/** \file documentation.h \mainpage Main Page * * This is the documentation of Engine -- a game engine without a name. * * \section General Information * * To get an overview over the most important functions and classes have a * look at Engine. For the structure of the Engine look at Engine::Engine. In * \ref usecases you find documentation on how things are supposed to work and * what the ideas behind certain designs is. * * \section Physics * * So far we only use a very simple physics system which is mostly defined by * the Engine::Physics class. It uses the coll2d collision library. Collision * response so far only tries to prevent interpenetration. * * \section Networking * * For easier networking it is assumed that everything runs over a network. * The game itself is rather a smart client to a simple synchronization * protocol. What is being synchronized is the game state and the client * simply displays the current state it knows. The client is "smart" as it * tries to guess what the next state will be. * * For networking we want to use Enet http://enet.bespin.org/. * * Notes for networking: At * http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=550962 is an * interesting thread about modeling the updates. Especially the answer of * Antheus at http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/viewreply.asp?ID=3546077 * describes two fundamental models: * * Level Triggering (GoF Observer Pattern): Entity A sends its changes to the * Observer pattern and all objects that are interested in the state of Entity * A get notfied by the observer. * * Edge Triggering: For each Entity A the Observer B is interested, it stores * a flag for a value it is interested in (e.g. one for position, one for * velocity, etc.). When Entity A modifies one of the values it notifies the * observer that its current state has changed and the Observer sets the flag * to "dirty". Anyone interested in events polls at the Observer and decides * what to do with it. When the value is queried, the Observer reads the value * from the Entity and clears the flag. * * For networking a combination can be used: During the simulation loop only * Edge Triggering is performed and at the end of it, all dirty States get * sent over the network. * * When notifying events such as "Add new Entity X" the user tomv describes at * http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/viewreply.asp?ID=3545586 a method * to circumvent these messages. Instead, the server simply sends out updates * about the Entities around a player where close Entities are updated more * frequently than ones that are further away. It simply sends "Entity X * changed by D". If a client does not know what the Entity X is, it queries * the type and current state of the Entity X and therefore reconstructs the * surroundings step-by-step. It is also robust against dropped messages of * the form "Add new Entity X". * * At tomvas model there are some problems: How are events "Delete Entity X" * handled? How to handle malicious clients that request the state of all * Entities? (Solution for the last question: Request Queues). * * Kylotan cals tomvas model as a unreliable system for generic state * [synchronization?] (http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/viewreply.asp?ID=3548662). * Additionally he mentions that it can increase occurences of short term * unsynchronous states and reccomends using some reliable message passing. * * \section ToDos * * This is a loose list of items that are to be implemented. For a list of all * todos within the code have a look at the \ref todo. * * \todo [high] Create a simple racing or asteroids game * \todo [high] fix collisions that go over boundaries * \todo [med] disallow or fix resize of the game window * * These are the (for now) postponed todos: * * \todo [med] Use shared_ptr instead of raw pointers for the Entities * \todo [med] Clear all references of EntityVisualState and EntityGameState * \todo [med] Clarify functionalities of CreateEntity, KillEntity, RegisterEntity, UnregisterEntity (which frees memory, which does only change the state of the Model?) * \todo [med] Add basic networking * \todo [med] Add serialization * \todo [med] Add cal3d support * \todo [med] Smooth Physics at convex collisions (somehow there is jitter) * \todo [med] Create better collsion response * \todo [med] In rare cases two Actors can penetrate each other (probably at slow velocities) * \todo [low] Add a timer object to keep track of what is sucking performance. * \todo [low] Add a inspector widget that shows information about a selected Entity * \todo [low] Use a std::map as initialization parameters for * Engine::Module::Init() * * Done: * \todo [med] (30-01-2011) add Engine::GUI::CheckKeyPressed that checks for completed key presses * \todo [med] (30-01-2011) fix LineEdit input which generates blanks when entering backspace for an empty edit * \todo [high] (30-01-2011) fix random crashes for certain characters (has to do with boundary box computation in OGLFT) fix: disabled debug assertion for proper boundary box merging. * \todo [high] (28-11-2010) Enable saving of music and effects volume * \todo [high] (28-11-2010) Allow transitions when player dies * \todo [high] (11-09-2010) Since introduction of the IMGUI pressing 'space' in the menu crashes the game * - [high] In Physics remove dependancy on the Model to pass on collision * events * - [high] Fix Physics bug when two actors collide actively (i.e. velocity * towards each other) * - [med] Better Game Input so that each Entity has its own ControllerState * that can be modified * - [med] (31-01-2009) Add support for loading levels (and saving!) */