
118 lines
3.8 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include "EntityFactoryBase.h"
#include "EntityBase.h"
#include "coll2d.h"
namespace Engine {
int EntityFactoryBase::OnInit (int argc, char* argv[]) {
LogMessage ("Initializing EntityFactory");
return 0;
EntityPhysicState* EntityFactoryBase::CreateEntityPhysicState (int type) {
// In this simple factory the type is simply seen as the EntityBaseType.
// However to prevent errors we do a simple check vor validity.
if (type < 0 || type >> EntityBaseTypeLast ) {
LogError ("Cannot create Entity with type %d: invalid type!", type);
assert (0);
EntityBaseType base_type = (EntityBaseType) type;
// Create the Entity
EntityPhysicState* entity_physics = new EntityPhysicState ();
if (!entity_physics) {
LogError ("Could not allocate enough memory for EntityPhysicState of type '%d'", type);
assert (0);
// default values for all entities
entity_physics->mBaseType = base_type;
// specific values for each Entity base_type
if (base_type == EntityBaseTypeNone) {
entity_physics->mShape = new coll2d::Sphere (0.01);
assert (entity_physics->mShape);
} else if (base_type == EntityBaseTypeActor) {
entity_physics->mShape = new coll2d::Sphere (0.4);
assert (entity_physics->mShape);
} else if (base_type == EntityBaseTypeBlock) {
entity_physics->mShape = new coll2d::Polygon (4);
assert (entity_physics->mShape);
static_cast<coll2d::Polygon*> (entity_physics->mShape)->setVertice (0, vector3d (-0.5, 0., 0.5));
static_cast<coll2d::Polygon*> (entity_physics->mShape)->setVertice (1, vector3d (0.5, 0., 0.5));
static_cast<coll2d::Polygon*> (entity_physics->mShape)->setVertice (2, vector3d (0.5, 0., -0.5));
static_cast<coll2d::Polygon*> (entity_physics->mShape)->setVertice (3, vector3d (-0.5, 0., -0.5));
} else if (base_type == EntityBaseTypeParticle) {
entity_physics->mShape = new coll2d::Sphere (0.05);
assert (entity_physics->mShape);
} else {
LogError ("No EntityPhysicState defined for Entity base_type '%d'", base_type);
assert (0);
return entity_physics;
EntityControllerState* EntityFactoryBase::CreateEntityControllerState (int type) {
// In this simple factory the type is simply seen as the EntityBaseType.
// However to prevent errors we do a simple check vor validity.
if (type < 0 || type >> EntityBaseTypeLast ) {
LogError ("Cannot create Entity with type %d: invalid type!", type);
assert (0);
EntityBaseType base_type = (EntityBaseType) type;
// Create the Entity
EntityControllerState* entity_controller = NULL;
// specific values for each Entity base_type
if (base_type == EntityBaseTypeNone) {
} else if (base_type == EntityBaseTypeActor) {
entity_controller = new EntityControllerState ();
if (!entity_controller) {
LogError ("Could not allocate enough memory for EntityControllerState of type '%d'", type);
assert (0);
} else if (base_type == EntityBaseTypeBlock) {
} else if (base_type == EntityBaseTypeParticle) {
} else {
LogError ("No EntityPhysicState defined for Entity base_type '%d'", base_type);
assert (0);
return entity_controller;
EntityBase* EntityFactoryBase::CreateEntity (int type) {
// In this simple factory the type is simply seen as the EntityBaseType.
// However to prevent errors we do a simple check vor validity.
if (type < 0 || type >> EntityBaseTypeLast ) {
LogError ("Cannot create Entity with type %d: invalid type!", type);
assert (0);
EntityBaseType base_type = (EntityBaseType) type;
// Create the Entity
EntityBase *entity = new EntityBase;
entity->mBaseType = base_type;
if (!entity) {
LogError ("Could not allocate enough memory for EntityVisualState of type '%d'", type);
assert (0);
entity->mPhysicState = CreateEntityPhysicState (type);
entity->mControllerState = CreateEntityControllerState (type);
return entity;