using Godot; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; public class TaskQueueComponent : Component { public abstract class Task { public abstract bool PerformTask(Entity entity, float delta); } public class NavigationTask : Task { public NavigationComponent.NavigationPoint NavigationPoint; public NavigationTask(NavigationComponent.NavigationPoint navigationPoint) { NavigationPoint = navigationPoint; } public override bool PerformTask(Entity entity, float delta) { return NavigationPoint.IsReached(entity.GlobalTransform); } } public class InteractionTask : Task { public Entity TargetEntity; public InteractionTask(Entity entity) { TargetEntity = entity; } public override bool PerformTask(Entity entity, float delta) { GD.Print("Interaction of " + entity + " with " + TargetEntity); if (TargetEntity is Chest) { Chest chest = (Chest)TargetEntity; chest.OnInteract(); } return true; } } public Queue Queue; public TaskQueueComponent() { Queue = new Queue(); Reset(); } public void Reset() { Queue.Clear(); } public void Process(Entity entity, float delta) { if (Queue.Count == 0) { return; } Task currentTask = Queue.Peek(); while (currentTask.PerformTask(entity, delta)) { Queue.Dequeue(); if (Queue.Count == 0) { break; } currentTask = Queue.Peek(); } } }