extends Spatial onready var hexgrid = preload("res://addons/gdhexgrid/HexGrid.gd").new() onready var hextile3d = preload("res://scenes/HexTile3D.tscn") onready var active_tiles = $ActiveTiles export var world_rect: Rect2 = Rect2() setget set_rect var offset_coord_rect: Rect2 = Rect2() var bottom_left_cell: HexCell = HexCell.new() var top_right_cell: HexCell = HexCell.new() var tiles = {} var tiles_by_offset_coord = {} onready var bounds = $Bounds func _ready(): set_rect(world_rect) func is_hex_coord_in_rect (coord: Vector2): var rect_end = offset_coord_rect.end return coord.x >= offset_coord_rect.position.x and coord.x < offset_coord_rect.end.x and coord.y >= offset_coord_rect.position.y and coord.y < offset_coord_rect.end.y func instantiate_hextile3d(): return hextile3d.instance() func add_hextile_to_tree(hextile3d): active_tiles.add_child(hextile3d) func create_hextile3d_at (coord: Vector2) -> HexTile3D: if not coord in tiles_by_offset_coord.keys(): var new_hextile3d = instantiate_hextile3d() add_hextile_to_tree(new_hextile3d) new_hextile3d.game_tile.offset_coords = coord new_hextile3d.transform.origin.y = -9999 tiles_by_offset_coord[coord] = new_hextile3d return tiles_by_offset_coord[coord] func cleanup_tiles(): var num_deleted = 0 var children = active_tiles.get_children() for child in children: var tile_offset_coords = child.game_tile.offset_coords if not is_hex_coord_in_rect(tile_offset_coords): tiles_by_offset_coord.erase(tile_offset_coords) child.queue_free() active_tiles.remove_child(child) num_deleted = num_deleted + 1 # print ("deleted ", num_deleted, " tiles") func set_rect(rect: Rect2): world_rect = rect if bounds == null: return var world_rect_center = rect.get_center() bounds.transform = Transform( Vector3 (world_rect.size.x / 2, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 1, 0), Vector3(0, 0, world_rect.size.y / 2), Vector3(world_rect_center.x, 0, world_rect_center.y) ) bottom_left_cell = hexgrid.get_hex_at(Vector2(rect.position.x, rect.end.y)) top_right_cell = hexgrid.get_hex_at(Vector2(rect.end.x, rect.position.y)) offset_coord_rect = Rect2( bottom_left_cell.offset_coords.x, bottom_left_cell.offset_coords.y, top_right_cell.offset_coords.x - bottom_left_cell.offset_coords.x, top_right_cell.offset_coords.y - bottom_left_cell.offset_coords.y ) # print ("----") # print ("world_rect: ", world_rect) # print ("cells: ", bottom_left_cell.offset_coords, " to ", top_right_cell.offset_coords) # print ("offset_coord_rect: ", offset_coord_rect.position, " size: ", offset_coord_rect.size) cleanup_tiles() return world_rect