//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // ozz-animation is hosted at http://github.com/guillaumeblanc/ozz-animation // // and distributed under the MIT License (MIT). // // // // Copyright (c) Guillaume Blanc // // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #define OZZ_INCLUDE_PRIVATE_HEADER // Allows to include private headers. #include "framework/application.h" #include #include #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif // __APPLE__ #if EMSCRIPTEN #include #include #endif // EMSCRIPTEN #include "framework/image.h" #include "framework/internal/camera.h" #include "framework/internal/imgui_impl.h" #include "framework/internal/renderer_impl.h" #include "framework/internal/shooter.h" #include "framework/profile.h" #include "framework/renderer.h" #include "ozz/base/io/stream.h" #include "ozz/base/log.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/box.h" #include "ozz/base/memory/allocator.h" #include "ozz/options/options.h" OZZ_OPTIONS_DECLARE_INT( max_idle_loops, "The maximum number of idle loops the sample application can perform." " Application automatically exit when this number of loops is reached." " A negative value disables this feature.", -1, false); OZZ_OPTIONS_DECLARE_BOOL(render, "Enables sample redering.", true, false); namespace { // Screen resolution presets. const ozz::sample::Resolution resolution_presets[] = { {640, 360}, {640, 480}, {800, 450}, {800, 600}, {1024, 576}, {1024, 768}, {1280, 720}, {1280, 800}, {1280, 960}, {1280, 1024}, {1400, 1050}, {1440, 900}, {1600, 900}, {1600, 1200}, {1680, 1050}, {1920, 1080}, {1920, 1200}}; const int kNumPresets = OZZ_ARRAY_SIZE(resolution_presets); } // namespace // Check resolution argument is within 0 - kNumPresets static bool ResolutionCheck(const ozz::options::Option& _option, int /*_argc*/) { const ozz::options::IntOption& option = static_cast(_option); return option >= 0 && option < kNumPresets; } OZZ_OPTIONS_DECLARE_INT_FN(resolution, "Resolution index (0 to 17).", 5, false, &ResolutionCheck); namespace ozz { namespace sample { Application* Application::application_ = nullptr; Application::Application() : exit_(false), freeze_(false), fix_update_rate(false), fixed_update_rate(60.f), time_factor_(1.f), time_(0.f), last_idle_time_(0.), show_help_(false), show_grid_(true), show_axes_(true), capture_video_(false), capture_screenshot_(false), fps_(New(128)), update_time_(New(128)), render_time_(New(128)), resolution_(resolution_presets[0]) { #ifndef NDEBUG // Assert presets are correctly sorted. for (int i = 1; i < kNumPresets; ++i) { const Resolution& preset_m1 = resolution_presets[i - 1]; const Resolution& preset = resolution_presets[i]; assert(preset.width > preset_m1.width || preset.height > preset_m1.height); } #endif // NDEBUG } Application::~Application() {} int Application::Run(int _argc, const char** _argv, const char* _version, const char* _title) { // Only one application at a time can be ran. if (application_) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } application_ = this; // Starting application log::Out() << "Starting sample \"" << _title << "\" version \"" << _version << "\"" << std::endl; log::Out() << "Ozz libraries were built with \"" << math::SimdImplementationName() << "\" SIMD math implementation." << std::endl; // Parse command line arguments. const char* usage = "Ozz animation sample. See README.md file for more details."; ozz::options::ParseResult result = ozz::options::ParseCommandLine(_argc, _argv, _version, usage); if (result != ozz::options::kSuccess) { exit_ = true; return result == ozz::options::kExitSuccess ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } // Fetch initial resolution. resolution_ = resolution_presets[OPTIONS_resolution]; #ifdef __APPLE__ // On OSX, when run from Finder, working path is the root path. This does not // allow to load resources from relative path. // The workaround is to change the working directory to application directory. // The proper solution would probably be to use bundles and load data from // resource folder. chdir(ozz::options::ParsedExecutablePath().c_str()); #endif // __APPLE__ // Initialize help. ParseReadme(); // Open an OpenGL window bool success = true; if (OPTIONS_render) { // Initialize GLFW if (!glfwInit()) { application_ = nullptr; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Setup GL context. const int gl_version_major = 2, gl_version_minor = 0; glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_VERSION_MAJOR, gl_version_major); glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_VERSION_MINOR, gl_version_minor); glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_FSAA_SAMPLES, 4); #ifndef NDEBUG glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT, GL_TRUE); #endif // NDEBUG // Initializes rendering before looping. if (!glfwOpenWindow(resolution_.width, resolution_.height, 8, 8, 8, 8, 32, 0, GLFW_WINDOW)) { log::Err() << "Failed to open OpenGL window. Required OpenGL version is " << gl_version_major << "." << gl_version_minor << "." << std::endl; success = false; } else { log::Out() << "Successfully opened OpenGL window version \"" << glGetString(GL_VERSION) << "\"." << std::endl; // Allocates and initializes camera camera_ = make_unique(); math::Float3 camera_center; math::Float2 camera_angles; float distance; if (GetCameraInitialSetup(&camera_center, &camera_angles, &distance)) { camera_->Reset(camera_center, camera_angles, distance); } // Allocates and initializes renderer. renderer_ = make_unique(camera_.get()); success = renderer_->Initialize(); if (success) { shooter_ = make_unique(); im_gui_ = make_unique(); #ifndef EMSCRIPTEN // Better not rename web page. glfwSetWindowTitle(_title); #endif // EMSCRIPTEN // Setup the window and installs callbacks. glfwSwapInterval(1); // Enables vertical sync by default. glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(&ResizeCbk); glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(&CloseCbk); // Loop the sample. success = Loop(); shooter_.reset(); im_gui_.reset(); } renderer_.reset(); camera_.reset(); } // Closes window and terminates GLFW. glfwTerminate(); } else { // Loops without any rendering initialization. success = Loop(); } // Notifies that an error occurred. if (!success) { log::Err() << "An error occurred during sample execution." << std::endl; } application_ = nullptr; return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } // Helper function to detecte key pressed and released. template bool KeyPressed() { static int previous_key = glfwGetKey(_Key); const int key = glfwGetKey(_Key); const bool pressed = previous_key == GLFW_PRESS && key == GLFW_RELEASE; previous_key = key; return pressed; } Application::LoopStatus Application::OneLoop(int _loops) { Profiler profile(fps_.get()); // Profiles frame. // Tests for a manual exit request. if (exit_ || glfwGetKey(GLFW_KEY_ESC) == GLFW_PRESS) { return kBreak; } // Test for an exit request. if (OPTIONS_max_idle_loops > 0 && _loops > OPTIONS_max_idle_loops) { return kBreak; } // Don't overload the cpu if the window is not active. #ifndef EMSCRIPTEN if (OPTIONS_render && !glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_ACTIVE)) { glfwWaitEvents(); // Wait... // Reset last update time in order to stop the time while the app isn't // active. last_idle_time_ = glfwGetTime(); return kContinue; // ...but don't do anything. } #else int width, height; if (emscripten_get_canvas_element_size(nullptr, &width, &height) != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS) { return kBreakFailure; } if (width != resolution_.width || height != resolution_.height) { ResizeCbk(width, height); } #endif // EMSCRIPTEN // Enable/disable help on F1 key. show_help_ = show_help_ ^ KeyPressed(); // Capture screenshot or video. capture_screenshot_ = KeyPressed<'S'>(); capture_video_ = capture_video_ ^ KeyPressed<'V'>(); // Do the main loop. if (!Idle(_loops == 0)) { return kBreakFailure; } // Skips display if "no_render" option is enabled. if (OPTIONS_render) { if (!Display()) { return kBreakFailure; } } return kContinue; } void OneLoopCbk(void* _arg) { Application* app = reinterpret_cast(_arg); static int loops = 0; app->OneLoop(loops++); } bool Application::Loop() { // Initialize sample. bool success = OnInitialize(); // Emscripten requires to manage the main loop on their own, as browsers don't // like infinite blocking functions. #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN emscripten_set_main_loop_arg(OneLoopCbk, this, 0, 1); #else // EMSCRIPTEN // Loops. for (int loops = 0; success; ++loops) { const LoopStatus status = OneLoop(loops); success = status != kBreakFailure; if (status != kContinue) { break; } } #endif // EMSCRIPTEN // De-initialize sample, even in case of initialization failure. OnDestroy(); return success; } bool Application::Display() { assert(OPTIONS_render); bool success = true; { // Profiles rendering excluding GUI. Profiler profile(render_time_.get()); GL(ClearDepth(1.f)); GL(ClearColor(.4f, .42f, .38f, 1.f)); GL(Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)); // Setup default states GL(Enable(GL_CULL_FACE)); GL(CullFace(GL_BACK)); GL(Enable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); GL(DepthMask(GL_TRUE)); GL(DepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL)); // Bind 3D camera matrices. camera_->Bind3D(); // Forwards display event to the inheriting application. if (success) { success = OnDisplay(renderer_.get()); } } // Ends profiling. // Renders grid and axes at the end as they are transparent. if (show_grid_) { renderer_->DrawGrid(20, 1.f); } if (show_axes_) { renderer_->DrawAxes(ozz::math::Float4x4::identity()); } // Bind 2D camera matrices. camera_->Bind2D(); // Forwards gui event to the inheriting application. if (success) { success = Gui(); } // Capture back buffer. if (capture_screenshot_ || capture_video_) { shooter_->Capture(GL_BACK); capture_screenshot_ = false; } // Swaps current window. glfwSwapBuffers(); return success; } bool Application::Idle(bool _first_frame) { // Early out if displaying help. if (show_help_) { last_idle_time_ = glfwGetTime(); return true; } // Compute elapsed time since last idle, and delta time. float delta; double time = glfwGetTime(); if (_first_frame || // Don't take into account time spent initializing. time == 0.) { // Means glfw isn't initialized (rendering's disabled). delta = 1.f / 60.f; } else { delta = static_cast(time - last_idle_time_); } last_idle_time_ = time; // Update dt, can be scaled, fixed, freezed... float update_delta; if (freeze_) { update_delta = 0.f; } else { if (fix_update_rate) { update_delta = time_factor_ / fixed_update_rate; } else { update_delta = delta * time_factor_; } } // Increment current application time time_ += update_delta; // Forwards update event to the inheriting application. bool update_result; { // Profiles update scope. Profiler profile(update_time_.get()); update_result = OnUpdate(update_delta, time_); } // Updates screen shooter object. if (shooter_) { shooter_->Update(); } // Update camera model-view matrix. if (camera_) { math::Box scene_bounds; GetSceneBounds(&scene_bounds); math::Float4x4 camera_transform; if (GetCameraOverride(&camera_transform)) { camera_->Update(camera_transform, scene_bounds, delta, _first_frame); } else { camera_->Update(scene_bounds, delta, _first_frame); } } return update_result; } bool Application::Gui() { bool success = true; const float kFormWidth = 200.f; const float kHelpMargin = 16.f; // Finds gui area. const float kGuiMargin = 2.f; ozz::math::RectInt window_rect(0, 0, resolution_.width, resolution_.height); // Fills ImGui's input structure. internal::ImGuiImpl::Inputs input; int mouse_y; glfwGetMousePos(&input.mouse_x, &mouse_y); input.mouse_y = window_rect.height - mouse_y; input.lmb_pressed = glfwGetMouseButton(GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) == GLFW_PRESS; // Starts frame im_gui_->BeginFrame(input, window_rect, renderer_.get()); // Downcast to public imgui. ImGui* im_gui = im_gui_.get(); // Do floating gui. if (!show_help_) { success = OnFloatingGui(im_gui); } // Help gui. { math::RectFloat rect(kGuiMargin, kGuiMargin, window_rect.width - kGuiMargin * 2.f, window_rect.height - kGuiMargin * 2.f); // Doesn't constrain form is it's opened, so it covers all screen. ImGui::Form form(im_gui, "Show help", rect, &show_help_, !show_help_); if (show_help_) { im_gui->DoLabel(help_.c_str(), ImGui::kLeft, false); } } // Do framework gui. if (!show_help_ && success && window_rect.width > (kGuiMargin + kFormWidth) * 2.f) { static bool open = true; math::RectFloat rect(kGuiMargin, kGuiMargin, kFormWidth, window_rect.height - kGuiMargin * 2.f - kHelpMargin); ImGui::Form form(im_gui, "Framework", rect, &open, true); if (open) { success = FrameworkGui(); } } // Do sample gui. if (!show_help_ && success && window_rect.width > kGuiMargin + kFormWidth) { static bool open = true; math::RectFloat rect(window_rect.width - kFormWidth - kGuiMargin, kGuiMargin, kFormWidth, window_rect.height - kGuiMargin * 2 - kHelpMargin); ImGui::Form form(im_gui, "Sample", rect, &open, true); if (open) { // Forwards event to the inherited application. success = OnGui(im_gui); } } // Ends frame im_gui_->EndFrame(); return success; } bool Application::FrameworkGui() { // Downcast to public imgui. ImGui* im_gui = im_gui_.get(); { // Render statistics static bool open = true; ImGui::OpenClose stat_oc(im_gui, "Statistics", &open); if (open) { char szLabel[64]; { // FPS Record::Statistics statistics = fps_->GetStatistics(); std::sprintf(szLabel, "FPS: %.0f", statistics.mean == 0.f ? 0.f : 1000.f / statistics.mean); static bool fps_open = false; ImGui::OpenClose stats(im_gui, szLabel, &fps_open); if (fps_open) { std::sprintf(szLabel, "Frame: %.2f ms", statistics.mean); im_gui->DoGraph(szLabel, 0.f, statistics.max, statistics.latest, fps_->cursor(), fps_->record_begin(), fps_->record_end()); } } { // Update time Record::Statistics statistics = update_time_->GetStatistics(); std::sprintf(szLabel, "Update: %.2f ms", statistics.mean); static bool update_open = true; // This is the most relevant for ozz. ImGui::OpenClose stats(im_gui, szLabel, &update_open); if (update_open) { im_gui->DoGraph(nullptr, 0.f, statistics.max, statistics.latest, update_time_->cursor(), update_time_->record_begin(), update_time_->record_end()); } } { // Render time Record::Statistics statistics = render_time_->GetStatistics(); std::sprintf(szLabel, "Render: %.2f ms", statistics.mean); static bool render_open = false; ImGui::OpenClose stats(im_gui, szLabel, &render_open); if (render_open) { im_gui->DoGraph(nullptr, 0.f, statistics.max, statistics.latest, render_time_->cursor(), render_time_->record_begin(), render_time_->record_end()); } } } } { // Time control static bool open = false; ImGui::OpenClose stats(im_gui, "Time control", &open); if (open) { im_gui->DoButton("Freeze", true, &freeze_); im_gui->DoCheckBox("Fix update rate", &fix_update_rate, true); if (!fix_update_rate) { char sz_factor[64]; std::sprintf(sz_factor, "Time factor: %.2f", time_factor_); im_gui->DoSlider(sz_factor, -5.f, 5.f, &time_factor_); if (im_gui->DoButton("Reset time factor", time_factor_ != 1.f)) { time_factor_ = 1.f; } } else { char sz_fixed_update_rate[64]; std::sprintf(sz_fixed_update_rate, "Update rate: %.0f fps", fixed_update_rate); im_gui->DoSlider(sz_fixed_update_rate, 1.f, 200.f, &fixed_update_rate, .5f, true); if (im_gui->DoButton("Reset update rate", fixed_update_rate != 60.f)) { fixed_update_rate = 60.f; } } } } { // Rendering options static bool open = false; ImGui::OpenClose options(im_gui, "Options", &open); if (open) { // Multi-sampling. static bool fsaa_available = glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_FSAA_SAMPLES) != 0; static bool fsaa_enabled = fsaa_available; if (im_gui->DoCheckBox("Anti-aliasing", &fsaa_enabled, fsaa_available)) { if (fsaa_enabled) { GL(Enable(GL_MULTISAMPLE)); } else { GL(Disable(GL_MULTISAMPLE)); } } // Vertical sync static bool vertical_sync_ = true; // On by default. if (im_gui->DoCheckBox("Vertical sync", &vertical_sync_, true)) { glfwSwapInterval(vertical_sync_ ? 1 : 0); } im_gui->DoCheckBox("Show grid", &show_grid_, true); im_gui->DoCheckBox("Show axes", &show_axes_, true); } // Searches for matching resolution settings. int preset_lookup = 0; for (; preset_lookup < kNumPresets - 1; ++preset_lookup) { const Resolution& preset = resolution_presets[preset_lookup]; if (preset.width > resolution_.width) { break; } else if (preset.width == resolution_.width) { if (preset.height >= resolution_.height) { break; } } } char szResolution[64]; std::sprintf(szResolution, "Resolution: %dx%d", resolution_.width, resolution_.height); if (im_gui->DoSlider(szResolution, 0, kNumPresets - 1, &preset_lookup)) { // Resolution changed. resolution_ = resolution_presets[preset_lookup]; glfwSetWindowSize(resolution_.width, resolution_.height); } } { // Capture static bool open = false; ImGui::OpenClose controls(im_gui, "Capture", &open); if (open) { im_gui->DoButton("Capture video", true, &capture_video_); capture_screenshot_ |= im_gui->DoButton( "Capture screenshot", !capture_video_, &capture_screenshot_); } } { // Controls static bool open = false; ImGui::OpenClose controls(im_gui, "Camera controls", &open); if (open) { camera_->OnGui(im_gui); } } return true; } bool Application::OnInitialize() { return true; } void Application::OnDestroy() {} bool Application::OnUpdate(float _dt, float _time) { (void)_dt; (void)_time; return true; } bool Application::OnGui(ImGui* _im_gui) { (void)_im_gui; return true; } bool Application::OnFloatingGui(ImGui* _im_gui) { (void)_im_gui; return true; } bool Application::OnDisplay(Renderer* _renderer) { (void)_renderer; return true; } bool Application::GetCameraInitialSetup(math::Float3* _center, math::Float2* _angles, float* _distance) const { (void)_center; (void)_angles; (void)_distance; return false; } // Default implementation doesn't override camera location. bool Application::GetCameraOverride(math::Float4x4* _transform) const { (void)_transform; assert(_transform); return false; } void Application::GetSceneBounds(math::Box* _bound) const { (void)_bound; } math::Float2 Application::WorldToScreen(const math::Float3& _world) const { const math::SimdFloat4 ndc = (camera_->projection() * camera_->view()) * math::simd_float4::Load(_world.x, _world.y, _world.z, 1.f); const math::SimdFloat4 resolution = math::simd_float4::FromInt( math::simd_int4::Load(resolution_.width, resolution_.height, 0, 0)); const ozz::math::SimdFloat4 screen = resolution * ((ndc / math::SplatW(ndc)) + math::simd_float4::one()) / math::simd_float4::Load1(2.f); math::Float2 ret; math::Store2PtrU(screen, &ret.x); return ret; } void Application::ResizeCbk(int _width, int _height) { // Stores new resolution settings. application_->resolution_.width = _width; application_->resolution_.height = _height; // Uses the full viewport. GL(Viewport(0, 0, _width, _height)); // Forwards screen size to camera and shooter. application_->camera_->Resize(_width, _height); application_->shooter_->Resize(_width, _height); } int Application::CloseCbk() { application_->exit_ = true; return GL_FALSE; // The window will be closed while exiting the main loop. } void Application::ParseReadme() { const char* error_message = "Unable to find README.md help file."; // Get README file, opens as binary to avoid conversions. ozz::io::File file("README.md", "rb"); if (!file.opened()) { help_ = error_message; return; } // Allocate enough space to store the whole file. const size_t read_length = file.Size(); ozz::memory::Allocator* allocator = ozz::memory::default_allocator(); char* content = reinterpret_cast(allocator->Allocate(read_length, 4)); // Read the content if (file.Read(content, read_length) == read_length) { help_ = ozz::string(content, content + read_length); } else { help_ = error_message; } // Deallocate temporary buffer; allocator->Deallocate(content); } } // namespace sample } // namespace ozz