import logging import pykka from mopidy import core logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RaspberryGPIOFrontend(pykka.ThreadingActor, core.CoreListener): def __init__(self, config, core): super().__init__() import RPi.GPIO as GPIO self.core = core self.config = config["raspberry-gpio"] self.pin_settings = {} self.rot_encoders = {} GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Iterate through any bcmN pins in the config # and set them up as inputs with edge detection for key in self.config: if key.startswith("bcm"): pin = int(key.replace("bcm", "")) settings = self.config[key] if settings is None: continue pull = GPIO.PUD_UP edge = GPIO.FALLING if == "active_high": pull = GPIO.PUD_DOWN edge = GPIO.RISING if 'rotenc_id' in settings.options: edge = GPIO.BOTH rotenc_id = self.options['rotenc_id'] encoder = None if rotenc_id in self.rot_encoders: encoder = self.rot_encoders[rotenc_id] else: encoder = RotEncoder(rotenc_id) self.rot_encoders[rotenc_id] = encoder encoder.add_pin(pin, settings.event) settings.rot_encoder = encoder GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=pull) GPIO.add_event_detect( pin, edge, callback=self.gpio_event, bouncetime=settings.bouncetime, ) self.pin_settings[pin] = settings # TODO validate all self.rot_encoders have two pins def gpio_event(self, pin): settings = self.pin_settings[pin] event = settings.event if settings.rot_encoder: event = settings.rot_encoder.get_event() if event: self.dispatch_input(event, settings.options) def dispatch_input(self, event, options): handler_name = f"handle_{event}" try: getattr(self, handler_name)(options) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find input handler for event: {event}" ) def handle_play_pause(self, config): if self.core.playback.get_state().get() == core.PlaybackState.PLAYING: self.core.playback.pause() else: def handle_play_stop(self, config): if self.core.playback.get_state().get() == core.PlaybackState.PLAYING: self.core.playback.stop() else: def handle_next(self, config): def handle_prev(self, config): self.core.playback.previous() def handle_volume_up(self, config): step = int(config.get("step", 5)) volume = self.core.mixer.get_volume().get() volume += step volume = min(volume, 100) self.core.mixer.set_volume(volume) def handle_volume_down(self, config): step = int(config.get("step", 5)) volume = self.core.mixer.get_volume().get() volume -= step volume = max(volume, 0) self.core.mixer.set_volume(volume)