using Godot; using System; public class Player : Entity { // public members public Vector3 TargetPosition = Vector3.Zero; public NavigationComponent Navigation { get { return _navigationComponent; } } // private members private MovableComponent _movable; private Spatial _geometry; private WorldInfoComponent _worldInfo; private Vector2 _offsetCoord = Vector2.Zero; private GroundMotionComponent _groundMotion; private NavigationComponent _navigationComponent; // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { _groundMotion = new GroundMotionComponent(); _worldInfo = (WorldInfoComponent)FindNode("WorldInfo", false); _navigationComponent = (NavigationComponent)FindNode("Navigation", false); _navigationComponent.TileWorld = _worldInfo.TileWorld; _movable = (MovableComponent)FindNode("Movable", false); if (_movable != null) { _movable.Connect("OrientationUpdated", this, nameof(OnOrientationUpdated)); } _geometry = (Spatial)FindNode("Geometry", false); } public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta) { base._PhysicsProcess(delta); if (_navigationComponent == null) { return; } _navigationComponent.UpdateCurrentGoal(GlobalTranslation); _groundMotion.PhysicsProcess(delta, this, _navigationComponent.CurrentGoalWorld, _worldInfo.TileWorld); } public override void _Process(float delta) { if (_navigationComponent != null) { _navigationComponent.UpdateCurrentGoal(GlobalTranslation); } } public void OnPositionUpdated(Vector3 newPosition) { if (_worldInfo != null) { Vector2 new_offset_coord = _worldInfo.TileWorld.WorldToOffsetCoords(newPosition); float tile_height = _worldInfo.TileWorld.GetHeightAtOffset(new_offset_coord); if (_offsetCoord != new_offset_coord) { GD.Print("New offset coord " + new_offset_coord); _offsetCoord = new_offset_coord; } if (_movable != null) { if (_movable.currentPosition.y < tile_height) { _movable.currentPosition.y = tile_height; _movable.currentVelocity.y = 0; } } } Transform transform = Transform; transform.origin = newPosition; Transform = transform; } private void OnOrientationUpdated(float newOrientation) { _geometry.Transform = new Transform(new Quat(Vector3.Up, newOrientation), Vector3.Zero); } }