fysxasteroids - A fun and good looking clone of the popular 80s game. - programmed by Martin Felis - Use the arrow keys to accelerate and turn your ship and shoot the asteroids by pressing space. But be warned: your ship has no break, so be careful. This game also has an optional online highscore mode for which the player name, points are transmitted to a server. CREDITS: * Programming, Design, Sounds, and Graphics Martin Felis * Top Level Designer Sir Wolle * Additional Level Design Martin Felis NicoKrass michi Andi Sebastian Felis Khai-Long Ho Hoang * Music DJad - Space Exploration * Libraries libSDL SDL_mixer OGLFT freetype2 boost libpng Aaron D. Gifford's sha2 code * Tools GIMP Blender CMake sfxr-sdl Audacity * Special Thanks to my wonderful wife Katrina Enjoy! Martin