Ocean and island navigation usable

Martin Felis 2021-07-11 16:09:04 +02:00
parent 7aa4b2d4b9
commit bc662d616d
5 changed files with 205 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -9,17 +9,22 @@ const SHOVEL_DURATION=1
var DebugLabel = null
var HexGrid = null
var HexCell = null
var OceanGrid = null
var OceanNavGrid = null
var IslandNavGrid = null
var hex_size = 128
var debug_nav = false
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
HexGrid = preload("../thirdparty/gdhexgrid/HexGrid.gd").new()
HexGrid.hex_scale = Vector2(hex_size, hex_size)
OceanGrid = preload("../thirdparty/gdhexgrid/HexGrid.gd").new()
OceanGrid.hex_scale = Vector2(hex_size, hex_size)
OceanNavGrid = preload("../thirdparty/gdhexgrid/HexGrid.gd").new()
OceanNavGrid.hex_scale = Vector2(hex_size, hex_size)
IslandNavGrid = preload("../thirdparty/gdhexgrid/HexGrid.gd").new()
IslandNavGrid.hex_scale = Vector2(hex_size, hex_size)
HexCell = preload("../thirdparty/gdhexgrid/HexCell.gd").new()

View File

@ -23,17 +23,13 @@ func set_hex_scale(scale):
HexPoints = PoolVector2Array()
var NoneColors = PoolColorArray()
var SandColors = PoolColorArray()
var GrassColors = PoolColorArray()
for i in range (7):
var angle = (60 * i) * PI / 180
HexPoints.append(Vector2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * hex_scale.x / 2)
var NoneColors = create_color_array ("#885555")
var SandColors = create_color_array ("#ffa106")
var GrassColors = create_color_array ("#4b9635")
HexColors = {
TileType.None: NoneColors,
@ -41,6 +37,14 @@ func set_hex_scale(scale):
TileType.Grass: GrassColors
func create_color_array(color: Color):
var result = PoolColorArray()
for _i in range (7):
return result
func get_tile_color (type_name: String):
match type_name:
"None": return HexColors[TileType.None]

View File

@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ var tile_local_coords = []
var rect_local = Rect2()
var radius_world = 0.0
var is_active = false
var landing_site_local_coord = null
var landing_site_world = null
var ship_anchor_world = null
var obstacles_local_coords = {}
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
@ -58,6 +63,19 @@ func calc_bbox():
print ("center coord: " + str(center_coord))
radius_world = max(rect_local.size.x, rect_local.size.y) * 0.5
# brute force the bbox tiles
obstacles_local_coords = {}
var dx = Globals.hex_size * 0.5
var dy = Globals.hex_size * 0.5
var n_tiles_x = (rect_local.size.x + Globals.hex_size * 2) / dx
var n_tiles_y = (rect_local.size.y + Globals.hex_size * 2) / dy
for r in range (n_tiles_y):
for c in range (n_tiles_x):
var point_hex_local = Globals.WorldToHexCenter(Vector2(rect_local.position.x+ c * dx, rect_local.position.y + r * dy) - Vector2.ONE * Globals.hex_size * 0.5)
if not obstacles_local_coords.has(point_hex_local) and not tiles.has(point_hex_local):
obstacles_local_coords[point_hex_local] = "#bb44aa"
func save_island(path: String):
var island_save_data = File.new()
@ -110,12 +128,21 @@ func check_overlap(other):
func get_tile_by_world_coord(world_coord: Vector2):
var center_world = Globals.WorldToHexCenter(world_coord - offset_world)
if center_world in tiles.keys():
return tiles[center_world]
var local_coord = get_local_coord_by_world_coord(world_coord)
if local_coord in tiles.keys():
return tiles[local_coord]
return null
func is_point_on_landing_site(world_coord: Vector2):
return (Globals.WorldToHex(world_coord) - Globals.WorldToHex(landing_site_world)).length_squared() < 1
func get_local_coord_by_world_coord(world_coord: Vector2):
return Globals.WorldToHexCenter(world_coord - offset_world)
func calc_rect_world():
var rect_world = Rect2(rect_local)
rect_world.position = transform.origin + rect_world.position + offset_world
@ -130,15 +157,19 @@ func draw_bsphere():
func _draw():
var transform = get_transform()
for coord in tiles.keys():
draw_set_transform (coord + offset_world, 0, Vector2.ONE)
draw_polygon(HexTileDrawer.HexPoints, HexTileDrawer.get_tile_color(tiles[coord]))
var transform = get_transform()
draw_set_transform(transform.origin + offset_world, transform.get_rotation(), transform.get_scale())
if is_active:
if Globals.debug_nav and is_active:
draw_rect(rect_local, Color.red, false)
var default_font = Control.new().get_font("font")
draw_string(default_font, Vector2(0, 0), name + str(" ") + str(offset_world))
for coord in obstacles_local_coords.keys():
draw_set_transform(coord + offset_world, 0, Vector2.ONE)
draw_polygon(HexTileDrawer.HexPoints, HexTileDrawer.create_color_array("#922"))

View File

@ -26,7 +26,11 @@ var drag_start = null
var target = Vector2()
var tile_data = {}
var current_island = null
var anchor_tile = null
var landing_tile = null
var player_navigation_path = []
var player_path_plan_start = null
var player_path_plan_end = null
var hex_line_path = []
@ -45,7 +49,6 @@ func _ready():
func _process(_delta):
WorldCamera.offset = PlayerChar.position
PlayerBoat.transform.origin = PlayerChar.transform.origin
if len(player_navigation_path) > 1:
var player_coord = Globals.WorldToHexCenter(PlayerChar.transform.origin)
@ -56,10 +59,11 @@ func _process(_delta):
PlayerChar.target = player_navigation_path[0]
if current_island:
PlayerBoat.visible = false
PlayerBoat.transform.origin = Globals.HexToWorld(anchor_tile)
PlayerBoat.visible = true
PlayerBoat.transform.origin = PlayerChar.transform.origin
func draw_hex_path (path: Array, color: Color):
@ -75,9 +79,13 @@ func draw_hex_path (path: Array, color: Color):
func _draw():
if Globals.debug_nav:
draw_hex_path (hex_line_path, "#00f2f2")
draw_hex_path (player_navigation_path, "#f200f2")
if player_path_plan_start != null and player_path_plan_end != null:
draw_circle (player_path_plan_start, 12, "#2288f2")
draw_circle (player_path_plan_end, 12, "#2288f2")
# World Modification/Query
@ -156,27 +164,35 @@ func generate():
print ("Placed after " + str(overlap_retry_num) + " retries.")
# var island = Islands.get_children()[0]
# var player_pos = island.center_world_coord + island.offset_world
# PlayerChar.position = player_pos
# PlayerChar.target = player_pos
# PlayerChar.update()
# print (player_pos)
# Navigation
func populate_ocean_grid():
var obstacles = Globals.OceanGrid.get_obstacles()
Globals.OceanGrid.set_bounds(Vector2.ONE * -500, Vector2.ONE * 500)
func populate_ocean_nav_grid():
var obstacles = Globals.OceanNavGrid.get_obstacles()
Globals.OceanNavGrid.set_bounds(Vector2.ONE * -500, Vector2.ONE * 500)
for island in Islands.get_children():
for tile in island.tiles.keys():
var grid_coords = Globals.WorldToHex(tile + island.offset_world)
Globals.OceanGrid.add_obstacles(grid_coords, 15)
Globals.OceanNavGrid.add_obstacles(grid_coords, 0)
func populate_island_nav_grid():
var obstacles = Globals.IslandNavGrid.get_obstacles()
Globals.IslandNavGrid.set_bounds(Vector2.ONE * -500, Vector2.ONE * 500)
if current_island == null:
print ("Error: cannot populate island nav grid: no island")
for tile in current_island.obstacles_local_coords.keys():
var grid_coords = Globals.WorldToHex(tile + current_island.offset_world)
Globals.IslandNavGrid.add_obstacles(grid_coords, 0)
func update_current_island():
@ -191,36 +207,82 @@ func update_current_island():
if last_current_island != current_island:
if last_current_island != null:
last_current_island.is_active = false
if current_island != null:
current_island.is_active = true
func update_player_navigation_target(target_world: Vector2):
player_navigation_path = []
func on_enter_island(island):
print ("Entering island")
current_island = island
anchor_tile = PlayerChar.prev_tile
landing_tile = PlayerChar.cur_tile
island.landing_site_world = Globals.WorldToHexCenter(PlayerChar.position)
island.landing_site_local_coord = island.get_local_coord_by_world_coord(PlayerChar.position)
island.is_active = true
var start_world = PlayerChar.transform.origin
func on_leave_island(island):
print ("Leaving island")
island.is_active = false
island.landing_site_local_coord = null
func check_player_near_anchor():
if current_island == null:
return false
var anchor_world = Globals.HexToWorld(anchor_tile)
return (PlayerChar.position - anchor_world).length() < Globals.hex_size
func update_navigation_target_ocean(start_world: Vector2, target_world: Vector2):
var start_coord = Globals.WorldToHex(start_world)
var goal_coord = Globals.WorldToHex(target_world)
var island_landing_site_world = null
player_path_plan_start = null
player_path_plan_end = null
var direct_path = Globals.WorldLineToHexTiles(start_world, target_world)
if get_tile_type(start_world) != null and current_island != null and len(direct_path) > 1:
print ("type 0: ", get_tile_type(direct_path[0]))
print ("type 1: ", get_tile_type(direct_path[1]))
print ("on landing site: ", current_island.is_point_on_landing_site (start_world))
if current_island.is_point_on_landing_site (start_world):
if get_tile_type(direct_path[1]) == null:
print ("starting from landing site")
start_coord = Globals.WorldToHex(direct_path.front())
print ("Invalid start")
# In case target is on an island we find both a landing site and
# the first point on the ocean that we can reach.
if get_tile_type(target_world) != null:
var direct_path = Globals.WorldLineToHexTiles(target_world, start_world)
var last_removed = null
while len(direct_path) > 0 and get_tile_type(direct_path[0]) != null:
last_removed = direct_path[0]
while len(direct_path) > 0 and get_tile_type(direct_path.back()) != null:
last_removed = direct_path.back()
if len(direct_path) == 0:
print ("Could not find path!")
print ("Using ", Globals.WorldToHex(direct_path[0]), " instead of ", goal_coord, " as goal.")
goal_coord = Globals.WorldToHex(last_removed)
print ("Using ", Globals.WorldToHex(direct_path.back()), " instead of ", goal_coord, " as goal.")
goal_coord = Globals.WorldToHex(direct_path.back())
island_landing_site_world = last_removed
var path = Globals.OceanGrid.find_path(start_coord, goal_coord)
for target in path.slice(1,-1):
player_path_plan_start = Globals.HexToWorld(start_coord)
player_path_plan_end = Globals.HexToWorld(goal_coord)
var path = Globals.OceanNavGrid.find_path(start_coord, goal_coord)
for target in path.slice(0,-1):
var target_world_coord = Globals.HexToWorld(target.axial_coords)
var target_type = get_tile_type(target_world_coord)
@ -229,9 +291,49 @@ func update_player_navigation_target(target_world: Vector2):
if target_type == "Sand":
if island_landing_site_world != null:
if len(player_navigation_path) > 0:
PlayerChar.target = player_navigation_path[0]
func update_navigation_target_island(start_world: Vector2, target_world: Vector2):
print ("Navigating Island")
var start_coord = Globals.WorldToHex(start_world)
var goal_coord = Globals.WorldToHex(target_world)
var path = Globals.IslandNavGrid.find_path(start_coord, goal_coord)
print ("Path length: ", len(path))
for target in path.slice(0,-1):
var target_world_coord = Globals.HexToWorld(target.axial_coords)
var target_type = get_tile_type(target_world_coord)
func update_player_navigation_target(target_world: Vector2):
var start_world = PlayerChar.transform.origin
player_navigation_path = []
var start_timestamp = OS.get_system_time_msecs()
var player_near_anchor = check_player_near_anchor()
print ("Player near anchor: ", player_near_anchor)
if current_island != null:
update_navigation_target_island(start_world, target_world)
if len(player_navigation_path) == 0 and player_near_anchor:
start_world = Globals.HexToWorld(anchor_tile)
if current_island == null or (len(player_navigation_path) == 0 and player_near_anchor):
update_navigation_target_ocean(start_world, target_world)
var planning_duration_msec = OS.get_system_time_msecs() - start_timestamp
print ("Planning took ", round(planning_duration_msec), "ms.")

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ export (int) var speed = 200
var velocity = Vector2()
var target = Vector2()
var prev_tile = null # Hex coords of previous tile
var cur_tile = null # Hex coords of current tile
func get_input():
velocity = Vector2()
@ -17,11 +19,18 @@ func get_input():
velocity.y -= 1
velocity = velocity.normalized() * speed
func _physics_process(_delta):
velocity = position.direction_to(target) * speed
if position.distance_to(target) > 5:
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
var tile = Globals.WorldToHex(position)
if tile != cur_tile:
prev_tile = cur_tile
cur_tile = tile
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
position = Vector2(0,0)