struct_field_type_override(struct_name, field_name, field_type)
if is_prim_type(field_type):
l(f" {field_name}:{as_nim_prim_type(field_type)}")
elif is_struct_type(field_type):
l(f" {field_name}:{as_nim_struct_type(field_type, prefix)}")
elif is_enum_type(field_type):
l(f" {field_name}:{as_nim_enum_type(field_type, prefix)}")
elif is_string_ptr(field_type):
l(f" {field_name}:cstring")
elif is_const_void_ptr(field_type):
l(f" {field_name}:pointer")
elif is_void_ptr(field_type):
l(f" {field_name}:pointer")
elif is_const_prim_ptr(field_type):
l(f" {field_name}:ptr {as_nim_prim_type(extract_ptr_type(field_type))}")
elif is_func_ptr(field_type):
l(f" {field_name}:proc({funcptr_args_c(field_type, prefix)}){funcptr_res_c(field_type)} {{.cdecl.}}")
elif is_1d_array_type(field_type):
array_type = extract_array_type(field_type)
array_nums = extract_array_nums(field_type)
if is_prim_type(array_type) or is_struct_type(array_type):
if is_prim_type(array_type):
nim_type = as_nim_prim_type(array_type)
elif is_struct_type(array_type):
nim_type = as_nim_struct_type(array_type, prefix)
elif is_enum_type(array_type):
nim_type = as_nim_enum_type(array_type, prefix)
nim_type = '??? (array type)'
t0 = f"array[{array_nums[0]}, {nim_type}]"
t0_slice = f"[]const {nim_type}"
t1 = f"[_]{nim_type}"
l(f" {field_name}:{t0}")
elif is_const_void_ptr(array_type):
l(f" {field_name}:array[{array_nums[0]}, pointer]")
l(f"// FIXME: ??? array {field_name}:{field_type} => {array_type} [{array_nums[0]}]")
elif is_2d_array_type(field_type):
array_type = extract_array_type(field_type)
array_nums = extract_array_nums(field_type)
if is_prim_type(array_type):
nim_type = as_nim_prim_type(array_type)
def_val = type_default_value(array_type)
elif is_struct_type(array_type):
nim_type = as_nim_struct_type(array_type, prefix)
def_val = ".{ }"
nim_type = "???"
def_val = "???"
t0 = f"array[{array_nums[0]}, array[{array_nums[1]}, {nim_type}]]"
l(f" {field_name}:{t0}")
l(f"// FIXME: {field_name}:{field_type};")
def gen_consts(decl, prefix):
for item in decl['items']:
l(f" {trim_prefix(item['name'], prefix)}* = {item['value']}")
def gen_enum(decl, prefix):
item_names_by_value = {}
value = -1
hasForceU32 = False
hasExplicitValues = False
for item in decl['items']:
itemName = item['name']
if itemName.endswith("_FORCE_U32"):
hasForceU32 = True
elif itemName.endswith("_NUM"):
if 'value' in item:
hasExplicitValues = True
value = int(item['value'])
value += 1
item_names_by_value[value] = as_enum_item_name(item['name']);
if hasForceU32:
l(f"type {as_nim_enum_type(decl['name'], prefix)}* {{.pure, size:4.}} = enum")
l(f"type {as_nim_enum_type(decl['name'], prefix)}* {{.pure.}} = enum")
if hasExplicitValues:
# Nim requires explicit enum values to be declared in ascending order
for value in sorted(item_names_by_value):
name = item_names_by_value[value]
l(f" {name} = {value},")
for name in item_names_by_value.values():
l(f" {name},")
def gen_func_nim(decl, prefix):
c_func_name = decl['name']
nim_func_name = as_camel_case(decl['name'], prefix)
nim_res_type = funcdecl_res_nim(decl, prefix)
l(f"proc {nim_func_name}*({funcdecl_args_nim(decl, prefix)}):{funcdecl_res_nim(decl, prefix)} {{.cdecl, importc:\"{decl['name']}\".}}")
def pre_parse(inp):
global struct_types
global enum_types
for decl in inp['decls']:
kind = decl['kind']
if kind == 'struct':
elif kind == 'enum':
enum_name = decl['name']
enum_items[enum_name] = []
for item in decl['items']:
def gen_imports(inp, dep_prefixes):
for dep_prefix in dep_prefixes:
dep_module_name = module_names[dep_prefix]
l(f'import {dep_module_name}')
def gen_module(inp, dep_prefixes):
l('## machine generated, do not edit')
gen_imports(inp, dep_prefixes)
prefix = inp['prefix']
for decl in inp['decls']:
if not decl['is_dep']:
kind = decl['kind']
if kind == 'consts':
gen_consts(decl, prefix)
elif kind == 'enum':
gen_enum(decl, prefix)
elif kind == 'struct':
gen_struct(decl, prefix)
elif kind == 'func':
if not check_func_name_ignore(decl['name']):
gen_func_nim(decl, prefix)
def prepare():
print('Generating nim bindings:')
if not os.path.isdir('sokol-nim/src/sokol'):
if not os.path.isdir('sokol-nim/src/sokol/c'):
def gen(c_header_path, c_prefix, dep_c_prefixes):
global out_lines
module_name = module_names[c_prefix]
c_source_path = c_source_paths[c_prefix]
print(f' {c_header_path} => {module_name}')
shutil.copyfile(c_header_path, f'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/{os.path.basename(c_header_path)}')
ir = gen_ir.gen(c_header_path, c_source_path, module_name, c_prefix, dep_c_prefixes)
gen_module(ir, dep_c_prefixes)
output_path = f"sokol-nim/src/sokol/{ir['module']}.nim"
## some changes for readability
out_lines = out_lines.replace("PixelformatInfo", "PixelFormatInfo")
out_lines = out_lines.replace(" Dontcare,", " DontCare,")
out_lines = out_lines.replace(" Vertexbuffer,", " VertexBuffer,")
out_lines = out_lines.replace(" Indexbuffer,", " IndexBuffer,")
out_lines = out_lines.replace(" N2d,", " Plane,")
out_lines = out_lines.replace(" N3d,", " Volume,")
out_lines = out_lines.replace(" Vs,", " Vertex,")
out_lines = out_lines.replace(" Fs,", " Fragment,")
## include extensions in generated code
l("# Nim-specific API extensions")
l(f"include nim/{ir['module']}")
with open(output_path, 'w', newline='\n') as f_outp: