class_name ItemSlot extends Panel signal mouse_entered_slot signal mouse_left_pressed enum { ALLOW_DRAG = 1, ALLOW_DROP = 2 } @onready var select_panel = %SelectPanel @onready var highlight_panel = %HighlightPanel @onready var texture_rect:TextureRect = %TextureRect @onready var count_label = %CountLabel var drag_drop_flags:int = 0 var _item_stack:ItemStack = null var highlighted:bool = false : set = _set_highlighted var selected:bool = false : set = _set_selected func _set_highlighted(new_state): highlight_panel.visible = new_state func _set_selected(new_state): select_panel.visible = new_state func set_drag_drop_flags(flags:int) -> void: drag_drop_flags = flags func get_item() -> Item: if _item_stack == null: return null return _item_stack.item func display(item_stack): _item_stack = item_stack func _process(_delta)->void: if _item_stack == null: return theme_type_variation = "PanelHighlighted" if _item_stack.count == 0: texture_rect.texture = null update_quantity_text(0) else: texture_rect.texture = _item_stack.item.icon update_quantity_text(_item_stack.count) func update_quantity_text(stack_size) -> void: if stack_size <= 1: count_label.hide() else: count_label.text = str(stack_size) func _get_drag_data(_at_position:Vector2)->Variant: if drag_drop_flags & ALLOW_DRAG == 0: return null if _item_stack == null: return null var drag_data:ItemDrag =, self) var drag_preview = load("res://ui/item_slot.tscn").instantiate() var drag_stack = drag_stack.item = _item_stack.item drag_stack.count = _item_stack.count drag_preview.display(drag_stack) set_drag_preview(drag_preview) return drag_data func _can_drop_data(_at_position:Vector2, data:Variant)->bool: if drag_drop_flags & ALLOW_DROP == 0: return false if !data is ItemDrag: return false return _item_stack.count == 0 func _drop_data(_at_position:Vector2, data:Variant)->void: if drag_drop_flags & ALLOW_DROP == 0: return if !data is ItemDrag: return var drag_data := data as ItemDrag drag_data.destination = self if drag_data.source is ItemSlot: var source_slot := drag_data.source as ItemSlot # add stuff to the destination self._item_stack.item = source_slot._item_stack.item self._item_stack.count = source_slot._item_stack.count # remove it from the source source_slot._item_stack.count = 0 func _on_mouse_entered(): emit_signal("mouse_entered_slot", self) func _on_gui_input(event): var mouse_button_event = event as InputEventMouseButton if mouse_button_event and mouse_button_event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT and mouse_button_event.pressed: emit_signal("mouse_left_pressed", self)