Refactoring split computation (still in progress)

Martin Felis 2018-07-02 22:43:45 +02:00
parent af7387175c
commit 1f003e3ed7
2 changed files with 123 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -268,6 +268,95 @@ void Light::DrawGui() {
void Light::UpdateSplits(const Camera& camera) {
assert(camera.mIsOrthographic == false);
float near = camera.mNear;
float far = camera.mFar;
float length = far - near;
float split_near = near;
float tan_half_hfov = tanf(0.5f * camera.mFov * M_PI / 180.0f);
float tan_half_vfov = tanf(0.5f * camera.mWidth / camera.mHeight * camera.mFov * M_PI / 180.0f);
Matrix44f look_at = mCamera.mViewMatrix;
Matrix44f look_at_inv = look_at.inverse();
Matrix44f light_matrix = LookAt (mPosition, mPosition + mDirection, Vector3f (0.f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
Matrix44f light_matrix_inv = light_matrix.inverse();
for (int i = 0; i < cNumSplits; ++i) {
split_near = near + mShadowSplits[i] * length;
float split_far = near + mShadowSplits[i + 1] * length;
float xn = split_near * tan_half_vfov;
float xf = split_far * tan_half_vfov;
float yn = split_near * tan_half_hfov;
float yf = split_far * tan_half_hfov;
Vector4f frustum_corners[] = {
Vector4f (xn, yn, -split_near, 1.0f),
Vector4f (-xn, yn, -split_near, 1.0f),
Vector4f (xn, -yn, -split_near, 1.0f),
Vector4f (-xn, -yn, -split_near, 1.0f),
Vector4f (xf, yf, -split_far, 1.0f),
Vector4f (-xf, yf, -split_far, 1.0f),
Vector4f (xf, -yf, -split_far, 1.0f),
Vector4f (-xf, -yf, -split_far, 1.0f)
BBox bbox_world;
BBox bbox_light;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
Vector4f v_world = look_at_inv.transpose() * frustum_corners[j];
Vector4f v_light = light_matrix.transpose() * v_world;
// gLog("vworld %d: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f", j,
// v_world[0],
// v_world[1],
// v_world[2],
// v_world[3]);
ShadowSplitInfo &split = mSplits[i];
split.mBoundsWorld = bbox_world;
split.mBoundsLight = bbox_light;
// gLog ("min/max %.3f,%.3f, %.3f,%.3f, %.3f,%.3f",
// min_x, max_x,
// min_y, max_y,
// min_z, max_z
// );
// Draw in light space
Vector3f dimensions = (bbox_light.mMax - bbox_light.mMin) * 0.5f;
Vector3f center = bbox_light.mMin + dimensions;
split.mCamera.mViewMatrix = light_matrix;
// TODO: values for near and far planes are off
split.mCamera.mProjectionMatrix = Ortho (
bbox_light.mMin[0], bbox_light.mMax[0],
bbox_light.mMin[1], bbox_light.mMax[1],
// mLight.mNear, bbox_light.mMax[2]
mNear, mFar
// bbox_light.mMin[2], mLight.mFar
// bbox_light.mMin[2], bbox_light.mMax[2]
) ;
split.mFrustum =
* split.mCamera.mProjectionMatrix;
// Renderer
@ -604,6 +693,16 @@ void Renderer::RenderGl() {
mDebugCamera.mHeight = mSceneAreaHeight;
mDebugCamera.mEye = Vector3d(-4.0f, 4.4f, 0.0f);
mDebugCamera.mPoi = Vector3d(-3.2f, 3.8f, 0.2f);
mDebugCamera.mUp = Vector3d(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
mDebugCamera.mWidth = 300.0f;
mDebugCamera.mHeight = 300.0f;
mDebugCamera.mNear = 0.8f;
mDebugCamera.mFar = 10.0f;
// Cascaded Shadow Maps
for (int i = 0; i < cNumSplits; ++i) {
@ -836,89 +935,34 @@ void Renderer::DebugDrawShadowCascades() {
float fov = 50.0f;
float aspect = 1.0f;
float near = 0.01f;
float far = 10.0f;
float length = far - near;
float split_near = near;
Matrix44f view_frustum =
* mDebugCamera.mProjectionMatrix;
float tan_half_hfov = tanf(0.5f * fov * M_PI / 180.0f);
float tan_half_vfov = tanf(0.5f * aspect * fov * M_PI / 180.0f);
Matrix44f model_view_projection =
// * light_matrix_inv
* mCamera.mViewMatrix
* mCamera.mProjectionMatrix;
Vector3f eye (-4.0f, 4.4f, 0.0f);
Vector3f poi (-3.2f, 3.8f, 0.2f);
Vector3f dir = (poi - eye).normalized();
mSimpleProgram.SetMat44("uModelViewProj", model_view_projection);
mSimpleProgram.SetVec4("uColor", Vector4f (1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
Matrix44f look_at = LookAt(eye, eye + dir, Vector3f (0., 1.0, 0.0));
Matrix44f look_at_inv = look_at.inverse();
Matrix44f light_matrix = LookAt (mLight.mPosition, mLight.mPosition + mLight.mDirection, Vector3f (0.f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
Matrix44f light_matrix_inv = light_matrix.inverse();
// for (int i = 0; i < mLight.mShadowSplits.size(); ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < cNumSplits; ++i) {
split_near = near + mLight.mShadowSplits[i] * length;
float split_far = near + mLight.mShadowSplits[i + 1] * length;
const ShadowSplitInfo& split = mLight.mSplits[i];
const BBox& bbox_light = split.mBoundsLight;
const BBox& bbox_world = split.mBoundsWorld;
Matrix44f view_frustum = (look_at * Perspective (fov, aspect, split_near, split_far)).inverse();
Matrix44f model_view_projection =
* mCamera.mViewMatrix
* mCamera.mProjectionMatrix;
mSimpleProgram.SetMat44("uModelViewProj", model_view_projection);
mSimpleProgram.SetVec4("uColor", Vector4f (1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
float xn = split_near * tan_half_vfov;
float xf = split_far * tan_half_vfov;
float yn = split_near * tan_half_hfov;
float yf = split_far * tan_half_hfov;
Vector4f frustum_corners[] = {
Vector4f (xn, yn, -split_near, 1.0f),
Vector4f (-xn, yn, -split_near, 1.0f),
Vector4f (xn, -yn, -split_near, 1.0f),
Vector4f (-xn, -yn, -split_near, 1.0f),
Vector4f (xf, yf, -split_far, 1.0f),
Vector4f (-xf, yf, -split_far, 1.0f),
Vector4f (xf, -yf, -split_far, 1.0f),
Vector4f (-xf, -yf, -split_far, 1.0f)
BBox bbox_world;
BBox bbox_light;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
Vector4f v_world = look_at.inverse().transpose() * frustum_corners[j];
Vector4f v_light = light_matrix.transpose() * v_world;
// gLog("vworld %d: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f", j,
// v_world[0],
// v_world[1],
// v_world[2],
// v_world[3]);
// gLog ("min/max %.3f,%.3f, %.3f,%.3f, %.3f,%.3f",
// min_x, max_x,
// min_y, max_y,
// min_z, max_z
// );
// Draw in world space
// Draw bounding boxes in world space
Vector3f dimensions = (bbox_world.mMax - bbox_world.mMin) * 0.5f;
Vector3f center = bbox_world.mMin + dimensions;
model_view_projection =
Matrix44f model_view_projection =
ScaleMat44 (dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2])
* TranslateMat44(center[0], center[1], center[2])
* mCamera.mViewMatrix
@ -926,16 +970,14 @@ void Renderer::DebugDrawShadowCascades() {
mSimpleProgram.SetMat44("uModelViewProj", model_view_projection);
mSimpleProgram.SetVec4("uColor", Vector4f (0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
// gUnitCubeLines.Draw(GL_LINES);
// Draw in light space
// Draw bounding boxes in light space
Vector3f dimensions = (bbox_light.mMax - bbox_light.mMin) * 0.5f;
Vector3f center = bbox_light.mMin + dimensions;
mLight.mSplits[i].mCamera.mViewMatrix = light_matrix;
// TODO: values for near and far planes are off
mLight.mSplits[i].mCamera.mProjectionMatrix = Ortho (
bbox_light.mMin[0], bbox_light.mMax[0],
@ -950,7 +992,7 @@ void Renderer::DebugDrawShadowCascades() {
* mLight.mSplits[i].mCamera.mProjectionMatrix;
model_view_projection =
Matrix44f model_view_projection =
// * light_matrix_inv
* mCamera.mViewMatrix

View File

@ -15,13 +15,8 @@
#include "RenderUtils.h"
struct ShadowSplitInfo {
float mLeft;
float mRight;
float mTop;
float mBottom;
float mNear;
float mFar;
BBox mBoundsLight;
BBox mBoundsWorld;
Matrix44f mFrustum;
RenderTarget mShadowMapTarget;
Camera mCamera;
@ -64,6 +59,7 @@ struct Light {
void Initialize();
void UpdateMatrices();
void DrawGui();
void UpdateSplits(const Camera& camera);
struct RendererSettings;