
886 lines
27 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <SDL/SDL_net.h>
#include "Model.h"
#include "Physics.h"
#include "PhysicsBase.h"
#include "EntityFactory.h"
#include "AsteroidsEvents.h"
#include "AsteroidEntity.h"
#include <assert.h>
namespace asteroids {
static Model* ModelInstance = NULL;
Engine::Variable Model::HighscoreServerName ("highscore_server_name", "asteroids.fysx.org");
Engine::Variable Model::HighscoreServerPath ("highscore_server_path", "/highscore/highscore.php?format=raw");
Engine::Variable Model::UseServerHighscore ("use_server_highscore", "false");
// makes sure we have asked whether the player wants to submit the highscore data
Engine::Variable Model::UseServerHighscoreAsked ("use_server_highscore_asked", "false");
* Inherited Module functions
int Model::OnInit (int argc, char* argv[]) {
int result = Engine::ModelBase::OnInit (argc, argv);
Engine::LogMessage ("Model Initialization!");
ModelInstance = this;
mGameState = GameStatePaused;
mLastGameState = GameStatePaused;
/// \TODO use <optional> or similar for initialization of mCurrentLevelIndex
mCurrentLevelIndex = 99999;
mGameModified = false;
mCurrentLevelModified = false;
// populate the level hashes
mLevelHashes["level01_lets_get_started.map"] = "1165bac2b862118fb9c830e2f2f87c47782dded737954d81430f93adcadd3567";
mLevelHashes["level02_sing_along.map"] = "206e1e8b60a75a97de2bd91f5422ccaade43463daf5d5d4df971f0c3d9ef3f28";
mLevelHashes["level03_spacewalk.map"] = "e6c615af0b7ece9e9c826d2f431a0de080c199e2685b4f0772bb54e16894e9de";
mLevelHashes["level04_spiessrutenlauf.map"] = "4ba5c830f38e2b07b7b899d744fc4cefbd40921904492dfb396f24897a9925c0";
mLevelHashes["level05_WolleNew1_might_want.map"] = "7289454d67c74a8d5e1afe02996e786458655182355b19fe2cd1a51f4139d1da";
mLevelHashes["level06_WolleNew3_watch_your.map"] = "e5e86667623b12a491a2395a9b361617ee961edf8d349b7419942f0dbf76b769";
mLevelHashes["level07_circled.map"] = "98aa36bf2c8f6be8cd23c7c284d6ff413db992f09e5d5866e5a3aa393a93b367";
mLevelHashes["level08_highway.map"] = "bf5e678750d3f4d47c7bfec5ae62d852db1f475146ef013040d1e67308708a66";
mLevelHashes["level09_WolleNew4_wheres_the_brain.map"] = "94af432a967ed68389a41c2907b3500de9b6a8744816c025a7269ff2ef0509c9";
mLevelHashes["level10_WolleWhatever_whatever.map"] = "2f97984e86bd0969909032fa44bcf883dd181fbe61782ee7dd704b0b63dfd0e1";
mLevelHashes["level11_Strahlensatz.map"] = "3f293d4b0ea23688c15761a54b2ee097cc6a41b30750cc8fc5fccf94c20bf018";
mLevelHashes["level12_almost_there_test5.map"] = "5cefdc7dadbbfc30f32580f3e50cfbb6cae9ca5f432fd73e777bdbb835f3660a";
mLevelHashes["level13_WolleHarder1_tribute_to_lw.map"] = "1b52ccfb9f6211eb07d880cab6bf23b3ac05646561b555077bae14ad8f40c80c";
mLevelHashes["level14_asteroid_field_lets_hide.map"] = "a9e2ddca00eef71a51f564f7d7cdd482e8a4d4fc7b70d4d2bf3d5f496188fce1";
mLevelHashes["level15_WolleNew6_smack_my.map"] = "1d7e1223bbd8a68492108c2416c1a8ba828d293601c02e489dbf6b5db6a1aaa2";
mLevelHashes["level16_Wolle7_todesspirale.map"] = "d82d8f6c21806238a7b6a87c1217a0dff42f4e59e73f28e7af3f0c8afd908e38";
mLevelHashes["level17_WolleEasyNew1_twin_supernova.map"] = "4e177f82a0ba8f909ff1af1adf13caf82ab41cf09d69504c87f3e0551b9b73ed";
mLevelHashes["level18_WolleNew2_dont_drink.map"] = "09c32e7bc6bc3c8ef7bd96b0f60094dd46276227d653abfa3c300687d31776fd";
mLevelHashes["level19_Geisterfahrer.map"] = "2036741d6fd4a863324210e53b903d7a898c4478e5eb9607a43a110bb6999ace";
mLevelHashes["level20_billiard.map"] = "23dcffbf61bd887db7613b02d0c9ad04d77d800af631edbcf5822a169dcc2a9d";
mLevelHashes["level21_final.map"] = "6384b1565c0c844d7083e744d6cfbaf9de42f5ad5ecb0cb668c3a2458860c8ac";
mLevelHashes["level22_bonus.map"] = "a5c9455284fb2311687b5076693ab0df50c7766044561d79f4c46896842a6b44";
if (InitLevelList() == 0)
Engine::LogError ("No levels found!");
// Reset the newest highscore entry index which may be used for highlighting
// the newest entry.
mNewestHighscoreEntryIndex = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
mHighscoreIsOnline = false;
// initialize event handlers and register them
Engine::RegisterListener (this, EventGameOver);
Engine::RegisterListener (this, EventShipExplode);
mPlayerName = "Player";
mLevelAuthor = "";
mLevelTitle = "";
mLevelName = "";
mLevelParTimeSeconds = -1.f;
mPoints = 0;
// initialize SDL_net to be able to retrieve highscore from the internet
if (SDLNet_Init() == -1) {
Engine::LogError("SDLNet_Init: %s\n", SDLNet_GetError());
Engine::RegisterListener (this, EventAccelerateStart);
Engine::RegisterListener (this, EventAccelerateStop);
Engine::RegisterListener (this, EventLevelComplete);
return result;
void Model::OnDestroy() {
bool Model::OnReceiveEvent (const Engine::EventBasePtr &event) {
switch (event->mEventType) {
case EventAccelerateStart:
Engine::PlaySoundLoop(Engine::GetResourceFullPath("/data/sounds/thrust.wav"), -1);
case EventAccelerateStop:
case EventShipExplode:
case EventLevelComplete:
OnLevelComplete ();
case EventGameOver:
return OnGameOver();
default: Engine::LogWarning ("Received Event with type %d but don't know what to do with it!", event->mEventType);
return false;
* Module specific functions
void Model::Process () {
if (mLastGameState == mGameState) {
if (mGameState == GameStateRunning) {
// Only if we are still controlling the ship we increase the level
// timer
if (Engine::GetPlayerEntityId() != Engine::NullEntityId)
mLevelTimeSeconds += Engine::GetFrameDuration();
// when we are here we know that something has changed so we need to take
// some action.
Engine::LogDebug ("Switching from %s->%s", GetStringGameState(mLastGameState), GetStringGameState(mGameState));
// ... and we have to set the last game state to the current gamestate
// otherwise we end up in an infinite loop of performing the switching
// action.
mLastGameState = mGameState;
unsigned int Model::InitLevelList () {
boost::filesystem::path level_dir_path;
std::string level_dir_name = Engine::GetResourceFullPath("/data/levels/");
Engine::LogDebug ("Searching for levels in %s", level_dir_name.c_str());
boost::filesystem::path level_dir(level_dir_name);
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(level_dir.string())) {
Engine::LogError ("Could not init level list: %s does not exist!", level_dir.filename().c_str());
if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(level_dir)) {
Engine::LogError ("Could not init level list: %s is not a directory!", level_dir_name.c_str());
boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end_iter;
for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator dir_iter(level_dir);
dir_iter != end_iter;
++dir_iter) {
if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file (dir_iter->status())) {
std::string level_relative_path (level_dir_name);
level_relative_path += dir_iter->path().filename().string();
// check whether we found an official level
std::string map_name (dir_iter->path().filename().string());
if (mLevelHashes.find(map_name) == mLevelHashes.end()) {
Engine::LogDebug ("Skipping unofficial level %s", std::string(level_relative_path).c_str());
mLevelList.push_back (level_relative_path);
Engine::LogDebug ("Found level %s", mLevelList[mLevelList.size()-1].c_str());
std::sort(mLevelList.begin(), mLevelList.end());
return mLevelList.size();
void Model::ParseHighscoreStream (std::istream &highscore_stream) {
std::string line;
while (getline(highscore_stream, line)) {
std::string name;
unsigned int points;
std::string::size_type delimiter = line.find ('\t');
if (delimiter == std::string::npos)
name = line.substr(0, delimiter);
std::istringstream points_stream(line.substr(delimiter + 1, line.size()));
points_stream >> points;
Engine::LogDebug ("Read Highscore Entry Name: %s Points: %d", name.c_str(), points);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry (name, points);
void Model::LoadHighscoreList () {
if (mHighscoreList.size() < 10) {
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("Imperator", 1000000);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("Luke Skywalker", 800000);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("Darth Vader", 600000);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("Han Solo", 400000);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("Princess Leia", 200000);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("C3PO", 100000);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("R2-D2", 50000);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("Chewy", 10000);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("Mr. Ewok", 5000);
AddLocalHighscoreEntry ("Jabba the Hutt", 1000);
mHighscoreIsOnline = false;
if (Model::UseServerHighscore.GetBoolValue()) {
Engine::LogDebug ("Retrieving Highscore from server");
std::stringstream global_highscore_stream;
if (PullGlobalHighscore(global_highscore_stream)) {
mHighscoreIsOnline = true;
Engine::LogMessage ("Could not load highscore from server, falling back to local.");
void Model::LoadLocalHighscoreList () {
std::string highscore_filename = Engine::GetUserDirFullPath("/highscore.dat").c_str();
boost::filesystem::path highscore_file(highscore_filename);
// if the file does not exist, we create it and write standard values into
// it.
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(highscore_file)) {
Engine::LogDebug ("Local highscore file not found!");
if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(highscore_file)) {
Engine::LogError ("Could not load highscore file: %s is not a regular file!", highscore_file.filename().c_str());
Engine::LogDebug ("Loading highscore file '%s'", highscore_filename.c_str());
std::ifstream score_stream (highscore_filename.c_str());
ParseHighscoreStream (score_stream);
void Model::SaveLocalHighscoreList () {
Engine::LogDebug ("Saving local highscore file");
std::ofstream highscore_file (Engine::GetUserDirFullPath("/highscore.dat").c_str());
std::list<HighscoreEntry>::iterator iter = mHighscoreList.begin();
while (iter != mHighscoreList.end()) {
highscore_file << iter->name << "\t" << iter->points << std::endl;
bool highscore_cmp (Model::HighscoreEntry a, Model::HighscoreEntry b) {
return a.points > b.points;
/** \brief Addes an entry to the highscore list and takes care that the list stays valid
* \TODO Re-think usage of mNewestHighscoreEntryIndex variable in this function
unsigned int Model::AddLocalHighscoreEntry(const std::string &name, const unsigned int points) {
HighscoreEntry entry;
entry.name = name;
entry.points = points;
Engine::LogDebug ("Adding entry %s points = %d", name.c_str(), points);
unsigned int counter = 0;
std::list<HighscoreEntry>::iterator iter = mHighscoreList.begin();
while (iter != mHighscoreList.end()) {
if (name == iter->name && points == iter->points)
if (points >= iter->points) {
mHighscoreList.insert (iter, entry);
mNewestHighscoreEntryIndex = counter;
counter ++;
if (mHighscoreList.size() < 10) {
mNewestHighscoreEntryIndex = mHighscoreList.size();
return mHighscoreList.size();
while (mHighscoreList.size() > 10) {
if (counter < 10)
return counter;
mNewestHighscoreEntryIndex = 99999;
return 99999;
bool Model::PullGlobalHighscore(std::stringstream &highscore_stream) {
IPaddress server_address;
if (SDLNet_ResolveHost (&server_address, Model::HighscoreServerName.GetStringValue().c_str(), 80) == -1) {
Engine::LogWarning ("Could not retrieve global highscore list: host name resolution for server %s failed!",
return false;
char ip_address_char[4];
memcpy (&ip_address_char[0], &server_address.host, sizeof(char) * 4);
int ip_address[4];
ip_address[0] = static_cast<int>(ip_address_char[0]);
ip_address[1] = static_cast<int>(ip_address_char[1]);
ip_address[2] = static_cast<int>(ip_address_char[2]);
ip_address[3] = static_cast<int>(ip_address_char[3]);
if (ip_address[0] < 0)
ip_address[0] += 256;
if (ip_address[1] < 0)
ip_address[1] += 256;
if (ip_address[2] < 0)
ip_address[2] += 256;
if (ip_address[3] < 0)
ip_address[3] += 256;
Engine::LogDebug ("Pulling global highscore from server %s (%d.%d.%d.%d)",
TCPsocket server_socket = SDLNet_TCP_Open (&server_address);
if (!server_socket) {
Engine::LogError ("SDL_net tcp open: %s", SDLNet_GetError());
return false;
std::string http_query_string;
http_query_string = std::string ("GET ") + Model::HighscoreServerPath.GetStringValue() + std::string(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: asteroids.fysx.org\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
int bytes_sent;
bytes_sent = SDLNet_TCP_Send (server_socket, http_query_string.c_str(), http_query_string.size());
if (bytes_sent != http_query_string.size()) {
Engine::LogError ("SDL_net tcp send: %s", SDLNet_GetError());
return false;
char receive_buffer[255];
std::string http_result;
bool receiving = true;
while (receiving) {
// reset the buffer
bzero (&receive_buffer[0], 255);
// read the data
int received_bytes = SDLNet_TCP_Recv (server_socket, receive_buffer, 255);
if (received_bytes <= 0) {
receiving = false;
http_result.append (receive_buffer, received_bytes);
// we have to strip the whitespaces twice to cut out the content
http_result = strip_whitespaces (http_result);
http_result = http_result.substr (http_result.find ("\n\r"), http_result.size());
http_result = strip_whitespaces (http_result);
Engine::LogDebug ("Received Highscore: %s", http_result.c_str());
SDLNet_TCP_Close (server_socket);
return true;
bool Model::SubmitGlobalHigscoreEntry (std::string name, const unsigned int points) {
IPaddress server_address;
if (SDLNet_ResolveHost (&server_address, Model::HighscoreServerName.GetStringValue().c_str(), 80) == -1) {
Engine::LogWarning ("Cannot submit highscore entry: host name resolution for server %s failed!",
return false;
char ip_address_char[4];
memcpy (&ip_address_char[0], &server_address.host, sizeof(char) * 4);
int ip_address[4];
ip_address[0] = static_cast<int>(ip_address_char[0]);
ip_address[1] = static_cast<int>(ip_address_char[1]);
ip_address[2] = static_cast<int>(ip_address_char[2]);
ip_address[3] = static_cast<int>(ip_address_char[3]);
if (ip_address[0] < 0)
ip_address[0] += 256;
if (ip_address[1] < 0)
ip_address[1] += 256;
if (ip_address[2] < 0)
ip_address[2] += 256;
if (ip_address[3] < 0)
ip_address[3] += 256;
std::string escaped_name = name;
while (escaped_name.find(" ") != std::string::npos) {
escaped_name.replace (escaped_name.find(" "), 1, "%20");
Engine::LogDebug ("Escaped name (%u) = '%s'", escaped_name.size(), escaped_name.c_str());
Engine::LogDebug ("Submitting highscore player_name='%s' score_value='%d' to server %s (%d.%d.%d.%d)",
TCPsocket server_socket = SDLNet_TCP_Open (&server_address);
if (!server_socket) {
Engine::LogError ("SDL_net tcp open: %s", SDLNet_GetError());
return false;
std::stringstream points_stringstream;
points_stringstream << points;
std::stringstream hash_input;
hash_input << name << ":" << points << ":" << sha256_hash ("asteroids rule");
std::string key = sha256_hash (hash_input.str());
std::string http_query_string;
http_query_string = std::string ("GET ")
+ Model::HighscoreServerPath.GetStringValue()
+ std::string("&player_name=") + escaped_name
+ std::string("&score_value=") + points_stringstream.str()
+ std::string("&key=") + key
+ std::string(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: asteroids.fysx.org\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
Engine::LogDebug ("http submitting query: %s", http_query_string.c_str());
int bytes_sent;
bytes_sent = SDLNet_TCP_Send (server_socket, http_query_string.c_str(), http_query_string.size());
if (bytes_sent != http_query_string.size()) {
Engine::LogError ("SDL_net tcp send: %s", SDLNet_GetError());
return false;
char receive_buffer[255];
std::string http_result;
bool receiving = true;
while (receiving) {
// reset the buffer
bzero (&receive_buffer[0], 255);
// read the data
int received_bytes = SDLNet_TCP_Recv (server_socket, receive_buffer, 255);
if (received_bytes <= 0) {
receiving = false;
http_result.append (receive_buffer, received_bytes);
// we have to strip the whitespaces twice to cut out the content
http_result = strip_whitespaces (http_result);
http_result = http_result.substr (http_result.find ("\n\r"), http_result.size());
http_result = strip_whitespaces (http_result);
SDLNet_TCP_Close (server_socket);
if (http_result == "OK") {
Engine::LogDebug ("Submission successful: %s", http_result.c_str());
return true;
} else {
Engine::LogMessage ("Submission unsuccessful: %s", http_result.c_str());
return false;
void Model::SubmitHighscoreEntry (const std::string &name, const unsigned int points) {
if (Model::UseServerHighscore.GetBoolValue()) {
if (SubmitGlobalHigscoreEntry (name, points)) {
Engine::LogWarning ("Could not send highscore entry to server!");
// if it did not succeed or we do not want to use the global highscore
// fall back to the local highscore system.
AddLocalHighscoreEntry (name, points);
int Model::DoLoadLevel (const char* filename) {
// verify the hash of the map
std::string map_name (filename);
map_name = boost::filesystem::path(map_name).filename().string();
std::string map_hash = sha256_hash_file (filename);
if (map_hash != mLevelHashes[map_name]) {
Engine::LogMessage ("Map verification for file %s failed!", map_name.c_str());
mGameModified = true;
mCurrentLevelModified = true;
Engine::LogDebug ("Verification for level %s OK: loading level.", map_name.c_str());
std::fstream level_file (filename, std::ios::in);
if (!level_file) {
Engine::LogError ("Unable to open file %s for reading!", filename);
exit (-1);
std::string entity_type_str;
int entity_count = 0;
SetLevelTitle ("");
SetLevelAuthor ("");
mLevelTimeSeconds = 0.f;
mLevelParTimeSeconds = -1.f;
mLevelPoints = 0;
mLevelTimeBonusPoints = 0;
while (level_file >> entity_type_str) {
if (entity_type_str[0] == '#') {
getline (level_file, entity_type_str);
Engine::LogDebug ("Read Comment: %s", entity_type_str.c_str());
} else if (entity_type_str == "Title") {
std::string level_title;
getline (level_file, level_title);
level_title = strip_whitespaces (level_title);
SetLevelTitle (level_title);
} else if (entity_type_str == "Author") {
std::string level_author;
getline (level_file, level_author);
level_author = strip_whitespaces (level_author);
SetLevelAuthor (level_author);
} else if (entity_type_str == "ParTime") {
std::string partime_string;
getline (level_file, partime_string);
partime_string = strip_whitespaces (partime_string);
std::stringstream partime_stream (partime_string);
float partime = -1.;
partime_stream >> partime;
if (partime > 0.)
mLevelParTimeSeconds = partime;
GameEntityType entity_type = GameEntityTypeUnknown;
if (entity_type_str == "GameEntityTypeShip")
entity_type = GameEntityTypeShip;
else if (entity_type_str == "GameEntityTypeAsteroid")
entity_type = GameEntityTypeAsteroid;
else {
Engine::LogError ("Unknown Entity type: %s", entity_type_str.c_str());
exit (-1);
Engine::EntityBase* entity = CreateEntity (entity_type);
bool is_player;
level_file >> is_player;
if (is_player) {
mPlayerEntityId = entity->mId;
Engine::LogDebug ("Entity with id '%d' is player", entity->mId);
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mPosition[0];
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mPosition[1];
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mPosition[2];
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mOrientation[0];
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mOrientation[1];
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mOrientation[2];
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mVelocity[0];
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mVelocity[1];
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mVelocity[2];
level_file >> entity->mPhysicState->mAngleVelocity;
entity_count ++;
if (mLevelParTimeSeconds == -1.f) {
Engine::LogWarning ("Level %s has no par time set. Setting to 120s.", filename);
mLevelParTimeSeconds = 120.f;
Engine::LogDebug ("%d Entities loaded!", mEntities.size());
return 0;
int Model::DoSaveLevel (const char* filename) {
Engine::LogMessage ("Saving level to %s", filename);
std::fstream level_file (filename, std::ios::out);
if (!level_file) {
Engine::LogError ("Unable to open file %s for writing!", filename);
exit (-1);
level_file << "# Format" << std::endl;
level_file << "# <Type> <player?> <xpos> <ypos> <zpos> <zrot> <yrot> <xrot> <xvel> <yvel> <zvel> <rotvel>" << std::endl;
if (GetLevelTitle() != "") {
level_file << "Title " << mLevelTitle << std::endl;
if (GetLevelAuthor() != "") {
level_file << "Author " << mLevelAuthor << std::endl;
std::map<unsigned int, Engine::EntityBase*>::iterator iter = mEntities.begin();
unsigned int player_id = GetPlayerEntityId();
for (iter = mEntities.begin(); iter != mEntities.end(); iter++) {
Engine::EntityBase* game_entity = iter->second;
level_file << GetStringGameEntityType((GameEntityType)game_entity->mType) << "\t"
// this stores the player id
<< (game_entity->mId == player_id) << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mPosition[0] << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mPosition[1] << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mPosition[2] << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mOrientation[0] << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mOrientation[1] << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mOrientation[2] << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mVelocity[0] << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mVelocity[1] << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mVelocity[2] << "\t"
<< game_entity->mPhysicState->mAngleVelocity << "\t"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
void Model::LoadLevelFromIndex (unsigned int level_index) {
if (level_index < mLevelList.size()) {
mCurrentLevelIndex = level_index;
void Model::ReloadLevel () {
Engine::LogDebug ("Reloading level %d", mCurrentLevelIndex + 1);
if (mCurrentLevelIndex < 0 || mCurrentLevelIndex >= mLevelList.size())
Engine::LogError ("Invalid level index: %u", mCurrentLevelIndex);
void Model::ProceedToNextLevel () {
Engine::LogDebug ("Proceeding to next level %d", mCurrentLevelIndex + 1);
if (mCurrentLevelIndex == mLevelList.size()) {
Engine::EventBasePtr gameover_event (new Engine::EventBase());
gameover_event->mEventType = EventGameOver;
QueueEvent (gameover_event);
} else {
void Model::SetGameState (const unsigned int &state) {
mLastGameState = mGameState;
mGameState = state;
bool Model::OnGameOver() {
Engine::LogDebug ("Points = %d lowest = %d", mPoints, mHighscoreList.back().points );
if (mPoints > mHighscoreList.back().points) {
Engine::LogMessage ("New Highscore!");
return false;
void Model::OnNewGame() {
mNewestHighscoreEntryIndex = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
mPlayerLives = 3;
mCurrentLevelIndex = 0;
mPoints = 0;
mLevelPoints = 0;
DoLoadLevel (mLevelList[mCurrentLevelIndex].c_str());
void Model::OnShipExplode () {
if (GetPlayerEntityId() == Engine::NullEntityId) {
mPlayerLives --;
if (mPlayerLives == 0) {
Engine::EventBasePtr gameover_event (new Engine::EventBase());
gameover_event->mEventType = EventGameOver;
QueueEvent (gameover_event);
} else {
Engine::EventBasePtr playerdied_event (new Engine::EventBase());
playerdied_event->mEventType = EventPlayerDied;
QueueEvent (playerdied_event);
void Model::OnLevelComplete() {
// calculate the bonus points
float level_time = roundf(mLevelTimeSeconds);
float level_par_time = roundf(mLevelParTimeSeconds);
int bonus_points = 0;
if (level_time <= level_par_time) {
// secret time bonus formula
float a = 2,
b = -4.2,
c = 2.2;
float t_n = mLevelTimeSeconds / mLevelParTimeSeconds;
float bonus_points_f = roundf ( (a * t_n * t_n + b * t_n + c) * static_cast<float>( mLevelPoints ));
if (bonus_points_f < 0.)
bonus_points_f = 0.;
// round to the closest decimal number
bonus_points_f = roundf (bonus_points_f / 10.) * 10. + 100.;
mLevelTimeBonusPoints = static_cast<unsigned int> (bonus_points_f);
Engine::LogDebug("Bonus Points: t_n = %f bonus_points_f = %f bonus_points = %u", t_n, bonus_points_f, mLevelTimeBonusPoints);
} else {
mLevelTimeBonusPoints = 0;
int extra_lives = floor ((mPoints + mLevelPoints) / 400000.f) - floor (mPoints / 400000.f);
if (extra_lives > 0) {
mPlayerLives += extra_lives;
mLevelPoints += mLevelTimeBonusPoints;
mPoints += mLevelPoints;
if (mGameModified)
mPoints = 0;
void Model::OnCreateEntity (const int type, const unsigned int id) {
GameEntityType entity_type = (GameEntityType) type;
if (entity_type == GameEntityTypeAsteroid) {
mAsteroids.push_back (id);
void Model::OnKillEntity (const Engine::EntityBase *entity) {
GameEntityType entity_type = (GameEntityType) entity->mType;
if (entity_type == GameEntityTypeAsteroid) {
unsigned int i;
const AsteroidEntity *asteroid = static_cast<const AsteroidEntity*>(entity);
if (GetPlayerEntityId() != Engine::NullEntityId) {
mLevelPoints += (150 + asteroid->mSubAsteroidsCount * 75) * 6;
for (i = 0; i < mAsteroids.size(); i++) {
if (mAsteroids.at(i) == entity->mId) {
std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator entity_iter = mAsteroids.begin() + i;
mAsteroids.erase (entity_iter);
if (mAsteroids.size() == 0) {
Engine::EventBasePtr level_complete_event (new Engine::EventBase());
level_complete_event->mEventType = EventLevelComplete;
QueueEvent (level_complete_event);
float Model::GetWorldWidth () {
return static_cast<Physics*>(mPhysics)->GetWorldWidth();
float Model::GetWorldHeight () {
return static_cast<Physics*>(mPhysics)->GetWorldHeight();