Vectorial - vector math library Motivation I couldn't find an open source math library that was usable and supported simd - especially the ARM NEON variant. Features Supports NEON, SSE, scalar and generic gcc vector extension. Most basic vector and matrix math is available, but not quite yet full featured. Design Vectorial consists of two main parts, pure-C wrapper around platform-specific vector instructions in the simd*.h files and C++ classes for common uses, the vec*.h and mat*.h The config.h autodetects approriate vector instructions to use. The platform-specific support is done with intrisincs only, allowing the compiler to have a full view of the code, hopefully resulting in better optimizations especially with reordering etc. Installation / Usage Add vectorial/include to your include path #include "vectorial/simd4f.h" for C-only simd wrapper, using it looks like this: simd4f v = simd4f_normalize( simd4f_add( simd4f_create(1,2,3,4), y) ); float z = simd4f_get_z(v); #include "vectorial/vectorial.h" for C++ classes. They reside in vectorial namespace, you might want to alias them to your own namespace namespace myproject { using namespace ::vectorial; // if you like different name: typedef vec3f Vector3; } using myproject::vec4f; vec4f v = normalize( vec4f(1,2,3,4) + y ); float z = v.z(); License 2-clause BSD. See LICENSE