Updated SimpleMath

Martin Felis 2016-12-27 23:21:56 +01:00
parent 728a0116db
commit 8f4c3830c3
3 changed files with 48 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -7,26 +7,4 @@
#include "SimpleMathQR.h"
#include "SimpleMathCommaInitializer.h"
namespace SimpleMath {
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<int, 3, 1> Vector3i;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<double, 3, 1> Vector3d;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<double, 3, 3> Matrix33d;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<double, 4, 1> Vector4d;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<float, 3, 1> Vector3f;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<float, 4, 1> Vector4f;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<float, 3, 3> Matrix33f;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<float, 4, 4> Matrix44f;
typedef SimpleMath::Dynamic::Matrix<double> VectorNd;
typedef SimpleMath::Dynamic::Matrix<double> MatrixNd;
typedef SimpleMath::Dynamic::Matrix<float> VectorNf;
typedef SimpleMath::Dynamic::Matrix<float> MatrixNNf;
#endif /* _SIMPLEMATH_H */

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@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
namespace SimpleMath {
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<float, 3, 1> Vector3f;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<float, 3, 3> Matrix33f;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<float, 4, 1> Vector4f;
typedef SimpleMath::Fixed::Matrix<float, 4, 4> Matrix44f;
namespace GL {
inline Matrix33f RotateMat33 (float rot_deg, float x, float y, float z) {
@ -87,18 +93,18 @@ class Quaternion : public Vector4f {
/** This function is equivalent to multiplicate their corresponding rotation matrices */
Quaternion operator* (const Quaternion &q) const {
return Quaternion (
q[3] * (*this)[0] + q[0] * (*this)[3] + q[1] * (*this)[2] - q[2] * (*this)[1],
q[3] * (*this)[1] + q[1] * (*this)[3] + q[2] * (*this)[0] - q[0] * (*this)[2],
q[3] * (*this)[2] + q[2] * (*this)[3] + q[0] * (*this)[1] - q[1] * (*this)[0],
q[3] * (*this)[3] - q[0] * (*this)[0] - q[1] * (*this)[1] - q[2] * (*this)[2]
(*this)[3] * q[0] + (*this)[0] * q[3] + (*this)[1] * q[2] - (*this)[2] * q[1],
(*this)[3] * q[1] + (*this)[1] * q[3] + (*this)[2] * q[0] - (*this)[0] * q[2],
(*this)[3] * q[2] + (*this)[2] * q[3] + (*this)[0] * q[1] - (*this)[1] * q[0],
(*this)[3] * q[3] - (*this)[0] * q[0] - (*this)[1] * q[1] - (*this)[2] * q[2]
Quaternion& operator*=(const Quaternion &q) {
set (
q[3] * (*this)[0] + q[0] * (*this)[3] + q[1] * (*this)[2] - q[2] * (*this)[1],
q[3] * (*this)[1] + q[1] * (*this)[3] + q[2] * (*this)[0] - q[0] * (*this)[2],
q[3] * (*this)[2] + q[2] * (*this)[3] + q[0] * (*this)[1] - q[1] * (*this)[0],
q[3] * (*this)[3] - q[0] * (*this)[0] - q[1] * (*this)[1] - q[2] * (*this)[2]
(*this)[3] * q[0] + (*this)[0] * q[3] + (*this)[1] * q[2] - (*this)[2] * q[1],
(*this)[3] * q[1] + (*this)[1] * q[3] + (*this)[2] * q[0] - (*this)[0] * q[2],
(*this)[3] * q[2] + (*this)[2] * q[3] + (*this)[0] * q[1] - (*this)[1] * q[0],
(*this)[3] * q[3] - (*this)[0] * q[0] - (*this)[1] * q[1] - (*this)[2] * q[2]
return *this;
@ -185,39 +191,55 @@ class Quaternion : public Vector4f {
static Quaternion fromEulerZYX (const Vector3f &zyx_euler) {
return Quaternion::fromGLRotate (zyx_euler[0] * 180.f / M_PI, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)
* Quaternion::fromGLRotate (zyx_euler[1] * 180.f / M_PI, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f)
* Quaternion::fromGLRotate (zyx_euler[2] * 180.f / M_PI, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
static Quaternion fromAxisAngle (const Vector3f &axis, double angle_rad) {
double d = axis.norm();
double s2 = std::sin (angle_rad * 0.5) / d;
return Quaternion (
axis[0] * s2,
axis[1] * s2,
axis[2] * s2,
std::cos(angle_rad * 0.5)
static Quaternion fromEulerZYX (const Vector3f &zyx_angles) {
return Quaternion::fromAxisAngle (Vector3f (0., 0., 1.), zyx_angles[0])
* Quaternion::fromAxisAngle (Vector3f (0., 1., 0.), zyx_angles[1])
* Quaternion::fromAxisAngle (Vector3f (1., 0., 0.), zyx_angles[2]);
static Quaternion fromEulerYXZ (const Vector3f &yxz_angles) {
return Quaternion::fromAxisAngle (Vector3f (0., 1., 0.), yxz_angles[0])
* Quaternion::fromAxisAngle (Vector3f (1., 0., 0.), yxz_angles[1])
* Quaternion::fromAxisAngle (Vector3f (0., 0., 1.), yxz_angles[2]);
static Quaternion fromEulerXYZ (const Vector3f &xyz_angles) {
return Quaternion::fromAxisAngle (Vector3f (0., 0., 01.), xyz_angles[2])
* Quaternion::fromAxisAngle (Vector3f (0., 1., 0.), xyz_angles[1])
* Quaternion::fromAxisAngle (Vector3f (1., 0., 0.), xyz_angles[0]);
Vector3f toEulerZYX () const {
return Vector3f (
atan2 (-2.f * (*this)[0] * (*this)[1] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[2],
atan2 (-2.f * (*this)[0] * (*this)[1] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[2],
(*this)[0] * (*this)[0] + (*this)[3] * (*this)[3]
-(*this)[2] * (*this)[2] - (*this)[1] * (*this)[1]),
asin (2.f * (*this)[0] * (*this)[2] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[1]),
atan2 (-2.f * (*this)[1] * (*this)[2] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[0],
atan2 (-2.f * (*this)[1] * (*this)[2] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[0],
(*this)[2] * (*this)[2] - (*this)[1] * (*this)[1]
-(*this)[0] * (*this)[0] + (*this)[3] * (*this)[3]
static Quaternion fromEulerYXZ (const Vector3f &yxz_euler) {
return Quaternion::fromGLRotate (yxz_euler[0] * 180.f / M_PI, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f)
* Quaternion::fromGLRotate (yxz_euler[1] * 180.f / M_PI, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f)
* Quaternion::fromGLRotate (yxz_euler[2] * 180.f / M_PI, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
Vector3f toEulerYXZ() const {
return Vector3f (
atan2 (-2.f * (*this)[0] * (*this)[2] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[1],
atan2 (-2.f * (*this)[0] * (*this)[2] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[1],
(*this)[2] * (*this)[2] - (*this)[1] * (*this)[1]
-(*this)[0] * (*this)[0] + (*this)[3] * (*this)[3]),
asin (2.f * (*this)[1] * (*this)[2] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[0]),
atan2 (-2.f * (*this)[0] * (*this)[1] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[2],
atan2 (-2.f * (*this)[0] * (*this)[1] + 2.f * (*this)[3] * (*this)[2],
(*this)[1] * (*this)[1] - (*this)[2] * (*this)[2]
+(*this)[3] * (*this)[3] - (*this)[0] * (*this)[0]
@ -256,8 +278,8 @@ class Quaternion : public Vector4f {
Vector3f vn (vec);
Quaternion vec_quat (vn[0], vn[1], vn[2], 0.f), res_quat;
res_quat = vec_quat * (*this);
res_quat = conjugate() * res_quat;
res_quat = (*this) * vec_quat;
res_quat = res_quat * conjugate();
return Vector3f (res_quat[0], res_quat[1], res_quat[2]);

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@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ namespace SimpleMath {
value_type abs_threshold = fabs(mR(0,0)) * mThreshold;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < mR.cols(); i++) {
if (fabs(mR(i,i) < abs_threshold))
if (fabs(mR(i,i)) < abs_threshold)
return i;