diff --git a/GodotComponentTest.csproj b/GodotComponentTest.csproj
index 44055d1..08b6e82 100644
--- a/GodotComponentTest.csproj
+++ b/GodotComponentTest.csproj
@@ -19,6 +19,18 @@
diff --git a/assets/Characters/Pirate.glb b/assets/Characters/Pirate.glb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..070d14b
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/Pirate.glb differ
diff --git a/assets/Characters/Pirate.glb.import b/assets/Characters/Pirate.glb.import
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f26f353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/Characters/Pirate.glb.import
@@ -0,0 +1,1065 @@
+dest_files=[ "res://.import/Pirate.glb-e267d2d71d828946aaa3e9ba75984420.scn" ]
+nodes/root_name="Scene Root"
diff --git a/assets/Characters/Pirate.tscn b/assets/Characters/Pirate.tscn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c32e421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/Characters/Pirate.tscn
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2]
+[ext_resource path="res://assets/Characters/Pirate.glb" type="PackedScene" id=1]
+[ext_resource path="res://assets/Objects/toolAxe.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=2]
+[node name="Pirate" instance=ExtResource( 1 )]
+transform = Transform( 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0 )
+[node name="ToolAttachement" type="BoneAttachment" parent="Armature/Skeleton" index="5"]
+transform = Transform( 1, 8.68458e-08, -1.04308e-07, 1.74623e-07, -1, -1.30385e-07, 1.41561e-07, 1.50874e-07, -1, -0.72, 0.45, 3.28113e-08 )
+visible = false
+bone_name = "HandTip.R"
+[node name="Tool" type="Spatial" parent="Armature/Skeleton/ToolAttachement" index="0"]
+transform = Transform( -1.12419e-14, 8.74228e-08, -2, 2, -8.74228e-08, -1.39841e-13, -8.74228e-08, -2, -8.74228e-08, 2.38419e-07, -0.151768, 0.615043 )
+[node name="toolAxe" parent="Armature/Skeleton/ToolAttachement/Tool" index="0" instance=ExtResource( 2 )]
diff --git a/assets/Characters/black.material b/assets/Characters/black.material
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cca0ad2
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/black.material differ
diff --git a/assets/Characters/brown.material b/assets/Characters/brown.material
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65daaf0
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/brown.material differ
diff --git a/assets/Characters/brown2.material b/assets/Characters/brown2.material
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8fce6a
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/brown2.material differ
diff --git a/assets/Characters/gold.material b/assets/Characters/gold.material
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c2a16a
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/gold.material differ
diff --git a/assets/Characters/hair.material b/assets/Characters/hair.material
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cb64ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/hair.material differ
diff --git a/assets/Characters/red.material b/assets/Characters/red.material
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61e8ea5
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/red.material differ
diff --git a/assets/Characters/skin.material b/assets/Characters/skin.material
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd160bf
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/skin.material differ
diff --git a/assets/Characters/white.material b/assets/Characters/white.material
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0680bd4
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/white.material differ
diff --git a/assets/Characters/wood3.material b/assets/Characters/wood3.material
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76e15f0
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Characters/wood3.material differ
diff --git a/assets/CreatusPiratePack/Modified/Pirate1_Rigged.blend b/assets/CreatusPiratePack/Modified/Pirate1_Rigged.blend
index 21c6c99..4320251 100644
Binary files a/assets/CreatusPiratePack/Modified/Pirate1_Rigged.blend and b/assets/CreatusPiratePack/Modified/Pirate1_Rigged.blend differ
diff --git a/assets/Environment/tree.tscn b/assets/Environment/tree.tscn
deleted file mode 100644
index 52f6a3b..0000000
--- a/assets/Environment/tree.tscn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2]
-[ext_resource path="res://assets/KenneySurvivalKit/Models/tree.glb" type="PackedScene" id=1]
-[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape" id=1]
-radius = 0.329139
-height = 0.936801
-[node name="tree" instance=ExtResource( 1 )]
-[node name="tree" parent="." index="0"]
-transform = Transform( 1.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 0 )
-[node name="StaticBody" type="StaticBody" parent="." index="1"]
-[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticBody" index="0"]
-transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37114e-08, -1, 0, 1, -4.37114e-08, 0, 0.519998, 0 )
-shape = SubResource( 1 )
diff --git a/assets/Objects/toolAxe.tscn b/assets/Objects/toolAxe.tscn
index ded2b34..9598dd5 100644
--- a/assets/Objects/toolAxe.tscn
+++ b/assets/Objects/toolAxe.tscn
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
[node name="toolAxe" instance=ExtResource( 1 )]
[node name="toolAxe" parent="." index="0"]
-transform = Transform( 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0 )
+transform = Transform( 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0 )
diff --git a/components/TaskQueueComponent.cs b/components/TaskQueueComponent.cs
index f305e39..a10012b 100644
--- a/components/TaskQueueComponent.cs
+++ b/components/TaskQueueComponent.cs
@@ -2,11 +2,20 @@ using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
+using GodotComponentTest.entities;
+using Object = Godot.Object;
public class TaskQueueComponent : Component
- public abstract class Task
+ [Signal]
+ delegate void StartInteraction(Entity entity, Entity targetEntity);
+ public abstract class Task : Object
+ ///
+ /// Executes a Task on the specified entity.
+ ///
+ /// true when the Task is complete, false otherwise
public abstract bool PerformTask(Entity entity, float delta);
@@ -36,13 +45,6 @@ public class TaskQueueComponent : Component
public override bool PerformTask(Entity entity, float delta)
- GD.Print("Interaction of " + entity + " with " + TargetEntity);
- if (TargetEntity is Chest)
- {
- Chest chest = (Chest)TargetEntity;
- chest.OnInteract();
- }
return true;
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ public class TaskQueueComponent : Component
public TaskQueueComponent()
Queue = new Queue();
@@ -67,25 +70,23 @@ public class TaskQueueComponent : Component
- Task currentTask = Queue.Peek();
- while (currentTask.PerformTask(entity, delta))
+ do
- Queue.Dequeue();
- if (Queue.Count == 0)
+ Task currentTask = Queue.Peek();
+ InteractionTask interactionTask = currentTask as InteractionTask;
+ if (interactionTask != null)
+ {
+ EmitSignal("StartInteraction", entity, interactionTask.TargetEntity);
+ }
+ if (currentTask.PerformTask(entity, delta))
+ {
+ Queue.Dequeue();
+ }
+ else
- currentTask = Queue.Peek();
- if (currentTask is NavigationTask)
- {
- NavigationTask navigationTask = (NavigationTask)currentTask;
- if (navigationTask != null && navigationTask.NavigationPoint.Flags ==
- NavigationComponent.NavigationPoint.NavigationFlags.Orientation)
- {
- GD.Print("Current task is orientation task!");
- }
- }
- }
+ } while (Queue.Count > 0);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/entities/Axe.cs b/entities/Axe.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1ce593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entities/Axe.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+using Godot;
+using System;
+public class Axe : StaticBody
+ // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
+ public override void _Ready()
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/entities/Axe.gd b/entities/Axe.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fddcc89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entities/Axe.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+extends StaticBody
+# Declare member variables here. Examples:
+# var a = 2
+# var b = "text"
+# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
+func _ready():
+ pass # Replace with function body.
+# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
+#func _process(delta):
+# pass
diff --git a/entities/Axe.tscn b/entities/Axe.tscn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3147c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entities/Axe.tscn
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=2]
+[ext_resource path="res://assets/Objects/toolAxe.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=1]
+[ext_resource path="res://entities/Axe.cs" type="Script" id=2]
+[sub_resource type="CylinderShape" id=1]
+height = 0.846435
+radius = 0.687167
+[node name="Axe" type="StaticBody"]
+collision_layer = 9
+collision_mask = 0
+script = ExtResource( 2 )
+[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="."]
+transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.428358, 0 )
+shape = SubResource( 1 )
+[node name="toolAxe" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 1 )]
+transform = Transform( 0.707107, 0.707107, -3.09086e-08, 4.37114e-08, 1.91069e-15, 1, 0.707107, -0.707107, -3.09086e-08, -0.323064, 0.0760467, 0.348457 )
diff --git a/entities/Chest.cs b/entities/Chest.cs
index 3b9c897..66baade 100644
--- a/entities/Chest.cs
+++ b/entities/Chest.cs
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
using Godot;
using System;
using System.Linq;
+using GodotComponentTest.entities;
-public class Chest : Entity
+public class Chest : Entity, IInteractionInterface
// resources
private PackedScene _goldBarScene = GD.Load("res://entities/GoldBar.tscn");
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ public class Chest : Entity
public LidState State = LidState.Closed;
public bool IsMouseOver = false;
private MeshInstance _mesh;
private AnimationPlayer _animationPlayer;
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ public class Chest : Entity
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
- _mesh = GetNode("Armature/Skeleton/Chest");
+ _mesh = GetNode("Geometry/Skeleton/Chest");
_animationPlayer = GetNode("AnimationPlayer");
Connect("input_event", this, nameof(OnAreaInputEvent));
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ public class Chest : Entity
- public void OnInteract()
+ public void OnInteractionStart()
@@ -83,6 +85,12 @@ public class Chest : Entity
+ public void OnInteractionEnd()
+ {
+ }
public void OnChestOpened()
GD.Print("Chest now opened!");
diff --git a/entities/Chest.tscn b/entities/Chest.tscn
index dbc4538..8442dc3 100644
--- a/entities/Chest.tscn
+++ b/entities/Chest.tscn
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ bind/1/pose = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.693102, -1.13623, -1.5266
resource_name = "ChestOpen"
length = 0.333333
tracks/0/type = "transform"
-tracks/0/path = NodePath("Armature/Skeleton:Lid")
+tracks/0/path = NodePath("Geometry/Skeleton:Lid")
tracks/0/interp = 1
tracks/0/loop_wrap = true
tracks/0/imported = false
tracks/0/enabled = true
tracks/0/keys = PoolRealArray( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.0666667, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.079364, 0.996846, 1, 1, 1, 0.133333, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.489957, 0.871747, 1, 1, 1, 0.2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.855809, 0.517292, 1, 1, 1, 0.266667, 1, 2.37487e-08, 0, 0, 4.03449e-08, -3.99897e-08, 0.919654, -0.39273, 1, 1, 1, 0.333333, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1.45046e-08, 1.43769e-08, -0.808978, 0.587839, 1, 1, 1 )
tracks/1/type = "transform"
-tracks/1/path = NodePath("Armature/Skeleton:Body")
+tracks/1/path = NodePath("Geometry/Skeleton:Body")
tracks/1/interp = 1
tracks/1/loop_wrap = true
tracks/1/imported = false
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ extents = Vector3( 0.19, 0.19, 0.332 )
[node name="Chest" type="KinematicBody"]
script = ExtResource( 1 )
-[node name="Armature" type="Spatial" parent="."]
+[node name="Geometry" type="Spatial" parent="."]
transform = Transform( -0.259808, 0, 0.15, 0, 0.3, 0, -0.15, 0, -0.259808, 0, 0, 0 )
-[node name="Skeleton" type="Skeleton" parent="Armature"]
+[node name="Skeleton" type="Skeleton" parent="Geometry"]
bones/0/name = "Body"
bones/0/parent = -1
bones/0/rest = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.697618, -0.0422799, -5.68067e-09 )
@@ -98,15 +98,13 @@ bones/1/rest = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.00451577, 1.17851, 1.583
bones/1/enabled = true
bones/1/bound_children = [ ]
-[node name="Chest" type="MeshInstance" parent="Armature/Skeleton"]
+[node name="Chest" type="MeshInstance" parent="Geometry/Skeleton"]
mesh = SubResource( 12 )
skin = SubResource( 13 )
[node name="AnimationPlayer" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="."]
anims/ChestOpen = SubResource( 3 )
-[node name="State" type="Node" parent="."]
[node name="MountPoint" type="Spatial" parent="."]
transform = Transform( -0.524001, 0, -0.851718, 0, 1, 0, 0.851718, 0, -0.524001, 0.717306, 0, 0.400936 )
diff --git a/entities/GoldBar.cs b/entities/GoldBar.cs
index efee4f5..d3b461d 100644
--- a/entities/GoldBar.cs
+++ b/entities/GoldBar.cs
@@ -42,16 +42,16 @@ public class GoldBar : KinematicBody
- if (Mathf.Abs(Transform.origin.y) < 0.01)
- {
- // apply damping when on ground
- velocity = velocity - velocity.Normalized() * 0.9f * delta;
- }
velocity.y = velocity.y - 9.81f * delta;
- velocity = MoveAndSlide(velocity);
+ velocity = MoveAndSlide(velocity, Vector3.Up);
+ if (IsOnFloor() || Mathf.Abs(Transform.origin.y) < 0.01)
+ {
+ // apply damping when on ground
+ velocity = velocity - velocity.Normalized() * 0.9f * delta;
+ }
if (velocity.LengthSquared() < 0.01)
diff --git a/entities/IInteractionInterface.cs b/entities/IInteractionInterface.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da035b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entities/IInteractionInterface.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+namespace GodotComponentTest.entities;
+public interface IInteractionInterface
+ void OnInteractionStart();
+ void OnInteractionEnd();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/entities/Player.cs b/entities/Player.cs
index ff8c85c..03ef6f9 100644
--- a/entities/Player.cs
+++ b/entities/Player.cs
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
+using GodotComponentTest.entities;
-public class Player : Entity
+public class Player : Entity, IInteractionInterface
// public members
public Vector3 TargetPosition = Vector3.Zero;
+ public int goldCount = 0;
public TaskQueueComponent TaskQueueComponent;
@@ -15,6 +18,9 @@ public class Player : Entity
get { return _navigationComponent; }
+ [Signal]
+ delegate void GoldCountChanged(int goldCount);
// private members
private WorldInfoComponent _worldInfo;
private GroundMotionComponent _groundMotion;
@@ -22,6 +28,8 @@ public class Player : Entity
private Area _itemAttractorArea;
private Area _itemPickupArea;
private List _attractedItemList = new List();
+ private BoneAttachment _toolAttachement;
+ private AnimationPlayer _playerAnimationPlayer;
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
@@ -53,6 +61,14 @@ public class Player : Entity
_itemPickupArea.Connect("body_entered", this, nameof(OnItemPickupAreaBodyEntered));
+ _playerAnimationPlayer = (AnimationPlayer)GetNode("Geometry/AnimationPlayer");
+ Debug.Assert(_playerAnimationPlayer != null);
+ _toolAttachement = (BoneAttachment)FindNode("ToolAttachement");
+ if (_toolAttachement == null)
+ {
+ GD.PushWarning("No ToolAttachement found!");
+ }
@@ -94,9 +110,9 @@ public class Player : Entity
foreach (Node node in _attractedItemList)
- GoldBar bar = (GoldBar)node;
- if (bar != null)
+ if (node is GoldBar)
+ GoldBar bar = (GoldBar)node;
@@ -111,9 +127,10 @@ public class Player : Entity
public void OnItemAttractorBodyExited(Node node)
GD.Print("Item exited " + node);
- GoldBar bar = (GoldBar)node;
- if (bar != null)
+ if (node is GoldBar)
+ GoldBar bar = (GoldBar)node;
@@ -121,11 +138,44 @@ public class Player : Entity
public void OnItemPickupAreaBodyEntered(Node body)
- GD.Print("Picking up item: " + body);
+ GD.Print("Picking up item: " + body.Name);
+ if (body is Axe)
+ {
+ SetActiveTool("Axe");
+ }
if (body is GoldBar)
- GoldBar bar = (GoldBar)body;
- bar.QueueFree();
+ goldCount++;
+ EmitSignal("GoldCountChanged", goldCount);
+ }
+ body.QueueFree();
+ }
+ public void SetActiveTool(String toolName)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_toolAttachement != null);
+ if (toolName == "Axe")
+ {
+ _toolAttachement.Visible = true;
+ } else if (toolName == "")
+ {
+ _toolAttachement.Visible = false;
+ public void OnInteractionStart()
+ {
+ GD.Print("Player Starting Interaction");
+ _playerAnimationPlayer.CurrentAnimation = "Hit-loop";
+ _playerAnimationPlayer.Play();
+ }
+ public void OnInteractionEnd()
+ {
+ GD.Print("Player Stopping Interaction");
+ _playerAnimationPlayer.CurrentAnimation = "Idle-loop";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/entities/Tree.cs b/entities/Tree.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d03fec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entities/Tree.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+using Godot;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using GodotComponentTest.entities;
+public class Tree : StaticBody, IInteractionInterface
+ [Export] public float ChopDuration = 2;
+ public bool IsMouseOver = false;
+ private MeshInstance _geometry;
+ private AnimationPlayer _animationPlayer;
+ private float _health = 100;
+ private bool _isBeingChopped = false;
+ [Signal]
+ delegate void EntityClicked(Entity entity);
+ // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
+ public override void _Ready()
+ {
+ _geometry = GetNode("Geometry");
+ Debug.Assert(_geometry != null);
+ _animationPlayer = GetNode("AnimationPlayer");
+ Debug.Assert(_animationPlayer != null);
+ Connect("input_event", this, nameof(OnAreaInputEvent));
+ Connect("mouse_entered", this, nameof(OnAreaMouseEntered));
+ Connect("mouse_exited", this, nameof(OnAreaMouseExited));
+ }
+ public override void _Process(float delta)
+ {
+ base._Process(delta);
+ if (_isBeingChopped)
+ {
+ _health = Math.Max(0, _health - delta * 100 / ChopDuration);
+ }
+ if (_health == 0)
+ {
+ QueueFree();
+ }
+ }
+ public void OnAreaInputEvent(Node camera, InputEvent inputEvent, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal,
+ int shapeIndex)
+ {
+ if (IsMouseOver && inputEvent is InputEventMouseButton)
+ {
+ InputEventMouseButton mouseButtonEvent = (InputEventMouseButton)inputEvent;
+ if (mouseButtonEvent.ButtonIndex == 1 && mouseButtonEvent.Pressed)
+ {
+ EmitSignal("EntityClicked", this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void OnAreaMouseEntered()
+ {
+ IsMouseOver = true;
+ SpatialMaterial overrideMaterial = new SpatialMaterial();
+ overrideMaterial.AlbedoColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);
+ _geometry.MaterialOverride = overrideMaterial;
+ }
+ public void OnAreaMouseExited()
+ {
+ IsMouseOver = false;
+ _geometry.MaterialOverride = null;
+ }
+ public void OnInteractionStart()
+ {
+ GD.Print("Starting tree animationplayer");
+ _animationPlayer.CurrentAnimation = "TreeShake";
+ _animationPlayer.Play();
+ _isBeingChopped = true;
+ }
+ public void OnInteractionEnd()
+ {
+ _animationPlayer.Stop();
+ }
diff --git a/entities/Tree.tscn b/entities/Tree.tscn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa0d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entities/Tree.tscn
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=2]
+[ext_resource path="res://assets/KenneySurvivalKit/Models/foliage.material" type="Material" id=1]
+[ext_resource path="res://assets/KenneySurvivalKit/Models/wood.material" type="Material" id=2]
+[ext_resource path="res://entities/Tree.cs" type="Script" id=3]
+[sub_resource type="ArrayMesh" id=1]
+resource_name = "tree_Mesh tree"
+surfaces/0 = {
+"aabb": AABB( -0.271581, 0, -0.263118, 0.552858, 1.41097, 0.526237 ),
+"array_data": PoolByteArray( 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 127, 129, 63, 166, 61, 112, 199, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 127, 129, 63, 166, 189, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 125, 127, 129, 63, 74, 61, 51, 204, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 125, 127, 129, 63, 74, 189, 51, 204, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 13, 127, 63, 227, 64, 47, 61, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 13, 127, 63, 227, 192, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 0, 8, 127, 63, 166, 61, 56, 199, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 0, 8, 127, 63, 166, 189, 56, 199, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 129, 129, 63, 227, 64, 199, 189, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 129, 129, 63, 227, 64, 227, 66, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 129, 129, 63, 227, 192, 199, 189, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 129, 129, 63, 227, 192, 227, 66, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 138, 8, 0, 63, 166, 61, 112, 199, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 138, 8, 0, 63, 166, 189, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 131, 1, 0, 63, 74, 61, 51, 204, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 131, 1, 0, 63, 74, 189, 51, 204, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 118, 8, 127, 127, 166, 189, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 125, 1, 127, 127, 74, 189, 51, 204, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 8, 127, 127, 166, 61, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 125, 1, 127, 127, 74, 61, 51, 204, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 0, 8, 127, 63, 166, 61, 112, 199, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 0, 8, 127, 63, 166, 189, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 0, 1, 127, 63, 74, 61, 51, 204, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 0, 1, 127, 63, 74, 189, 51, 204, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 113, 13, 127, 127, 227, 192, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 118, 8, 127, 127, 166, 189, 56, 199, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 113, 13, 127, 127, 227, 64, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 8, 127, 127, 166, 61, 56, 199, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 143, 13, 0, 63, 227, 64, 47, 61, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 143, 13, 0, 63, 227, 192, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 138, 8, 0, 63, 166, 61, 56, 199, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 138, 8, 0, 63, 166, 189, 56, 199, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 113, 127, 129, 63, 227, 64, 47, 61, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 113, 127, 129, 63, 227, 192, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 127, 129, 63, 166, 61, 56, 199, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 127, 129, 63, 166, 189, 56, 199, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 155, 89, 0, 63, 182, 68, 215, 202, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 101, 89, 0, 63, 23, 197, 215, 202, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 238, 76, 2, 190, 155, 89, 0, 63, 103, 65, 126, 206, 6, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 190, 101, 89, 0, 63, 42, 194, 126, 206, 100, 31, 209, 189, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 62, 223, 34, 0, 63, 74, 49, 189, 204, 33, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 254, 33, 230, 61, 200, 38, 0, 63, 66, 196, 40, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 62, 0, 46, 0, 63, 150, 68, 40, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 46, 0, 63, 38, 68, 147, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 200, 38, 0, 63, 163, 195, 147, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 62, 80, 129, 0, 63, 150, 68, 40, 205, 33, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 254, 33, 230, 61, 88, 186, 0, 63, 66, 196, 40, 205, 100, 31, 209, 189, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 62, 92, 163, 0, 63, 74, 49, 189, 204, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 80, 129, 0, 63, 38, 68, 147, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 88, 186, 0, 63, 163, 195, 147, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 192, 25, 0, 63, 248, 67, 95, 206, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 155, 62, 0, 63, 248, 195, 95, 206, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 61, 61, 192, 25, 0, 63, 78, 63, 214, 208, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 155, 62, 0, 63, 78, 191, 214, 208, 100, 31, 209, 189, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 190, 164, 93, 0, 63, 74, 177, 189, 204, 22, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 190, 80, 127, 0, 63, 150, 196, 40, 205, 34, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 168, 70, 0, 63, 66, 68, 40, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 168, 70, 0, 63, 163, 67, 147, 205, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 80, 127, 0, 63, 38, 196, 147, 205, 34, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 56, 218, 0, 63, 66, 68, 40, 205, 22, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 190, 0, 210, 0, 63, 150, 196, 40, 205, 100, 31, 209, 189, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 190, 33, 222, 0, 63, 74, 177, 189, 204, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 56, 218, 0, 63, 163, 67, 147, 205, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 0, 210, 0, 63, 38, 196, 147, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 32, 0, 63, 38, 68, 93, 206, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 192, 25, 0, 63, 163, 195, 93, 206, 32, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 189, 61, 0, 32, 0, 63, 247, 63, 213, 208, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 61, 61, 192, 25, 0, 63, 164, 190, 213, 208, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 61, 56, 38, 0, 63, 108, 196, 32, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 56, 38, 0, 63, 248, 195, 139, 205, 6, 4, 96, 62, 99, 20, 45, 63, 22, 29, 162, 48, 84, 42, 0, 63, 0, 0, 181, 204, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 88, 70, 0, 63, 248, 67, 139, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 88, 70, 0, 63, 108, 68, 32, 205, 6, 4, 96, 62, 99, 20, 45, 63, 22, 29, 162, 48, 172, 214, 0, 63, 0, 0, 181, 204, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 168, 186, 0, 63, 248, 195, 139, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 61, 168, 186, 0, 63, 108, 196, 32, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 200, 218, 0, 63, 248, 67, 139, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 200, 218, 0, 63, 108, 68, 32, 205, 230, 250, 228, 61, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 190, 92, 93, 0, 63, 74, 177, 183, 204, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 88, 70, 0, 63, 150, 196, 35, 205, 22, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 190, 80, 127, 0, 63, 66, 68, 35, 205, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 80, 127, 0, 63, 163, 67, 142, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 88, 70, 0, 63, 38, 196, 142, 205, 22, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 190, 0, 210, 0, 63, 66, 68, 35, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 200, 218, 0, 63, 150, 196, 35, 205, 230, 250, 228, 61, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 190, 223, 222, 0, 63, 74, 177, 183, 204, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 0, 210, 0, 63, 163, 67, 142, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 200, 218, 0, 63, 38, 196, 142, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 155, 62, 0, 63, 163, 67, 93, 206, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 94, 127, 0, 63, 38, 196, 93, 206, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 155, 62, 0, 63, 164, 62, 213, 208, 26, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 189, 189, 94, 127, 0, 63, 247, 191, 213, 208, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 64, 25, 0, 63, 38, 68, 90, 206, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 32, 0, 63, 163, 195, 90, 206, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 61, 64, 25, 0, 63, 247, 63, 211, 208, 32, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 189, 61, 0, 32, 0, 63, 164, 190, 211, 208, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 94, 127, 0, 63, 163, 67, 90, 206, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 101, 62, 0, 63, 38, 196, 90, 206, 26, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 189, 189, 94, 127, 0, 63, 164, 62, 211, 208, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 101, 62, 0, 63, 247, 191, 211, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 37, 24, 0, 63, 8, 66, 202, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 219, 24, 0, 63, 69, 193, 202, 208, 238, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 26, 55, 0, 63, 185, 58, 132, 210, 189, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 230, 55, 0, 63, 87, 183, 132, 210, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 219, 24, 0, 63, 216, 65, 203, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 161, 31, 0, 63, 118, 193, 203, 208, 189, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 230, 55, 0, 63, 246, 57, 133, 210, 197, 168, 230, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 159, 21, 151, 48, 195, 65, 0, 63, 111, 184, 133, 210, 197, 168, 230, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 159, 21, 151, 48, 195, 65, 0, 63, 111, 188, 0, 60, 190, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 185, 100, 0, 63, 87, 183, 2, 176, 189, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 230, 55, 0, 63, 87, 183, 64, 64, 237, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 71, 100, 0, 63, 185, 58, 2, 176, 238, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 26, 55, 0, 63, 185, 58, 64, 64, 105, 11, 27, 61, 185, 154, 180, 63, 228, 43, 254, 46, 61, 65, 0, 63, 246, 61, 0, 60, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 161, 31, 0, 63, 118, 65, 203, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 154, 89, 0, 63, 216, 193, 203, 208, 197, 168, 230, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 159, 21, 151, 48, 195, 65, 0, 63, 111, 56, 133, 210, 190, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 185, 100, 0, 63, 246, 185, 133, 210, 32, 220, 158, 59, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 27, 62, 0, 42, 0, 63, 27, 50, 2, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 224, 38, 0, 63, 228, 193, 40, 208, 186, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 32, 38, 0, 63, 168, 66, 40, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 32, 38, 0, 63, 8, 66, 78, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 224, 38, 0, 63, 69, 193, 78, 208, 186, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 168, 162, 0, 63, 168, 66, 40, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 88, 162, 0, 63, 228, 193, 40, 208, 32, 220, 158, 59, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 27, 62, 84, 129, 0, 63, 27, 50, 2, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 168, 162, 0, 63, 8, 66, 78, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 88, 162, 0, 63, 69, 193, 78, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 37, 24, 0, 63, 118, 193, 200, 208, 238, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 26, 55, 0, 63, 111, 184, 130, 210, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 95, 31, 0, 63, 216, 65, 200, 208, 105, 11, 27, 61, 185, 154, 180, 63, 228, 43, 254, 46, 61, 65, 0, 63, 246, 57, 130, 210, 24, 220, 158, 59, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 134, 190, 84, 127, 0, 63, 27, 178, 235, 198, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 88, 94, 0, 63, 161, 197, 125, 200, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 168, 94, 0, 63, 64, 69, 125, 200, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 168, 94, 0, 63, 182, 68, 133, 201, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 88, 94, 0, 63, 23, 197, 133, 201, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 32, 218, 0, 63, 64, 69, 125, 200, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 224, 218, 0, 63, 161, 197, 125, 200, 24, 220, 158, 59, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 134, 190, 0, 214, 0, 63, 27, 178, 235, 198, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 32, 218, 0, 63, 182, 68, 133, 201, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 224, 218, 0, 63, 23, 197, 133, 201, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 224, 38, 0, 63, 137, 69, 135, 200, 33, 95, 100, 190, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 62, 198, 34, 0, 63, 27, 46, 254, 198, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 224, 38, 0, 63, 255, 68, 142, 201, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 176, 46, 0, 63, 206, 196, 142, 201, 169, 12, 139, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 249, 76, 205, 49, 176, 46, 0, 63, 88, 197, 135, 200, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 88, 162, 0, 63, 255, 68, 142, 201, 33, 95, 100, 190, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 62, 92, 188, 0, 63, 27, 46, 254, 198, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 88, 162, 0, 63, 137, 69, 135, 200, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 80, 210, 0, 63, 206, 196, 142, 201, 169, 12, 139, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 249, 76, 205, 49, 80, 210, 0, 63, 88, 197, 135, 200, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 154, 89, 0, 63, 69, 65, 202, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 102, 89, 0, 63, 8, 194, 202, 208, 190, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 185, 100, 0, 63, 87, 55, 132, 210, 237, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 71, 100, 0, 63, 185, 186, 132, 210, 24, 220, 158, 59, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 27, 190, 84, 127, 0, 63, 27, 178, 2, 208, 185, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 88, 94, 0, 63, 168, 194, 40, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 168, 94, 0, 63, 228, 65, 40, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 168, 94, 0, 63, 69, 65, 78, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 88, 94, 0, 63, 8, 194, 78, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 32, 218, 0, 63, 228, 65, 40, 208, 185, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 224, 218, 0, 63, 168, 194, 40, 208, 24, 220, 158, 59, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 27, 190, 0, 214, 0, 63, 27, 178, 2, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 32, 218, 0, 63, 69, 65, 78, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 224, 218, 0, 63, 8, 194, 78, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 224, 38, 0, 63, 119, 66, 43, 208, 214, 147, 1, 190, 74, 136, 130, 63, 7, 91, 155, 61, 198, 34, 0, 63, 27, 46, 5, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 224, 38, 0, 63, 216, 65, 81, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 176, 46, 0, 63, 118, 193, 81, 208, 23, 64, 30, 190, 136, 250, 133, 63, 170, 248, 76, 49, 176, 46, 0, 63, 21, 194, 43, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 88, 162, 0, 63, 216, 65, 81, 208, 214, 147, 1, 190, 74, 136, 130, 63, 7, 91, 155, 61, 92, 188, 0, 63, 27, 46, 5, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 88, 162, 0, 63, 119, 66, 43, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 80, 210, 0, 63, 118, 193, 81, 208, 23, 64, 30, 190, 136, 250, 133, 63, 170, 248, 76, 49, 80, 210, 0, 63, 21, 194, 43, 208, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 64, 25, 0, 63, 248, 195, 88, 206, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 61, 64, 25, 0, 63, 78, 191, 210, 208, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 101, 62, 0, 63, 248, 67, 88, 206, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 101, 62, 0, 63, 78, 63, 210, 208, 105, 11, 27, 61, 185, 154, 180, 63, 228, 43, 254, 46, 61, 65, 0, 63, 246, 185, 130, 210, 237, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 71, 100, 0, 63, 111, 56, 130, 210, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 95, 31, 0, 63, 216, 193, 200, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 102, 89, 0, 63, 118, 65, 200, 208, 230, 250, 228, 61, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 62, 33, 34, 0, 63, 74, 49, 183, 204, 36, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 62, 0, 46, 0, 63, 66, 196, 35, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 61, 56, 38, 0, 63, 150, 68, 35, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 56, 38, 0, 63, 38, 68, 142, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 46, 0, 63, 163, 195, 142, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 61, 168, 186, 0, 63, 150, 68, 35, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 62, 80, 129, 0, 63, 66, 196, 35, 205, 230, 250, 228, 61, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 62, 164, 163, 0, 63, 74, 49, 183, 204, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 168, 186, 0, 63, 38, 68, 142, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 80, 129, 0, 63, 163, 195, 142, 205, 23, 64, 30, 190, 136, 250, 133, 63, 170, 248, 76, 49, 176, 46, 0, 63, 21, 66, 43, 208, 215, 147, 1, 190, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 189, 164, 68, 0, 63, 27, 174, 5, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 176, 46, 0, 63, 118, 65, 81, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 168, 94, 0, 63, 216, 193, 81, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 168, 94, 0, 63, 119, 194, 43, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 80, 210, 0, 63, 118, 65, 81, 208, 215, 147, 1, 190, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 189, 58, 222, 0, 63, 27, 174, 5, 208, 23, 64, 30, 190, 136, 250, 133, 63, 170, 248, 76, 49, 80, 210, 0, 63, 21, 66, 43, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 32, 218, 0, 63, 216, 193, 81, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 32, 218, 0, 63, 119, 194, 43, 208, 33, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 254, 33, 230, 61, 200, 38, 0, 63, 108, 68, 43, 205, 68, 22, 86, 190, 99, 20, 45, 63, 100, 116, 155, 49, 172, 42, 0, 63, 0, 0, 192, 204, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 200, 38, 0, 63, 248, 67, 150, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 168, 70, 0, 63, 248, 195, 150, 205, 34, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 168, 70, 0, 63, 108, 196, 43, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 88, 186, 0, 63, 248, 67, 150, 205, 68, 22, 86, 190, 99, 20, 45, 63, 100, 116, 155, 49, 84, 214, 0, 63, 0, 0, 192, 204, 33, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 254, 33, 230, 61, 88, 186, 0, 63, 108, 68, 43, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 56, 218, 0, 63, 248, 195, 150, 205, 34, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 56, 218, 0, 63, 108, 196, 43, 205, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 32, 38, 0, 63, 88, 197, 115, 200, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 32, 38, 0, 63, 206, 196, 123, 201, 226, 76, 110, 62, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 62, 58, 34, 0, 63, 27, 46, 215, 198, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 80, 46, 0, 63, 255, 68, 123, 201, 138, 3, 144, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 181, 154, 27, 177, 80, 46, 0, 63, 137, 69, 115, 200, 226, 76, 110, 62, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 62, 164, 188, 0, 63, 27, 46, 215, 198, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 168, 162, 0, 63, 206, 196, 123, 201, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 168, 162, 0, 63, 88, 197, 115, 200, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 176, 210, 0, 63, 255, 68, 123, 201, 138, 3, 144, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 181, 154, 27, 177, 176, 210, 0, 63, 137, 69, 115, 200, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 80, 46, 0, 63, 255, 196, 123, 201, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 88, 94, 0, 63, 206, 68, 123, 201, 138, 3, 144, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 181, 154, 27, 177, 80, 46, 0, 63, 137, 197, 115, 200, 226, 76, 110, 62, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 190, 92, 68, 0, 63, 27, 174, 215, 198, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 88, 94, 0, 63, 88, 69, 115, 200, 138, 3, 144, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 181, 154, 27, 177, 176, 210, 0, 63, 137, 197, 115, 200, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 224, 218, 0, 63, 206, 68, 123, 201, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 176, 210, 0, 63, 255, 196, 123, 201, 226, 76, 110, 62, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 190, 198, 222, 0, 63, 27, 174, 215, 198, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 224, 218, 0, 63, 88, 69, 115, 200, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 219, 25, 0, 63, 255, 68, 221, 202, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 162, 32, 0, 63, 206, 196, 221, 202, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 219, 25, 0, 63, 249, 65, 129, 206, 100, 126, 17, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 33, 253, 138, 49, 162, 32, 0, 63, 152, 193, 129, 206, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 80, 46, 0, 63, 216, 193, 76, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 88, 94, 0, 63, 118, 65, 76, 208, 217, 45, 40, 62, 136, 250, 133, 63, 238, 248, 242, 176, 80, 46, 0, 63, 119, 194, 38, 208, 153, 129, 11, 62, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 189, 92, 68, 0, 63, 27, 174, 0, 208, 185, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 88, 94, 0, 63, 21, 66, 38, 208, 217, 45, 40, 62, 136, 250, 133, 63, 238, 248, 242, 176, 176, 210, 0, 63, 119, 194, 38, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 224, 218, 0, 63, 118, 65, 76, 208, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 176, 210, 0, 63, 216, 193, 76, 208, 153, 129, 11, 62, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 189, 198, 222, 0, 63, 27, 174, 0, 208, 185, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 224, 218, 0, 63, 21, 66, 38, 208, 169, 12, 139, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 249, 76, 205, 49, 176, 46, 0, 63, 88, 69, 135, 200, 33, 95, 100, 190, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 190, 164, 68, 0, 63, 27, 174, 254, 198, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 176, 46, 0, 63, 206, 68, 142, 201, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 168, 94, 0, 63, 255, 196, 142, 201, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 168, 94, 0, 63, 137, 197, 135, 200, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 80, 210, 0, 63, 206, 68, 142, 201, 33, 95, 100, 190, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 190, 58, 222, 0, 63, 27, 174, 254, 198, 169, 12, 139, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 249, 76, 205, 49, 80, 210, 0, 63, 88, 69, 135, 200, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 32, 218, 0, 63, 255, 196, 142, 201, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 32, 218, 0, 63, 137, 197, 135, 200, 186, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 32, 38, 0, 63, 21, 194, 38, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 32, 38, 0, 63, 118, 193, 76, 208, 153, 129, 11, 62, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 61, 58, 34, 0, 63, 27, 46, 0, 208, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 80, 46, 0, 63, 216, 65, 76, 208, 217, 45, 40, 62, 136, 250, 133, 63, 238, 248, 242, 176, 80, 46, 0, 63, 119, 66, 38, 208, 153, 129, 11, 62, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 61, 164, 188, 0, 63, 27, 46, 0, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 168, 162, 0, 63, 118, 193, 76, 208, 186, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 168, 162, 0, 63, 21, 194, 38, 208, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 176, 210, 0, 63, 216, 65, 76, 208, 217, 45, 40, 62, 136, 250, 133, 63, 238, 248, 242, 176, 176, 210, 0, 63, 119, 66, 38, 208, 36, 220, 158, 59, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 134, 62, 0, 42, 0, 63, 27, 50, 235, 198, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 224, 38, 0, 63, 64, 197, 125, 200, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 32, 38, 0, 63, 161, 69, 125, 200, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 32, 38, 0, 63, 23, 69, 133, 201, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 224, 38, 0, 63, 182, 196, 133, 201, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 168, 162, 0, 63, 161, 69, 125, 200, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 88, 162, 0, 63, 64, 197, 125, 200, 36, 220, 158, 59, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 134, 62, 84, 129, 0, 63, 27, 50, 235, 198, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 168, 162, 0, 63, 23, 69, 133, 201, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 88, 162, 0, 63, 182, 196, 133, 201, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 37, 25, 0, 63, 23, 69, 215, 202, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 219, 25, 0, 63, 182, 196, 215, 202, 7, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 37, 25, 0, 63, 42, 66, 126, 206, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 219, 25, 0, 63, 103, 193, 126, 206, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 162, 32, 0, 63, 206, 68, 221, 202, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 155, 89, 0, 63, 255, 196, 221, 202, 100, 126, 17, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 33, 253, 138, 49, 162, 32, 0, 63, 152, 65, 129, 206, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 238, 76, 2, 190, 155, 89, 0, 63, 249, 193, 129, 206, 38, 108, 27, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 69, 216, 183, 175, 94, 32, 0, 63, 249, 193, 123, 206, 6, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 190, 101, 89, 0, 63, 152, 65, 123, 206, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 94, 32, 0, 63, 255, 196, 209, 202, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 101, 89, 0, 63, 206, 68, 209, 202, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 37, 25, 0, 63, 206, 196, 209, 202, 7, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 37, 25, 0, 63, 152, 193, 123, 206, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 94, 32, 0, 63, 255, 68, 209, 202, 38, 108, 27, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 69, 216, 183, 175, 94, 32, 0, 63, 249, 65, 123, 206, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 0, 129, 0, 63, 206, 72, 0, 60, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 0, 129, 0, 63, 182, 68, 190, 72, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 0, 129, 0, 63, 182, 68, 125, 199, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 74, 61, 40, 181, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 0, 129, 0, 63, 23, 197, 125, 199, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 74, 61, 165, 64, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 74, 189, 40, 181, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 0, 129, 0, 63, 23, 197, 190, 72, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 74, 189, 165, 64, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 0, 129, 0, 63, 255, 200, 255, 59, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 182, 70, 252, 68, 100, 126, 17, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 33, 253, 138, 49, 0, 129, 0, 63, 152, 69, 0, 60, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 182, 70, 248, 193, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 0, 129, 0, 63, 103, 65, 2, 70, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 238, 76, 2, 190, 0, 129, 0, 63, 103, 65, 2, 196, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 129, 0, 63, 27, 178, 124, 72, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 0, 129, 0, 63, 27, 178, 248, 198, 7, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 0, 129, 0, 63, 42, 194, 2, 70, 6, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 190, 0, 129, 0, 63, 42, 194, 2, 196, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 24, 199, 252, 68, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 24, 199, 248, 193, 38, 108, 27, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 69, 216, 183, 175, 0, 129, 0, 63, 249, 197, 0, 60, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 0, 129, 0, 63, 118, 69, 0, 60, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 241, 65, 156, 186, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 69, 65, 202, 195, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 61, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 241, 65, 167, 65, 26, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 189, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 27, 178, 78, 193, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 69, 65, 229, 69, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 8, 194, 202, 195, 32, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 189, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 27, 178, 167, 68, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 181, 194, 156, 186, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 8, 194, 229, 69, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 0, 129, 0, 63, 216, 197, 255, 59, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 181, 194, 167, 65 ),
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+"array_data": PoolByteArray( 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 127, 0, 63, 166, 61, 112, 199, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 127, 0, 63, 166, 189, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 125, 127, 0, 63, 74, 61, 51, 204, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 125, 127, 0, 63, 74, 189, 51, 204, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 13, 0, 63, 227, 64, 47, 61, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 13, 0, 63, 227, 192, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 0, 8, 0, 63, 166, 61, 56, 199, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 0, 8, 0, 63, 166, 189, 56, 199, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 227, 64, 199, 189, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 227, 64, 227, 66, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 129, 0, 63, 227, 192, 199, 189, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 129, 0, 63, 227, 192, 227, 66, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 138, 8, 0, 63, 166, 61, 112, 199, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 138, 8, 0, 63, 166, 189, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 131, 1, 0, 63, 74, 61, 51, 204, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 131, 1, 0, 63, 74, 189, 51, 204, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 118, 8, 0, 63, 166, 189, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 125, 1, 0, 63, 74, 189, 51, 204, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 8, 0, 63, 166, 61, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 125, 1, 0, 63, 74, 61, 51, 204, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 0, 8, 0, 63, 166, 61, 112, 199, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 0, 8, 0, 63, 166, 189, 112, 199, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 0, 1, 0, 63, 74, 61, 51, 204, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 0, 1, 0, 63, 74, 189, 51, 204, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 113, 13, 0, 63, 227, 192, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 118, 8, 0, 63, 166, 189, 56, 199, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 113, 13, 0, 63, 227, 64, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 8, 0, 63, 166, 61, 56, 199, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 61, 143, 13, 0, 63, 227, 64, 47, 61, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 143, 13, 0, 63, 227, 192, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 61, 138, 8, 0, 63, 166, 61, 56, 199, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 138, 8, 0, 63, 166, 189, 56, 199, 63, 80, 126, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 113, 127, 0, 63, 227, 64, 47, 61, 63, 80, 126, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 80, 126, 189, 113, 127, 0, 63, 227, 192, 47, 61, 201, 239, 18, 189, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 127, 0, 63, 166, 61, 56, 199, 201, 239, 18, 61, 93, 219, 91, 62, 201, 239, 18, 189, 118, 127, 0, 63, 166, 189, 56, 199, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 155, 89, 182, 56, 182, 68, 215, 202, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 101, 89, 144, 89, 23, 197, 215, 202, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 238, 76, 2, 190, 155, 89, 182, 56, 103, 65, 126, 206, 6, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 190, 101, 89, 144, 89, 42, 194, 126, 206, 100, 31, 209, 189, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 62, 223, 34, 80, 63, 74, 49, 189, 204, 33, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 254, 33, 230, 61, 200, 38, 47, 73, 66, 196, 40, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 62, 0, 46, 90, 52, 150, 68, 40, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 46, 90, 52, 38, 68, 147, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 200, 38, 47, 73, 163, 195, 147, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 62, 80, 129, 90, 204, 150, 68, 40, 205, 33, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 254, 33, 230, 61, 88, 186, 47, 183, 66, 196, 40, 205, 100, 31, 209, 189, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 62, 92, 163, 80, 193, 74, 49, 189, 204, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 80, 129, 90, 204, 38, 68, 147, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 88, 186, 47, 183, 163, 195, 147, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 192, 25, 37, 56, 248, 67, 95, 206, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 155, 62, 219, 70, 248, 195, 95, 206, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 61, 61, 192, 25, 37, 56, 78, 63, 214, 208, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 155, 62, 219, 70, 78, 191, 214, 208, 100, 31, 209, 189, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 190, 164, 93, 176, 63, 74, 177, 189, 204, 22, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 190, 80, 127, 166, 74, 150, 196, 40, 205, 34, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 168, 70, 209, 53, 66, 68, 40, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 168, 70, 209, 53, 163, 67, 147, 205, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 80, 127, 166, 74, 38, 196, 147, 205, 34, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 56, 218, 209, 203, 66, 68, 40, 205, 22, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 190, 0, 210, 166, 182, 150, 196, 40, 205, 100, 31, 209, 189, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 190, 33, 222, 176, 193, 74, 177, 189, 204, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 56, 218, 209, 203, 163, 67, 147, 205, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 0, 210, 166, 182, 38, 196, 147, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 32, 102, 54, 38, 68, 93, 206, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 192, 25, 44, 70, 163, 195, 93, 206, 32, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 189, 61, 0, 32, 102, 54, 247, 63, 213, 208, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 61, 61, 192, 25, 44, 70, 164, 190, 213, 208, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 61, 56, 38, 106, 111, 108, 196, 32, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 56, 38, 106, 111, 248, 195, 139, 205, 6, 4, 96, 62, 99, 20, 45, 63, 22, 29, 162, 48, 84, 42, 129, 127, 0, 0, 181, 204, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 88, 70, 150, 15, 248, 67, 139, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 88, 70, 150, 15, 108, 68, 32, 205, 6, 4, 96, 62, 99, 20, 45, 63, 22, 29, 162, 48, 172, 214, 129, 129, 0, 0, 181, 204, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 168, 186, 106, 145, 248, 195, 139, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 61, 168, 186, 106, 145, 108, 196, 32, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 200, 218, 150, 241, 248, 67, 139, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 200, 218, 150, 241, 108, 68, 32, 205, 230, 250, 228, 61, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 190, 92, 93, 129, 40, 74, 177, 183, 204, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 88, 70, 149, 103, 150, 196, 35, 205, 22, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 190, 80, 127, 152, 45, 66, 68, 35, 205, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 80, 127, 152, 45, 163, 67, 142, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 88, 70, 149, 103, 38, 196, 142, 205, 22, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 190, 0, 210, 152, 211, 66, 68, 35, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 200, 218, 149, 153, 150, 196, 35, 205, 230, 250, 228, 61, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 190, 223, 222, 129, 170, 74, 177, 183, 204, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 0, 210, 152, 211, 163, 67, 142, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 200, 218, 149, 153, 38, 196, 142, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 155, 62, 212, 56, 163, 67, 93, 206, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 94, 127, 154, 72, 38, 196, 93, 206, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 155, 62, 212, 56, 164, 62, 213, 208, 26, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 189, 189, 94, 127, 154, 72, 247, 191, 213, 208, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 64, 25, 112, 22, 38, 68, 90, 206, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 32, 108, 75, 163, 195, 90, 206, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 61, 64, 25, 112, 22, 247, 63, 211, 208, 32, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 189, 61, 0, 32, 108, 75, 164, 190, 211, 208, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 94, 127, 148, 51, 163, 67, 90, 206, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 101, 62, 144, 104, 38, 196, 90, 206, 26, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 189, 189, 94, 127, 148, 51, 164, 62, 211, 208, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 101, 62, 144, 104, 247, 191, 211, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 37, 24, 112, 37, 8, 66, 202, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 219, 24, 74, 70, 69, 193, 202, 208, 238, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 26, 55, 103, 41, 185, 58, 132, 210, 189, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 230, 55, 83, 75, 87, 183, 132, 210, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 219, 24, 68, 56, 216, 65, 203, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 161, 31, 5, 72, 118, 193, 203, 208, 189, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 230, 55, 51, 53, 246, 57, 133, 210, 197, 168, 230, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 159, 21, 151, 48, 195, 65, 24, 74, 111, 184, 133, 210, 197, 168, 230, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 159, 21, 151, 48, 195, 65, 65, 94, 111, 188, 0, 60, 190, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 185, 100, 103, 85, 87, 183, 2, 176, 189, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 230, 55, 83, 75, 87, 183, 64, 64, 237, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 71, 100, 83, 51, 185, 58, 2, 176, 238, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 26, 55, 103, 41, 185, 58, 64, 64, 105, 11, 27, 61, 185, 154, 180, 63, 228, 43, 254, 46, 61, 65, 65, 32, 246, 61, 0, 60, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 161, 31, 251, 54, 118, 65, 203, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 154, 89, 188, 70, 216, 193, 203, 208, 197, 168, 230, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 159, 21, 151, 48, 195, 65, 232, 52, 111, 56, 133, 210, 190, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 185, 100, 205, 73, 246, 185, 133, 210, 32, 220, 158, 59, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 27, 62, 0, 42, 127, 63, 27, 50, 2, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 224, 38, 76, 73, 228, 193, 40, 208, 186, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 32, 38, 106, 38, 168, 66, 40, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 32, 38, 106, 38, 8, 66, 78, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 224, 38, 76, 73, 69, 193, 78, 208, 186, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 168, 162, 106, 218, 168, 66, 40, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 88, 162, 76, 183, 228, 193, 40, 208, 32, 220, 158, 59, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 27, 62, 84, 129, 127, 193, 27, 50, 2, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 168, 162, 106, 218, 8, 66, 78, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 88, 162, 76, 183, 69, 193, 78, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 37, 24, 113, 92, 118, 193, 200, 208, 238, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 164, 38, 234, 60, 26, 55, 106, 101, 111, 184, 130, 210, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 95, 31, 109, 2, 216, 65, 200, 208, 105, 11, 27, 61, 185, 154, 180, 63, 228, 43, 254, 46, 61, 65, 104, 12, 246, 57, 130, 210, 24, 220, 158, 59, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 134, 190, 84, 127, 129, 63, 27, 178, 235, 198, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 88, 94, 150, 88, 161, 197, 125, 200, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 168, 94, 180, 53, 64, 69, 125, 200, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 168, 94, 180, 53, 182, 68, 133, 201, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 88, 94, 150, 88, 23, 197, 133, 201, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 32, 218, 180, 203, 64, 69, 125, 200, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 224, 218, 150, 168, 161, 197, 125, 200, 24, 220, 158, 59, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 134, 190, 0, 214, 129, 193, 27, 178, 235, 198, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 32, 218, 180, 203, 182, 68, 133, 201, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 224, 218, 150, 168, 23, 197, 133, 201, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 224, 38, 60, 53, 137, 69, 135, 200, 33, 95, 100, 190, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 62, 198, 34, 46, 63, 27, 46, 254, 198, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 224, 38, 60, 53, 255, 68, 142, 201, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 176, 46, 13, 74, 206, 196, 142, 201, 169, 12, 139, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 249, 76, 205, 49, 176, 46, 13, 74, 88, 197, 135, 200, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 88, 162, 60, 203, 255, 68, 142, 201, 33, 95, 100, 190, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 62, 92, 188, 46, 193, 27, 46, 254, 198, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 88, 162, 60, 203, 137, 69, 135, 200, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 80, 210, 13, 182, 206, 196, 142, 201, 169, 12, 139, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 249, 76, 205, 49, 80, 210, 13, 182, 88, 197, 135, 200, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 154, 89, 182, 56, 69, 65, 202, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 102, 89, 144, 89, 8, 194, 202, 208, 190, 241, 62, 188, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 185, 100, 173, 51, 87, 55, 132, 210, 237, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 71, 100, 153, 85, 185, 186, 132, 210, 24, 220, 158, 59, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 27, 190, 84, 127, 129, 63, 27, 178, 2, 208, 185, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 88, 94, 150, 88, 168, 194, 40, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 168, 94, 180, 53, 228, 65, 40, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 168, 94, 180, 53, 69, 65, 78, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 88, 94, 150, 88, 8, 194, 78, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 32, 218, 180, 203, 228, 65, 40, 208, 185, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 224, 218, 150, 168, 168, 194, 40, 208, 24, 220, 158, 59, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 27, 190, 0, 214, 129, 193, 27, 178, 2, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 32, 218, 180, 203, 69, 65, 78, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 224, 218, 150, 168, 8, 194, 78, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 224, 38, 60, 53, 119, 66, 43, 208, 214, 147, 1, 190, 74, 136, 130, 63, 7, 91, 155, 61, 198, 34, 46, 63, 27, 46, 5, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 224, 38, 60, 53, 216, 65, 81, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 176, 46, 13, 74, 118, 193, 81, 208, 23, 64, 30, 190, 136, 250, 133, 63, 170, 248, 76, 49, 176, 46, 13, 74, 21, 194, 43, 208, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 88, 162, 60, 203, 216, 65, 81, 208, 214, 147, 1, 190, 74, 136, 130, 63, 7, 91, 155, 61, 92, 188, 46, 193, 27, 46, 5, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 88, 162, 60, 203, 119, 66, 43, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 80, 210, 13, 182, 118, 193, 81, 208, 23, 64, 30, 190, 136, 250, 133, 63, 170, 248, 76, 49, 80, 210, 13, 182, 21, 194, 43, 208, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 64, 25, 112, 108, 248, 195, 88, 206, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 61, 64, 25, 112, 108, 78, 191, 210, 208, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 101, 62, 144, 18, 248, 67, 88, 206, 251, 120, 174, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 101, 62, 144, 18, 78, 63, 210, 208, 105, 11, 27, 61, 185, 154, 180, 63, 228, 43, 254, 46, 61, 65, 152, 114, 246, 185, 130, 210, 237, 230, 174, 60, 185, 154, 180, 63, 162, 38, 234, 188, 71, 100, 150, 25, 111, 56, 130, 210, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 95, 31, 147, 124, 216, 193, 200, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 102, 89, 143, 34, 118, 65, 200, 208, 230, 250, 228, 61, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 62, 33, 34, 127, 86, 74, 49, 183, 204, 36, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 62, 0, 46, 104, 81, 66, 196, 35, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 61, 56, 38, 107, 23, 150, 68, 35, 205, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 56, 38, 107, 23, 38, 68, 142, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 46, 104, 81, 163, 195, 142, 205, 227, 67, 76, 62, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 61, 168, 186, 107, 233, 150, 68, 35, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 102, 62, 80, 129, 104, 175, 66, 196, 35, 205, 230, 250, 228, 61, 99, 20, 45, 63, 59, 180, 61, 62, 164, 163, 127, 170, 74, 49, 183, 204, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 168, 186, 107, 233, 38, 68, 142, 205, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 80, 129, 104, 175, 163, 195, 142, 205, 23, 64, 30, 190, 136, 250, 133, 63, 170, 248, 76, 49, 176, 46, 243, 52, 21, 66, 43, 208, 215, 147, 1, 190, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 189, 164, 68, 210, 63, 27, 174, 5, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 176, 46, 243, 52, 118, 65, 81, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 168, 94, 196, 73, 216, 193, 81, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 168, 94, 196, 73, 119, 194, 43, 208, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 80, 210, 243, 204, 118, 65, 81, 208, 215, 147, 1, 190, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 189, 58, 222, 210, 193, 27, 174, 5, 208, 23, 64, 30, 190, 136, 250, 133, 63, 170, 248, 76, 49, 80, 210, 243, 204, 21, 66, 43, 208, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 32, 218, 196, 183, 216, 193, 81, 208, 54, 73, 153, 189, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 32, 218, 196, 183, 119, 194, 43, 208, 33, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 254, 33, 230, 61, 200, 38, 30, 53, 108, 68, 43, 205, 68, 22, 86, 190, 99, 20, 45, 63, 100, 116, 155, 49, 172, 42, 0, 63, 0, 0, 192, 204, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 200, 38, 30, 53, 248, 67, 150, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 168, 70, 226, 73, 248, 195, 150, 205, 34, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 168, 70, 226, 73, 108, 196, 43, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 88, 186, 30, 203, 248, 67, 150, 205, 68, 22, 86, 190, 99, 20, 45, 63, 100, 116, 155, 49, 84, 214, 0, 193, 0, 0, 192, 204, 33, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 254, 33, 230, 61, 88, 186, 30, 203, 108, 68, 43, 205, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 56, 218, 226, 183, 248, 195, 150, 205, 34, 86, 66, 190, 80, 204, 54, 63, 252, 33, 230, 189, 56, 218, 226, 183, 108, 196, 43, 205, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 32, 38, 107, 96, 88, 197, 115, 200, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 32, 38, 107, 96, 206, 196, 123, 201, 226, 76, 110, 62, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 62, 58, 34, 127, 23, 27, 46, 215, 198, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 80, 46, 104, 6, 255, 68, 123, 201, 138, 3, 144, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 181, 154, 27, 177, 80, 46, 104, 6, 137, 69, 115, 200, 226, 76, 110, 62, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 62, 164, 188, 127, 233, 27, 46, 215, 198, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 168, 162, 107, 160, 206, 196, 123, 201, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 168, 162, 107, 160, 88, 197, 115, 200, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 176, 210, 104, 250, 255, 68, 123, 201, 138, 3, 144, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 181, 154, 27, 177, 176, 210, 104, 250, 137, 69, 115, 200, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 80, 46, 152, 120, 255, 196, 123, 201, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 88, 94, 149, 30, 206, 68, 123, 201, 138, 3, 144, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 181, 154, 27, 177, 80, 46, 152, 120, 137, 197, 115, 200, 226, 76, 110, 62, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 190, 92, 68, 129, 103, 27, 174, 215, 198, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 88, 94, 149, 30, 88, 69, 115, 200, 138, 3, 144, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 181, 154, 27, 177, 176, 210, 152, 136, 137, 197, 115, 200, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 224, 218, 149, 226, 206, 68, 123, 201, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 176, 210, 152, 136, 255, 196, 123, 201, 226, 76, 110, 62, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 190, 198, 222, 129, 153, 27, 174, 215, 198, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 224, 218, 149, 226, 88, 69, 115, 200, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 219, 25, 67, 56, 255, 68, 221, 202, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 162, 32, 6, 72, 206, 196, 221, 202, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 219, 25, 67, 56, 249, 65, 129, 206, 100, 126, 17, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 33, 253, 138, 49, 162, 32, 6, 72, 152, 193, 129, 206, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 80, 46, 152, 120, 216, 193, 76, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 88, 94, 149, 30, 118, 65, 76, 208, 217, 45, 40, 62, 136, 250, 133, 63, 238, 248, 242, 176, 80, 46, 152, 120, 119, 194, 38, 208, 153, 129, 11, 62, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 189, 92, 68, 130, 23, 27, 174, 0, 208, 185, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 88, 94, 149, 30, 21, 66, 38, 208, 217, 45, 40, 62, 136, 250, 133, 63, 238, 248, 242, 176, 176, 210, 152, 136, 119, 194, 38, 208, 18, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 224, 218, 149, 226, 118, 65, 76, 208, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 176, 210, 152, 136, 216, 193, 76, 208, 153, 129, 11, 62, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 189, 198, 222, 130, 233, 27, 174, 0, 208, 185, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 190, 224, 218, 149, 226, 21, 66, 38, 208, 169, 12, 139, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 249, 76, 205, 49, 176, 46, 243, 52, 88, 69, 135, 200, 33, 95, 100, 190, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 190, 164, 68, 210, 63, 27, 174, 254, 198, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 176, 46, 243, 52, 206, 68, 142, 201, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 168, 94, 196, 73, 255, 196, 142, 201, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 168, 94, 196, 73, 137, 197, 135, 200, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 80, 210, 243, 204, 206, 68, 142, 201, 33, 95, 100, 190, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 6, 190, 58, 222, 210, 193, 27, 174, 254, 198, 169, 12, 139, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 249, 76, 205, 49, 80, 210, 243, 204, 88, 69, 135, 200, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 32, 218, 196, 183, 255, 196, 142, 201, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 190, 32, 218, 196, 183, 137, 197, 135, 200, 186, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 32, 38, 107, 96, 21, 194, 38, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 32, 38, 107, 96, 118, 193, 76, 208, 153, 129, 11, 62, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 61, 58, 34, 127, 23, 27, 46, 0, 208, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 80, 46, 104, 6, 216, 65, 76, 208, 217, 45, 40, 62, 136, 250, 133, 63, 238, 248, 242, 176, 80, 46, 104, 6, 119, 66, 38, 208, 153, 129, 11, 62, 74, 136, 130, 63, 6, 91, 155, 61, 164, 188, 127, 153, 27, 46, 0, 208, 19, 248, 156, 61, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 168, 162, 107, 160, 118, 193, 76, 208, 186, 36, 173, 61, 136, 250, 133, 63, 29, 89, 13, 62, 168, 162, 107, 160, 21, 194, 38, 208, 49, 1, 24, 62, 197, 108, 137, 63, 235, 158, 210, 176, 176, 210, 104, 250, 216, 65, 76, 208, 217, 45, 40, 62, 136, 250, 133, 63, 238, 248, 242, 176, 176, 210, 104, 250, 119, 66, 38, 208, 36, 220, 158, 59, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 134, 62, 0, 42, 127, 63, 27, 50, 235, 198, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 224, 38, 76, 73, 64, 197, 125, 200, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 32, 38, 106, 38, 161, 69, 125, 200, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 32, 38, 106, 38, 23, 69, 133, 201, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 224, 38, 76, 73, 182, 196, 133, 201, 251, 126, 18, 62, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 168, 162, 106, 218, 161, 69, 125, 200, 57, 145, 8, 190, 209, 218, 207, 62, 216, 35, 117, 62, 88, 162, 76, 183, 64, 197, 125, 200, 36, 220, 158, 59, 136, 242, 183, 62, 113, 183, 134, 62, 84, 129, 127, 193, 27, 50, 235, 198, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 168, 162, 106, 218, 23, 69, 133, 201, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 88, 162, 76, 183, 182, 196, 133, 201, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 37, 25, 112, 37, 23, 69, 215, 202, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 219, 25, 74, 70, 182, 196, 215, 202, 7, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 37, 25, 112, 37, 42, 66, 126, 206, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 219, 25, 74, 70, 103, 193, 126, 206, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 162, 32, 250, 54, 206, 68, 221, 202, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 155, 89, 189, 70, 255, 196, 221, 202, 100, 126, 17, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 33, 253, 138, 49, 162, 32, 250, 54, 152, 65, 129, 206, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 238, 76, 2, 190, 155, 89, 189, 70, 249, 193, 129, 206, 38, 108, 27, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 69, 216, 183, 175, 94, 32, 148, 123, 249, 193, 123, 206, 6, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 190, 101, 89, 144, 33, 152, 65, 123, 206, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 94, 32, 148, 123, 255, 196, 209, 202, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 101, 89, 144, 33, 206, 68, 209, 202, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 37, 25, 112, 93, 206, 196, 209, 202, 7, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 37, 25, 112, 93, 152, 193, 123, 206, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 94, 32, 108, 3, 255, 68, 209, 202, 38, 108, 27, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 69, 216, 183, 175, 94, 32, 108, 3, 249, 65, 123, 206, 49, 12, 122, 190, 27, 195, 231, 62, 230, 69, 191, 49, 0, 129, 129, 63, 206, 72, 0, 60, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 0, 129, 130, 63, 182, 68, 190, 72, 79, 21, 245, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 0, 129, 130, 63, 182, 68, 125, 199, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 0, 129, 130, 63, 74, 61, 40, 181, 105, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 190, 0, 129, 129, 63, 23, 197, 125, 199, 34, 145, 9, 189, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 0, 129, 130, 63, 74, 61, 165, 64, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 189, 0, 129, 130, 63, 74, 189, 40, 181, 106, 120, 4, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 203, 216, 92, 62, 0, 129, 129, 63, 23, 197, 190, 72, 34, 145, 9, 61, 27, 195, 231, 62, 34, 145, 9, 61, 0, 129, 129, 63, 74, 189, 165, 64, 249, 252, 129, 62, 27, 195, 231, 62, 36, 25, 255, 176, 0, 129, 129, 63, 255, 200, 255, 59, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 61, 0, 129, 129, 63, 182, 70, 252, 68, 100, 126, 17, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 33, 253, 138, 49, 0, 129, 129, 63, 152, 69, 0, 60, 255, 149, 46, 190, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 189, 0, 129, 129, 63, 182, 70, 248, 193, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 0, 129, 130, 63, 103, 65, 2, 70, 131, 135, 140, 189, 59, 132, 64, 63, 238, 76, 2, 190, 0, 129, 129, 63, 103, 65, 2, 196, 36, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 79, 62, 0, 129, 129, 63, 27, 178, 124, 72, 23, 220, 158, 59, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 79, 190, 0, 129, 129, 63, 27, 178, 248, 198, 7, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 62, 0, 129, 129, 63, 42, 194, 2, 70, 6, 99, 160, 61, 59, 132, 64, 63, 239, 76, 2, 190, 0, 129, 129, 63, 42, 194, 2, 196, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 169, 83, 207, 61, 0, 129, 129, 63, 24, 199, 252, 68, 192, 131, 56, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 170, 83, 207, 189, 0, 129, 129, 63, 24, 199, 248, 193, 38, 108, 27, 62, 59, 132, 64, 63, 69, 216, 183, 175, 0, 129, 130, 63, 249, 197, 0, 60, 111, 19, 14, 190, 197, 108, 137, 63, 169, 203, 60, 49, 0, 129, 129, 63, 118, 69, 0, 60, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 61, 189, 0, 129, 130, 63, 241, 65, 156, 186, 143, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 189, 0, 129, 130, 63, 69, 65, 202, 195, 120, 157, 154, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 182, 255, 61, 61, 0, 129, 129, 63, 241, 65, 167, 65, 26, 220, 158, 59, 197, 108, 137, 63, 181, 255, 189, 189, 0, 129, 129, 63, 27, 178, 78, 193, 142, 28, 137, 189, 197, 108, 137, 63, 103, 174, 254, 61, 0, 129, 129, 63, 69, 65, 229, 69, 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+[node name="Geometry" type="MeshInstance" parent="."]
+transform = Transform( 1.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 0 )
+mesh = SubResource( 1 )
+[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="."]
+transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37114e-08, -1, 0, 1, -4.37114e-08, 0, 0.519998, 0 )
+shape = SubResource( 2 )
+[node name="MountPoint" type="Spatial" parent="."]
+transform = Transform( -0.524001, 0, -0.851718, 0, 1, 0, 0.851718, 0, -0.524001, 0.717306, 0, 0.400936 )
+[node name="Arrow" type="Spatial" parent="MountPoint"]
+transform = Transform( -1, 0, -8.74227e-08, 0, 1, 0, 8.74227e-08, 0, -1, 2.38419e-07, 0, 0 )
+[node name="MeshInstance" type="MeshInstance" parent="MountPoint/Arrow"]
+transform = Transform( -0.1, 0, -1.24676e-08, 0, 0.1, 0, 1.24676e-08, 0, -0.1, 0, 0, 0.0394838 )
+mesh = SubResource( 3 )
+skeleton = NodePath("../..")
+[node name="MeshInstance2" type="MeshInstance" parent="MountPoint/Arrow"]
+transform = Transform( -0.1, -1.24676e-08, 6.04182e-16, 0, -4.37114e-09, -0.1, 1.24676e-08, -0.1, 4.37114e-09, 0, 0, -0.151838 )
+mesh = SubResource( 4 )
+skeleton = NodePath("../..")
+[node name="AnimationPlayer" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="."]
+anims/TreeShake = SubResource( 5 )
diff --git a/scenes/Game.cs b/scenes/Game.cs
index 552dafa..bdee30b 100644
--- a/scenes/Game.cs
+++ b/scenes/Game.cs
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ public class Game : Spatial
private TextureRect _worldTextureRect;
private TextureRect _heightTextureRect;
private Button _generateWorldButton;
+ private Control _gameUI;
+ private Label _goldCountLabel;
// scene nodes
private Spatial _tileHighlight;
@@ -25,7 +27,6 @@ public class Game : Spatial
private Area _streamContainerArea;
private Spatial _streamContainerActiveTiles;
private Player _player;
- private Chest _chest;
private TileWorld _tileWorld;
private Camera _camera;
@@ -39,13 +40,14 @@ public class Game : Spatial
private HexCell _currentTile;
private Vector3 _cameraOffset;
private ImageTexture _blackWhitePatternTexture;
+ private InteractionSystem _interactionSystem;
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
// debugStatsContainer
- Container debugStatsContainer = (Container) FindNode("DebugStatsContainer");
+ Container debugStatsContainer = (Container)FindNode("DebugStatsContainer");
_framesPerSecondLabel = debugStatsContainer.GetNode