#ifndef _RBDL_LUAMODEL_H #define _RBDL_LUAMODEL_H #include #include #include extern "C" { struct lua_State; }; namespace RigidBodyDynamics { struct Model; struct ConstraintSet; namespace Addons { /** \page addon_luamodel_page Addon: rbdl_luamodel * @{ * * \section luamodel_introduction Lua Models * * The Addon LuaModel allows to load \link RigidBodyDynamics::Model Models\endlink * that are specified as Lua scripts. Lua is * an open-source light-weight scripting language (http://www.lua.org). * This addon is not enabled by default and one has to enable it by * setting BUILD_ADDON_LUAMODEL to true in when configuring the RBDL with * CMake. * * This addon comes with a standalone utility that can show various * information of a lua model such as degree of freedom overview or model * hierarchy. It is located in addons/luamodel/rbdl_luamodel_test. Use the -h * switch to see available options. * * Note: this addon is not even remotely as thoroughly tested as the RBDL * itself so please use it with some suspicion. * * \section luamodel_format Format Overview * * Models have to be specified as a specially formatted Lua table which must * be returned by the script, i.e. if the model is specified in the table * "model = { ... }" the script has to return this when executed. Within the * returned table, rbdl_luamodel goes through the table "frames" and builds * the model from the individual Frame Information Tables (see further down * for more information about those). * * A valid file could look like this: * * \code * model = { * frames = { * { * * }, * { * * } * } * } * * return model * \endcode * * Apart from the frames you can also specify gravity in the model file. * * Example: * \code * model = { * gravity = {0., 0., -9.81} * * frames = { * ... * } * } * \endcode * * Finally, several constraint sets can be defined for the model. * * Example: * \code * model = { * constraint_sets = { * constraint_set_1_name = { * { * ... * }, * { * ... * }, * }, * constraint_set_2_name = { * ... * }, * }, * } * \endcode * * \note The table frames must contain all Frame Information Tables as a list * and individual tables must *not* be specified with a key, i.e. * \code * frames = { * some_frame = { * ... * }, * { * .. * } * } * \endcode * is not possible as Lua does not retain the order of the individual * frames when an explicit key is specified. * * \section luamodel_frame_table Frame Information Table * * The Frame Information Table is searched for values needed to call * Model::AddBody(). The following fields are used by rbdl_luamodel * (everything else is ignored): * * \par name (required, type: string): * Name of the body that is being added. This name must be unique. * * \par parent (required, type: string): * If the value is "ROOT" the parent frame of this body is assumed to be * the base coordinate system, otherwise it must be the exact same string * as was used for the "name"-field of the parent frame. * * \par body (optional, type: table) * Specification of the dynamical parameters of the body. It uses the * values (if existing): * \code * mass (scalar value, default 1.), * com (3-d vector, default: (0., 0., 0.)) * inertia (3x3 matrix, default: identity matrix) * \endcode * \par * to create a \ref RigidBodyDynamics::Body. * * \par joint (optional, type: table) * Specifies the type of joint, fixed or up to 6 degrees of freedom. Each * entry in the joint table should be a 6-d that defines the motion * subspace of a single degree of freedom. * \par * Default joint type is a fixed joint that attaches the body rigidly to * its parent. * \par * 3-DoF joints are described by using strings. The following 3-DoF * joints are available: * * - "JointTypeSpherical": for singularity-free spherical joints * - "JointTypeEulerZYX": Euler ZYX joint * - "JointTypeEulerXYZ": Euler XYZ joint * - "JointTypeEulerYXZ": Euler YXZ joint * - "JointTypeTranslationXYZ": Free translational joint * * \par * Examples: * \code * joint_fixed = {} * joint_translate_x = { {0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.} } * joint_translate_xy = { * {0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.}, * {0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.} * } * joint_rotate_zyx = { * {0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.}, * {0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, * {1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, * } * joint_rotate_euler_zyx = { "JointTypeEulerZYX" } * \endcode * * \par joint_frame (optional, type: table) * Specifies the origin of the joint in the frame of the parent. It uses * the values (if existing): * \code * r (3-d vector, default: (0., 0., 0.)) * E (3x3 matrix, default: identity matrix) * \endcode * \par * for which r is the translation and E the rotation of the joint frame * * \section luamodel_constraint_table Constraint Information Table * The Constraint Information Table is searched for values needed to call * ConstraintSet::AddContactConstraint() or ConstraintSet::AddLoopConstraint(). * The employed fields are defined as follows. Please note that different fields * may be used for different constraint types. * * \par constraint_type (required, type: string) * Specifies the type of constraints, either 'contact' or 'loop', other * values will cause a failure while reading the file. * * \par name (optional, type: string) * Specifies a name for the constraint. * * The following fields are used exclusively for contact constraints: * * \par body (required, type: string) * The name of the body involved in the constraint. * * \par point(optional, type: table) * The position of the contact point in body coordinates. Defaults to * (0, 0, 0). * * \par normal(optional, type: table) * The normal along which the constraint acts in world coordinates. * Defaults to (0, 0, 0). * * \par normal_acceleration(optional, type: number) * The normal acceleration along the constraint axis. Defaults to 0. * * The following fields are used exclusively for loop constraints: * * \par predecessor_body (required, type: string) * The name of the predecessor body involved in the constraint. * * \par successor_body (required, type: string) * The name of the successor body involved in the constraint. * * \par predecessor_transform (optional, type: table) * The transform of the predecessor constrained frame with respect to * the predecessor body frame. Defaults to the identity transform. * * \par sucessor_transform (optional, type: table) * The transform of the sucessor constrained frame with respect to * the sucessor body frame. Defaults to the identity transform. * * \par axis (optional, type: table) * The 6d spatial axis along which the constraint acts, in coordinates * relative to the predecessor constrained frame. Defaults to (0,0,0,0,0,0). * * \par enable_stabilization(optional, type: bool, default: false) * Whether Baumgarte stabilization should be enabled or not. * * \par stabilization_parameter(optional, type: number) * The stabilization parameter T_stab for the Baumgarte stabilization (see * RBDL documentation on how this parameter is used). Defaults to 0.1. * * \section luamodel_example Example * Here is an example of a model: * \include samplemodel.lua * * \section luamodel_example_constraints Example with constraints * Here is an example of a model including constraints: * \include sampleconstrainedmodel.lua * */ /** \brief Reads a model from a Lua file. * * \param filename the name of the Lua file. * \param model a pointer to the output Model structure. * \param verbose specifies wether information on the model should be printed * (default: true). * * \returns true if the model was read successfully. * * \note See \ref luamodel_introduction for information on how to define the * Lua model. */ RBDL_DLLAPI bool LuaModelReadFromFile ( const char* filename, Model* model, bool verbose = false); /** \brief Reads a model file and returns the names of all constraint sets. */ RBDL_DLLAPI std::vector LuaModelGetConstraintSetNames(const char* filename); /** \brief Reads a model and constraint sets from a Lua file. * * \param filename the name of the Lua file. * \param model a pointer to the output Model structure. * \param constraint_sets reference to a std::vector of ConstraintSet structures * in which to save the information read from the file. * \param constraint_set_names reference to a std::vector of std::string * specifying the names of the constraint sets to be read from the Lua file. * \param verbose specifies wether information on the model should be printed * (default: true). * * \returns true if the model and constraint sets were read successfully. * * \note constraint_sets and constraint_set_names are required to have the same * size. See \ref luamodel_introduction for information on how to define the * Lua model. */ RBDL_DLLAPI bool LuaModelReadFromFileWithConstraints ( const char* filename, Model* model, std::vector& constraint_sets, const std::vector& constraint_set_names, bool verbose = false); /** \brief Reads a model from a lua_State. * * \param L a pointer to the lua_State. * \param model a pointer to the output Model structure. * \param verbose specifies wether information on the model should be printed * (default: true). * * \returns true if the model was read successfully. */ RBDL_DLLAPI bool LuaModelReadFromLuaState ( lua_State* L, Model* model, bool verbose = false); /** @} */ } } /* _RBDL_LUAMODEL_H */ #endif