// Based on: allenchou.net/2015/04/game-math-precise-control-over-numeric-springing/ using Godot; using System; using System.Diagnostics; public class SpringDamper : Node { // Declare member variables here. Examples: // private int a = 2; // private string b = "text"; public float omega = 1; public float zeta = 1; public SpringDamper(float osc_freq = 1.0f, float osc_red = 0.1f, float osc_red_h = 1.0f) { Debug.Assert(osc_red > 0.001 && osc_red < 0.999); omega = osc_freq * 2 * Mathf.Pi; zeta = Mathf.Log(1.0f - osc_red) / (-omega * osc_red_h); } // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { } public (Vector3, Vector3) Calc(Vector3 x, Vector3 v, Vector3 xt, float h) { float f = 1 + 2 * h * zeta * omega; float oo = omega * omega; float hoo = oo * h; float hhoo = hoo * h; float det_inv = 1.0f / (f + hhoo); Vector3 det_x = f * x + h * v + hhoo * xt; Vector3 det_v = v + hoo * (xt - x); return (det_x * det_inv, det_v * det_inv); } public (Vector3, Vector3) CalcClampedSpeed(Vector3 x, Vector3 v, Vector3 xt, float h, float speedMax) { var defaultResult = Calc(x, v, xt, h); Vector3 x_new = defaultResult.Item1; Vector3 vel_new = (x_new - x) / h; float speed_new = vel_new.Length(); if (speed_new > speedMax) { vel_new = (vel_new / speed_new) * speedMax; x_new = x + vel_new * h; } return (x_new, vel_new); } }