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* Copyright 2010-2016 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.
* License:
#include "bx.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h> //::memmove
#include <new>
# define BX_ALLOC(_allocator, _size) bx::alloc(_allocator, _size, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# define BX_REALLOC(_allocator, _ptr, _size) bx::realloc(_allocator, _ptr, _size, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# define BX_FREE(_allocator, _ptr) bx::free(_allocator, _ptr, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# define BX_ALIGNED_ALLOC(_allocator, _size, _align) bx::alloc(_allocator, _size, _align, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# define BX_ALIGNED_REALLOC(_allocator, _ptr, _size, _align) bx::realloc(_allocator, _ptr, _size, _align, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# define BX_ALIGNED_FREE(_allocator, _ptr, _align) bx::free(_allocator, _ptr, _align, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# define BX_NEW(_allocator, _type) ::new(BX_ALLOC(_allocator, sizeof(_type) ) ) _type
# define BX_DELETE(_allocator, _ptr) bx::deleteObject(_allocator, _ptr, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# define BX_ALIGNED_NEW(_allocator, _type, _align) ::new(BX_ALIGNED_ALLOC(_allocator, sizeof(_type), _align) ) _type
# define BX_ALIGNED_DELETE(_allocator, _ptr, _align) bx::deleteObject(_allocator, _ptr, _align, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# define BX_ALLOC(_allocator, _size) bx::alloc(_allocator, _size, 0)
# define BX_REALLOC(_allocator, _ptr, _size) bx::realloc(_allocator, _ptr, _size, 0)
# define BX_FREE(_allocator, _ptr) bx::free(_allocator, _ptr, 0)
# define BX_ALIGNED_ALLOC(_allocator, _size, _align) bx::alloc(_allocator, _size, _align)
# define BX_ALIGNED_REALLOC(_allocator, _ptr, _size, _align) bx::realloc(_allocator, _ptr, _size, _align)
# define BX_ALIGNED_FREE(_allocator, _ptr, _align) bx::free(_allocator, _ptr, _align)
# define BX_NEW(_allocator, _type) ::new(BX_ALLOC(_allocator, sizeof(_type) ) ) _type
# define BX_DELETE(_allocator, _ptr) bx::deleteObject(_allocator, _ptr, 0)
# define BX_ALIGNED_NEW(_allocator, _type, _align) ::new(BX_ALIGNED_ALLOC(_allocator, sizeof(_type), _align) ) _type
# define BX_ALIGNED_DELETE(_allocator, _ptr, _align) bx::deleteObject(_allocator, _ptr, _align)
namespace bx
/// Aligns pointer to nearest next aligned address. _align must be power of two.
inline void* alignPtr(void* _ptr, size_t _extra, size_t _align = BX_CONFIG_ALLOCATOR_NATURAL_ALIGNMENT)
union { void* ptr; size_t addr; } un;
un.ptr = _ptr;
size_t unaligned = un.addr + _extra; // space for header
size_t mask = _align-1;
size_t aligned = BX_ALIGN_MASK(unaligned, mask);
un.addr = aligned;
return un.ptr;
struct BX_NO_VTABLE AllocatorI
virtual ~AllocatorI() = 0;
/// Allocated, resizes memory block or frees memory.
/// @param[in] _ptr If _ptr is NULL new block will be allocated.
/// @param[in] _size If _ptr is set, and _size is 0, memory will be freed.
/// @param[in] _align Alignment.
/// @param[in] _file Debug file path info.
/// @param[in] _line Debug file line info.
virtual void* realloc(void* _ptr, size_t _size, size_t _align, const char* _file, uint32_t _line) = 0;
inline AllocatorI::~AllocatorI()
inline void* alloc(AllocatorI* _allocator, size_t _size, size_t _align = 0, const char* _file = NULL, uint32_t _line = 0)
return _allocator->realloc(NULL, _size, _align, _file, _line);
inline void free(AllocatorI* _allocator, void* _ptr, size_t _align = 0, const char* _file = NULL, uint32_t _line = 0)
_allocator->realloc(_ptr, 0, _align, _file, _line);
inline void* realloc(AllocatorI* _allocator, void* _ptr, size_t _size, size_t _align = 0, const char* _file = NULL, uint32_t _line = 0)
return _allocator->realloc(_ptr, _size, _align, _file, _line);
static inline void* alignedAlloc(AllocatorI* _allocator, size_t _size, size_t _align, const char* _file = NULL, uint32_t _line = 0)
size_t total = _size + _align;
uint8_t* ptr = (uint8_t*)alloc(_allocator, total, 0, _file, _line);
uint8_t* aligned = (uint8_t*)alignPtr(ptr, sizeof(uint32_t), _align);
uint32_t* header = (uint32_t*)aligned - 1;
*header = uint32_t(aligned - ptr);
return aligned;
static inline void alignedFree(AllocatorI* _allocator, void* _ptr, size_t /*_align*/, const char* _file = NULL, uint32_t _line = 0)
uint8_t* aligned = (uint8_t*)_ptr;
uint32_t* header = (uint32_t*)aligned - 1;
uint8_t* ptr = aligned - *header;
free(_allocator, ptr, 0, _file, _line);
static inline void* alignedRealloc(AllocatorI* _allocator, void* _ptr, size_t _size, size_t _align, const char* _file = NULL, uint32_t _line = 0)
if (NULL == _ptr)
return alignedAlloc(_allocator, _size, _align, _file, _line);
uint8_t* aligned = (uint8_t*)_ptr;
uint32_t offset = *( (uint32_t*)aligned - 1);
uint8_t* ptr = aligned - offset;
size_t total = _size + _align;
ptr = (uint8_t*)realloc(_allocator, ptr, total, 0, _file, _line);
uint8_t* newAligned = (uint8_t*)alignPtr(ptr, sizeof(uint32_t), _align);
if (newAligned == aligned)
return aligned;
aligned = ptr + offset;
::memmove(newAligned, aligned, _size);
uint32_t* header = (uint32_t*)newAligned - 1;
*header = uint32_t(newAligned - ptr);
return newAligned;
template <typename ObjectT>
inline void deleteObject(AllocatorI* _allocator, ObjectT* _object, size_t _align = 0, const char* _file = NULL, uint32_t _line = 0)
if (NULL != _object)
free(_allocator, _object, _align, _file, _line);
} // namespace bx