/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenSim: SmoothSegmentedFunctionFactory.cpp -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The OpenSim API is a toolkit for musculoskeletal modeling and simulation. See http:%opensim.stanford.edu and the NOTICE file for more information. OpenSim is developed at Stanford University and supported by the US National Institutes of Health (U54 GM072970, R24 HD065690) and by DARPA through the Warrior Web program. Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Stanford University and the Authors Author(s): Matthew Millard Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http:%www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derivative work Date : September 2016 Authors(s): Millard Updates : Made active torque-angle, passive-torque-angle, torque-velocity and tendon-torque-angle curves based on the equivalent line-type curves in OpenSim. */ #include "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::Muscle; using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::Geometry; static double SQRTEPS = sqrt( (double)std::numeric_limits::epsilon()); //============================================================================= // Anderson 2007 Active Torque Angle Curve //============================================================================= void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory:: createAnderson2007ActiveTorqueAngleCurve( double c2, double c3, const std::string& curveName, SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate) { //Check the input arguments if( !(c2 > 0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createAnderson2007ActiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": c2 must be greater than 0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } std::string name=curveName; name.append(".createAnderson2007ActiveTorqueAngleCurve"); //For now these advanced paramters are hidden. They will only be //uncovered if absolutely necessary. double minValueAtShoulders = 0; double minShoulderSlopeMagnitude = 0; double curviness = 0.5; double c = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit::scaleCurviness(curviness); //Translate the user parameters to quintic Bezier points double x0 = c3 - 1.05*(0.5*(M_PI/c2)); double x1 = c3 - 0.95*(0.5*(M_PI/c2)); double x2 = c3; double x3 = c3 + 0.95*(0.5*(M_PI/c2)); double x4 = c3 + 1.05*(0.5*(M_PI/c2)); double y0 = minValueAtShoulders; double y1 = cos(c2*(x1-c3)); double y2 = cos(c2*(x2-c3)); double y3 = cos(c2*(x3-c3)); double y4 = minValueAtShoulders; double dydx0 = minShoulderSlopeMagnitude; double dydx1 = -sin(c2*(x1-c3))*c2; double dydx2 = -sin(c2*(x2-c3))*c2; double dydx3 = -sin(c2*(x3-c3))*c2; double dydx4 = -minShoulderSlopeMagnitude; //Compute the Quintic Bezier control points RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p0 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x0,y0,dydx0, x1,y1,dydx1,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p1 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x1,y1,dydx1, x2,y2,dydx2,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p2 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x2,y2,dydx2, x3,y3,dydx3,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p3 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x3,y3,dydx3, x4,y4,dydx4,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd mX(6,4); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd mY(6,4); mX.col(0) = p0.col(0); mY.col(0) = p0.col(1); mX.col(1) = p1.col(0); mY.col(1) = p1.col(1); mX.col(2) = p2.col(0); mY.col(2) = p2.col(1); mX.col(3) = p3.col(0); mY.col(3) = p3.col(1); smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate.updSmoothSegmentedFunction( mX, mY, x0, x4, y0, y4, dydx0, dydx4, curveName); } //============================================================================= // ANDERSON 2007 Active Torque Angular Velocity Curve //============================================================================= void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory:: createAnderson2007ActiveTorqueVelocityCurve( double c4, double c5, double c6, double minEccentricMultiplier, double maxEccentricMultiplier, const std::string& curveName, SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate) { //Check the input arguments if( !(c4 < c5) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createAndersonActiveTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": c4 must be greater than c5" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( !((c4 > 0)) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createAndersonActiveTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": c4 must be greater than 0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( !(c6 > 0.0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createAndersonActiveTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": c6 must be greater than 1.0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( !(minEccentricMultiplier > 1.0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createAndersonActiveTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": minEccentricMultiplier must be greater than 1.0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( !(maxEccentricMultiplier > minEccentricMultiplier) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createAndersonActiveTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": maxEccentricMultiplier must be greater than " << " minEccentricMultiplier" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } //Advanced settings that we'll hide for now double minShoulderSlopeMagnitude = 0; double curviness = 0.75; double c = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit::scaleCurviness(curviness); //Go and get the value of the curve that is closest to //the maximum contraction velocity by setting rhs of Eqn. 9 //to 0 and solving double dthMaxConc = abs( 2.0*c4*c5/(c5-3.0*c4) ); //Go and evaluate the concentric side of the Anderson curve //at 1/2 of omega max - we need this to use the updated //torque-velocity curve. double wMid = dthMaxConc*0.50; double tvMidDen = (2*c4*c5 + wMid*(2*c5-4*c4)); double tvMid = (2*c4*c5 + wMid*(c5-3*c4))/tvMidDen; tvMid = min(tvMid,0.45); double tvMaxEcc = 1.1 + c6*0.2; createTorqueVelocityCurve(tvMaxEcc, tvMid, curveName, smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate); } //============================================================================= // ANDERSON 2007 Passive Torque Angle Curve //============================================================================= void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory:: createAnderson2007PassiveTorqueAngleCurve( double scale, double c1, double b1, double k1, double b2, double k2, const std::string& curveName, SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate) { if( !(scale > 0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createAnderson2007PassiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": scale must be greater than 0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( !(c1 > 0) ) { cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createAnderson2007PassiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": c1 must be greater than 0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } //Advanced settings that we'll hide for now double curviness = 0.75; double c = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit::scaleCurviness(curviness); double minShoulderSlopeMagnitude = 0; //Zero out the coefficients associated with a //the side of the curve that goes negative. bool flag_oneSided = true; if(flag_oneSided){ if(fabs(b1) > 0){ if(b1 > 0){ b2 = 0; k2 = 0; }else{ b1 = 0; k1 = 0; } }else if(fabs(b2) > 0){ if(b2 > 0){ b1 = 0; k1 = 0; }else{ b2 = 0; k2 = 0; } } } //Divide up the curve into a left half //and a right half, rather than 1 and 2. //Why? These two different halves require different // Bezier curves. double c1Scale = c1*scale; double thL = 0.; //left double thR = 0.; //right double DtauDthL = 0.; double DtauDthR = 0.; double bL = 0.; double kL = 0.; double bR = 0.; double kR = 0.; int curveType = 0; //flat curve int flag_thL = 0; int flag_thR = 0; if(fabs(k1)>0 && fabs(b1)>0){ //The value of theta where the passive force generated by the //muscle is equal to 1 maximum isometric contraction. thL = (1/k1)*log(fabs( c1Scale/b1 )); DtauDthL = b1*k1*exp(thL*k1); bL = b1; kL = k1; flag_thL = 1; } if(fabs(k2)>0 && fabs(b2)>0){ //The value of theta where the passive force generated by the //muscle is equal to 1 maximum isometric contraction. thR = (1/k2)*log(fabs( c1Scale/b2 )); DtauDthR = b2*k2*exp(thR*k2); bR = b2; kR = k2; flag_thR = 1; } //A 'left' curve has a negative slope, //A 'right' curve has a positive slope. if(DtauDthL > DtauDthR){ double tmpD = thL; thL = thR; thR = tmpD; tmpD = bR; bR = bL; bL = tmpD; tmpD = kR; kR = kL; kL = tmpD; tmpD = DtauDthL; DtauDthL = DtauDthR; DtauDthR = tmpD; int tmpI = flag_thL; flag_thL = flag_thR; flag_thR = tmpI; } if(flag_thL){ curveType = curveType + 1; } if(flag_thR){ curveType = curveType + 2; } RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd mX(6,1); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd mY(6,1); double xStart = 0; double xEnd = 0; double yStart = 0; double yEnd = 0; double dydxStart = 0; double dydxEnd = 0; switch(curveType){ case 0: {//No curve - it's a flat line RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p0 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(0.,0.,0., 1.,0.,0.,c); mX.col(0) = p0.col(0); mY.col(0) = p0.col(1); }break; case 1: { //Get a point on the curve that is close to 0. double x1 = (1/kL)*log(fabs(0.01*c1Scale/bL) ); double y1 = bL*exp(kL*x1); double dydx1 = bL*kL*exp(kL*x1); //Get a point that is at 1 maximum isometric torque double x3 = thL; double y3 = bL*exp(kL*x3); double dydx3 = bL*kL*exp(kL*x3); //Get a mid-point double x2 = 0.5*(x1+x3); double y2 = bL*exp(kL*x2); double dydx2 = bL*kL*exp(kL*x2); //Past the crossing point of the linear extrapolation double x0 = x1 - 2*y1/dydx1; double y0 = 0; double dydx0 = minShoulderSlopeMagnitude*copysign(1.0,dydx1); xStart = x3; xEnd = x0; yStart = y3; yEnd = y0; dydxStart = dydx3; dydxEnd = dydx0; RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p0 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x3,y3,dydx3, x2,y2,dydx2,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p1 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x2,y2,dydx2, x1,y1,dydx1,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p2 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x1,y1,dydx1, x0,y0,dydx0,c); mX.resize(6,3); mY.resize(6,3); mX.col(0) = p0.col(0); mY.col(0) = p0.col(1); mX.col(1) = p1.col(0); mY.col(1) = p1.col(1); mX.col(2) = p2.col(0); mY.col(2) = p2.col(1); }break; case 2: { //Get a point on the curve that is close to 0. double x1 = (1/kR)*log(fabs(0.01*c1Scale/bR) ); double y1 = bR*exp(kR*x1); double dydx1 = bR*kR*exp(kR*x1); //Go just past the crossing point of the linear extrapolation double x0 = x1 - 2*y1/dydx1; double y0 = 0; double dydx0 = minShoulderSlopeMagnitude*copysign(1.0,dydx1); //Get a point close to 1 maximum isometric torque double x3 = thR; double y3 = bR*exp(kR*x3); double dydx3 = bR*kR*exp(kR*x3); //Get a mid point. double x2 = 0.5*(x1+x3); double y2 = bR*exp(kR*x2); double dydx2 = bR*kR*exp(kR*x2); xStart = x0; xEnd = x3; yStart = y0; yEnd = y3; dydxStart = dydx0; dydxEnd = dydx3; RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p0 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x0,y0,dydx0, x1,y1,dydx1,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p1 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x1,y1,dydx1, x2,y2,dydx2,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p2 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x2,y2,dydx2, x3,y3,dydx3,c); mX.resize(6,3); mY.resize(6,3); mX.col(0) = p0.col(0); mY.col(0) = p0.col(1); mX.col(1) = p1.col(0); mY.col(1) = p1.col(1); mX.col(2) = p2.col(0); mY.col(2) = p2.col(1); }break; case 3: { //Only when flag_oneSided = false; double x0 = thL; double x4 = thR; double x2 = 0.5*(x0 + x4); double x1 = 0.5*(x0 + x2); double x3 = 0.5*(x2 + x4); double y0 = b1*exp(k1*x0) + b2*exp(k2*x0); double y1 = b1*exp(k1*x1) + b2*exp(k2*x1); double y2 = b1*exp(k1*x2) + b2*exp(k2*x2); double y3 = b1*exp(k1*x3) + b2*exp(k2*x3); double y4 = b1*exp(k1*x4) + b2*exp(k2*x4); double dydx0 = b1*k1*exp(k1*x0) + b2*k2*exp(k2*x0); double dydx1 = b1*k1*exp(k1*x1) + b2*k2*exp(k2*x1); double dydx2 = b1*k1*exp(k1*x2) + b2*k2*exp(k2*x2); double dydx3 = b1*k1*exp(k1*x3) + b2*k2*exp(k2*x3); double dydx4 = b1*k1*exp(k1*x4) + b2*k2*exp(k2*x4); xStart = x0; xEnd = x4; yStart = y0; yEnd = y4; dydxStart = dydx0; dydxEnd = dydx4; RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p0 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x0,y0,dydx0, x1,y1,dydx1,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p1 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x1,y1,dydx1, x2,y2,dydx2,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p2 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x2,y2,dydx2, x3,y3,dydx3,c); RigidBodyDynamics::Math::MatrixNd p3 = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x3,y3,dydx3, x4,y4,dydx4,c); mX.resize(6,4); mY.resize(6,4); mX.col(0) = p0.col(0); mY.col(0) = p0.col(1); mX.col(1) = p1.col(0); mY.col(1) = p1.col(1); mX.col(2) = p2.col(0); mY.col(2) = p2.col(1); mX.col(3) = p3.col(0); mY.col(3) = p3.col(1); }break; default: { cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createAnderson2007PassiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": undefined curveType" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } }; //Normalize the y values. mY = mY*(1/c1Scale); smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate.updSmoothSegmentedFunction( mX, mY, xStart, xEnd, yStart/c1Scale, yEnd/c1Scale, dydxStart/c1Scale, dydxEnd/c1Scale, curveName); } //============================================================================= // // New torque-muscle characteristic curves // //============================================================================= //============================================================================= // torque-velocity curves //============================================================================= void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::createTorqueVelocityCurve( double tvAtEccentricOmegaMax, double tvAtHalfConcentricOmegaMax, const std::string& curveName, RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::Geometry::SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate ) { double slopeAtConcentricOmegaMax = 0.0; double slopeNearEccentricOmegaMax = -0.025; double slopeAtEccentricOmegaMax = 0.0; double eccentricCurviness = 0.75; createTorqueVelocityCurve( tvAtEccentricOmegaMax, tvAtHalfConcentricOmegaMax, slopeAtConcentricOmegaMax, slopeNearEccentricOmegaMax, slopeAtEccentricOmegaMax, eccentricCurviness, curveName, smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate); } void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::createTorqueVelocityCurve( double tvAtEccentricOmegaMax, double tvAtHalfConcentricOmegaMax, double slopeAtConcentricOmegaMax, double slopeNearEccentricOmegaMax, double slopeAtEccentricOmegaMax, double eccentricCurviness, const std::string& curveName, RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::Geometry::SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate ) { if( (tvAtEccentricOmegaMax < 1.05) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": tvAtEccentricOmegaMax must be greater than 1.05" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (tvAtHalfConcentricOmegaMax < 0.05 || tvAtHalfConcentricOmegaMax > 0.45) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": tvAtHalfOmegaMax must be in the interval [0.05,0.45]" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (slopeAtConcentricOmegaMax > 0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": slopeAtConcentricOmegaMax cannot be less than 0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (slopeNearEccentricOmegaMax > 0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": slopeNearEccentricOmegaMax cannot be less than 0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (slopeAtEccentricOmegaMax > 0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": slopeAtEccentricOmegaMax cannot be less than 0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (eccentricCurviness < 0 || eccentricCurviness > 1.0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": eccentricCurviness must be in the interval [0,1]" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } double omegaMax = 1.0; double wmaxC = omegaMax; //In biomechanics the concentric side gets a //a +'ve signed velocity double wmaxE = -omegaMax; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1. Fit concentric Bezier curves to a Hill-type hyperbolic curve //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* First we compute the terms that are consistent with a Hill-type concentric contraction. Starting from Hill's hyperbolic equation f(w) = (fiso*b - a*w) / (b+w) Taking a derivative w.r.t omega yields df(w)/dw = [ (fiso*b - a*w + a*(b+w))] / (b+w)^2 at w = wmaxC the numerator goes to 0 (fiso*b - a*wmaxC) / (b + wmaxC) = 0 (fiso*b - a*wmaxC) = 0; b = a*wmaxC/fiso; Subtituting this expression for b into the expression when f(wHalf) = tvAtHalfOmegaMax yields this expression for parameter a a = tvAtHalfOmegaMax*w*fiso ... / (wmaxC*tvAtHalfOmegaMax + fiso*wmaxC - fiso*w); */ double fiso = 1.0; double w = 0.5*wmaxC; double a = -tvAtHalfConcentricOmegaMax*w*fiso / (wmaxC*tvAtHalfConcentricOmegaMax - fiso*wmaxC + fiso*w); double b = a*wmaxC/fiso; double yCheck = (b*fiso-a*w)/(b+w); if( abs(yCheck-tvAtHalfConcentricOmegaMax) > SQRTEPS ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": Internal error fitting the concentric curve to Hill's " << "hyperbolic curve. This error condition was true: " << "abs(yCheck-tvAtHalfOmegaMax) > sqrt(eps)" << "Consult the maintainers of this addon." << endl; assert(0); abort(); } w = 0*wmaxC; double dydxIso = (-(a)*(b+w) - (b*fiso-a*w)) / ((b+w)*(b+w)); w = 0.9*wmaxC; double dydxNearC = (-(a)*(b+w) - (b*fiso-a*w)) / ((b+w)*(b+w)); if( dydxNearC > slopeAtConcentricOmegaMax || abs(dydxNearC) > abs(1/wmaxC) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTorqueVelocityCurve " << curveName << ": Internal error fitting the concentric curve to Hill's " << "hyperbolic curve. This error condition was true: " << " dydxNearC < dydxC || dydxNearC > abs(1/wmaxC)" << "Consult the maintainers of this addon." << endl; assert(0); abort(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Iterate over the curviness value to get a good match between Hill's // hyperbolic curve and the Bezier curve //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- double xNearC = 0.9*wmaxC; double yNearC = (b*fiso-a*w)/(b+w); double xIso = 0; double yIso = 1.0; double cC = 0.5; MatrixNd pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(xIso, yIso, dydxIso, xNearC,yNearC, dydxNearC, cC); MatrixNd xpts(6,1); xpts.col(0) = pts.col(0); MatrixNd ypts(6,1); ypts.col(0) = pts.col(1); SmoothSegmentedFunction fvCFcn = SmoothSegmentedFunction( xpts,ypts, xIso,xNearC, yIso,yNearC, dydxIso,dydxNearC, "tvFcn"); SmoothSegmentedFunction fvCFcnLeft = SmoothSegmentedFunction(); SmoothSegmentedFunction fvCFcnRight = SmoothSegmentedFunction(); int nSample = 10; double f = 0; double yHill = 0; //Calculate the error of the Bezier curve with the starting curviness value //of 0.5 for(int j=0; j (0.9/abs(angleAtOneNormTorque-angleAtZeroTorque)) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createPassiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": stiffnessAtLowTorque has a magnitude that is too " << "large, it exceeds 0.9/abs(angleAtOneNormTorque-angleAtZeroTorque)" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( abs(stiffnessAtOneNormTorque) < (1.1/abs(angleAtOneNormTorque-angleAtZeroTorque)) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createPassiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": stiffnessAtOneNormTorque has a magnitude that is too " << "small, it is less than 1.1/abs(angleAtOneNormTorque-angleAtZeroTorque)" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( stiffnessAtOneNormTorque*stiffnessAtLowTorque < 0.0 ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createPassiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": stiffnessAtLowTorque and stiffnessAtOneNormTorque must have the" << " same sign." << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( stiffnessAtOneNormTorque *(angleAtOneNormTorque-angleAtZeroTorque) < 0.0){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createPassiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": stiffnessAtOneNormTorque must have the same sign as " << "(angleAtOneNormTorque-angleAtZeroTorque)" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (curviness < 0 || curviness > 1.0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createPassiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": curviness must be in the interval [0,1]" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } MatrixNd xM(6,2); MatrixNd yM(6,2); MatrixNd pts(6,2); double x0,x1,y0,y1,dydx0,dydx1; if(angleAtZeroTorque < angleAtOneNormTorque){ x0 = angleAtZeroTorque; x1 = angleAtOneNormTorque; y0 = 0.; y1 = 1.; dydx0 = 0.0; dydx1 = stiffnessAtOneNormTorque; }else{ x0 = angleAtOneNormTorque; x1 = angleAtZeroTorque; y0 = 1.0; y1 = 0.0; dydx0 = stiffnessAtOneNormTorque; dydx1 = 0.0; } double c = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit::scaleCurviness(curviness); if(abs(stiffnessAtOneNormTorque) > SQRTEPS){ double delta = min( 0.1*(1.0-abs(1.0/stiffnessAtOneNormTorque)), 0.05*abs(x1-x0)); if(stiffnessAtOneNormTorque < 0.){ delta *= -1.0; } double xLow = angleAtZeroTorque + delta; double xFoot = angleAtZeroTorque + 0.5*(xLow-angleAtZeroTorque); double yFoot = 0.0; double yLow = yFoot + stiffnessAtLowTorque*(xLow-xFoot); pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit::calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints( x0, y0, dydx0, xLow,yLow,stiffnessAtLowTorque, c); xM.col(0) = pts.col(0); yM.col(0) = pts.col(1); pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit::calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints( xLow,yLow,stiffnessAtLowTorque, x1, y1, dydx1, c); xM.col(1) = pts.col(0); yM.col(1) = pts.col(1); }else{ pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints( angleAtZeroTorque,0, 0, angleAtOneNormTorque,0, 0, c); xM.col(0) = pts.col(0); yM.col(1) = pts.col(1); } smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate.updSmoothSegmentedFunction( xM, yM, x0, x1, y0, y1, dydx0, dydx1, curveName); } //============================================================================= // active-torque angle curve //============================================================================= void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::createGaussianShapedActiveTorqueAngleCurve( double angleAtOneNormTorque, double angularStandardDeviation, const std::string& curveName, RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::Geometry::SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate ) { createGaussianShapedActiveTorqueAngleCurve( angleAtOneNormTorque, angularStandardDeviation, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, curveName, smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate ); } void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::createGaussianShapedActiveTorqueAngleCurve( double angleAtOneNormTorque, double angularStandardDeviation, double minSlopeAtShoulders, double minValueAtShoulders, double curviness, const std::string& curveName, RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::Geometry::SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate ) { if( (angularStandardDeviation < SQRTEPS) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createGaussianShapedActiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": angularStandardDeviation is less than sqrt(eps)" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (minValueAtShoulders < 0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createGaussianShapedActiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": minValueAtShoulders is less than 0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (minSlopeAtShoulders < 0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createGaussianShapedActiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": minSlopeAtShoulders is less than 0" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (curviness < 0 || curviness > 1.0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createGaussianShapedActiveTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": curviness must be in the interval [0,1]" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } double taCutoff = 1e-3; if(taCutoff < minValueAtShoulders ){ taCutoff = minValueAtShoulders; } double angularStandardDeviationSq = angularStandardDeviation*angularStandardDeviation; double thetaWidth = sqrt(-log(taCutoff)*2*angularStandardDeviationSq); double thetaMin = -thetaWidth + angleAtOneNormTorque; double thetaMax = thetaWidth + angleAtOneNormTorque; double c = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit::scaleCurviness(curviness); double x0 = thetaMin; double x1 = angleAtOneNormTorque - angularStandardDeviation; double x2 = angleAtOneNormTorque; double x3 = angleAtOneNormTorque + angularStandardDeviation; if( (angleAtOneNormTorque-thetaMin) < (angleAtOneNormTorque-angularStandardDeviation)){ x1 = angleAtOneNormTorque - 0.5*thetaMin; x3 = angleAtOneNormTorque + 0.5*thetaMin; } double x4 = thetaMax; double y0 = minValueAtShoulders; double y1 = exp(-(x1-angleAtOneNormTorque)*(x1-angleAtOneNormTorque) / (2*angularStandardDeviationSq) ); double y2 = exp(-(x2-angleAtOneNormTorque)*(x2-angleAtOneNormTorque) / (2*angularStandardDeviationSq) ); double y3 = exp(-(x3-angleAtOneNormTorque)*(x3-angleAtOneNormTorque) / (2*angularStandardDeviationSq) ); double y4 = minValueAtShoulders; double dydx1 = -(2*(x1-angleAtOneNormTorque) / (2*angularStandardDeviationSq)) * y1; double dydx2 = -(2*(x2-angleAtOneNormTorque) / (2*angularStandardDeviationSq)) * y2; double dydx3 = -(2*(x3-angleAtOneNormTorque) / (2*angularStandardDeviationSq)) * y3; double dydx0 = minSlopeAtShoulders; double dydx4 = minSlopeAtShoulders; if(dydx1 < 0){ dydx0 *= -1.0; } if(dydx3 < 0){ dydx4 *= -1.0; } MatrixNd xM(6,4); MatrixNd yM(6,4); MatrixNd pts(6,2); pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints( x0,y0, dydx0, x1,y1, dydx1, c); xM.col(0) = pts.col(0); yM.col(0) = pts.col(1); pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints( x1,y1, dydx1, x2,y2, dydx2, c); xM.col(1) = pts.col(0); yM.col(1) = pts.col(1); pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints( x2,y2, dydx2, x3,y3, dydx3, c); xM.col(2) = pts.col(0); yM.col(2) = pts.col(1); pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints( x3,y3, dydx3, x4,y4, dydx4, c); xM.col(3) = pts.col(0); yM.col(3) = pts.col(1); smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate.updSmoothSegmentedFunction( xM, yM, x0, x4, y0, y4, dydx0,dydx4, curveName); } //============================================================================= // tendon-torque angle curve //============================================================================= void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::createTendonTorqueAngleCurve( double angularStretchAtOneNormTorque, const std::string& curveName, RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::Geometry::SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate ) { createTendonTorqueAngleCurve( angularStretchAtOneNormTorque, 1.5/angularStretchAtOneNormTorque, 1.0/3.0, 0.5, curveName, smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate ); } void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::createTendonTorqueAngleCurve( double angularStretchAtOneNormTorque, double stiffnessAtOneNormTorque, double normTorqueAtToeEnd, double curviness, const std::string& curveName, RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::Geometry::SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate ) { if( angularStretchAtOneNormTorque < SQRTEPS ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTendonTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": angularStretchAtOneNormTorque should be greater than sqrt(eps)" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( stiffnessAtOneNormTorque < 1.1/angularStretchAtOneNormTorque){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTendonTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": stiffnessAtOneNormTorque should be greater " << " than 1.1/angularStretchAtOneNormTorque" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( normTorqueAtToeEnd < SQRTEPS || normTorqueAtToeEnd > 0.99){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTendonTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": normTorqueAtToeEnd must be in the inteval [sqrt(eps), 0.99]" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } if( (curviness < 0 || curviness > 1.0) ){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createTendonTorqueAngleCurve " << curveName << ": curviness must be in the interval [0,1]" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } double c = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit::scaleCurviness(curviness); double x0 = 0; double y0 = 0; double dydx0 = 0; double xIso = angularStretchAtOneNormTorque; double yIso = 1; double dydxIso = stiffnessAtOneNormTorque; //Location where the curved section becomes linear double yToe = normTorqueAtToeEnd; double xToe = (yToe-1)/stiffnessAtOneNormTorque + xIso; //To limit the 2nd derivative of the toe region the line it tends to //has to intersect the x axis to the right of the origin double xFoot = (xToe)/10.0; double yFoot = 0; //Compute the location of the corner formed by the average slope of the //toe and the slope of the linear section double yToeMid = yToe*0.5; double xToeMid = (yToeMid-yIso)/stiffnessAtOneNormTorque + xIso; double dydxToeMid = (yToeMid-yFoot)/(xToeMid-xFoot); //Compute the location of the control point to the left of the corner double xToeCtrl = xFoot + 0.5*(xToeMid-xFoot); double yToeCtrl = yFoot + dydxToeMid*(xToeCtrl-xFoot); MatrixNd xM(6,2); MatrixNd yM(6,2); MatrixNd pts(6,2); //Compute the Quintic Bezier control points pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x0, y0, dydx0, xToeCtrl,yToeCtrl,dydxToeMid, c); xM.col(0) = pts.col(0); yM.col(0) = pts.col(1); pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(xToeCtrl, yToeCtrl, dydxToeMid, xToe, yToe, dydxIso, c); xM.col(1) = pts.col(0); yM.col(1) = pts.col(1); smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate.updSmoothSegmentedFunction(xM,yM, x0,xToe, y0,yToe, dydx0,dydxIso, curveName); } //============================================================================= // damping blending curve //============================================================================= void TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::createDampingBlendingCurve( double normAngularVelocityAtMaximumDamping, const std::string& curveName, RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::Geometry::SmoothSegmentedFunction& smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate) { if( abs(normAngularVelocityAtMaximumDamping) < SQRTEPS){ cerr << "TorqueMuscleFunctionFactory::" << "createDampingBlendingCurve " << curveName << ": |normAngularVelocityAtMaximumDamping| < SQRTEPS" << endl; assert(0); abort(); } double x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2,dydx0,dydx1,dydx2; if(normAngularVelocityAtMaximumDamping > 0){ x0 = 0.; x2 = normAngularVelocityAtMaximumDamping; y0 = 0.; y2 = 1.; }else{ x0 = normAngularVelocityAtMaximumDamping; x2 = 0.; y0 = 1.0; y2 = 0.0; } x1 = 0.5*(x0+x2); y1 = 0.5*(y0+y2); dydx0 = 0.; dydx2 = 0.; dydx1 = 2.0*(y2-y0)/(x2-x0); double c = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit::scaleCurviness(0.5); MatrixNd xM(6,2); MatrixNd yM(6,2); MatrixNd pts(6,2); //Compute the Quintic Bezier control points pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x0, y0, dydx0, x1, y1, dydx1, c); xM.col(0) = pts.col(0); yM.col(0) = pts.col(1); pts = SegmentedQuinticBezierToolkit:: calcQuinticBezierCornerControlPoints(x1, y1, dydx1, x2, y2, dydx2, c); xM.col(1) = pts.col(0); yM.col(1) = pts.col(1); smoothSegmentedFunctionToUpdate.updSmoothSegmentedFunction(xM,yM, x0,x2, y0,y2, dydx0,dydx2, curveName); }