extends Node const WIDTH=1024 const HEIGHT=1024 const GRID_SIZE=float(64.0) const GRID_COLOR="#000000" const SHOVEL_DURATION=1 var DebugLabel = null var HexGrid = null var hex_size = 128 # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): HexGrid = preload("../thirdparty/gdhexgrid/HexGrid.gd").new() HexGrid.hex_scale = Vector2(hex_size, hex_size) # add_child(HexGrid) HexTileDrawer.hex_scale = Vector2(hex_size, hex_size) func ClearDebugLabel(): if DebugLabel == null: return DebugLabel.text = "" func DebugLabelAdd(text): if DebugLabel == null: return DebugLabel.text = DebugLabel.text + text + "\n" func ScreenToWorld(pos: Vector2, camera: Camera2D): pos = pos - OS.get_window_safe_area().size * 0.5 return camera.offset + pos * camera.zoom func ScreenToHex(pos: Vector2, camera: Camera2D): return Globals.HexGrid.get_hex_at(ScreenToWorld(pos, camera)).axial_coords func WorldToScreen(pos: Vector2, camera: Camera2D): return pos * camera.zoom + camera.offset