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# This file was automatically created from rbdl-wrapper.pyx using wrappergen.py.
# Do not modify this file directly. Edit original source instead!!
#cython: boundscheck=False, embedsignature=True
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t
from libcpp.string cimport string
cimport crbdl
# Linear Algebra Types
cdef class Vector3d:
cdef crbdl.Vector3d *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, uintptr_t address=0, pyvalues=None):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
self.thisptr = new crbdl.Vector3d()
if pyvalues != None:
for i in range (3):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = pyvalues[i]
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.Vector3d*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "Vector3d [{:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}]".format (
self.thisptr.data()[0], self.thisptr.data()[1], self.thisptr.data()[2])
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [self.thisptr.data()[i] for i in xrange(*key.indices(len(self)))]
return self.thisptr.data()[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = value[src_index]
src_index = src_index + 1
self.thisptr.data()[key] = value
def __len__ (self):
return 3
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return Vector3d (address)
def fromPythonArray (cls, python_values):
return Vector3d (0, python_values)
cdef class Matrix3d:
cdef crbdl.Matrix3d *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, uintptr_t address=0, pyvalues=None):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
self.thisptr = new crbdl.Matrix3d()
if pyvalues != None:
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
(&(self.thisptr.coeff(i,j)))[0] = pyvalues[i,j]
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.Matrix3d*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "Matrix3d [{:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}]".format (
self.thisptr.data()[0], self.thisptr.data()[1], self.thisptr.data()[2])
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.thisptr.data()[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = value[src_index]
src_index = src_index + 1
self.thisptr.data()[key] = value
def __len__ (self):
return 3
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return Matrix3d (address)
def fromPythonArray (cls, python_values):
return Matrix3d (0, python_values)
cdef class VectorNd:
cdef crbdl.VectorNd *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, ndim, uintptr_t address=0, pyvalues=None):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
self.thisptr = new crbdl.VectorNd(ndim)
if pyvalues != None:
for i in range (ndim):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = pyvalues[i]
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.VectorNd*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [self.thisptr.data()[i] for i in xrange(*key.indices(len(self)))]
return self.thisptr.data()[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = value[src_index]
src_index = src_index + 1
self.thisptr.data()[key] = value
def __len__ (self):
return self.thisptr.rows()
def toNumpy (self):
result = np.ndarray (self.thisptr.rows())
for i in range (0, self.thisptr.rows()):
result[i] = self.thisptr[0][i]
return result
# Constructors
def fromPythonArray (cls, python_values):
return VectorNd (len(python_values), 0, python_values)
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
cdef crbdl.VectorNd* vector_ptr = <crbdl.VectorNd*> address
return VectorNd (vector_ptr.rows(), <uintptr_t> address)
cdef class Quaternion:
cdef crbdl.Quaternion *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, uintptr_t address=0, pyvalues=None, pymatvalues=None):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
self.thisptr = new crbdl.Quaternion()
if pyvalues != None:
for i in range (4):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = pyvalues[i]
elif pymatvalues != None:
mat = Matrix3d()
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
(&(mat.thisptr.coeff(i,j)))[0] = pymatvalues[i,j]
self.thisptr[0] = crbdl.fromMatrix (mat.thisptr[0])
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.Quaternion*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "Quaternion [{:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4}]".format (
self.thisptr.data()[0], self.thisptr.data()[1],
self.thisptr.data()[2], self.thisptr.data()[3])
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [self.thisptr.data()[i] for i in xrange(*key.indices(len(self)))]
return self.thisptr.data()[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = value[src_index]
src_index = src_index + 1
self.thisptr.data()[key] = value
def __len__ (self):
return 4
def toMatrix(self):
cdef crbdl.Matrix3d mat
mat = self.thisptr.toMatrix()
result = np.array ([3,3])
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
result[i,j] = mat.coeff(i,j)
return result
def toNumpy(self):
result = np.ndarray (self.thisptr.rows())
for i in range (0, self.thisptr.rows()):
result[i] = self.thisptr[0][i]
return result
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return Quaternion (address)
def fromPythonArray (cls, python_values):
return Quaternion (0, python_values)
def fromPythonMatrix (cls, python_matrix_values):
return Quaternion (0, None, python_matrix_values)
cdef class SpatialVector:
cdef crbdl.SpatialVector *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, uintptr_t address=0, pyvalues=None):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
self.thisptr = new crbdl.SpatialVector()
if pyvalues != None:
for i in range (6):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = pyvalues[i]
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.SpatialVector*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "SpatialVector [{:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}]".format (
self.thisptr.data()[0], self.thisptr.data()[1], self.thisptr.data()[2],
self.thisptr.data()[3], self.thisptr.data()[4], self.thisptr.data()[5])
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [self.thisptr.data()[i] for i in xrange(*key.indices(len(self)))]
return self.thisptr.data()[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = value[src_index]
src_index = src_index + 1
self.thisptr.data()[key] = value
def __len__ (self):
return 6
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return SpatialVector (address)
def fromPythonArray (cls, python_values):
return SpatialVector (0, python_values)
cdef class SpatialMatrix:
cdef crbdl.SpatialMatrix *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, uintptr_t address=0):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
self.thisptr = new crbdl.SpatialMatrix()
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.SpatialMatrix*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "SpatialMatrix [{:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}]".format (
self.thisptr.data()[0], self.thisptr.data()[1], self.thisptr.data()[2],
self.thisptr.data()[3], self.thisptr.data()[4], self.thisptr.data()[5])
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.thisptr.data()[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
self.thisptr.data()[i] = value[src_index]
src_index = src_index + 1
self.thisptr.data()[key] = value
def __len__ (self):
return 6
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return SpatialMatrix (address)
# Conversion Numpy <-> Eigen
# Vector3d
cdef crbdl.Vector3d NumpyToVector3d (np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] x):
cdef crbdl.Vector3d cx = crbdl.Vector3d()
for i in range (3):
cx[i] = x[i]
return cx
cdef np.ndarray Vector3dToNumpy (crbdl.Vector3d cx):
result = np.ndarray ((cx.rows()))
for i in range (cx.rows()):
result[i] = cx[i]
return result
# VectorNd
cdef crbdl.VectorNd NumpyToVectorNd (np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] x):
cdef crbdl.VectorNd cx = crbdl.VectorNd(x.shape[0])
for i in range (x.shape[0]):
cx[i] = x[i]
return cx
cdef np.ndarray VectorNdToNumpy (crbdl.VectorNd cx):
result = np.ndarray ((cx.rows()))
for i in range (cx.rows()):
result[i] = cx[i]
return result
# MatrixNd
cdef crbdl.MatrixNd NumpyToMatrixNd (np.ndarray[double, ndim=2, mode="c"] M):
cdef crbdl.MatrixNd cM = crbdl.MatrixNd(M.shape[0], M.shape[1])
for i in range (M.shape[0]):
for j in range (M.shape[1]):
(&(cM.coeff(i,j)))[0] = M[i,j]
return cM
cdef np.ndarray MatrixNdToNumpy (crbdl.MatrixNd cM):
result = np.ndarray ([cM.rows(), cM.cols()])
for i in range (cM.rows()):
for j in range (cM.cols()):
result[i,j] = cM.coeff(i,j)
return result
# SpatialVector
cdef np.ndarray SpatialVectorToNumpy (crbdl.SpatialVector cx):
result = np.ndarray ((cx.rows()))
for i in range (cx.rows()):
result[i] = cx[i]
return result
cdef crbdl.Quaternion NumpyToQuaternion (np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] x):
cdef crbdl.Quaternion cx = crbdl.Quaternion()
for i in range (3):
cx[i] = x[i]
return cx
cdef np.ndarray QuaternionToNumpy (crbdl.Quaternion cx):
result = np.ndarray ((cx.rows()))
for i in range (cx.rows()):
result[i] = cx[i]
return result
# Spatial Algebra Types
cdef class SpatialTransform:
cdef crbdl.SpatialTransform *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, uintptr_t address=0):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
self.thisptr = new crbdl.SpatialTransform()
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.SpatialTransform*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "SpatialTransform E = [ [{:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}], [{:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}], [{:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}] ], r = [{:3.4f}, {:3.4f}, {:3.4f}]".format (
self.thisptr.E.coeff(0,0), self.thisptr.E.coeff(0,1), self.thisptr.E.coeff(0,2),
self.thisptr.E.coeff(1,0), self.thisptr.E.coeff(1,1), self.thisptr.E.coeff(1,2),
self.thisptr.E.coeff(2,0), self.thisptr.E.coeff(2,1), self.thisptr.E.coeff(2,2),
self.thisptr.r[0], self.thisptr.r[1], self.thisptr.r[2])
property E:
""" Rotational part of the SpatialTransform. """
def __get__ (self):
result = np.ndarray ((3,3))
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
result[i,j] = self.thisptr.E.coeff(i,j)
return result
def __set__ (self, value):
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
(&(self.thisptr.E.coeff(i,j)))[0] = value[i,j]
property r:
""" Translational part of the SpatialTransform. """
def __get__ (self):
result = np.ndarray ((3))
for i in range (3):
result[i] = self.thisptr.r[i]
return result
def __set__ (self, value):
for i in range (3):
(&(self.thisptr.r[i]))[0] = value[i]
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return SpatialTransform (address)
cdef class SpatialRigidBodyInertia:
cdef crbdl.SpatialRigidBodyInertia *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, uintptr_t address=0):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
self.thisptr = new crbdl.SpatialRigidBodyInertia()
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.SpatialRigidBodyInertia*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "rbdl.SpatialRigidBodyInertia (0x{:0x})".format(<uintptr_t><void *> self.thisptr)
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return SpatialRigidBodyInertia (address)
property m:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.m
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.m = value
property h:
""" Translational part of the SpatialRigidBodyInertia. """
def __get__ (self):
result = np.ndarray ((3))
for i in range (3):
result[i] = self.thisptr.h[i]
return result
def __set__ (self, value):
for i in range (3):
(&(self.thisptr.h[i]))[0] = value[i]
property Ixx:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.Ixx
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.Ixx = value
property Iyx:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.Iyx
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.Iyx = value
property Iyy:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.Iyy
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.Iyy = value
property Izx:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.Izx
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.Izx = value
property Izy:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.Izy
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.Izy = value
property Izz:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.Izz
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.Izz = value
# Rigid Multibody Types
cdef class Body:
cdef crbdl.Body *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, **kwargs):
cdef double c_mass
cdef crbdl.Vector3d c_com
cdef crbdl.Matrix3d c_inertia
cdef uintptr_t address=0
if "address" in kwargs.keys():
mass = None
if "mass" in kwargs.keys():
com = None
if "com" in kwargs.keys():
inertia = None
if "inertia" in kwargs.keys():
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
if (mass != None) and (com != None) and (inertia != None):
c_mass = mass
for i in range (3):
c_com[i] = com[i]
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
(&(c_inertia.coeff(i,j)))[0] = inertia[i,j]
self.thisptr = new crbdl.Body(c_mass, c_com, c_inertia)
self.thisptr = new crbdl.Body()
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.Body*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "rbdl.Body (0x{:0x})".format(<uintptr_t><void *> self.thisptr)
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return Body (address=address)
def fromMassComInertia(cls, double mass,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] com,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] inertia):
return Body (address=0, mass=mass, com=com, inertia=inertia)
# Properties
property mMass:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.mMass
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.mMass = value
property mCenterOfMass:
def __get__ (self):
result = np.ndarray ((3))
for i in range (3):
result[i] = self.thisptr.mCenterOfMass[i]
return result
def __set__ (self, value):
for i in range (3):
(&(self.thisptr.mCenterOfMass[i]))[0] = value[i]
property mInertia:
def __get__ (self):
result = np.ndarray ((3,3))
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
result[i,j] = self.thisptr.mInertia.coeff(i,j)
return result
def __set__ (self, value):
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
(&(self.thisptr.mInertia.coeff(i,j)))[0] = value[i,j]
property mIsVirtual:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.mIsVirtual
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.mIsVirtual = value
cdef class FixedBody:
cdef crbdl.FixedBody *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
def __cinit__(self, uintptr_t address=0):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
self.thisptr = new crbdl.FixedBody()
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.FixedBody*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "rbdl.FixedBody (0x{:0x})".format(<uintptr_t><void *> self.thisptr)
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return FixedBody (address)
# Properties
property mMass:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.mMass
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.mMass = value
property mCenterOfMass:
def __get__ (self):
result = np.ndarray ((3))
for i in range (3):
result[i] = self.thisptr.mCenterOfMass[i]
return result
def __set__ (self, value):
for i in range (3):
(&(self.thisptr.mCenterOfMass[i]))[0] = value[i]
property mInertia:
def __get__ (self):
result = np.ndarray ((3,3))
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
result[i,j] = self.thisptr.mInertia.coeff(i,j)
return result
def __set__ (self, value):
for i in range (3):
for j in range (3):
(&(self.thisptr.mInertia.coeff(i,j)))[0] = value[i,j]
cdef enum JointType:
JointTypeUndefined = 0
cdef class Joint:
cdef crbdl.Joint *thisptr
cdef free_on_dealloc
joint_type_map = {
JointTypeUndefined: "JointTypeUndefined",
JointTypeRevolute: "JointTypeRevolute",
JointTypePrismatic: "JointTypePrismatic",
JointTypeRevoluteX: "JointTypeRevoluteX",
JointTypeRevoluteY: "JointTypeRevoluteY",
JointTypeRevoluteZ: "JointTypeRevoluteZ",
JointTypeSpherical: "JointTypeSpherical",
JointTypeEulerZYX: "JointTypeEulerZYX",
JointTypeEulerXYZ: "JointTypeEulerXYZ",
JointTypeEulerYXZ: "JointTypeEulerYXZ",
JointTypeTranslationXYZ: "JointTypeTranslationXYZ",
JointTypeFloatingBase: "JointTypeFloatingBase",
JointTypeFixed: "JointTypeFixed",
JointType1DoF: "JointType1DoF",
JointType2DoF: "JointType2DoF",
JointType3DoF: "JointType3DoF",
JointType4DoF: "JointType4DoF",
JointType5DoF: "JointType5DoF",
JointType6DoF: "JointType6DoF",
JointTypeCustom: "JointTypeCustom",
def _joint_type_from_str (self, joint_type_str):
if joint_type_str not in self.joint_type_map.values():
raise ValueError("Invalid JointType '" + str(joint_type_str) + "'!")
for joint_type, joint_str in self.joint_type_map.iteritems():
if joint_str == joint_type_str:
return joint_type
def __cinit__(self, uintptr_t address=0, joint_type=-1):
if address == 0:
self.free_on_dealloc = True
if joint_type == -1:
self.thisptr = new crbdl.Joint()
self.thisptr = new crbdl.Joint(self._joint_type_from_str(joint_type))
self.free_on_dealloc = False
self.thisptr = <crbdl.Joint*>address
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.free_on_dealloc:
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
joint_type_str = "JointTypeUndefined"
if self.thisptr.mJointType in self.joint_type_map.keys():
joint_type_str = self.joint_type_map[self.thisptr.mJointType]
return "rbdl.Joint (0x{:0x}), JointType: {:s}".format(<uintptr_t><void *> self.thisptr, joint_type_str)
# Constructors
def fromPointer(cls, uintptr_t address):
return Joint (address)
def fromJointType(cls, joint_type):
return Joint (0, joint_type)
def fromJointAxes(cls, axes):
assert (len(axes) > 0)
assert (len(axes[0]) == 6)
axes_count = len(axes)
joint_type = JointType1DoF + axes_count - 1
result = Joint (0, cls.joint_type_map[joint_type])
for i in range (axes_count):
result.setJointAxis(i, axes[i])
return result
property mDoFCount:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.mDoFCount
def __set__ (self, value):
self.thisptr.mDoFCount = value
property mJointType:
def __get__ (self):
return self.joint_type_map[self.thisptr.mJointType]
property q_index:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.q_index
def getJointAxis (self, index):
assert index >= 0 and index < self.thisptr.mDoFCount, "Invalid joint axis index!"
return SpatialVectorToNumpy (self.thisptr.mJointAxes[index])
def setJointAxis (self, index, value):
assert index >= 0 and index < self.thisptr.mDoFCount, "Invalid joint axis index!"
for i in range (6):
(&(self.thisptr.mJointAxes[index][i]))[0] = value[i]
cdef class Model
cdef class _Model_v_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.v[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.v[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.v[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.v[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.v.size()
cdef class _Model_a_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.a[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.a[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.a[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.a[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.a.size()
cdef class _Model_mJoints_Joint_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [Joint.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.mJoints[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return Joint.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.mJoints[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], Joint), "Invalid type! Expected Joint, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.mJoints[i] = (<Joint> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, Joint), "Invalid type! Expected Joint, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.mJoints[key] = (<Joint> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.mJoints.size()
cdef class _Model_S_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.S[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.S[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.S[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.S[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.S.size()
cdef class _Model_X_J_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialTransform.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.X_J[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialTransform.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.X_J[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialTransform), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialTransform, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.X_J[i] = (<SpatialTransform> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialTransform), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialTransform, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.X_J[key] = (<SpatialTransform> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.X_J.size()
cdef class _Model_v_J_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.v_J[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.v_J[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.v_J[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.v_J[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.v_J.size()
cdef class _Model_c_J_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.c_J[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.c_J[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.c_J[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.c_J[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.c_J.size()
cdef class _Model_X_T_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialTransform.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.X_T[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialTransform.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.X_T[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialTransform), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialTransform, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.X_T[i] = (<SpatialTransform> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialTransform), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialTransform, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.X_T[key] = (<SpatialTransform> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.X_T.size()
cdef class _Model_c_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.c[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.c[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.c[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.c[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.c.size()
cdef class _Model_IA_SpatialMatrix_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialMatrix.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.IA[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialMatrix.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.IA[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialMatrix), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialMatrix, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.IA[i] = (<SpatialMatrix> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialMatrix), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialMatrix, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.IA[key] = (<SpatialMatrix> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.IA.size()
cdef class _Model_pA_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.pA[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.pA[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.pA[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.pA[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.pA.size()
cdef class _Model_U_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.U[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.U[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.U[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.U[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.U.size()
cdef class _Model_f_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.f[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.f[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.f[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.f[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.f.size()
cdef class _Model_I_SpatialRigidBodyInertia_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialRigidBodyInertia.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.I[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialRigidBodyInertia.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.I[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialRigidBodyInertia), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialRigidBodyInertia, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.I[i] = (<SpatialRigidBodyInertia> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialRigidBodyInertia), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialRigidBodyInertia, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.I[key] = (<SpatialRigidBodyInertia> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.I.size()
cdef class _Model_Ic_SpatialRigidBodyInertia_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialRigidBodyInertia.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.Ic[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialRigidBodyInertia.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.Ic[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialRigidBodyInertia), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialRigidBodyInertia, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.Ic[i] = (<SpatialRigidBodyInertia> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialRigidBodyInertia), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialRigidBodyInertia, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.Ic[key] = (<SpatialRigidBodyInertia> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.Ic.size()
cdef class _Model_hc_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.hc[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialVector.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.hc[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.hc[i] = (<SpatialVector> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialVector), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialVector, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.hc[key] = (<SpatialVector> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.hc.size()
cdef class _Model_X_lambda_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialTransform.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.X_lambda[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialTransform.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.X_lambda[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialTransform), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialTransform, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.X_lambda[i] = (<SpatialTransform> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialTransform), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialTransform, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.X_lambda[key] = (<SpatialTransform> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.X_lambda.size()
cdef class _Model_X_base_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [SpatialTransform.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.X_base[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return SpatialTransform.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.X_base[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], SpatialTransform), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialTransform, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.X_base[i] = (<SpatialTransform> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, SpatialTransform), "Invalid type! Expected SpatialTransform, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.X_base[key] = (<SpatialTransform> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.X_base.size()
cdef class _Model_mFixedBodies_FixedBody_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [FixedBody.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.mFixedBodies[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return FixedBody.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.mFixedBodies[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], FixedBody), "Invalid type! Expected FixedBody, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.mFixedBodies[i] = (<FixedBody> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, FixedBody), "Invalid type! Expected FixedBody, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.mFixedBodies[key] = (<FixedBody> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.mFixedBodies.size()
cdef class _Model_mBodies_Body_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.Model *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.Model *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [Body.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.mBodies[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return Body.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.mBodies[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], Body), "Invalid type! Expected Body, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.mBodies[i] = (<Body> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, Body), "Invalid type! Expected Body, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.mBodies[key] = (<Body> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.mBodies.size()
cdef class Model:
cdef crbdl.Model *thisptr
cdef _Model_v_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper v
cdef _Model_a_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper a
cdef _Model_mJoints_Joint_VectorWrapper mJoints
cdef _Model_S_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper S
cdef _Model_X_J_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper X_J
cdef _Model_v_J_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper v_J
cdef _Model_c_J_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper c_J
cdef _Model_X_T_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper X_T
cdef _Model_c_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper c
cdef _Model_IA_SpatialMatrix_VectorWrapper IA
cdef _Model_pA_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper pA
cdef _Model_U_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper U
cdef _Model_f_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper f
cdef _Model_I_SpatialRigidBodyInertia_VectorWrapper I
cdef _Model_Ic_SpatialRigidBodyInertia_VectorWrapper Ic
cdef _Model_hc_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper hc
cdef _Model_X_lambda_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper X_lambda
cdef _Model_X_base_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper X_base
cdef _Model_mFixedBodies_FixedBody_VectorWrapper mFixedBodies
cdef _Model_mBodies_Body_VectorWrapper mBodies
def __cinit__(self):
self.thisptr = new crbdl.Model()
self.v = _Model_v_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.a = _Model_a_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.mJoints = _Model_mJoints_Joint_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.S = _Model_S_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.X_J = _Model_X_J_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.v_J = _Model_v_J_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.c_J = _Model_c_J_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.X_T = _Model_X_T_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.c = _Model_c_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.IA = _Model_IA_SpatialMatrix_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.pA = _Model_pA_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.U = _Model_U_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.f = _Model_f_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.I = _Model_I_SpatialRigidBodyInertia_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.Ic = _Model_Ic_SpatialRigidBodyInertia_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.hc = _Model_hc_SpatialVector_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.X_lambda = _Model_X_lambda_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.X_base = _Model_X_base_SpatialTransform_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.mFixedBodies = _Model_mFixedBodies_FixedBody_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.mBodies = _Model_mBodies_Body_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "rbdl.Model (0x{:0x})".format(<uintptr_t><void *> self.thisptr)
def AddBody (self,
SpatialTransform joint_frame not None,
Joint joint not None,
Body body not None,
string body_name = ""):
return self.thisptr.AddBody (
def AppendBody (self,
SpatialTransform joint_frame not None,
Joint joint not None,
Body body not None,
string body_name = ""):
return self.thisptr.AppendBody (
def SetQuaternion (self,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] quat,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q):
quat_wrap = Quaternion.fromPythonArray (quat)
q_wrap = VectorNd.fromPythonArray (q)
self.thisptr.SetQuaternion (body_id,
for i in range(len(q)):
q[i] = q_wrap[i]
def GetQuaternion (self,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q):
return QuaternionToNumpy (self.thisptr.GetQuaternion(body_id, NumpyToVectorNd (q)))
def GetBody (self, index):
return Body (address=<uintptr_t> &(self.thisptr.mBodies[index]))
def GetParentBodyId (self, index):
return self.thisptr.GetParentBodyId(index)
def GetBodyId (self, name):
return self.thisptr.GetBodyId(name)
def GetBodyName (self, index):
return self.thisptr.GetBodyName(index)
def IsBodyId (self, index):
return self.thisptr.IsBodyId(index)
def IsFixedBodyId (self, index):
return self.thisptr.IsFixedBodyId(index)
property dof_count:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.dof_count
property q_size:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.q_size
property qdot_size:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.qdot_size
property previously_added_body_id:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.previously_added_body_id
property gravity:
def __get__ (self):
return np.array ([
def __set__ (self, values):
for i in range (0,3):
self.thisptr.gravity[i] = values[i]
property v:
def __get__ (self):
return self.v
property a:
def __get__ (self):
return self.a
property mJoints:
def __get__ (self):
return self.mJoints
property S:
def __get__ (self):
return self.S
property X_J:
def __get__ (self):
return self.X_J
property v_J:
def __get__ (self):
return self.v_J
property c_J:
def __get__ (self):
return self.c_J
property mJointUpdateOrder:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.mJointUpdateOrder
property X_T:
def __get__ (self):
return self.X_T
property mFixedJointCount:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.mFixedJointCount
# multdof3_S
# multdof3_U
# multdof3_Dinv
# multdof3_u
property multdof3_w_index:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.multdof3_w_index
property c:
def __get__ (self):
return self.c
property IA:
def __get__ (self):
return self.IA
property pA:
def __get__ (self):
return self.pA
property U:
def __get__ (self):
return self.U
# d
# u
property f:
def __get__ (self):
return self.f
property I:
def __get__ (self):
return self.I
property Ic:
def __get__ (self):
return self.Ic
property hc:
def __get__ (self):
return self.hc
property X_lambda:
def __get__ (self):
return self.X_lambda
property X_base:
def __get__ (self):
return self.X_base
property mFixedBodies:
def __get__ (self):
return self.mFixedBodies
property fixed_body_discriminator:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.fixed_body_discriminator
property mBodies:
def __get__ (self):
return self.mBodies
# Constraint Types
cdef class ConstraintSet
cdef class _ConstraintSet_point_Vector3d_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.ConstraintSet *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.ConstraintSet *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [Vector3d.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.point[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return Vector3d.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.point[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], Vector3d), "Invalid type! Expected Vector3d, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.point[i] = (<Vector3d> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, Vector3d), "Invalid type! Expected Vector3d, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.point[key] = (<Vector3d> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.point.size()
cdef class _ConstraintSet_normal_Vector3d_VectorWrapper:
cdef crbdl.ConstraintSet *parent
def __cinit__ (self, uintptr_t ptr):
self.parent = <crbdl.ConstraintSet *> ptr
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
return [Vector3d.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.normal[i])) for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self)))]
return Vector3d.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.parent.normal[key]))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance( key, slice ) :
#Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
src_index = 0
for i in xrange (*key.indices(len(self))):
assert isinstance (value[src_index], Vector3d), "Invalid type! Expected Vector3d, but got " + str(type(value[src_index])) + "."
self.parent.normal[i] = (<Vector3d> value[src_index]).thisptr[0]
src_index = src_index + 1
assert isinstance (value, Vector3d), "Invalid type! Expected Vector3d, but got " + str(type(value)) + "."
self.parent.normal[key] = (<Vector3d> value).thisptr[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.parent.normal.size()
cdef class ConstraintSet:
cdef crbdl.ConstraintSet *thisptr
cdef _ConstraintSet_point_Vector3d_VectorWrapper point
cdef _ConstraintSet_normal_Vector3d_VectorWrapper normal
def __cinit__(self):
self.thisptr = new crbdl.ConstraintSet()
self.point = _ConstraintSet_point_Vector3d_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
self.normal = _ConstraintSet_normal_Vector3d_VectorWrapper (<uintptr_t> self.thisptr)
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
def __repr__(self):
return "rbdl.ConstraintSet (0x{:0x})".format(<uintptr_t><void *> self.thisptr)
def AddContactConstraint (self,
body_id not None,
body_point not None,
world_normal not None,
constraint_name = None,
normal_acceleration = 0.):
cdef crbdl.Vector3d c_body_point
cdef crbdl.Vector3d c_world_normal
cdef char* constraint_name_ptr
for i in range (3):
c_body_point[i] = body_point[i]
c_world_normal[i] = world_normal[i]
if constraint_name == None:
constraint_name_ptr = NULL
constraint_name_ptr = constraint_name
return self.thisptr.AddContactConstraint (
def AddLoopConstraint (self,
id_predecessor not None,
id_successor not None,
SpatialTransform X_predecessor not None,
SpatialTransform X_successor not None,
SpatialVector axis not None,
double T_stab_inv,
constraint_name = None):
cdef char* constraint_name_ptr
if constraint_name == None:
constraint_name_ptr = NULL
constraint_name_ptr = constraint_name
return self.thisptr.AddLoopConstraint (
def Bind (self, model):
return self.thisptr.Bind ((<Model>model).thisptr[0])
def size (self):
return self.thisptr.size()
def clear (self):
property bound:
def __get__ (self):
return self.thisptr.bound
# %VectorWrapperAddProperty (TYPE=string, MEMBER=name, PARENT=ConstraintSet)%
property point:
def __get__ (self):
return self.point
property normal:
def __get__ (self):
return self.normal
# property acceleration:
# def __get__(self):
# return VectorNd.fromPointer (<uintptr_t> &(self.thisptr.acceleration)).toNumpy()
# def __set__(self, values):
# vec = VectorNd.fromPythonArray (values)
# self.thisptr.acceleration = <crbdl.VectorNd> (vec.thisptr[0])
# Kinematics.h
def CalcBodyToBaseCoordinates (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] body_point_position,
return Vector3dToNumpy (crbdl.CalcBodyToBaseCoordinates (
NumpyToVectorNd (q),
NumpyToVector3d (body_point_position),
def CalcBaseToBodyCoordinates (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] body_point_position,
return Vector3dToNumpy (crbdl.CalcBaseToBodyCoordinates (
NumpyToVectorNd (q),
NumpyToVector3d (body_point_position),
def CalcPointVelocity (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qdot,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] body_point_position,
return Vector3dToNumpy (crbdl.CalcPointVelocity (
NumpyToVectorNd (q),
NumpyToVectorNd (qdot),
NumpyToVector3d (body_point_position),
def CalcPointAcceleration (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qdot,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qddot,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] body_point_position,
return Vector3dToNumpy (crbdl.CalcPointAcceleration (
NumpyToVectorNd (q),
NumpyToVectorNd (qdot),
NumpyToVectorNd (qddot),
NumpyToVector3d (body_point_position),
def CalcPointVelocity6D (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qdot,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] body_point_position,
return SpatialVectorToNumpy (crbdl.CalcPointVelocity6D (
NumpyToVectorNd (q),
NumpyToVectorNd (qdot),
NumpyToVector3d (body_point_position),
def CalcPointAcceleration6D (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qdot,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qddot,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] body_point_position,
return SpatialVectorToNumpy (crbdl.CalcPointAcceleration6D (
NumpyToVectorNd (q),
NumpyToVectorNd (qdot),
NumpyToVectorNd (qddot),
NumpyToVector3d (body_point_position),
def CalcPointJacobian (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] body_point_position,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=2, mode="c"] G,
crbdl.CalcPointJacobianPtr (
NumpyToVector3d (body_point_position),
def CalcPointJacobian6D (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] body_point_position,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=2, mode="c"] G,
crbdl.CalcPointJacobian6DPtr (
NumpyToVector3d (body_point_position),
def CalcBodySpatialJacobian(Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
int body_id,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] body_point_position,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=2, mode="c"] G,
# rbdl_utils.h
def CalcCenterOfMass (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qdot,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] com,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] com_velocity=None,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] angular_momentum=None,
cdef double cmass
cdef crbdl.Vector3d c_com = crbdl.Vector3d()
cdef crbdl.Vector3d* c_com_vel_ptr # = crbdl.Vector3d()
cdef crbdl.Vector3d* c_ang_momentum_ptr # = crbdl.Vector3d()
c_com_vel_ptr = <crbdl.Vector3d*> NULL
c_ang_momentum_ptr = <crbdl.Vector3d*> NULL
if com_velocity != None:
c_com_vel_ptr = new crbdl.Vector3d()
if angular_momentum != None:
c_ang_momentum_ptr = new crbdl.Vector3d()
cmass = 0.0
crbdl.CalcCenterOfMass (
NumpyToVectorNd (q),
NumpyToVectorNd (qdot),
com[0] = c_com[0]
com[1] = c_com[1]
com[2] = c_com[2]
if com_velocity != None:
com_velocity[0] = c_com_vel_ptr.data()[0]
com_velocity[1] = c_com_vel_ptr.data()[1]
com_velocity[2] = c_com_vel_ptr.data()[2]
del c_com_vel_ptr
if angular_momentum != None:
angular_momentum[0] = c_ang_momentum_ptr.data()[0]
angular_momentum[1] = c_ang_momentum_ptr.data()[1]
angular_momentum[2] = c_ang_momentum_ptr.data()[2]
del c_ang_momentum_ptr
return cmass
# Dynamics.h
def InverseDynamics (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qdot,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qddot,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] tau):
crbdl.InverseDynamicsPtr (model.thisptr[0],
def NonlinearEffects (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qdot,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] tau):
crbdl.NonlinearEffectsPtr (model.thisptr[0],
def CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithm (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=2, mode="c"] H,
crbdl.CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithmPtr (model.thisptr[0],
def ForwardDynamics (Model model,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] q,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qdot,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] tau,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] qddot):
crbdl.ForwardDynamicsPtr (model.thisptr[0],
def loadModel (
verbose = False
if "verbose" in kwargs.keys():
floating_base = False
if "floating_base" in kwargs.keys():
result = Model()
if crbdl.rbdl_loadmodel (filename, result.thisptr, floating_base, verbose):
return result
print ("Error loading model {}!".format (filename))
return None