
455 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Matthew Jack and Doug Binks
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
// misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "ObjectFactorySystem.h"
#include "../ObjectInterface.h"
#include "../ObjectInterfacePerModule.h"
#include "../IObject.h"
#include "../IRuntimeObjectSystem.h"
IObjectConstructor* ObjectFactorySystem::GetConstructor( const char* type ) const
CONSTRUCTORMAP::const_iterator found = m_ConstructorIds.find( type );
if( found != m_ConstructorIds.end() )
return m_Constructors[ found->second ];
return 0;
ConstructorId ObjectFactorySystem::GetConstructorId( const char* type ) const
CONSTRUCTORMAP::const_iterator found = m_ConstructorIds.find( type );
if( found != m_ConstructorIds.end() )
return found->second;
return InvalidId;
IObjectConstructor* ObjectFactorySystem::GetConstructor( ConstructorId id ) const
if( id < m_Constructors.size() )
return m_Constructors[ id ];
return 0;
void ObjectFactorySystem::ProtectedObjectSwapper::ProtectedFunc()
m_ProtectedPhase = PHASE_SERIALIZEOUT;
// serialize all out
if( m_pLogger ) m_pLogger->LogInfo( "Serializing out from %d old constructors...\n", (int)m_ConstructorsOld.size());
// use a temporary serializer in case there is an exception, so preserving any old state (if there is any)
m_Serializer.SetIsLoading( false );
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_ConstructorsOld.size(); ++i )
IObjectConstructor* pOldConstructor = m_ConstructorsOld[i];
size_t numObjects = pOldConstructor->GetNumberConstructedObjects();
for( size_t j = 0; j < numObjects; ++j )
IObject* pOldObject = pOldConstructor->GetConstructedObject( j );
if (pOldObject)
m_Serializer.Serialize( pOldObject );
// swap serializer
if( m_pLogger ) m_pLogger->LogInfo( "Swapping in and creating objects for %d new constructors...\n", (int)m_ConstructorsToAdd.size());
m_ProtectedPhase = PHASE_CONSTRUCTNEW;
TConstructors& constructorsNew = m_pObjectFactorySystem->m_Constructors;
//swap old constructors with new ones and create new objects
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_ConstructorsToAdd.size(); ++i )
IObjectConstructor* pConstructor = m_ConstructorsToAdd[i];
//replace constructor, but if one exists then replace objects
IObjectConstructor* pOldConstructor = m_pObjectFactorySystem->GetConstructor( pConstructor->GetName() );
if( pOldConstructor == pConstructor )
// don't add constructor if it's already in existance
// Reconstruct objects, starting at end to reduce overhead in factory container
if( pOldConstructor )
// replace and construct
pConstructor->SetConstructorId( pOldConstructor->GetConstructorId() );
constructorsNew[ pConstructor->GetConstructorId() ] = pConstructor;
for( PerTypeObjectId objId = 0; objId < pOldConstructor->GetNumberConstructedObjects(); ++ objId )
// create new object
if( pOldConstructor->GetConstructedObject( objId ) )
m_ConstructorsReplaced.push_back( pOldConstructor );
ConstructorId id = constructorsNew.size();
m_pObjectFactorySystem->m_ConstructorIds[ pConstructor->GetName() ] = id;
constructorsNew.push_back( pConstructor );
pConstructor->SetConstructorId( id );
if( m_pLogger ) m_pLogger->LogInfo( "Serialising in...\n");
//serialize back
m_ProtectedPhase = PHASE_SERIALIZEIN;
m_Serializer.SetIsLoading( true );
for( size_t i = 0; i < constructorsNew.size(); ++i )
IObjectConstructor* pConstructor = constructorsNew[i];
for( PerTypeObjectId objId = 0; objId < pConstructor->GetNumberConstructedObjects(); ++ objId )
// Serialize new object
IObject* pObject = pConstructor->GetConstructedObject( objId );
if (pObject)
m_Serializer.Serialize( pObject );
// auto construct singletons
// now in 2 phases - construct then init
std::vector<bool> bSingletonConstructed( constructorsNew.size(), false );
if( m_pLogger ) m_pLogger->LogInfo( "Auto Constructing Singletons...\n");
for( size_t i = 0; i < constructorsNew.size(); ++i )
IObjectConstructor* pConstructor = constructorsNew[i];
if( pConstructor->GetIsAutoConstructSingleton() )
if( 0 == pConstructor->GetNumberConstructedObjects() )
bSingletonConstructed[i] = true;
// Do a second pass, initializing objects now that they've all been serialized
// and testing serialization if required
if( m_bTestSerialization )
if( m_pLogger ) m_pLogger->LogInfo( "Initialising and testing new serialisation...\n");
if( m_pLogger ) m_pLogger->LogInfo( "Initialising...\n");
for( size_t i = 0; i < constructorsNew.size(); ++i )
IObjectConstructor* pConstructor = constructorsNew[i];
for( PerTypeObjectId objId = 0; objId < pConstructor->GetNumberConstructedObjects(); ++ objId )
IObject* pObject = pConstructor->GetConstructedObject( objId );
if (pObject)
// if a singleton was newly constructed in earlier phase, pass true to init.
pObject->Init( bSingletonConstructed[i] );
if( m_bTestSerialization && ( m_ConstructorsOld.size() <= i || m_ConstructorsOld[ i ] != constructorsNew[ i ] ) )
//test serialize out for all new objects, we assume old objects are OK.
SimpleSerializer tempSerializer;
tempSerializer.SetIsLoading( false );
tempSerializer.Serialize( pObject );
m_ProtectedPhase = PHASE_DELETEOLD;
//delete old objects which have been replaced
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_ConstructorsOld.size(); ++i )
if( m_ConstructorsOld[i] != constructorsNew[i] )
//TODO: could put a constructor around this.
//constructor has been replaced
IObjectConstructor* pOldConstructor = m_ConstructorsOld[i];
size_t numObjects = pOldConstructor->GetNumberConstructedObjects();
for( size_t j = 0; j < numObjects; ++j )
IObject* pOldObject = pOldConstructor->GetConstructedObject( j );
if( pOldObject )
pOldObject->_isRuntimeDelete = true;
delete pOldObject;
assert( 0 == pOldConstructor->GetNumberConstructedObjects() );
bool ObjectFactorySystem::HandleRedoUndo( const TConstructors& constructors )
if( constructors.size() == 0 )
m_pLogger->LogInfo( "ObjectFactorySystem::HandleRedoUndo() called with no constructors.\n" );
return true;
ProtectedObjectSwapper swapper;
swapper.m_ConstructorsToAdd = constructors;
swapper.m_ConstructorsOld = m_Constructors;
swapper.m_pLogger = m_pLogger;
swapper.m_pObjectFactorySystem = this;
swapper.m_bTestSerialization = false; // we don't need to test as this should alraedy have been done
swapper.m_ProtectedPhase = PHASE_NONE;
// we use the protected function to do all serialization
m_pRuntimeObjectSystem->TryProtectedFunction( &swapper );
CompleteConstructorSwap( swapper );
return !swapper.HasHadException() || ( PHASE_DELETEOLD == swapper.m_ProtectedPhase );
void ObjectFactorySystem::AddConstructors( IAUDynArray<IObjectConstructor*> &constructors )
if( constructors.Size() == 0 )
m_pLogger->LogInfo( "ObjectFactorySystem::AddConstructors() called with no constructors.\n" );
if( m_HistoryCurrentLocation )
m_pLogger->LogInfo( "Need to fast forward undo system to current state of source code.\n" );
while( RedoObjectConstructorChange() ) {}
ProtectedObjectSwapper swapper;
swapper.m_ConstructorsToAdd.assign( &constructors[0], &constructors[constructors.Size() - 1] + 1 );
swapper.m_ConstructorsOld = m_Constructors;
swapper.m_pLogger = m_pLogger;
swapper.m_pObjectFactorySystem = this;
swapper.m_bTestSerialization = m_bTestSerialization;
swapper.m_ProtectedPhase = PHASE_NONE;
// we use the protected function to do all serialization
m_pRuntimeObjectSystem->TryProtectedFunction( &swapper );
CompleteConstructorSwap( swapper );
if( m_HistoryMaxSize )
HistoryPoint historyPoint = { swapper.m_ConstructorsReplaced, swapper.m_ConstructorsToAdd };
m_HistoryConstructors.push_back( historyPoint );
if( (int)m_HistoryConstructors.size() > m_HistoryMaxSize )
m_HistoryConstructors.erase( m_HistoryConstructors.begin() );
void ObjectFactorySystem::CompleteConstructorSwap( ProtectedObjectSwapper& swapper )
if( swapper.HasHadException() && PHASE_DELETEOLD != swapper.m_ProtectedPhase )
if( m_pLogger )
m_pLogger->LogError( "Exception during object swapping, switching back to previous objects.\n" );
switch( swapper.m_ProtectedPhase )
AU_ASSERT( false );
m_pLogger->LogError( "\tError occured during serialize out old objects phase.\n" );
m_pLogger->LogError( "\tError occured during constructing new objects phase.\n" );
m_pLogger->LogError( "\tError occured during serialize into the new objects phase.\n" );
m_pLogger->LogError( "\tError occured during auto construct singletons phase.\n" );
if( m_bTestSerialization )
m_pLogger->LogError( "\tError occured during Initialization and serialize test of new objects phase.\n" );
m_pLogger->LogError( "\tError occured during Initialization phase.\n" );
//swap back to new constructors before everything is serialized back in
m_Constructors = swapper.m_ConstructorsOld;
if( PHASE_SERIALIZEOUT != swapper.m_ProtectedPhase )
//serialize back with old objects - could cause exception which isn't handled, but hopefully not.
swapper.m_Serializer.SetIsLoading( true );
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_Constructors.size(); ++i )
IObjectConstructor* pConstructor = m_Constructors[i];
for( PerTypeObjectId objId = 0; objId < pConstructor->GetNumberConstructedObjects(); ++ objId )
// Iserialize new object
IObject* pObject = pConstructor->GetConstructedObject( objId );
if (pObject)
swapper.m_Serializer.Serialize( pObject );
// Do a second pass, initializing objects now that they've all been serialized
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_Constructors.size(); ++i )
IObjectConstructor* pConstructor = m_Constructors[i];
for( PerTypeObjectId objId = 0; objId < pConstructor->GetNumberConstructedObjects(); ++ objId )
IObject* pObject = pConstructor->GetConstructedObject( objId );
if (pObject)
if( m_pLogger ) m_pLogger->LogInfo( "Object swap completed\n");
if( swapper.HasHadException() && PHASE_DELETEOLD == swapper.m_ProtectedPhase )
if( m_pLogger ) m_pLogger->LogError( "Exception during object destruction of old objects, leaking.\n" );
// Notify any listeners that constructors have changed
TObjectFactoryListeners::iterator it = m_Listeners.begin();
TObjectFactoryListeners::iterator itEnd = m_Listeners.end();
while (it != itEnd)
void ObjectFactorySystem::GetAll(IAUDynArray<IObjectConstructor*> &constructors) const
std::vector<IObjectConstructor*>::const_iterator it = m_Constructors.begin();
std::vector<IObjectConstructor*>::const_iterator itEnd = m_Constructors.end();
for(int i = 0; it != itEnd; ++it, ++i)
constructors[i] = *it;
IObject* ObjectFactorySystem::GetObject( ObjectId id ) const
IObjectConstructor* pConstructor = ObjectFactorySystem::GetConstructor( id.m_ConstructorId );
if( pConstructor )
return pConstructor->GetConstructedObject( id.m_PerTypeId );
return 0;
void ObjectFactorySystem::AddListener(IObjectFactoryListener* pListener)
void ObjectFactorySystem::RemoveListener(IObjectFactoryListener* pListener)
void ObjectFactorySystem::SetObjectConstructorHistorySize( int num_ )
if( num_ >= m_HistoryCurrentLocation )
m_HistoryMaxSize = num_;
while( m_HistoryMaxSize < (int)m_HistoryConstructors.size() )
m_HistoryConstructors.erase( m_HistoryConstructors.begin() );
int ObjectFactorySystem::GetObjectConstructorHistorySize()
return m_HistoryMaxSize;
bool ObjectFactorySystem::UndoObjectConstructorChange()
if( m_HistoryCurrentLocation < (int)m_HistoryConstructors.size() )
size_t loc = m_HistoryConstructors.size() - m_HistoryCurrentLocation;
return HandleRedoUndo( m_HistoryConstructors[ loc ].before );
return false;
bool ObjectFactorySystem::RedoObjectConstructorChange()
if( m_HistoryCurrentLocation > 0 )
size_t loc = m_HistoryConstructors.size() - m_HistoryCurrentLocation;
return HandleRedoUndo( m_HistoryConstructors[ loc ].after );
return false;
int ObjectFactorySystem::GetObjectContstructorHistoryLocation()
return m_HistoryCurrentLocation;