/* * Copyright 2010-2017 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bx#license-bsd-2-clause */ #include "test.h" #include #include #include bx::AllocatorI* g_allocator; TEST_CASE("chars", "") { for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ++ch) { REQUIRE(!bx::isLower(ch) ); REQUIRE(!bx::isNumeric(ch) ); REQUIRE(bx::isUpper(ch) ); REQUIRE(bx::isAlpha(ch) ); REQUIRE(bx::isAlphaNum(ch) ); REQUIRE(bx::isLower(bx::toLower(ch) ) ); } } TEST_CASE("strnlen", "") { const char* test = "test"; REQUIRE(0 == bx::strnlen(test, 0) ); REQUIRE(2 == bx::strnlen(test, 2) ); REQUIRE(4 == bx::strnlen(test, INT32_MAX) ); } TEST_CASE("strlncpy", "") { char dst[128]; size_t num; num = bx::strlncpy(dst, 1, "blah"); REQUIRE(num == 0); num = bx::strlncpy(dst, 3, "blah", 3); REQUIRE(0 == bx::strncmp(dst, "bl") ); REQUIRE(num == 2); num = bx::strlncpy(dst, sizeof(dst), "blah", 3); REQUIRE(0 == bx::strncmp(dst, "bla") ); REQUIRE(num == 3); num = bx::strlncpy(dst, sizeof(dst), "blah"); REQUIRE(0 == bx::strncmp(dst, "blah") ); REQUIRE(num == 4); } TEST_CASE("strlncat", "") { char dst[128] = { '\0' }; REQUIRE(0 == bx::strlncat(dst, 1, "cat") ); REQUIRE(4 == bx::strlncpy(dst, 5, "copy") ); REQUIRE(3 == bx::strlncat(dst, 8, "cat") ); REQUIRE(0 == bx::strncmp(dst, "copycat") ); REQUIRE(1 == bx::strlncat(dst, BX_COUNTOF(dst), "------", 1) ); REQUIRE(3 == bx::strlncat(dst, BX_COUNTOF(dst), "cat") ); REQUIRE(0 == bx::strncmp(dst, "copycat-cat") ); } TEST_CASE("strincmp", "") { REQUIRE(0 == bx::strincmp("test", "test") ); REQUIRE(0 == bx::strincmp("test", "testestes", 4) ); REQUIRE(0 == bx::strincmp("testestes", "test", 4) ); REQUIRE(0 != bx::strincmp("preprocess", "platform") ); const char* abvgd = "abvgd"; const char* abvgx = "abvgx"; const char* empty = ""; REQUIRE(0 == bx::strincmp(abvgd, abvgd) ); REQUIRE(0 == bx::strincmp(abvgd, abvgx, 4) ); REQUIRE(0 > bx::strincmp(abvgd, abvgx) ); REQUIRE(0 > bx::strincmp(empty, abvgd) ); REQUIRE(0 < bx::strincmp(abvgx, abvgd) ); REQUIRE(0 < bx::strincmp(abvgd, empty) ); } TEST_CASE("strnchr", "") { const char* test = "test"; REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnchr(test, 's', 0) ); REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnchr(test, 's', 2) ); REQUIRE(&test[2] == bx::strnchr(test, 's') ); } TEST_CASE("strnrchr", "") { const char* test = "test"; REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnrchr(test, 's', 0) ); REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnrchr(test, 's', 1) ); REQUIRE(&test[2] == bx::strnrchr(test, 's') ); } TEST_CASE("stristr", "") { const char* test = "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog."; REQUIRE(NULL == bx::stristr(test, "quick", 8) ); REQUIRE(NULL == bx::stristr(test, "quick1") ); REQUIRE(&test[4] == bx::stristr(test, "quick", 9) ); REQUIRE(&test[4] == bx::stristr(test, "quick") ); } TEST_CASE("strnstr", "") { const char* test = "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog."; REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnstr(test, "quick", 8) ); REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnstr(test, "quick1") ); REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnstr(test, "quick", 9) ); REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnstr(test, "quick") ); REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnstr(test, "Quick", 8) ); REQUIRE(NULL == bx::strnstr(test, "Quick1") ); REQUIRE(&test[4] == bx::strnstr(test, "Quick", 9) ); REQUIRE(&test[4] == bx::strnstr(test, "Quick") ); } template static bool testToString(Ty _value, const char* _expected) { char tmp[1024]; int32_t num = bx::toString(tmp, BX_COUNTOF(tmp), _value); int32_t len = (int32_t)bx::strnlen(_expected); if (0 == bx::strncmp(tmp, _expected) && num == len) { return true; } printf("result '%s' (%d), expected '%s' (%d)\n", tmp, num, _expected, len); return false; } TEST_CASE("toString int32_t/uint32_t", "") { REQUIRE(testToString(0, "0") ); REQUIRE(testToString(-256, "-256") ); REQUIRE(testToString(INT32_MAX, "2147483647") ); REQUIRE(testToString(UINT32_MAX, "4294967295") ); } TEST_CASE("toString double", "") { REQUIRE(testToString(0.0, "0.0") ); REQUIRE(testToString(-0.0, "-0.0") ); REQUIRE(testToString(1.0, "1.0") ); REQUIRE(testToString(-1.0, "-1.0") ); REQUIRE(testToString(1.2345, "1.2345") ); REQUIRE(testToString(1.2345678, "1.2345678") ); REQUIRE(testToString(0.123456789012, "0.123456789012") ); REQUIRE(testToString(1234567.8, "1234567.8") ); REQUIRE(testToString(-79.39773355813419, "-79.39773355813419") ); REQUIRE(testToString(0.000001, "0.000001") ); REQUIRE(testToString(0.0000001, "1e-7") ); REQUIRE(testToString(1e30, "1e30") ); REQUIRE(testToString(1.234567890123456e30, "1.234567890123456e30") ); REQUIRE(testToString(-5e-324, "-5e-324") ); REQUIRE(testToString(2.225073858507201e-308, "2.225073858507201e-308") ); REQUIRE(testToString(2.2250738585072014e-308, "2.2250738585072014e-308") ); REQUIRE(testToString(1.7976931348623157e308, "1.7976931348623157e308") ); REQUIRE(testToString(0.00000123123123, "0.00000123123123") ); REQUIRE(testToString(0.000000123123123, "1.23123123e-7") ); REQUIRE(testToString(123123.123, "123123.123") ); REQUIRE(testToString(1231231.23, "1231231.23") ); REQUIRE(testToString(0.000000000123123, "1.23123e-10") ); REQUIRE(testToString(0.0000000001, "1e-10") ); } TEST_CASE("StringView", "") { bx::StringView sv("test"); REQUIRE(4 == sv.getLength() ); bx::CrtAllocator crt; g_allocator = &crt; typedef bx::StringT<&g_allocator> String; String st(sv); REQUIRE(4 == st.getLength() ); st.append("test"); REQUIRE(8 == st.getLength() ); st.append("test", 2); REQUIRE(10 == st.getLength() ); REQUIRE(0 == bx::strncmp(st.getPtr(), "testtestte") ); st.clear(); REQUIRE(0 == st.getLength() ); REQUIRE(4 == sv.getLength() ); st.append("test"); REQUIRE(4 == st.getLength() ); sv.clear(); REQUIRE(0 == sv.getLength() ); }