// based on https://github.com/nem0/LumixEngine/blob/master/external/imgui/imgui_dock.inl // modified from https://bitbucket.org/duangle/liminal/src/tip/src/liminal/imgui_dock.cpp #include "imgui.h" #define IMGUI_DEFINE_PLACEMENT_NEW #define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS #include "imgui_internal.h" #include "imgui_dock.h" using namespace ImGui; #define nullptr NULL struct DockContext { enum EndAction_ { EndAction_None, EndAction_Panel, EndAction_End, EndAction_EndChild }; enum Status_ { Status_Docked, Status_Float, Status_Dragged }; struct Dock { Dock() : id(0) , next_tab(nullptr) , prev_tab(nullptr) , parent(nullptr) , pos(0, 0) , size(-1, -1) , active(true) , movable(true) , status(Status_Float) , split_ratio(0.5, 0.5) , label(nullptr) , opened(false) { location[0] = 0; children[0] = children[1] = nullptr; } ~Dock() { MemFree(label); } ImVec2 getMinSize() const { if (!children[0]) return ImVec2(16, 16 + GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing()); ImVec2 s0 = children[0]->getMinSize(); ImVec2 s1 = children[1]->getMinSize(); return isHorizontal() ? ImVec2(s0.x + s1.x, ImMax(s0.y, s1.y)) : ImVec2(ImMax(s0.x, s1.x), s0.y + s1.y); } bool isHorizontal() const { return children[0]->pos.x < children[1]->pos.x; } void setParent(Dock* dock) { parent = dock; for (Dock* tmp = prev_tab; tmp; tmp = tmp->prev_tab) tmp->parent = dock; for (Dock* tmp = next_tab; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_tab) tmp->parent = dock; } Dock& getRoot() { Dock *dock = this; while (dock->parent) dock = dock->parent; return *dock; } Dock& getSibling() { IM_ASSERT(parent); if (parent->children[0] == &getFirstTab()) return *parent->children[1]; return *parent->children[0]; } Dock& getFirstTab() { Dock* tmp = this; while (tmp->prev_tab) tmp = tmp->prev_tab; return *tmp; } void setActive() { active = true; for (Dock* tmp = prev_tab; tmp; tmp = tmp->prev_tab) tmp->active = false; for (Dock* tmp = next_tab; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_tab) tmp->active = false; } bool isContainer() const { return children[0] != nullptr; } void setChildrenPosSize(const ImVec2& _pos, const ImVec2& _size) { ImVec2 s = children[0]->size; if (isHorizontal()) { s.y = _size.y; s.x = (float)int( _size.x * children[0]->size.x / (children[0]->size.x + children[1]->size.x)); if (s.x < children[0]->getMinSize().x) { s.x = children[0]->getMinSize().x; } else if (_size.x - s.x < children[1]->getMinSize().x) { s.x = _size.x - children[1]->getMinSize().x; } children[0]->setPosSize(_pos, s); s.x = _size.x - children[0]->size.x; ImVec2 p = _pos; p.x += children[0]->size.x; children[1]->setPosSize(p, s); } else { s.x = _size.x; s.y = (float)int( _size.y * children[0]->size.y / (children[0]->size.y + children[1]->size.y)); if (s.y < children[0]->getMinSize().y) { s.y = children[0]->getMinSize().y; } else if (_size.y - s.y < children[1]->getMinSize().y) { s.y = _size.y - children[1]->getMinSize().y; } children[0]->setPosSize(_pos, s); s.y = _size.y - children[0]->size.y; ImVec2 p = _pos; p.y += children[0]->size.y; children[1]->setPosSize(p, s); } } void setPosSize(const ImVec2& _pos, const ImVec2& _size) { size = _size; pos = _pos; for (Dock* tmp = prev_tab; tmp; tmp = tmp->prev_tab) { tmp->size = _size; tmp->pos = _pos; } for (Dock* tmp = next_tab; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_tab) { tmp->size = _size; tmp->pos = _pos; } if (!isContainer()) return; setChildrenPosSize(_pos, _size); } char* label; ImU32 id; Dock* next_tab; Dock* prev_tab; Dock* children[2]; Dock* parent; bool active; bool movable; ImVec2 pos; ImVec2 size; Status_ status; ImVec2 split_ratio; int last_frame; int invalid_frames; char location[16]; bool opened; bool first; }; ImVector m_docks; ImVec2 m_drag_offset; Dock* m_current; Dock *m_next_parent; int m_last_frame; EndAction_ m_end_action; ImVec2 m_workspace_pos; ImVec2 m_workspace_size; ImGuiDockSlot m_next_dock_slot; ImVec2 m_next_split_ratio; ImVec2 m_next_floating_size; DockContext() : m_current(nullptr) , m_next_parent(nullptr) , m_last_frame(0) , m_next_dock_slot(ImGuiDockSlot_Tab) , m_next_split_ratio(0.5, 0.5) , m_next_floating_size(-1, -1) { } ~DockContext() {} Dock& getDock(const char* label, bool opened) { ImU32 id = ImHash(label, 0); for (int i = 0; i < m_docks.size(); ++i) { if (m_docks[i]->id == id) return *m_docks[i]; } Dock* new_dock = (Dock*)MemAlloc(sizeof(Dock)); IM_PLACEMENT_NEW(new_dock) Dock(); m_docks.push_back(new_dock); new_dock->label = ImStrdup(label); IM_ASSERT(new_dock->label); new_dock->id = id; new_dock->setActive(); new_dock->status = (m_docks.size() == 1)?Status_Docked:Status_Float; new_dock->pos = ImVec2(0, 0); if (m_next_floating_size.x >= 0 && m_next_floating_size.y >= 0) { new_dock->size.x = m_next_floating_size.x < 0 ? GetIO().DisplaySize.x : m_next_floating_size.x; new_dock->size.y = m_next_floating_size.y < 0 ? GetIO().DisplaySize.y : m_next_floating_size.y; } else { new_dock->size.x = new_dock->size.x < 0 ? GetIO().DisplaySize.x : m_next_floating_size.x; new_dock->size.y = new_dock->size.y < 0 ? GetIO().DisplaySize.y : m_next_floating_size.y; } new_dock->split_ratio = m_next_split_ratio; new_dock->opened = opened; new_dock->first = true; new_dock->last_frame = 0; new_dock->invalid_frames = 0; new_dock->location[0] = 0; return *new_dock; } void putInBackground() { ImGuiWindow* win = GetCurrentWindow(); ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui; if (g.Windows[0] == win) return; for (int i = 0; i < g.Windows.Size; i++) { if (g.Windows[i] == win) { for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) { g.Windows[j + 1] = g.Windows[j]; } g.Windows[0] = win; break; } } } void splits() { if (GetFrameCount() == m_last_frame) return; m_last_frame = GetFrameCount(); putInBackground(); for (int i = 0; i < m_docks.size(); ++i) { Dock& dock = *m_docks[i]; if (!dock.parent && (dock.status == Status_Docked)) { dock.setPosSize(m_workspace_pos, m_workspace_size); } } ImU32 color = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Button); ImU32 color_hovered = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered); ImDrawList* draw_list = GetWindowDrawList(); ImGuiIO& io = GetIO(); for (int i = 0; i < m_docks.size(); ++i) { Dock& dock = *m_docks[i]; if (!dock.isContainer()) continue; PushID(i); if (!IsMouseDown(0)) dock.status = Status_Docked; ImVec2 pos0 = dock.children[0]->pos; ImVec2 pos1 = dock.children[1]->pos; ImVec2 size0 = dock.children[0]->size; ImVec2 size1 = dock.children[1]->size; ImGuiMouseCursor cursor; ImVec2 dsize(0, 0); ImVec2 min_size0 = dock.children[0]->getMinSize(); ImVec2 min_size1 = dock.children[1]->getMinSize(); if (dock.isHorizontal()) { cursor = ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW; SetCursorScreenPos(ImVec2(dock.pos.x + size0.x, dock.pos.y)); InvisibleButton("split", ImVec2(3, dock.size.y)); if (dock.status == Status_Dragged) dsize.x = io.MouseDelta.x; dsize.x = -ImMin(-dsize.x, dock.children[0]->size.x - min_size0.x); dsize.x = ImMin(dsize.x, dock.children[1]->size.x - min_size1.x); size0 += dsize; size1 -= dsize; pos0 = dock.pos; pos1.x = pos0.x + size0.x; pos1.y = dock.pos.y; size0.y = size1.y = dock.size.y; size1.x = ImMax(min_size1.x, dock.size.x - size0.x); size0.x = ImMax(min_size0.x, dock.size.x - size1.x); } else { cursor = ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS; SetCursorScreenPos(ImVec2(dock.pos.x, dock.pos.y + size0.y)); InvisibleButton("split", ImVec2(dock.size.x, 3)); if (dock.status == Status_Dragged) dsize.y = io.MouseDelta.y; dsize.y = -ImMin(-dsize.y, dock.children[0]->size.y - min_size0.y); dsize.y = ImMin(dsize.y, dock.children[1]->size.y - min_size1.y); size0 += dsize; size1 -= dsize; pos0 = dock.pos; pos1.x = dock.pos.x; pos1.y = pos0.y + size0.y; size0.x = size1.x = dock.size.x; size1.y = ImMax(min_size1.y, dock.size.y - size0.y); size0.y = ImMax(min_size0.y, dock.size.y - size1.y); } dock.children[0]->setPosSize(pos0, size0); dock.children[1]->setPosSize(pos1, size1); if (IsItemHovered()) { SetMouseCursor(cursor); } if (IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(0) && dock.movable) { dock.status = Status_Dragged; } draw_list->AddRectFilled( GetItemRectMin(), GetItemRectMax(), IsItemHovered() ? color_hovered : color); PopID(); } } void checkNonexistent() { int frame_limit = ImMax(0, ImGui::GetFrameCount() - 2); for (int i = 0; i < m_docks.size(); ++i) { Dock *dock = m_docks[i]; if (dock->isContainer()) continue; if (dock->status == Status_Float) continue; if (dock->last_frame < frame_limit) { ++dock->invalid_frames; if (dock->invalid_frames > 2) { doUndock(*dock); dock->status = Status_Float; } return; } dock->invalid_frames = 0; } } Dock* getDockAt(const ImVec2& pos) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_docks.size(); ++i) { Dock& dock = *m_docks[i]; if (dock.isContainer()) continue; if (dock.status != Status_Docked) continue; if (IsMouseHoveringRect(dock.pos, dock.pos + dock.size, false)) { return &dock; } } return nullptr; } static ImRect getDockedRect(const ImRect& rect, ImGuiDockSlot dock_slot) { ImVec2 half_size = rect.GetSize() * 0.5f; switch (dock_slot) { default: return rect; case ImGuiDockSlot_Top: return ImRect(rect.Min, ImVec2(rect.Max.x, rect.Min.y + half_size.y)); case ImGuiDockSlot_Right: return ImRect(rect.Min + ImVec2(half_size.x, 0), rect.Max); case ImGuiDockSlot_Bottom: return ImRect(rect.Min + ImVec2(0, half_size.y), rect.Max); case ImGuiDockSlot_Left: return ImRect(rect.Min, ImVec2(rect.Min.x + half_size.x, rect.Max.y)); } } static ImRect getSlotRect(ImRect parent_rect, ImGuiDockSlot dock_slot) { ImVec2 size = parent_rect.Max - parent_rect.Min; ImVec2 center = parent_rect.Min + size * 0.5f; switch (dock_slot) { default: return ImRect(center - ImVec2(20, 20), center + ImVec2(20, 20)); case ImGuiDockSlot_Top: return ImRect(center + ImVec2(-20, -50), center + ImVec2(20, -30)); case ImGuiDockSlot_Right: return ImRect(center + ImVec2(30, -20), center + ImVec2(50, 20)); case ImGuiDockSlot_Bottom: return ImRect(center + ImVec2(-20, +30), center + ImVec2(20, 50)); case ImGuiDockSlot_Left: return ImRect(center + ImVec2(-50, -20), center + ImVec2(-30, 20)); } } static ImRect getSlotRectOnBorder(ImRect parent_rect, ImGuiDockSlot dock_slot) { ImVec2 size = parent_rect.Max - parent_rect.Min; ImVec2 center = parent_rect.Min + size * 0.5f; switch (dock_slot) { case ImGuiDockSlot_Top: return ImRect(ImVec2(center.x - 20, parent_rect.Min.y + 10), ImVec2(center.x + 20, parent_rect.Min.y + 30)); case ImGuiDockSlot_Left: return ImRect(ImVec2(parent_rect.Min.x + 10, center.y - 20), ImVec2(parent_rect.Min.x + 30, center.y + 20)); case ImGuiDockSlot_Bottom: return ImRect(ImVec2(center.x - 20, parent_rect.Max.y - 30), ImVec2(center.x + 20, parent_rect.Max.y - 10)); case ImGuiDockSlot_Right: return ImRect(ImVec2(parent_rect.Max.x - 30, center.y - 20), ImVec2(parent_rect.Max.x - 10, center.y + 20)); default: IM_ASSERT(false); } IM_ASSERT(false); return ImRect(); } Dock* getRootDock() { for (int i = 0; i < m_docks.size(); ++i) { if (!m_docks[i]->parent && (m_docks[i]->status == Status_Docked || m_docks[i]->children[0])) { return m_docks[i]; } } return nullptr; } bool dockSlots(Dock& dock, Dock* dest_dock, const ImRect& rect, bool on_border) { ImDrawList* canvas = GetWindowDrawList(); ImU32 color = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Button); ImU32 color_hovered = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered); ImVec2 mouse_pos = GetIO().MousePos; for (int i = 0; i < (on_border ? 4 : 5); ++i) { ImRect r = on_border ? getSlotRectOnBorder(rect, (ImGuiDockSlot)i) : getSlotRect(rect, (ImGuiDockSlot)i); bool hovered = r.Contains(mouse_pos); canvas->AddRectFilled(r.Min, r.Max, hovered ? color_hovered : color); if (!hovered) continue; if (!IsMouseDown(0)) { doDock(dock, dest_dock ? dest_dock : getRootDock(), (ImGuiDockSlot)i); return true; } ImRect docked_rect = getDockedRect(rect, (ImGuiDockSlot)i); canvas->AddRectFilled(docked_rect.Min, docked_rect.Max, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Button)); } return false; } void handleDrag(Dock& dock) { Dock* dest_dock = getDockAt(GetIO().MousePos); Begin("##Overlay", NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags_Tooltip | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize); ImDrawList* canvas = GetWindowDrawList(); canvas->PushClipRectFullScreen(); ImU32 docked_color = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_FrameBg); docked_color = (docked_color & 0x00ffFFFF) | 0x80000000; dock.pos = GetIO().MousePos - m_drag_offset; if (dest_dock) { if (dockSlots(dock, dest_dock, ImRect(dest_dock->pos, dest_dock->pos + dest_dock->size), false)) { canvas->PopClipRect(); End(); return; } } if (dockSlots(dock, nullptr, ImRect(m_workspace_pos, m_workspace_pos + m_workspace_size), true)) { canvas->PopClipRect(); End(); return; } canvas->AddRectFilled(dock.pos, dock.pos + dock.size, docked_color); canvas->PopClipRect(); if (!IsMouseDown(0)) { dock.status = Status_Float; dock.location[0] = 0; dock.setActive(); } End(); } void fillLocation(Dock& dock) { if (dock.status == Status_Float) return; char* c = dock.location; Dock* tmp = &dock; while (tmp->parent) { *c = getLocationCode(tmp); tmp = tmp->parent; ++c; } *c = 0; } void doUndock(Dock& dock) { if (dock.prev_tab) dock.prev_tab->setActive(); else if (dock.next_tab) dock.next_tab->setActive(); else dock.active = false; Dock* container = dock.parent; if (container) { Dock& sibling = dock.getSibling(); if (container->children[0] == &dock) { container->children[0] = dock.next_tab; } else if (container->children[1] == &dock) { container->children[1] = dock.next_tab; } bool remove_container = !container->children[0] || !container->children[1]; if (remove_container) { if (container->parent) { Dock*& child = container->parent->children[0] == container ? container->parent->children[0] : container->parent->children[1]; child = &sibling; child->setPosSize(container->pos, container->size); child->setParent(container->parent); } else { if (container->children[0]) { container->children[0]->setParent(nullptr); container->children[0]->setPosSize(container->pos, container->size); } if (container->children[1]) { container->children[1]->setParent(nullptr); container->children[1]->setPosSize(container->pos, container->size); } } for (int i = 0; i < m_docks.size(); ++i) { if (m_docks[i] == container) { m_docks.erase(m_docks.begin() + i); break; } } if (container == m_next_parent) m_next_parent = nullptr; container->~Dock(); MemFree(container); } } if (dock.prev_tab) dock.prev_tab->next_tab = dock.next_tab; if (dock.next_tab) dock.next_tab->prev_tab = dock.prev_tab; dock.parent = nullptr; dock.prev_tab = dock.next_tab = nullptr; } void drawTabbarListButton(Dock& dock) { if (!dock.next_tab) return; ImDrawList* draw_list = GetWindowDrawList(); if (InvisibleButton("list", ImVec2(16, 16))) { OpenPopup("tab_list_popup"); } if (BeginPopup("tab_list_popup")) { Dock* tmp = &dock; while (tmp) { bool dummy = false; if (Selectable(tmp->label, &dummy)) { tmp->setActive(); m_next_parent = tmp; } tmp = tmp->next_tab; } EndPopup(); } bool hovered = IsItemHovered(); ImVec2 min = GetItemRectMin(); ImVec2 max = GetItemRectMax(); ImVec2 center = (min + max) * 0.5f; ImU32 text_color = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text); ImU32 color_active = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive); draw_list->AddRectFilled(ImVec2(center.x - 4, min.y + 3), ImVec2(center.x + 4, min.y + 5), hovered ? color_active : text_color); draw_list->AddTriangleFilled(ImVec2(center.x - 4, min.y + 7), ImVec2(center.x + 4, min.y + 7), ImVec2(center.x, min.y + 12), hovered ? color_active : text_color); } bool tabbar(Dock& dock, bool close_button) { float tabbar_height = 2 * GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing(); ImVec2 size(dock.size.x, tabbar_height); bool tab_closed = false; SetCursorScreenPos(dock.pos); char tmp[20]; ImFormatString(tmp, IM_ARRAYSIZE(tmp), "tabs%d", (int)dock.id); if (BeginChild(tmp, size, true)) { Dock* dock_tab = &dock; ImDrawList* draw_list = GetWindowDrawList(); ImU32 color = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_FrameBg); ImU32 color_active = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive); ImU32 color_hovered = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered); ImU32 text_color = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text); float line_height = GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing(); float tab_base; drawTabbarListButton(dock); while (dock_tab) { SameLine(0, 15); const char* text_end = FindRenderedTextEnd(dock_tab->label); ImVec2 size(CalcTextSize(dock_tab->label, text_end).x, line_height); if (InvisibleButton(dock_tab->label, size)) { dock_tab->setActive(); m_next_parent = dock_tab; } if (IsItemActive() && IsMouseDragging() && dock_tab->movable) { m_drag_offset = GetMousePos() - dock_tab->pos; doUndock(*dock_tab); dock_tab->status = Status_Dragged; } bool hovered = IsItemHovered(); ImVec2 pos = GetItemRectMin(); if (dock_tab->active && close_button) { size.x += 16 + GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x; SameLine(); tab_closed = InvisibleButton("close", ImVec2(16, 16)); ImVec2 center = (GetItemRectMin() + GetItemRectMax()) * 0.5f; draw_list->AddLine( center + ImVec2(-3.5f, -3.5f), center + ImVec2(3.5f, 3.5f), text_color); draw_list->AddLine( center + ImVec2(3.5f, -3.5f), center + ImVec2(-3.5f, 3.5f), text_color); } tab_base = pos.y; draw_list->PathClear(); draw_list->PathLineTo(pos + ImVec2(-15, size.y)); draw_list->PathBezierCurveTo( pos + ImVec2(-10, size.y), pos + ImVec2(-5, 0), pos + ImVec2(0, 0), 10); draw_list->PathLineTo(pos + ImVec2(size.x, 0)); draw_list->PathBezierCurveTo(pos + ImVec2(size.x + 5, 0), pos + ImVec2(size.x + 10, size.y), pos + ImVec2(size.x + 15, size.y), 10); draw_list->PathFillConvex( hovered ? color_hovered : (dock_tab->active ? color_active : color)); draw_list->AddText(pos + ImVec2(0, 1), text_color, dock_tab->label, text_end); dock_tab = dock_tab->next_tab; } ImVec2 cp(dock.pos.x, tab_base + line_height); draw_list->AddLine(cp, cp + ImVec2(dock.size.x, 0), color); } EndChild(); return tab_closed; } static void setDockPosSize(Dock& dest, Dock& dock, ImGuiDockSlot dock_slot, Dock& container) { IM_ASSERT(!dock.prev_tab && !dock.next_tab && !dock.children[0] && !dock.children[1]); dest.pos = container.pos; dest.size = container.size; dock.pos = container.pos; dock.size = container.size; switch (dock_slot) { case ImGuiDockSlot_Bottom: dest.size.y *= 1.-dock.split_ratio.y; dock.size.y *= dock.split_ratio.y; dock.pos.y += dest.size.y; break; case ImGuiDockSlot_Right: dest.size.x *= 1.-dock.split_ratio.x; dock.size.x *= dock.split_ratio.x; dock.pos.x += dest.size.x; break; case ImGuiDockSlot_Left: dest.size.x *= 1.-dock.split_ratio.x; dock.size.x *= dock.split_ratio.x; dest.pos.x += dock.size.x; break; case ImGuiDockSlot_Top: dest.size.y *= 1.-dock.split_ratio.y; dock.size.y *= dock.split_ratio.y; dest.pos.y += dock.size.y; break; default: IM_ASSERT(false); break; } dest.setPosSize(dest.pos, dest.size); if (container.children[1]->pos.x < container.children[0]->pos.x || container.children[1]->pos.y < container.children[0]->pos.y) { Dock* tmp = container.children[0]; container.children[0] = container.children[1]; container.children[1] = tmp; } } void doDock(Dock& dock, Dock* dest, ImGuiDockSlot dock_slot) { IM_ASSERT(!dock.parent); if (!dest) { dock.status = Status_Docked; dock.setPosSize(m_workspace_pos, m_workspace_size); } else if (dock_slot == ImGuiDockSlot_Tab) { Dock* tmp = dest; while (tmp->next_tab) { tmp = tmp->next_tab; } tmp->next_tab = &dock; dock.prev_tab = tmp; dock.size = tmp->size; dock.pos = tmp->pos; dock.parent = dest->parent; dock.status = Status_Docked; } else if (dock_slot == ImGuiDockSlot_None) { dock.status = Status_Float; } else { Dock* container = (Dock*)MemAlloc(sizeof(Dock)); IM_PLACEMENT_NEW(container) Dock(); m_docks.push_back(container); container->children[0] = &dest->getFirstTab(); container->children[1] = &dock; container->next_tab = nullptr; container->prev_tab = nullptr; container->parent = dest->parent; container->size = dest->size; container->pos = dest->pos; container->status = Status_Docked; container->label = ImStrdup(""); if (!dest->parent) { } else if (&dest->getFirstTab() == dest->parent->children[0]) { dest->parent->children[0] = container; } else { dest->parent->children[1] = container; } dest->setParent(container); dock.parent = container; dock.status = Status_Docked; setDockPosSize(*dest, dock, dock_slot, *container); } dock.setActive(); } void rootDock(const ImVec2& pos, const ImVec2& size) { Dock* root = getRootDock(); if (!root) return; ImVec2 min_size = root->getMinSize(); ImVec2 requested_size = size; root->setPosSize(pos, ImMax(min_size, requested_size)); } void setDockActive() { IM_ASSERT(m_current); if (m_current) m_current->setActive(); } static ImGuiDockSlot getSlotFromLocationCode(char code) { switch (code) { case '1': return ImGuiDockSlot_Left; case '2': return ImGuiDockSlot_Top; case '3': return ImGuiDockSlot_Bottom; default: return ImGuiDockSlot_Right; } } static char getLocationCode(Dock* dock) { if (!dock) return '0'; if (dock->parent->isHorizontal()) { if (dock->pos.x < dock->parent->children[0]->pos.x) return '1'; if (dock->pos.x < dock->parent->children[1]->pos.x) return '1'; return '0'; } else { if (dock->pos.y < dock->parent->children[0]->pos.y) return '2'; if (dock->pos.y < dock->parent->children[1]->pos.y) return '2'; return '3'; } } void tryDockToStoredLocation(Dock& dock) { if (dock.status == Status_Docked) return; if (dock.location[0] == 0) return; Dock* tmp = getRootDock(); if (!tmp) return; Dock* prev = nullptr; char* c = dock.location + strlen(dock.location) - 1; while (c >= dock.location && tmp) { prev = tmp; tmp = *c == getLocationCode(tmp->children[0]) ? tmp->children[0] : tmp->children[1]; if(tmp) --c; } doDock(dock, tmp ? tmp : prev, tmp ? ImGuiDockSlot_Tab : getSlotFromLocationCode(*c)); } bool begin(const char* label, bool* opened, ImGuiWindowFlags extra_flags) { ImGuiDockSlot next_slot = m_next_dock_slot; m_next_dock_slot = ImGuiDockSlot_Tab; Dock& dock = getDock(label, !opened || *opened); if (!dock.opened && (!opened || *opened)) tryDockToStoredLocation(dock); dock.last_frame = ImGui::GetFrameCount(); if (strcmp(dock.label, label) != 0) { MemFree(dock.label); dock.label = ImStrdup(label); } dock.movable = (extra_flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove) != ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove; m_end_action = EndAction_None; bool prev_opened = dock.opened; bool first = dock.first; if (dock.first && opened) *opened = dock.opened; dock.first = false; if (opened && !*opened) { if (dock.status != Status_Float) { fillLocation(dock); doUndock(dock); dock.status = Status_Float; } dock.opened = false; return false; } dock.opened = true; checkNonexistent(); if (first || (prev_opened != dock.opened)) { Dock* root = m_next_parent ? m_next_parent : getRootDock(); if (root && (&dock != root) && !dock.parent) { doDock(dock, root, next_slot); } m_next_parent = &dock; } m_current = &dock; if (dock.status == Status_Dragged) handleDrag(dock); bool is_float = dock.status == Status_Float; if (is_float) { SetNextWindowPos(dock.pos); SetNextWindowSize(dock.size); bool ret = Begin(label, opened, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | extra_flags); // TODO(martin): // //ImGuiWindowFlags_ShowBorders = 1 << 7, // Show borders around windows and items (OBSOLETE! Use e.g. style.FrameBorderSize=1.0f to enable borders). m_end_action = EndAction_End; dock.pos = GetWindowPos(); dock.size = GetWindowSize(); ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui; if (g.ActiveId == GetCurrentWindow()->MoveId && g.IO.MouseDown[0]) { m_drag_offset = GetMousePos() - dock.pos; doUndock(dock); dock.status = Status_Dragged; } return ret; } if (!dock.active && dock.status != Status_Dragged) return false; m_end_action = EndAction_EndChild; splits(); PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Border, ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0)); float tabbar_height = GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing(); if (tabbar(dock.getFirstTab(), opened != nullptr)) { fillLocation(dock); *opened = false; } ImVec2 pos = dock.pos; ImVec2 size = dock.size; pos.y += tabbar_height + GetStyle().WindowPadding.y; size.y -= tabbar_height + GetStyle().WindowPadding.y; SetCursorScreenPos(pos); ImGuiWindowFlags flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus | extra_flags; bool ret = BeginChild(label, size, true, flags); PopStyleColor(); return ret; } void end() { m_current = nullptr; if (m_end_action != EndAction_None) { if (m_end_action == EndAction_End) { End(); } else if (m_end_action == EndAction_EndChild) { PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Border, ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0)); EndChild(); PopStyleColor(); } } } void debugWindow() { if (Begin("Dock Debug Info")) { for (int i = 0; i < m_docks.size(); ++i) { if (TreeNode((void*)&i, "Dock %d (%p)", i, m_docks[i])) { Dock &dock = *m_docks[i]; Text("pos=(%.1f %.1f) size=(%.1f %.1f)", dock.pos.x, dock.pos.y, dock.size.x, dock.size.y); Text("parent = %p\n", dock.parent); Text("isContainer() == %s\n", dock.isContainer()?"true":"false"); Text("status = %s\n", (dock.status == Status_Docked)?"Docked": ((dock.status == Status_Dragged)?"Dragged": ((dock.status == Status_Float)?"Float": "?"))); TreePop(); } } } End(); } int getDockIndex(Dock* dock) { if (!dock) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < m_docks.size(); ++i) { if (dock == m_docks[i]) return i; } IM_ASSERT(false); return -1; } }; static DockContext g_dock; void ImGui::ShutdownDock() { for (int i = 0; i < g_dock.m_docks.size(); ++i) { g_dock.m_docks[i]->~Dock(); MemFree(g_dock.m_docks[i]); } g_dock.m_docks.clear(); } void ImGui::SetNextDock(ImGuiDockSlot slot) { g_dock.m_next_dock_slot = slot; } void ImGui::BeginDockspace() { ImGuiWindowFlags flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar; BeginChild("###workspace", ImVec2(0,0), false, flags); g_dock.m_workspace_pos = GetWindowPos(); g_dock.m_workspace_size = GetWindowSize(); } void ImGui::EndDockspace() { EndChild(); } void ImGui::SetDockActive() { g_dock.setDockActive(); } bool ImGui::BeginDock(const char* label, bool* opened, ImGuiWindowFlags extra_flags) { return g_dock.begin(label, opened, extra_flags); } void ImGui::SetNextDockSplitRatio(const ImVec2& split_ratio) { g_dock.m_next_split_ratio = split_ratio; } void ImGui::SetNextDockFloatingSize(const ImVec2& floating_size) { g_dock.m_next_floating_size = floating_size; } void ImGui::EndDock() { g_dock.end(); } void ImGui::DockDebugWindow() { g_dock.debugWindow(); }