/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 Light Transport Entertainment, Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable : 4018) #pragma warning(disable : 4244) #pragma warning(disable : 4189) #pragma warning(disable : 4996) #pragma warning(disable : 4267) #pragma warning(disable : 4477) #endif #include "render.h" #include // C++11 #include #include // C++11 #include #include #include "nanort.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "material.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "trackball.h" #ifdef WIN32 #undef min #undef max #endif namespace example { // PCG32 code / (c) 2014 M.E. O'Neill / pcg-random.org // Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (NO WARRANTY, etc. see website) // http://www.pcg-random.org/ typedef struct { unsigned long long state; unsigned long long inc; // not used? } pcg32_state_t; #define PCG32_INITIALIZER \ { 0x853c49e6748fea9bULL, 0xda3e39cb94b95bdbULL } float pcg32_random(pcg32_state_t* rng) { unsigned long long oldstate = rng->state; rng->state = oldstate * 6364136223846793005ULL + rng->inc; unsigned int xorshifted = ((oldstate >> 18u) ^ oldstate) >> 27u; unsigned int rot = oldstate >> 59u; unsigned int ret = (xorshifted >> rot) | (xorshifted << ((-static_cast(rot)) & 31)); return (float)((double)ret / (double)4294967296.0); } void pcg32_srandom(pcg32_state_t* rng, uint64_t initstate, uint64_t initseq) { rng->state = 0U; rng->inc = (initseq << 1U) | 1U; pcg32_random(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg32_random(rng); } const float kPI = 3.141592f; typedef nanort::real3 float3; inline float3 Lerp3(float3 v0, float3 v1, float3 v2, float u, float v) { return (1.0f - u - v) * v0 + u * v1 + v * v2; } inline void CalcNormal(float3& N, float3 v0, float3 v1, float3 v2) { float3 v10 = v1 - v0; float3 v20 = v2 - v0; N = vcross(v20, v10); N = vnormalize(N); } void BuildCameraFrame(float3* origin, float3* corner, float3* u, float3* v, float quat[4], float eye[3], float lookat[3], float up[3], float fov, int width, int height) { float e[4][4]; Matrix::LookAt(e, eye, lookat, up); float r[4][4]; build_rotmatrix(r, quat); float3 lo; lo[0] = lookat[0] - eye[0]; lo[1] = lookat[1] - eye[1]; lo[2] = lookat[2] - eye[2]; float dist = vlength(lo); float dir[3]; dir[0] = 0.0; dir[1] = 0.0; dir[2] = dist; Matrix::Inverse(r); float rr[4][4]; float re[4][4]; float zero[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float localUp[3] = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}; Matrix::LookAt(re, dir, zero, localUp); // translate re[3][0] += eye[0]; // 0.0; //lo[0]; re[3][1] += eye[1]; // 0.0; //lo[1]; re[3][2] += (eye[2] - dist); // rot -> trans Matrix::Mult(rr, r, re); float m[4][4]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m[j][i] = rr[j][i]; } } float vzero[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float eye1[3]; Matrix::MultV(eye1, m, vzero); float lookat1d[3]; dir[2] = -dir[2]; Matrix::MultV(lookat1d, m, dir); float3 lookat1(lookat1d[0], lookat1d[1], lookat1d[2]); float up1d[3]; Matrix::MultV(up1d, m, up); float3 up1(up1d[0], up1d[1], up1d[2]); // absolute -> relative up1[0] -= eye1[0]; up1[1] -= eye1[1]; up1[2] -= eye1[2]; // printf("up1(after) = %f, %f, %f\n", up1[0], up1[1], up1[2]); // Use original up vector // up1[0] = up[0]; // up1[1] = up[1]; // up1[2] = up[2]; { float flen = (0.5f * (float)height / tanf(0.5f * (float)(fov * kPI / 180.0f))); float3 look1; look1[0] = lookat1[0] - eye1[0]; look1[1] = lookat1[1] - eye1[1]; look1[2] = lookat1[2] - eye1[2]; // vcross(u, up1, look1); // flip (*u) = nanort::vcross(look1, up1); (*u) = vnormalize((*u)); (*v) = vcross(look1, (*u)); (*v) = vnormalize((*v)); look1 = vnormalize(look1); look1[0] = flen * look1[0] + eye1[0]; look1[1] = flen * look1[1] + eye1[1]; look1[2] = flen * look1[2] + eye1[2]; (*corner)[0] = look1[0] - 0.5f * (width * (*u)[0] + height * (*v)[0]); (*corner)[1] = look1[1] - 0.5f * (width * (*u)[1] + height * (*v)[1]); (*corner)[2] = look1[2] - 0.5f * (width * (*u)[2] + height * (*v)[2]); (*origin)[0] = eye1[0]; (*origin)[1] = eye1[1]; (*origin)[2] = eye1[2]; } } #if 0 // TODO(LTE): Not used method. Delete. nanort::Ray GenerateRay(const float3& origin, const float3& corner, const float3& du, const float3& dv, float u, float v) { float3 dir; dir[0] = (corner[0] + u * du[0] + v * dv[0]) - origin[0]; dir[1] = (corner[1] + u * du[1] + v * dv[1]) - origin[1]; dir[2] = (corner[2] + u * du[2] + v * dv[2]) - origin[2]; dir = vnormalize(dir); float3 org; nanort::Ray ray; ray.org[0] = origin[0]; ray.org[1] = origin[1]; ray.org[2] = origin[2]; ray.dir[0] = dir[0]; ray.dir[1] = dir[1]; ray.dir[2] = dir[2]; return ray; } #endif void FetchTexture(const Texture &texture, float u, float v, float* col) { int tx = u * texture.width; int ty = (1.0f - v) * texture.height; int idx_offset = (ty * texture.width + tx) * texture.components; col[0] = texture.image[idx_offset + 0] / 255.f; col[1] = texture.image[idx_offset + 1] / 255.f; col[2] = texture.image[idx_offset + 2] / 255.f; } bool Renderer::Render(float* rgba, float* aux_rgba, int* sample_counts, float quat[4], const nanosg::Scene> &scene, const example::Asset &asset, const RenderConfig& config, std::atomic& cancelFlag, int &_showBufferMode ) { //if (!gAccel.IsValid()) { // return false; //} int width = config.width; int height = config.height; // camera float eye[3] = {config.eye[0], config.eye[1], config.eye[2]}; float look_at[3] = {config.look_at[0], config.look_at[1], config.look_at[2]}; float up[3] = {config.up[0], config.up[1], config.up[2]}; float fov = config.fov; float3 origin, corner, u, v; BuildCameraFrame(&origin, &corner, &u, &v, quat, eye, look_at, up, fov, width, height); auto kCancelFlagCheckMilliSeconds = 300; std::vector workers; std::atomic i(0); uint32_t num_threads = std::max(1U, std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); auto startT = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); // Initialize RNG. for (auto t = 0; t < num_threads; t++) { workers.emplace_back(std::thread([&, t]() { pcg32_state_t rng; pcg32_srandom(&rng, config.pass, t); // seed = combination of render pass + thread no. int y = 0; while ((y = i++) < config.height) { auto currT = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration ms = currT - startT; // Check cancel flag if (ms.count() > kCancelFlagCheckMilliSeconds) { if (cancelFlag) { break; } } // draw dash line to aux buffer for progress. // for (int x = 0; x < config.width; x++) { // float c = (x / 8) % 2; // aux_rgba[4*(y*config.width+x)+0] = c; // aux_rgba[4*(y*config.width+x)+1] = c; // aux_rgba[4*(y*config.width+x)+2] = c; // aux_rgba[4*(y*config.width+x)+3] = 0.0f; //} for (int x = 0; x < config.width; x++) { nanort::Ray ray; ray.org[0] = origin[0]; ray.org[1] = origin[1]; ray.org[2] = origin[2]; float u0 = pcg32_random(&rng); float u1 = pcg32_random(&rng); float3 dir; //for modes not a "color" if(_showBufferMode != SHOW_BUFFER_COLOR) { //only one pass if(config.pass > 0) continue; //to the center of pixel u0 = 0.5f; u1 = 0.5f; } dir = corner + (float(x) + u0) * u + (float(config.height - y - 1) + u1) * v; dir = vnormalize(dir); ray.dir[0] = dir[0]; ray.dir[1] = dir[1]; ray.dir[2] = dir[2]; float kFar = 1.0e+30f; ray.min_t = 0.0f; ray.max_t = kFar; nanosg::Intersection isect; bool hit = scene.Traverse(ray, &isect, /* cull_back_face */false); if (hit) { const std::vector &materials = asset.materials; const std::vector &textures = asset.textures; const Mesh &mesh = asset.meshes[isect.node_id]; //tigra: add default material const Material &default_material = asset.default_material; float3 p; p[0] = ray.org[0] + isect.t * ray.dir[0]; p[1] = ray.org[1] + isect.t * ray.dir[1]; p[2] = ray.org[2] + isect.t * ray.dir[2]; config.positionImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = p.x(); config.positionImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = p.y(); config.positionImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = p.z(); config.positionImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 1.0f; config.varycoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = isect.u; config.varycoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = isect.v; config.varycoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.0f; config.varycoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 1.0f; unsigned int prim_id = isect.prim_id; float3 N; if (mesh.facevarying_normals.size() > 0) { float3 n0, n1, n2; n0[0] = mesh.facevarying_normals[9 * prim_id + 0]; n0[1] = mesh.facevarying_normals[9 * prim_id + 1]; n0[2] = mesh.facevarying_normals[9 * prim_id + 2]; n1[0] = mesh.facevarying_normals[9 * prim_id + 3]; n1[1] = mesh.facevarying_normals[9 * prim_id + 4]; n1[2] = mesh.facevarying_normals[9 * prim_id + 5]; n2[0] = mesh.facevarying_normals[9 * prim_id + 6]; n2[1] = mesh.facevarying_normals[9 * prim_id + 7]; n2[2] = mesh.facevarying_normals[9 * prim_id + 8]; N = Lerp3(n0, n1, n2, isect.u, isect.v); } else { unsigned int f0, f1, f2; f0 = mesh.faces[3 * prim_id + 0]; f1 = mesh.faces[3 * prim_id + 1]; f2 = mesh.faces[3 * prim_id + 2]; float3 v0, v1, v2; v0[0] = mesh.vertices[3 * f0 + 0]; v0[1] = mesh.vertices[3 * f0 + 1]; v0[2] = mesh.vertices[3 * f0 + 2]; v1[0] = mesh.vertices[3 * f1 + 0]; v1[1] = mesh.vertices[3 * f1 + 1]; v1[2] = mesh.vertices[3 * f1 + 2]; v2[0] = mesh.vertices[3 * f2 + 0]; v2[1] = mesh.vertices[3 * f2 + 1]; v2[2] = mesh.vertices[3 * f2 + 2]; CalcNormal(N, v0, v1, v2); } config.normalImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = 0.5f * N[0] + 0.5f; config.normalImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = 0.5f * N[1] + 0.5f; config.normalImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.5f * N[2] + 0.5f; config.normalImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 1.0f; config.depthImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = isect.t; config.depthImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = isect.t; config.depthImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = isect.t; config.depthImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 1.0f; float3 UV; if (mesh.facevarying_uvs.size() > 0) { float3 uv0, uv1, uv2; uv0[0] = mesh.facevarying_uvs[6 * prim_id + 0]; uv0[1] = mesh.facevarying_uvs[6 * prim_id + 1]; uv1[0] = mesh.facevarying_uvs[6 * prim_id + 2]; uv1[1] = mesh.facevarying_uvs[6 * prim_id + 3]; uv2[0] = mesh.facevarying_uvs[6 * prim_id + 4]; uv2[1] = mesh.facevarying_uvs[6 * prim_id + 5]; UV = Lerp3(uv0, uv1, uv2, isect.u, isect.v); config.texcoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = UV[0]; config.texcoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = UV[1]; } // Fetch texture unsigned int material_id = mesh.material_ids[isect.prim_id]; //printf("material_id=%d materials=%lld\n", material_id, materials.size()); float diffuse_col[3]; float specular_col[3]; //tigra: material_id is ok if(material_id= 0) { FetchTexture(textures[diffuse_texid], UV[0], UV[1], diffuse_col); } else { diffuse_col[0] = materials[material_id].diffuse[0]; diffuse_col[1] = materials[material_id].diffuse[1]; diffuse_col[2] = materials[material_id].diffuse[2]; } int specular_texid = materials[material_id].specular_texid; if (specular_texid >= 0) { FetchTexture(textures[specular_texid], UV[0], UV[1], specular_col); } else { specular_col[0] = materials[material_id].specular[0]; specular_col[1] = materials[material_id].specular[1]; specular_col[2] = materials[material_id].specular[2]; } } else //tigra: wrong material_id, use default_material { //printf("default_material\n"); diffuse_col[0] = default_material.diffuse[0]; diffuse_col[1] = default_material.diffuse[1]; diffuse_col[2] = default_material.diffuse[2]; specular_col[0] = default_material.specular[0]; specular_col[1] = default_material.specular[1]; specular_col[2] = default_material.specular[2]; } // Simple shading float NdotV = fabsf(vdot(N, dir)); if (config.pass == 0) { rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = NdotV * diffuse_col[0]; rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = NdotV * diffuse_col[1]; rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = NdotV * diffuse_col[2]; rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 1.0f; sample_counts[y * config.width + x] = 1; // Set 1 for the first pass } else { // additive. rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] += NdotV * diffuse_col[0]; rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] += NdotV * diffuse_col[1]; rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] += NdotV * diffuse_col[2]; rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] += 1.0f; sample_counts[y * config.width + x]++; } } else { { if (config.pass == 0) { // clear pixel rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = 0.0f; rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = 0.0f; rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.0f; rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 0.0f; aux_rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = 0.0f; aux_rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = 0.0f; aux_rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.0f; aux_rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 0.0f; sample_counts[y * config.width + x] = 1; // Set 1 for the first pass } else { sample_counts[y * config.width + x]++; } // No super sampling config.normalImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = 0.0f; config.normalImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = 0.0f; config.normalImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.0f; config.normalImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 0.0f; config.positionImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = 0.0f; config.positionImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = 0.0f; config.positionImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.0f; config.positionImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 0.0f; config.depthImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = 0.0f; config.depthImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = 0.0f; config.depthImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.0f; config.depthImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 0.0f; config.texcoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = 0.0f; config.texcoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = 0.0f; config.texcoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.0f; config.texcoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 0.0f; config.varycoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = 0.0f; config.varycoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = 0.0f; config.varycoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.0f; config.varycoordImage[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 0.0f; } } } for (int x = 0; x < config.width; x++) { aux_rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 0] = 0.0f; aux_rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 1] = 0.0f; aux_rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 2] = 0.0f; aux_rgba[4 * (y * config.width + x) + 3] = 0.0f; } } })); } for (auto& t : workers) { t.join(); } return (!cancelFlag); }; } // namespace example