/* * RBDL - Rigid Body Dynamics Library * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Martin Felis * * Licensed under the zlib license. See LICENSE for more details. * * This file defines functions that allows calling of the RBDL algorithms * by providing input and output as raw double arrays. It eliminates the * need of copying from Numpy values into temporary RBDL (C++) vectors and * matrices. However it requires C++11 and must be compiled with -std=c++11 * (or -std=c++0x on older compilers). */ #include #include namespace RigidBodyDynamics { namespace Math { // PTR_DATA_ROW_MAJOR : // Specifies whether the data that is provided via raw double pointers is // stored as row major. Eigen uses column major by default and therefore // this has to be properly mapped. #define PTR_DATA_ROW_MAJOR 1 #ifdef RBDL_USE_SIMPLE_MATH typedef VectorNd VectorNdRef; typedef MatrixNd MatrixNdRef; #else typedef Eigen::Ref VectorNdRef; #ifdef PTR_DATA_ROW_MAJOR typedef Eigen::Matrix MatrixNdRowMaj; typedef Eigen::Ref MatrixNdRef; #else typedef Eigen::Ref MatrixNdRef; #endif #endif RBDL_DLLAPI inline VectorNdRef VectorFromPtr (double *ptr, unsigned int n) { #ifdef RBDL_USE_SIMPLE_MATH return SimpleMath::Map (ptr, n, 1); #elif defined EIGEN_CORE_H return Eigen::Map (ptr, n, 1); #else std::cerr << __func__ << " not defined for used math library!" << std::endl; abort(); return VectorNd::Constant (1,1./0.); #endif } RBDL_DLLAPI inline MatrixNdRef MatrixFromPtr (double *ptr, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols, bool row_major = true) { #ifdef RBDL_USE_SIMPLE_MATH return SimpleMath::Map (ptr, rows, cols); #elif defined EIGEN_CORE_H #ifdef PTR_DATA_ROW_MAJOR return Eigen::Map (ptr, rows, cols); #else return Eigen::Map (ptr, rows, cols); #endif #else std::cerr << __func__ << " not defined for used math library!" << std::endl; abort(); return MatrixNd::Constant (1,1, 1./0.); #endif } } RBDL_DLLAPI void UpdateKinematicsCustomPtr (Model &model, const double *q_ptr, const double *qdot_ptr, const double *qddot_ptr ) { LOG << "-------- " << __func__ << " --------" << std::endl; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; unsigned int i; if (q_ptr) { VectorNdRef Q = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(q_ptr), model.q_size); for (i = 1; i < model.mBodies.size(); i++) { unsigned int lambda = model.lambda[i]; VectorNd QDot_zero (VectorNd::Zero (model.qdot_size)); jcalc (model, i, (Q), QDot_zero); if (lambda != 0) { model.X_base[i] = model.X_lambda[i] * model.X_base[lambda]; } else { model.X_base[i] = model.X_lambda[i]; } } } if (qdot_ptr) { VectorNdRef Q = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(q_ptr), model.q_size); VectorNdRef QDot = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(qdot_ptr), model.qdot_size); for (i = 1; i < model.mBodies.size(); i++) { unsigned int lambda = model.lambda[i]; jcalc (model, i, Q, QDot); if (lambda != 0) { model.v[i] = model.X_lambda[i].apply(model.v[lambda]) + model.v_J[i]; model.c[i] = model.c_J[i] + crossm(model.v[i],model.v_J[i]); } else { model.v[i] = model.v_J[i]; model.c[i] = model.c_J[i] + crossm(model.v[i],model.v_J[i]); } // LOG << "v[" << i << "] = " << model.v[i].transpose() << std::endl; } } if (qddot_ptr) { VectorNdRef QDDot = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(qddot_ptr), model.qdot_size); for (i = 1; i < model.mBodies.size(); i++) { unsigned int q_index = model.mJoints[i].q_index; unsigned int lambda = model.lambda[i]; if (lambda != 0) { model.a[i] = model.X_lambda[i].apply(model.a[lambda]) + model.c[i]; } else { model.a[i] = model.c[i]; } if (model.mJoints[i].mDoFCount == 3) { Vector3d omegadot_temp ((QDDot)[q_index], (QDDot)[q_index + 1], (QDDot)[q_index + 2]); model.a[i] = model.a[i] + model.multdof3_S[i] * omegadot_temp; } else { model.a[i] = model.a[i] + model.S[i] * (QDDot)[q_index]; } } } } RBDL_DLLAPI void CalcPointJacobianPtr ( Model &model, const double *q_ptr, unsigned int body_id, const Math::Vector3d &point_position, double * G_ptr, bool update_kinematics ) { LOG << "-------- " << __func__ << " --------" << std::endl; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; // update the Kinematics if necessary if (update_kinematics) { UpdateKinematicsCustomPtr (model, q_ptr, NULL, NULL); } VectorNdRef Q = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(q_ptr), model.q_size); MatrixNdRef G = MatrixFromPtr(const_cast(G_ptr), 3, model.qdot_size); SpatialTransform point_trans = SpatialTransform (Matrix3d::Identity(), CalcBodyToBaseCoordinates (model, Q, body_id, point_position, false)); assert (G.rows() == 3 && G.cols() == model.qdot_size ); unsigned int reference_body_id = body_id; if (model.IsFixedBodyId(body_id)) { unsigned int fbody_id = body_id - model.fixed_body_discriminator; reference_body_id = model.mFixedBodies[fbody_id].mMovableParent; } unsigned int j = reference_body_id; // e[j] is set to 1 if joint j contributes to the jacobian that we are // computing. For all other joints the column will be zero. while (j != 0) { unsigned int q_index = model.mJoints[j].q_index; if (model.mJoints[j].mDoFCount == 3) { G.block(0, q_index, 3, 3) = ((point_trans * model.X_base[j].inverse()).toMatrix() * model.multdof3_S[j]).block(3,0,3,3); } else { G.block(0,q_index, 3, 1) = point_trans.apply(model.X_base[j].inverse().apply(model.S[j])).block(3,0,3,1); } j = model.lambda[j]; } } RBDL_DLLAPI void CalcPointJacobian6DPtr ( Model &model, const double *q_ptr, unsigned int body_id, const Math::Vector3d &point_position, double *G_ptr, bool update_kinematics ) { LOG << "-------- " << __func__ << " --------" << std::endl; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; // update the Kinematics if necessary if (update_kinematics) { UpdateKinematicsCustomPtr (model, q_ptr, NULL, NULL); } VectorNdRef Q = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(q_ptr), model.q_size); MatrixNdRef G = MatrixFromPtr(const_cast(G_ptr), 6, model.qdot_size); SpatialTransform point_trans = SpatialTransform (Matrix3d::Identity(), CalcBodyToBaseCoordinates (model, Q, body_id, point_position, false)); assert (G.rows() == 6 && G.cols() == model.qdot_size ); unsigned int reference_body_id = body_id; if (model.IsFixedBodyId(body_id)) { unsigned int fbody_id = body_id - model.fixed_body_discriminator; reference_body_id = model.mFixedBodies[fbody_id].mMovableParent; } unsigned int j = reference_body_id; while (j != 0) { unsigned int q_index = model.mJoints[j].q_index; if (model.mJoints[j].mDoFCount == 3) { G.block(0, q_index, 6, 3) = ((point_trans * model.X_base[j].inverse()).toMatrix() * model.multdof3_S[j]).block(0,0,6,3); } else { G.block(0,q_index, 6, 1) = point_trans.apply(model.X_base[j].inverse().apply(model.S[j])).block(0,0,6,1); } j = model.lambda[j]; } } RBDL_DLLAPI void CalcBodySpatialJacobianPtr ( Model &model, const double *q_ptr, unsigned int body_id, double *G_ptr, bool update_kinematics ) { LOG << "-------- " << __func__ << " --------" << std::endl; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; // update the Kinematics if necessary if (update_kinematics) { UpdateKinematicsCustomPtr (model, q_ptr, NULL, NULL); } MatrixNdRef G = MatrixFromPtr(const_cast(G_ptr), 6, model.qdot_size); assert (G.rows() == 6 && G.cols() == model.qdot_size ); unsigned int reference_body_id = body_id; SpatialTransform base_to_body; if (model.IsFixedBodyId(body_id)) { unsigned int fbody_id = body_id - model.fixed_body_discriminator; reference_body_id = model.mFixedBodies[fbody_id].mMovableParent; base_to_body = model.mFixedBodies[fbody_id].mParentTransform * model.X_base[reference_body_id]; } else { base_to_body = model.X_base[reference_body_id]; } unsigned int j = reference_body_id; while (j != 0) { unsigned int q_index = model.mJoints[j].q_index; if (model.mJoints[j].mDoFCount == 3) { G.block(0,q_index,6,3) = (base_to_body * model.X_base[j].inverse()).toMatrix() * model.multdof3_S[j]; } else { G.block(0,q_index,6,1) = base_to_body.apply(model.X_base[j].inverse().apply(model.S[j])); } j = model.lambda[j]; } } RBDL_DLLAPI void InverseDynamicsPtr ( Model &model, const double *q_ptr, const double *qdot_ptr, const double *qddot_ptr, const double *tau_ptr, std::vector *f_ext ) { LOG << "-------- " << __func__ << " --------" << std::endl; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; VectorNdRef Q = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(q_ptr), model.q_size); VectorNdRef QDot = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(qdot_ptr), model.qdot_size); VectorNdRef QDDot = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(qddot_ptr), model.qdot_size); VectorNdRef Tau = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(tau_ptr), model.qdot_size); // Reset the velocity of the root body model.v[0].setZero(); model.a[0].set (0., 0., 0., -model.gravity[0], -model.gravity[1], -model.gravity[2]); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < model.mBodies.size(); i++) { unsigned int q_index = model.mJoints[i].q_index; unsigned int lambda = model.lambda[i]; jcalc (model, i, Q, QDot); if (lambda != 0) { model.X_base[i] = model.X_lambda[i] * model.X_base[lambda]; } else { model.X_base[i] = model.X_lambda[i]; } model.v[i] = model.X_lambda[i].apply(model.v[lambda]) + model.v_J[i]; model.c[i] = model.c_J[i] + crossm(model.v[i],model.v_J[i]); if (model.mJoints[i].mDoFCount == 3) { model.a[i] = model.X_lambda[i].apply(model.a[lambda]) + model.c[i] + model.multdof3_S[i] * Vector3d (QDDot[q_index], QDDot[q_index + 1], QDDot[q_index + 2]); } else { model.a[i] = model.X_lambda[i].apply(model.a[lambda]) + model.c[i] + model.S[i] * QDDot[q_index]; } if (!model.mBodies[i].mIsVirtual) { model.f[i] = model.I[i] * model.a[i] + crossf(model.v[i],model.I[i] * model.v[i]); } else { model.f[i].setZero(); } if (f_ext != NULL && (*f_ext)[i] != SpatialVector::Zero()) model.f[i] -= model.X_base[i].toMatrixAdjoint() * (*f_ext)[i]; } for (unsigned int i = model.mBodies.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (model.mJoints[i].mDoFCount == 3) { Tau.block<3,1>(model.mJoints[i].q_index, 0) = model.multdof3_S[i].transpose() * model.f[i]; } else { Tau[model.mJoints[i].q_index] = model.S[i].dot(model.f[i]); } if (model.lambda[i] != 0) { model.f[model.lambda[i]] = model.f[model.lambda[i]] + model.X_lambda[i].applyTranspose(model.f[i]); } } } RBDL_DLLAPI void NonlinearEffectsPtr ( Model &model, const double *q_ptr, const double *qdot_ptr, const double *tau_ptr ) { LOG << "-------- " << __func__ << " --------" << std::endl; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; VectorNdRef Q = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(q_ptr), model.q_size); VectorNdRef QDot = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(qdot_ptr), model.qdot_size); VectorNdRef Tau = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(tau_ptr), model.qdot_size); SpatialVector spatial_gravity (0., 0., 0., -model.gravity[0], -model.gravity[1], -model.gravity[2]); // Reset the velocity of the root body model.v[0].setZero(); model.a[0] = spatial_gravity; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < model.mJointUpdateOrder.size(); i++) { jcalc (model, model.mJointUpdateOrder[i], Q, QDot); } for (unsigned int i = 1; i < model.mBodies.size(); i++) { if (model.lambda[i] == 0) { model.v[i] = model.v_J[i]; model.a[i] = model.X_lambda[i].apply(spatial_gravity); } else { model.v[i] = model.X_lambda[i].apply(model.v[model.lambda[i]]) + model.v_J[i]; model.c[i] = model.c_J[i] + crossm(model.v[i],model.v_J[i]); model.a[i] = model.X_lambda[i].apply(model.a[model.lambda[i]]) + model.c[i]; } if (!model.mBodies[i].mIsVirtual) { model.f[i] = model.I[i] * model.a[i] + crossf(model.v[i],model.I[i] * model.v[i]); } else { model.f[i].setZero(); } } for (unsigned int i = model.mBodies.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (model.mJoints[i].mDoFCount == 3) { Tau.block<3,1>(model.mJoints[i].q_index, 0) = model.multdof3_S[i].transpose() * model.f[i]; } else { Tau[model.mJoints[i].q_index] = model.S[i].dot(model.f[i]); } if (model.lambda[i] != 0) { model.f[model.lambda[i]] = model.f[model.lambda[i]] + model.X_lambda[i].applyTranspose(model.f[i]); } } } RBDL_DLLAPI inline void CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithmPtr ( Model& model, const double *q_ptr, double *H_ptr, bool update_kinematics = true ) { using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; VectorNdRef&& Q = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(q_ptr), model.q_size); MatrixNdRef&& H = MatrixFromPtr(H_ptr, model.qdot_size, model.qdot_size); assert (H.rows() == model.dof_count && H.cols() == model.dof_count); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < model.mBodies.size(); i++) { if (update_kinematics) { jcalc_X_lambda_S (model, i, Q); } model.Ic[i] = model.I[i]; } for (unsigned int i = model.mBodies.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (model.lambda[i] != 0) { model.Ic[model.lambda[i]] = model.Ic[model.lambda[i]] + model.X_lambda[i].applyTranspose(model.Ic[i]); } unsigned int dof_index_i = model.mJoints[i].q_index; if (model.mJoints[i].mDoFCount == 3) { Matrix63 F_63 = model.Ic[i].toMatrix() * model.multdof3_S[i]; H.block<3,3>(dof_index_i, dof_index_i) = model.multdof3_S[i].transpose() * F_63; unsigned int j = i; unsigned int dof_index_j = dof_index_i; while (model.lambda[j] != 0) { F_63 = model.X_lambda[j].toMatrixTranspose() * (F_63); j = model.lambda[j]; dof_index_j = model.mJoints[j].q_index; if (model.mJoints[j].mDoFCount == 3) { Matrix3d H_temp2 = F_63.transpose() * (model.multdof3_S[j]); H.block<3,3>(dof_index_i,dof_index_j) = H_temp2; H.block<3,3>(dof_index_j,dof_index_i) = H_temp2.transpose(); } else { Vector3d H_temp2 = F_63.transpose() * (model.S[j]); H.block<3,1>(dof_index_i,dof_index_j) = H_temp2; H.block<1,3>(dof_index_j,dof_index_i) = H_temp2.transpose(); } } } else { SpatialVector F = model.Ic[i] * model.S[i]; H(dof_index_i, dof_index_i) = model.S[i].dot(F); unsigned int j = i; unsigned int dof_index_j = dof_index_i; while (model.lambda[j] != 0) { F = model.X_lambda[j].applyTranspose(F); j = model.lambda[j]; dof_index_j = model.mJoints[j].q_index; if (model.mJoints[j].mDoFCount == 3) { Vector3d H_temp2 = (F.transpose() * model.multdof3_S[j]).transpose(); LOG << F.transpose() << std::endl << model.multdof3_S[j] << std::endl; LOG << H_temp2.transpose() << std::endl; H.block<1,3>(dof_index_i,dof_index_j) = H_temp2.transpose(); H.block<3,1>(dof_index_j,dof_index_i) = H_temp2; } else { H(dof_index_i,dof_index_j) = F.dot(model.S[j]); H(dof_index_j,dof_index_i) = H(dof_index_i,dof_index_j); } } } } } RBDL_DLLAPI void ForwardDynamicsPtr ( Model &model, const double *q_ptr, const double *qdot_ptr, const double *tau_ptr, const double *qddot_ptr, std::vector *f_ext ) { LOG << "-------- " << __func__ << " --------" << std::endl; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; VectorNdRef&& Q = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(q_ptr), model.q_size); VectorNdRef&& QDot = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(qdot_ptr), model.qdot_size); VectorNdRef&& QDDot = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(qddot_ptr), model.qdot_size); VectorNdRef&& Tau = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(tau_ptr), model.qdot_size); SpatialVector spatial_gravity (0., 0., 0., model.gravity[0], model.gravity[1], model.gravity[2]); unsigned int i = 0; LOG << "Q = " << Q.transpose() << std::endl; LOG << "QDot = " << QDot.transpose() << std::endl; LOG << "Tau = " << Tau.transpose() << std::endl; LOG << "---" << std::endl; // Reset the velocity of the root body model.v[0].setZero(); for (i = 1; i < model.mBodies.size(); i++) { unsigned int lambda = model.lambda[i]; jcalc (model, i, Q, QDot); if (lambda != 0) model.X_base[i] = model.X_lambda[i] * model.X_base[lambda]; else model.X_base[i] = model.X_lambda[i]; model.v[i] = model.X_lambda[i].apply( model.v[lambda]) + model.v_J[i]; /* LOG << "v_J (" << i << "):" << std::endl << v_J << std::endl; LOG << "v_lambda" << i << ":" << std::endl << model.v.at(lambda) << std::endl; LOG << "X_base (" << i << "):" << std::endl << model.X_base[i] << std::endl; LOG << "X_lambda (" << i << "):" << std::endl << model.X_lambda[i] << std::endl; LOG << "SpatialVelocity (" << i << "): " << model.v[i] << std::endl; */ model.c[i] = model.c_J[i] + crossm(model.v[i],model.v_J[i]); model.I[i].setSpatialMatrix (model.IA[i]); model.pA[i] = crossf(model.v[i],model.I[i] * model.v[i]); if (f_ext != NULL && (*f_ext)[i] != SpatialVector::Zero()) { LOG << "External force (" << i << ") = " << model.X_base[i].toMatrixAdjoint() * (*f_ext)[i] << std::endl; model.pA[i] -= model.X_base[i].toMatrixAdjoint() * (*f_ext)[i]; } } // ClearLogOutput(); LOG << "--- first loop ---" << std::endl; for (i = model.mBodies.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { unsigned int q_index = model.mJoints[i].q_index; if (model.mJoints[i].mDoFCount == 3) { model.multdof3_U[i] = model.IA[i] * model.multdof3_S[i]; #ifdef EIGEN_CORE_H model.multdof3_Dinv[i] = (model.multdof3_S[i].transpose() * model.multdof3_U[i]).inverse().eval(); #else model.multdof3_Dinv[i] = (model.multdof3_S[i].transpose() * model.multdof3_U[i]).inverse(); #endif Vector3d tau_temp (Tau[q_index], Tau[q_index + 1], Tau[q_index + 2]); model.multdof3_u[i] = tau_temp - model.multdof3_S[i].transpose() * model.pA[i]; // LOG << "multdof3_u[" << i << "] = " << model.multdof3_u[i].transpose() << std::endl; unsigned int lambda = model.lambda[i]; if (lambda != 0) { SpatialMatrix Ia = model.IA[i] - model.multdof3_U[i] * model.multdof3_Dinv[i] * model.multdof3_U[i].transpose(); SpatialVector pa = model.pA[i] + Ia * model.c[i] + model.multdof3_U[i] * model.multdof3_Dinv[i] * model.multdof3_u[i]; #ifdef EIGEN_CORE_H model.IA[lambda].noalias() += model.X_lambda[i].toMatrixTranspose() * Ia * model.X_lambda[i].toMatrix(); model.pA[lambda].noalias() += model.X_lambda[i].applyTranspose(pa); #else model.IA[lambda] += model.X_lambda[i].toMatrixTranspose() * Ia * model.X_lambda[i].toMatrix(); model.pA[lambda] += model.X_lambda[i].applyTranspose(pa); #endif LOG << "pA[" << lambda << "] = " << model.pA[lambda].transpose() << std::endl; } } else { model.U[i] = model.IA[i] * model.S[i]; model.d[i] = model.S[i].dot(model.U[i]); model.u[i] = Tau[q_index] - model.S[i].dot(model.pA[i]); // LOG << "u[" << i << "] = " << model.u[i] << std::endl; unsigned int lambda = model.lambda[i]; if (lambda != 0) { SpatialMatrix Ia = model.IA[i] - model.U[i] * (model.U[i] / model.d[i]).transpose(); SpatialVector pa = model.pA[i] + Ia * model.c[i] + model.U[i] * model.u[i] / model.d[i]; #ifdef EIGEN_CORE_H model.IA[lambda].noalias() += model.X_lambda[i].toMatrixTranspose() * Ia * model.X_lambda[i].toMatrix(); model.pA[lambda].noalias() += model.X_lambda[i].applyTranspose(pa); #else model.IA[lambda] += model.X_lambda[i].toMatrixTranspose() * Ia * model.X_lambda[i].toMatrix(); model.pA[lambda] += model.X_lambda[i].applyTranspose(pa); #endif LOG << "pA[" << lambda << "] = " << model.pA[lambda].transpose() << std::endl; } } } // ClearLogOutput(); model.a[0] = spatial_gravity * -1.; for (i = 1; i < model.mBodies.size(); i++) { unsigned int q_index = model.mJoints[i].q_index; unsigned int lambda = model.lambda[i]; SpatialTransform X_lambda = model.X_lambda[i]; model.a[i] = X_lambda.apply(model.a[lambda]) + model.c[i]; LOG << "a'[" << i << "] = " << model.a[i].transpose() << std::endl; if (model.mJoints[i].mDoFCount == 3) { Vector3d qdd_temp = model.multdof3_Dinv[i] * (model.multdof3_u[i] - model.multdof3_U[i].transpose() * model.a[i]); QDDot[q_index] = qdd_temp[0]; QDDot[q_index + 1] = qdd_temp[1]; QDDot[q_index + 2] = qdd_temp[2]; model.a[i] = model.a[i] + model.multdof3_S[i] * qdd_temp; } else { QDDot[q_index] = (1./model.d[i]) * (model.u[i] - model.U[i].dot(model.a[i])); model.a[i] = model.a[i] + model.S[i] * QDDot[q_index]; } } LOG << "QDDot = " << QDDot.transpose() << std::endl; } RBDL_DLLAPI void ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirectPtr ( Model &model, const double *q_ptr, const double *qdot_ptr, const double *tau_ptr, ConstraintSet &CS, double *qddot_ptr ) { LOG << "-------- " << __func__ << " --------" << std::endl; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; VectorNdRef&& Q = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(q_ptr), model.q_size); VectorNdRef&& QDot = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(qdot_ptr), model.qdot_size); VectorNdRef&& QDDot = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(qddot_ptr), model.qdot_size); VectorNdRef&& Tau = VectorFromPtr(const_cast(tau_ptr), model.qdot_size); // create copy of non-const accelerations VectorNd QDDot_dummy = QDDot; LOG << "Q = " << Q.transpose() << std::endl; LOG << "QDot = " << QDot.transpose() << std::endl; LOG << "Tau = " << Tau.transpose() << std::endl; LOG << "QDDot = " << QDDot.transpose() << std::endl; LOG << "QDDot_dummy = " << QDDot_dummy.transpose() << std::endl; // calling non-pointer version ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirect ( model, Q, QDot, Tau, CS, QDDot_dummy ); for (int i = 0; i < model.qdot_size; ++i) { QDDot[i] = QDDot_dummy[i]; } LOG << "QDDot = " << QDDot.transpose() << std::endl; LOG << "QDDot_dummy = " << QDDot_dummy.transpose() << std::endl; LOG << "---" << std::endl; } }