#ifndef __TRACYD3D11_HPP__ #define __TRACYD3D11_HPP__ #ifndef TRACY_ENABLE #define TracyD3D11Context(device,queue) nullptr #define TracyD3D11Destroy(ctx) #define TracyD3D11ContextName(ctx, name, size) #define TracyD3D11NewFrame(ctx) #define TracyD3D11Zone(ctx, name) #define TracyD3D11ZoneC(ctx, name, color) #define TracyD3D11NamedZone(ctx, varname, name, active) #define TracyD3D11NamedZoneC(ctx, varname, name, color, active) #define TracyD3D12ZoneTransient(ctx, varname, name, active) #define TracyD3D11ZoneS(ctx, name, depth) #define TracyD3D11ZoneCS(ctx, name, color, depth) #define TracyD3D11NamedZoneS(ctx, varname, name, depth, active) #define TracyD3D11NamedZoneCS(ctx, varname, name, color, depth, active) #define TracyD3D12ZoneTransientS(ctx, varname, name, depth, active) #define TracyD3D11Collect(ctx) namespace tracy { class D3D11ZoneScope {}; } using TracyD3D11Ctx = void*; #else #include #include #include #include "Tracy.hpp" #include "client/TracyProfiler.hpp" #include "client/TracyCallstack.hpp" #include "common/TracyAlign.hpp" #include "common/TracyAlloc.hpp" namespace tracy { class D3D11Ctx { friend class D3D11ZoneScope; enum { QueryCount = 64 * 1024 }; public: D3D11Ctx( ID3D11Device* device, ID3D11DeviceContext* devicectx ) : m_device( device ) , m_devicectx( devicectx ) , m_context( GetGpuCtxCounter().fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed ) ) , m_head( 0 ) , m_tail( 0 ) { assert( m_context != 255 ); for (int i = 0; i < QueryCount; i++) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; D3D11_QUERY_DESC desc; desc.MiscFlags = 0; desc.Query = D3D11_QUERY_TIMESTAMP; hr |= device->CreateQuery(&desc, &m_queries[i]); desc.Query = D3D11_QUERY_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT; hr |= device->CreateQuery(&desc, &m_disjoints[i]); m_disjointMap[i] = nullptr; assert(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } // Force query the initial GPU timestamp (pipeline stall) D3D11_QUERY_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT disjoint; UINT64 timestamp; for (int attempts = 0; attempts < 50; attempts++) { devicectx->Begin(m_disjoints[0]); devicectx->End(m_queries[0]); devicectx->End(m_disjoints[0]); devicectx->Flush(); while (devicectx->GetData(m_disjoints[0], &disjoint, sizeof(disjoint), 0) == S_FALSE) /* Nothing */; if (disjoint.Disjoint) continue; while (devicectx->GetData(m_queries[0], ×tamp, sizeof(timestamp), 0) == S_FALSE) /* Nothing */; break; } int64_t tgpu = timestamp * (1000000000ull / disjoint.Frequency); int64_t tcpu = Profiler::GetTime(); uint8_t flags = 0; const float period = 1.f; auto* item = Profiler::QueueSerial(); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuNewContext ); MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.cpuTime, tcpu ); MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.gpuTime, tgpu ); memset(&item->gpuNewContext.thread, 0, sizeof(item->gpuNewContext.thread)); MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.period, period ); MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.context, m_context ); MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.flags, flags ); MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.type, GpuContextType::Direct3D11 ); #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND GetProfiler().DeferItem( *item ); #endif Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); } ~D3D11Ctx() { for (int i = 0; i < QueryCount; i++) { m_queries[i]->Release(); m_disjoints[i]->Release(); m_disjointMap[i] = nullptr; } } void Name( const char* name, uint16_t len ) { auto ptr = (char*)tracy_malloc( len ); memcpy( ptr, name, len ); auto item = Profiler::QueueSerial(); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuContextName ); MemWrite( &item->gpuContextNameFat.context, m_context ); MemWrite( &item->gpuContextNameFat.ptr, (uint64_t)ptr ); MemWrite( &item->gpuContextNameFat.size, len ); #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND GetProfiler().DeferItem( *item ); #endif Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); } void Collect() { ZoneScopedC( Color::Red4 ); if( m_tail == m_head ) return; #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND if( !GetProfiler().IsConnected() ) { m_head = m_tail = 0; return; } #endif auto start = m_tail; auto end = m_head + QueryCount; auto cnt = (end - start) % QueryCount; while (cnt > 1) { auto mid = start + cnt / 2; bool available = m_devicectx->GetData(m_disjointMap[mid % QueryCount], nullptr, 0, D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_DONOTFLUSH) == S_OK && m_devicectx->GetData(m_queries[mid % QueryCount], nullptr, 0, D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_DONOTFLUSH) == S_OK; if (available) { start = mid; } else { end = mid; } cnt = (end - start) % QueryCount; } start %= QueryCount; while (m_tail != start) { D3D11_QUERY_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT disjoint; UINT64 time; m_devicectx->GetData(m_disjointMap[m_tail], &disjoint, sizeof(disjoint), 0); m_devicectx->GetData(m_queries[m_tail], &time, sizeof(time), 0); time *= (1000000000ull / disjoint.Frequency); auto* item = Profiler::QueueSerial(); MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuTime); MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.gpuTime, (int64_t)time); MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.queryId, (uint16_t)m_tail); MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.context, m_context); Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); m_tail = (m_tail + 1) % QueryCount; } } private: tracy_force_inline unsigned int NextQueryId() { const auto id = m_head; m_head = ( m_head + 1 ) % QueryCount; assert( m_head != m_tail ); return id; } tracy_force_inline ID3D11Query* TranslateQueryId( unsigned int id ) { return m_queries[id]; } tracy_force_inline ID3D11Query* MapDisjointQueryId( unsigned int id, unsigned int disjointId ) { m_disjointMap[id] = m_disjoints[disjointId]; return m_disjoints[disjointId]; } tracy_force_inline uint8_t GetId() const { return m_context; } ID3D11Device* m_device; ID3D11DeviceContext* m_devicectx; ID3D11Query* m_queries[QueryCount]; ID3D11Query* m_disjoints[QueryCount]; ID3D11Query* m_disjointMap[QueryCount]; // Multiple time queries can have one disjoint query uint8_t m_context; unsigned int m_head; unsigned int m_tail; }; class D3D11ZoneScope { public: tracy_force_inline D3D11ZoneScope( D3D11Ctx* ctx, const SourceLocationData* srcloc, bool is_active ) #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND : m_active( is_active && GetProfiler().IsConnected() ) #else : m_active( is_active ) #endif { if( !m_active ) return; m_ctx = ctx; const auto queryId = ctx->NextQueryId(); ctx->m_devicectx->Begin(ctx->MapDisjointQueryId(queryId, queryId)); ctx->m_devicectx->End(ctx->TranslateQueryId(queryId)); m_disjointId = queryId; auto* item = Profiler::QueueSerial(); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuZoneBeginSerial ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)srcloc ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, GetThreadHandle() ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, uint16_t( queryId ) ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.context, ctx->GetId() ); Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); } tracy_force_inline D3D11ZoneScope( D3D11Ctx* ctx, const SourceLocationData* srcloc, int depth, bool is_active ) #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND : m_active( is_active && GetProfiler().IsConnected() ) #else : m_active( is_active ) #endif { if( !m_active ) return; m_ctx = ctx; const auto queryId = ctx->NextQueryId(); ctx->m_devicectx->Begin(ctx->MapDisjointQueryId(queryId, queryId)); ctx->m_devicectx->End(ctx->TranslateQueryId(queryId)); m_disjointId = queryId; auto* item = Profiler::QueueSerial(); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuZoneBeginCallstackSerial ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)srcloc ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, GetThreadHandle() ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, uint16_t( queryId ) ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.context, ctx->GetId() ); Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); GetProfiler().SendCallstack( depth ); } tracy_force_inline D3D11ZoneScope(D3D11Ctx* ctx, uint32_t line, const char* source, size_t sourceSz, const char* function, size_t functionSz, const char* name, size_t nameSz, bool active) #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND : m_active(active&& GetProfiler().IsConnected()) #else : m_active(active) #endif { if( !m_active ) return; m_ctx = ctx; const auto queryId = ctx->NextQueryId(); ctx->m_devicectx->Begin(ctx->MapDisjointQueryId(queryId, queryId)); ctx->m_devicectx->End(ctx->TranslateQueryId(queryId)); m_disjointId = queryId; const auto sourceLocation = Profiler::AllocSourceLocation(line, source, sourceSz, function, functionSz, name, nameSz); auto* item = Profiler::QueueSerial(); MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuZoneBeginAllocSrcLocSerial); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime()); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, sourceLocation); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, GetThreadHandle()); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, static_cast(queryId)); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.context, ctx->GetId()); Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); } tracy_force_inline D3D11ZoneScope(D3D11Ctx* ctx, uint32_t line, const char* source, size_t sourceSz, const char* function, size_t functionSz, const char* name, size_t nameSz, int depth, bool active) #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND : m_active(active&& GetProfiler().IsConnected()) #else : m_active(active) #endif { if( !m_active ) return; m_ctx = ctx; const auto queryId = ctx->NextQueryId(); ctx->m_devicectx->Begin(ctx->MapDisjointQueryId(queryId, queryId)); ctx->m_devicectx->End(ctx->TranslateQueryId(queryId)); m_disjointId = queryId; const auto sourceLocation = Profiler::AllocSourceLocation(line, source, sourceSz, function, functionSz, name, nameSz); auto* item = Profiler::QueueSerialCallstack(Callstack(depth)); MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstackSerial); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime()); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, sourceLocation); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, GetThreadHandle()); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, static_cast(queryId)); MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.context, ctx->GetId()); Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); } tracy_force_inline ~D3D11ZoneScope() { if( !m_active ) return; const auto queryId = m_ctx->NextQueryId(); m_ctx->m_devicectx->End(m_ctx->TranslateQueryId(queryId)); m_ctx->m_devicectx->End(m_ctx->MapDisjointQueryId(queryId, m_disjointId)); auto* item = Profiler::QueueSerial(); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuZoneEndSerial ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneEnd.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneEnd.thread, GetThreadHandle() ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneEnd.queryId, uint16_t( queryId ) ); MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneEnd.context, m_ctx->GetId() ); Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); } private: const bool m_active; D3D11Ctx* m_ctx; unsigned int m_disjointId; }; static inline D3D11Ctx* CreateD3D11Context( ID3D11Device* device, ID3D11DeviceContext* devicectx ) { InitRPMallocThread(); auto ctx = (D3D11Ctx*)tracy_malloc( sizeof( D3D11Ctx ) ); new(ctx) D3D11Ctx( device, devicectx ); return ctx; } static inline void DestroyD3D11Context( D3D11Ctx* ctx ) { ctx->~D3D11Ctx(); tracy_free( ctx ); } } using TracyD3D11Ctx = tracy::D3D11Ctx*; #define TracyD3D11Context( device, devicectx ) tracy::CreateD3D11Context( device, devicectx ); #define TracyD3D11Destroy(ctx) tracy::DestroyD3D11Context(ctx); #define TracyD3D11ContextName(ctx, name, size) ctx->Name(name, size); #if defined TRACY_HAS_CALLSTACK && defined TRACY_CALLSTACK # define TracyD3D11Zone( ctx, name ) TracyD3D11NamedZoneS( ctx, ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, TRACY_CALLSTACK, true ) # define TracyD3D11ZoneC( ctx, name, color ) TracyD3D11NamedZoneCS( ctx, ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, color, TRACY_CALLSTACK, true ) # define TracyD3D11NamedZone( ctx, varname, name, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, 0 }; tracy::D3D11ZoneScope varname( ctx, &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), TRACY_CALLSTACK, active ); # define TracyD3D11NamedZoneC( ctx, varname, name, color, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, color }; tracy::D3D11ZoneScope varname( ctx, &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), TRACY_CALLSTACK, active ); # define TracyD3D11ZoneTransient(ctx, varname, name, active) TracyD3D11ZoneTransientS(ctx, varname, cmdList, name, TRACY_CALLSTACK, active) #else # define TracyD3D11Zone( ctx, name ) TracyD3D11NamedZone( ctx, ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, true ) # define TracyD3D11ZoneC( ctx, name, color ) TracyD3D11NamedZoneC( ctx, ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, color, true ) # define TracyD3D11NamedZone( ctx, varname, name, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, 0 }; tracy::D3D11ZoneScope varname( ctx, &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), active ); # define TracyD3D11NamedZoneC( ctx, varname, name, color, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, color }; tracy::D3D11ZoneScope varname( ctx, &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), active ); # define TracyD3D11ZoneTransient(ctx, varname, name, active) tracy::D3D11ZoneScope varname{ ctx, __LINE__, __FILE__, strlen(__FILE__), __FUNCTION__, strlen(__FUNCTION__), name, strlen(name), active }; #endif #ifdef TRACY_HAS_CALLSTACK # define TracyD3D11ZoneS( ctx, name, depth ) TracyD3D11NamedZoneS( ctx, ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, depth, true ) # define TracyD3D11ZoneCS( ctx, name, color, depth ) TracyD3D11NamedZoneCS( ctx, ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, color, depth, true ) # define TracyD3D11NamedZoneS( ctx, varname, name, depth, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, 0 }; tracy::D3D11ZoneScope varname( ctx, &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), depth, active ); # define TracyD3D11NamedZoneCS( ctx, varname, name, color, depth, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, color }; tracy::D3D11ZoneScope varname( ctx, &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), depth, active ); # define TracyD3D11ZoneTransientS(ctx, varname, name, depth, active) tracy::D3D11ZoneScope varname{ ctx, __LINE__, __FILE__, strlen(__FILE__), __FUNCTION__, strlen(__FUNCTION__), name, strlen(name), depth, active }; #else # define TracyD3D11ZoneS( ctx, name, depth, active ) TracyD3D11Zone( ctx, name ) # define TracyD3D11ZoneCS( ctx, name, color, depth, active ) TracyD3D11ZoneC( name, color ) # define TracyD3D11NamedZoneS( ctx, varname, name, depth, active ) TracyD3D11NamedZone( ctx, varname, name, active ) # define TracyD3D11NamedZoneCS( ctx, varname, name, color, depth, active ) TracyD3D11NamedZoneC( ctx, varname, name, color, active ) # define TracyD3D11ZoneTransientS(ctx, varname, name, depth, active) TracyD3D12ZoneTransient(ctx, varname, name, active) #endif #define TracyD3D11Collect( ctx ) ctx->Collect(); #endif #endif