#include #include #include "rbdl/Logging.h" #include "rbdl/Model.h" #include "rbdl/Constraints.h" #include "rbdl/Dynamics.h" #include "rbdl/Kinematics.h" using namespace std; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; const double TEST_PREC = 1.0e-13; unsigned int hip_id, upper_leg_right_id, lower_leg_right_id, foot_right_id, upper_leg_left_id, lower_leg_left_id, foot_left_id; Body hip_body, upper_leg_right_body, lower_leg_right_body, foot_right_body, upper_leg_left_body, lower_leg_left_body, foot_left_body; Joint joint_txtyrz ( SpatialVector (0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.), SpatialVector (0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.), SpatialVector (0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.) ); Joint joint_rot_z (SpatialVector (0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.)); VectorNd Q; VectorNd QDot; VectorNd QDDot; VectorNd Tau; ConstraintSet constraint_set_right; ConstraintSet constraint_set_left; ConstraintSet constraint_set_left_flat; ConstraintSet constraint_set_both; enum ParamNames { ParamSteplength = 0, ParamNameLast }; enum PosNames { PosHipPosX, PosHipPosY, PosHipRotZ, PosRightThighRotZ, PosRightShankRotZ, PosRightAnkleRotZ, PosLeftThighRotZ, PosLeftShankRotZ, PosLeftAnkleRotZ, PosNameLast }; enum StateNames { StateHipPosX, StateHipPosY, StateHipRotZ, StateRightThighRotZ, StateRightShankRotZ, StateRightAnkleRotZ, StateLeftThighRotZ, StateLeftShankRotZ, StateLeftAnkleRotZ, StateHipVelX, StateHipVelY, StateHipRotVelZ, StateRightThighRotVelZ, StateRightShankRotVelZ, StateRightAnkleRotVelZ, StateLeftThighRotVelZ, StateLeftShankRotVelZ, StateLeftAnkleRotVelZ, StateNameLast }; enum ControlNames { ControlRightThighRotZ, ControlRightKneeRotZ, ControlRightAnkleRotZ, ControlLeftThighRotZ, ControlLeftKneeRotZ, ControlLeftAnkleRotZ, ControlNameLast }; enum SegmentLengthsNames { SegmentLengthsHip = 0, SegmentLengthsThigh, SegmentLengthsShank, SegmentLengthsFootHeight, SegmentLengthsFoot, SegmentLengthsNameLast }; const double ModelMass = 73.; const double ModelHeight = 1.741; // absolute lengths! double segment_lengths[SegmentLengthsNameLast] = { 0.4346, 0.4222, 0.4340, 0.0317, 0.2581 }; enum JointLocations { JointLocationHip = 0, JointLocationKnee, JointLocationAnkle, JointLocationLast }; Vector3d joint_location[JointLocationLast] = { Vector3d (0., 0., 0.), Vector3d (0., - 0.2425 * ModelHeight, 0.), Vector3d (0., - 0.2529 * ModelHeight, 0.) }; enum SegmentMassNames { SegmentMassHip, SegmentMassThigh, SegmentMassShank, SegmentMassFoot, SegmentMassLast }; double segment_mass[SegmentMassLast] = { 0.4346 * ModelMass, 0.1416 * ModelMass, 0.0433 * ModelMass, 0.0137 * ModelMass }; enum COMNames { COMHip, COMThigh, COMShank, COMFoot, COMNameLast }; Vector3d com_position[COMNameLast] = { Vector3d (0., 0.3469 * ModelHeight, 0.), Vector3d (0., 0.2425 * ModelHeight, 0.), Vector3d (0., 0.2529 * ModelHeight, 0.), Vector3d (0.0182 * ModelHeight, 0., 0.) }; enum RGyrationNames { RGyrationHip, RGyrationThigh, RGyrationShank, RGyrationFoot, RGyrationLast }; Vector3d rgyration[RGyrationLast] = { Vector3d (0.1981, 0.1021, 0.1848), Vector3d (0.1389, 0.0629, 0.1389), Vector3d (0.1123, 0.0454, 0.1096), Vector3d (0.0081, 0.0039, 0.0078) }; Vector3d heel_point (0., 0., 0.); Vector3d medial_point (0., 0., 0.); void init_model (Model* model) { assert (model); constraint_set_right = ConstraintSet(); constraint_set_left = ConstraintSet(); constraint_set_left_flat = ConstraintSet(); constraint_set_both = ConstraintSet(); model->gravity = Vector3d (0., -9.81, 0.); // hip hip_body = Body (segment_mass[SegmentMassHip], com_position[COMHip], rgyration[RGyrationHip]); // lateral right upper_leg_right_body = Body (segment_mass[SegmentMassThigh], com_position[COMThigh], rgyration[RGyrationThigh]); lower_leg_right_body = Body (segment_mass[SegmentMassShank], com_position[COMShank], rgyration[RGyrationShank]); foot_right_body = Body (segment_mass[SegmentMassFoot], com_position[COMFoot], rgyration[RGyrationFoot]); // lateral left upper_leg_left_body = Body (segment_mass[SegmentMassThigh], com_position[COMThigh], rgyration[RGyrationThigh]); lower_leg_left_body = Body (segment_mass[SegmentMassShank], com_position[COMShank], rgyration[RGyrationShank]); foot_left_body = Body (segment_mass[SegmentMassFoot], com_position[COMFoot], rgyration[RGyrationFoot]); // add hip to the model (planar, 3 DOF) hip_id = model->AddBody (0, Xtrans (Vector3d (0., 0., 0.)), joint_txtyrz, hip_body); // // right leg // unsigned int temp_id = 0; // add right upper leg temp_id = model->AddBody (hip_id, Xtrans (Vector3d(0., 0., 0.)), joint_rot_z, upper_leg_right_body); upper_leg_right_id = temp_id; // add the right lower leg (only one DOF) temp_id = model->AddBody (temp_id, Xtrans (joint_location[JointLocationKnee]), joint_rot_z, lower_leg_right_body); lower_leg_right_id = temp_id; // add the right foot (1 DOF) temp_id = model->AddBody (temp_id, Xtrans (joint_location[JointLocationAnkle]), joint_rot_z, foot_right_body); foot_right_id = temp_id; // // left leg // // add left upper leg temp_id = model->AddBody (hip_id, Xtrans (Vector3d(0., 0., 0.)), joint_rot_z, upper_leg_left_body); upper_leg_left_id = temp_id; // add the left lower leg (only one DOF) temp_id = model->AddBody (temp_id, Xtrans (joint_location[JointLocationKnee]), joint_rot_z, lower_leg_left_body); lower_leg_left_id = temp_id; // add the left foot (1 DOF) temp_id = model->AddBody (temp_id, Xtrans (joint_location[JointLocationAnkle]), joint_rot_z, foot_left_body); foot_left_id = temp_id; // cerr << "--- model created (" << model->dof_count << " DOF) ---" << endl; // contact data // the contact points for heel and toe heel_point.set (-0.05, -0.0317, 0.); medial_point.set (-0.05, -0.0317 + segment_lengths[SegmentLengthsFoot], 0.); constraint_set_right.AddContactConstraint(foot_right_id, heel_point, Vector3d (1., 0., 0.), "right_heel_x"); constraint_set_right.AddContactConstraint(foot_right_id, heel_point, Vector3d (0., 1., 0.), "right_heel_y"); constraint_set_left.AddContactConstraint(foot_left_id, heel_point, Vector3d (1., 0., 0.), "left_heel_x"); constraint_set_left.AddContactConstraint(foot_left_id, heel_point, Vector3d (0., 1., 0.), "left_heel_y"); constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(foot_right_id, heel_point, Vector3d (1., 0., 0.), "right_heel_x"); constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(foot_right_id, heel_point, Vector3d (0., 1., 0.), "right_heel_y"); constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(foot_right_id, heel_point, Vector3d (0., 0., 1.), "right_heel_z"); constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(foot_left_id, heel_point, Vector3d (1., 0., 0.), "left_heel_x"); constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(foot_left_id, heel_point, Vector3d (0., 1., 0.), "left_heel_y"); constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(foot_left_id, heel_point, Vector3d (0., 0., 1.), "left_heel_z"); constraint_set_right.Bind (*model); constraint_set_left.Bind (*model); constraint_set_both.Bind (*model); } template void copy_values (T *dest, const T *src, size_t count) { memcpy (dest, src, count * sizeof (T)); } TEST ( TestForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirectFootmodel ) { Model* model = new Model; init_model(model); Q.resize(model->dof_count); QDot.resize(model->dof_count); QDDot.resize(model->dof_count); Tau.resize(model->dof_count); Q[0] = -0.2; Q[1] = 0.9; Q[2] = 0; Q[3] = -0.15; Q[4] = -0.15; Q[5] = 0.1; Q[6] = 0.15; Q[7] = -0.15; Q[8] = 0; QDot.setZero(); Tau[0] = 0; Tau[1] = 0; Tau[2] = 0; Tau[3] = 1; Tau[4] = 1; Tau[5] = 1; Tau[6] = 1; Tau[7] = 1; Tau[8] = 1; Vector3d contact_accel_left; Vector3d contact_vel_left; Vector3d contact_force = Vector3d::Zero(); VectorNd QDDot_aba (QDDot); VectorNd QDDot_lag (QDDot); ForwardDynamics (*model, Q, QDot, Tau, QDDot_aba); ForwardDynamicsLagrangian (*model, Q, QDot, Tau, QDDot_lag); // cout << "QDDot_aba = " << QDDot_aba.transpose() << endl; // cout << "QDDot_lag = " << QDDot_lag.transpose() << endl; unsigned int body_id = constraint_set_left.body[0]; Vector3d contact_point = constraint_set_left.point[0]; MatrixNd G (3, Q.size()); CalcPointJacobian (*model, Q, body_id, contact_point, G, true); // cout << G << endl; ClearLogOutput(); ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirect (*model, Q, QDot, Tau, constraint_set_left, QDDot); // cout << "C0: " << contact_data_left[0].body_id << ", " << contact_data_left[0].point.transpose() << endl; // cout << "C1: " << contact_data_left[1].body_id << ", " << contact_data_left[1].point.transpose() << endl; // cout << "td: " << foot_left_id << ", " << heel_point.transpose() << endl; contact_force[0] = constraint_set_left.force[0]; contact_force[1] = constraint_set_left.force[1]; CHECK_EQUAL (body_id, foot_left_id); CHECK_EQUAL (contact_point, heel_point); // cout << LogOutput.str() << endl; contact_accel_left = CalcPointAcceleration (*model, Q, QDot, QDDot, foot_left_id, heel_point); contact_vel_left = CalcPointVelocity (*model, Q, QDot, foot_left_id, heel_point); // cout << contact_force << endl; // cout << contact_accel_left << endl; CHECK_ARRAY_CLOSE (Vector3d (0., 0., 0.).data(), contact_accel_left.data(), 3, TEST_PREC); delete model; } TEST ( TestClearContactsInertiaMatrix ) { Model* model = new Model; init_model(model); Q.resize(model->dof_count); QDot.resize(model->dof_count); QDDot.resize(model->dof_count); Tau.resize(model->dof_count); Q[0] = -0.2; Q[1] = 0.9; Q[2] = 0; Q[3] = -0.15; Q[4] = -0.15; Q[5] = 0.1; Q[6] = 0.15; Q[7] = -0.15; Q[8] = 0; QDot.setZero(); Tau[0] = 0; Tau[1] = 0; Tau[2] = 0; Tau[3] = 1; Tau[4] = 1; Tau[5] = 1; Tau[6] = 1; Tau[7] = 1; Tau[8] = 1; VectorNd QDDot_aba (QDDot); VectorNd QDDot_lag (QDDot); // initialize matrix with erroneous values constraint_set_right.bound = false; constraint_set_right.H = MatrixNd::Zero (model->dof_count, model->dof_count); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->dof_count; i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < model->dof_count; j++) { constraint_set_right.H(i,j) = 1.234; } } constraint_set_right.Bind (*model); ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirect (*model, Q, QDot, Tau, constraint_set_right, QDDot_lag); ForwardDynamicsContactsKokkevis (*model, Q, QDot, Tau, constraint_set_right, QDDot_aba); CHECK_ARRAY_CLOSE (QDDot_lag.data(), QDDot_aba.data(), QDDot.size(), TEST_PREC * QDDot_lag.norm()); delete model; }