#include "spec_helper.h" #include using vectorial::vec4f; const int epsilon = 1; describe(vec4f, "constructing") { it("should have default constructor that does nothing..") { vec4f x; } it("should have constructor with element values") { vec4f x(10,20,30,40); // octave vec4f: [10,20,30,40] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(10.000000000000000f, 20.000000000000000f, 30.000000000000000f, 40.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have constructor that loads from a float array") { float ary[4] = { 1,2,3,4 }; vec4f x(ary); // octave vec4f: [1,2,3,4] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(1.000000000000000f, 2.000000000000000f, 3.000000000000000f, 4.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } } describe(vec4f, "loads and stores") { it("should have method for loading from a float array") { float ary[4] = { 1,2,3,4 }; vec4f x(-1, -1, -1, -1); x.load(ary); // octave vec4f: [1,2,3,4] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(1.000000000000000f, 2.000000000000000f, 3.000000000000000f, 4.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have method for storing to a float array") { float ary[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; vec4f x(1, 2, 3, 4); x.store(ary); should_be_close_to(ary[0], 1, epsilon); should_be_close_to(ary[1], 2, epsilon); should_be_close_to(ary[2], 3, epsilon); should_be_close_to(ary[3], 4, epsilon); } } describe(vec4f, "arithmetic with another vec4f") { it("should have operator+ for component-wise addition") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); vec4f b(10,20,30,40); vec4f x = a + b; // octave vec4f: [1,2,3,4] + [10,20,30,40] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(11.000000000000000f, 22.000000000000000f, 33.000000000000000f, 44.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator- for component-wise subtraction") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); vec4f b(10,20,30,40); vec4f x = b - a; // octave vec4f: [10,20,30,40] - [1,2,3,4] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(9.000000000000000f, 18.000000000000000f, 27.000000000000000f, 36.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator* for component-wise multiplication") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); vec4f b(10,20,30,40); vec4f x = a * b; // octave vec4f: [1,2,3,4] .* [10,20,30,40] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(10.000000000000000f, 40.000000000000000f, 90.000000000000000f, 160.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator/ for component-wise division") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); vec4f b(10,20,30,40); vec4f x = b / a; // octave vec4f: [10,20,30,40] ./ [1,2,3,4] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(10.000000000000000f, 10.000000000000000f, 10.000000000000000f, 10.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator+= for component-wise addition") { vec4f x(1,2,3,4); vec4f b(10,20,30,40); x += b; // octave vec4f: [1,2,3,4] + [10,20,30,40] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(11.000000000000000f, 22.000000000000000f, 33.000000000000000f, 44.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator-= for component-wise subtraction") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); vec4f x(10,20,30,40); x -= a; // octave vec4f: [10,20,30,40] - [1,2,3,4] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(9.000000000000000f, 18.000000000000000f, 27.000000000000000f, 36.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator*= for component-wise multiplication") { vec4f x(1,2,3,4); vec4f b(10,20,30,40); x *= b; // octave vec4f: [1,2,3,4] .* [10,20,30,40] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(10.000000000000000f, 40.000000000000000f, 90.000000000000000f, 160.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator/= for component-wise division") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); vec4f x(10,20,30,40); x /= a; // octave vec4f: [10,20,30,40] ./ [1,2,3,4] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(10.000000000000000f, 10.000000000000000f, 10.000000000000000f, 10.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } } describe(vec4f, "arithmetic with scalar") { it("should have operator+ for component-wise addition") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); float b=10; vec4f x = a + b; // octave vec4f: [1,2,3,4] + 10 should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(11.000000000000000f, 12.000000000000000f, 13.000000000000000f, 14.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator- for component-wise subtraction") { float a=10; vec4f b(10,20,30,40); vec4f x = b - a; // octave vec4f: [10,20,30,40] - 10 should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(0.000000000000000f, 10.000000000000000f, 20.000000000000000f, 30.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator* for component-wise multiplication") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); float b=10; vec4f x = a * b; // octave vec4f: [1,2,3,4] .* 10 should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(10.000000000000000f, 20.000000000000000f, 30.000000000000000f, 40.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator/ for component-wise division") { vec4f a(10,20,30,40); float b=10; vec4f x = a / b; // octave vec4f: [10,20,30,40] ./ 10 should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(1.000000000000000f, 2.000000000000000f, 3.000000000000000f, 4.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator+ for component-wise addition (float as lhs)") { vec4f b(1,2,3,4); float a=10; vec4f x = a + b; // octave vec4f: 10 + [1,2,3,4] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(11.000000000000000f, 12.000000000000000f, 13.000000000000000f, 14.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator- for component-wise subtraction (float as lhs)") { float b=50; vec4f a(10,20,30,40); vec4f x = b - a; // octave vec4f: 50 - [10,20,30,40] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(40.000000000000000f, 30.000000000000000f, 20.000000000000000f, 10.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator* for component-wise multiplication (float as lhs)") { vec4f b(1,2,3,4); float a=10; vec4f x = a * b; // octave vec4f: 10 .* [1,2,3,4] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(10.000000000000000f, 20.000000000000000f, 30.000000000000000f, 40.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have operator* for component-wise multiplication (float as lhs)") { vec4f b(10,20,30,40); float a=40; vec4f x = a / b; // octave vec4f: 40 ./ [10,20,30,40] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(4.000000000000000f, 2.000000000000000f, 1.333333333333333f, 1.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } } describe(vec4f, "vector math") { it("should have unary minus operator") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); vec4f x = -a; // octave vec4f: -[1,2,3,4] should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(-1.000000000000000f, -2.000000000000000f, -3.000000000000000f, -4.000000000000000f), epsilon ); } it("should have dot function") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); vec4f b(6,7,8,9); float x = vectorial::dot(a,b); // octave vec4f: dot([1,2,3,4],[6,7,8,9]) should_be_close_to(x, 80.000000000000000f, epsilon ); } it("should have length_squared function") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); float x = vectorial::length_squared(a); // octave vec4f: dot([1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]) should_be_close_to(x, 30.000000000000000f, epsilon ); } it("should have length function") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); float x = vectorial::length(a); // octave vec4f: norm([1,2,3,4]) should_be_close_to(x, 5.477225575051661f, epsilon ); } it("should have normalize function") { vec4f a(1,2,3,4); vec4f x = vectorial::normalize(a); // octave vec4f: [1,2,3,4] / norm([1,2,3,4]) should_be_equal_vec4f(x, simd4f_create(0.182574185835055f, 0.365148371670111f, 0.547722557505166f, 0.730296743340221f), epsilon ); } }