#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate Nim bindings # # Nim coding style: # - type identifiers are PascalCase, everything else is camelCase # - reference: https://nim-lang.org/docs/nep1.html #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gen_ir import gen_util as util import os, shutil, sys module_names = { 'slog_': 'log', 'sg_': 'gfx', 'sapp_': 'app', 'sapp_sg': 'glue', 'stm_': 'time', 'saudio_': 'audio', 'sgl_': 'gl', 'sdtx_': 'debugtext', 'sshape_': 'shape', } c_source_paths = { 'slog_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_log.c', 'sg_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_gfx.c', 'sapp_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_app.c', 'sapp_sg': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_glue.c', 'stm_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_time.c', 'saudio_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_audio.c', 'sgl_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_gl.c', 'sdtx_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_debugtext.c', 'sshape_': 'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/sokol_shape.c', } c_callbacks = [ 'slog_func', ] ignores = [ 'sdtx_printf', 'sdtx_vprintf', ] overrides = { 'sgl_error': 'sgl_get_error', 'sgl_deg': 'sgl_as_degrees', 'sgl_rad': 'sgl_as_radians', 'sg_context_desc.color_format': 'int', 'sg_context_desc.depth_format': 'int', 'SGL_NO_ERROR': 'SGL_ERROR_NO_ERROR', 'SG_BUFFERTYPE_VERTEXBUFFER': 'SG_BUFFERTYPE_VERTEX_BUFFER', 'SG_BUFFERTYPE_INDEXBUFFER': 'SG_BUFFERTYPE_INDEX_BUFFER', 'SG_ACTION_DONTCARE': 'SG_ACTION_DONT_CARE', 'ptr': 'addr', # range ptr 'func': 'fn', 'slog_func': 'fn', } enumPrefixOverrides = { # sokol_gfx.h 'PIXELFORMAT': 'pixelFormat', 'RESOURCESTATE': 'resourceState', 'BUFFERTYPE': 'bufferType', 'INDEXTYPE': 'indexType', 'IMAGETYPE': 'imageType', 'SAMPLERTYPE': 'samplerType', 'CUBEFACE': 'cubeFace', 'SHADERSTAGE': 'shaderStage', 'PRIMITIVETYPE': 'primitiveType', 'BORDERCOLOR': 'borderColor', 'VERTEXFORMAT': 'vertexFormat', 'VERTEXSTEP': 'vertexStep', 'UNIFORMTYPE': 'uniformType', 'UNIFORMLAYOUT': 'uniformLayout', 'CULLMODE': 'cullMode', 'FACEWINDING': 'faceWinding', 'COMPAREFUNC': 'compareFunc', 'STENCILOP': 'stencilOp', 'BLENDFACTOR': 'blendFactor', 'BLENDOP': 'blendOp', 'COLORMASK': 'colorMask', # sokol_app.h 'EVENTTYPE': 'eventType', 'KEYCODE': 'keyCode', 'MOUSEBUTTON': 'mouseButton', } prim_types = { 'int': 'int32', 'bool': 'bool', 'char': 'char', 'int8_t': 'int8', 'uint8_t': 'uint8', 'int16_t': 'int16', 'uint16_t': 'uint16', 'int32_t': 'int32', 'uint32_t': 'uint32', 'int64_t': 'int64', 'uint64_t': 'uint64', 'float': 'float32', 'double': 'float64', 'uintptr_t': 'uint', 'intptr_t': 'int', 'size_t': 'int', # not a bug, Nim's sizeof() returns int } prim_defaults = { 'int': '0', 'bool': 'false', 'int8_t': '0', 'uint8_t': '0', 'int16_t': '0', 'uint16_t': '0', 'int32_t': '0', 'uint32_t': '0', 'int64_t': '0', 'uint64_t': '0', 'float': '0.0f', 'double': '0.0', 'uintptr_t': '0', 'intptr_t': '0', 'size_t': '0' } common_prim_types = """ array untyped typed void bool byte char int int8 int16 int32 int64 uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 float float32 float64 string cchar cint csize_t cfloat cdouble cstring pointer """.split() keywords = """ addr and as asm bind block break case cast concept const continue converter defer discard distinct div do elif else end enum except export finally for from func if import in include interface is isnot iterator let macro method mixin mod nil not notin object of or out proc ptr raise ref return shl shr static template try tuple type using var when while xor yield """.split() + common_prim_types struct_types = [] enum_types = [] out_lines = '' def reset_globals(): global struct_types global enum_types global out_lines struct_types = [] enum_types = [] out_lines = '' def l(s): global out_lines out_lines += s + '\n' def as_nim_prim_type(s): return prim_types[s] # prefix_bla_blub(_t) => (dep.)BlaBlub def as_nim_type_name(s, prefix): parts = s.lower().split('_') dep = parts[0] + '_' outp = '' if not s.startswith(prefix) and dep in module_names: outp = module_names[dep] + '.' for part in parts[1:]: # ignore '_t' type postfix if (part != 't'): outp += part.capitalize() return outp def check_override(name, default=None): if name in overrides: return overrides[name] elif default is None: return name else: return default def check_ignore(name): return name in ignores def is_power_of_two(val): return val == 0 or val & (val - 1) == 0 def wrap_keywords(s): if s in keywords: return f'`{s}`' else: return s # prefix_bla_blub => blaBlub def as_camel_case(s, prefix, wrap=True): outp = s.lower() if outp.startswith(prefix): outp = outp[len(prefix):] parts = outp.lstrip('_').split('_') outp = parts[0] for part in parts[1:]: outp += part.capitalize() if wrap: outp = wrap_keywords(outp) return outp # PREFIX_ENUM_BLA_BLO => blaBlo def as_enum_item_name(s, wrap=True): outp = s.lstrip('_') parts = outp.split('_')[1:] if parts[0] in enumPrefixOverrides: parts[0] = enumPrefixOverrides[parts[0]] else: parts[0] = parts[0].lower() outp = parts[0] for part in parts[1:]: outp += part.capitalize() if wrap: outp = wrap_keywords(outp) return outp def is_prim_type(s): return s in prim_types def is_struct_type(s): return s in struct_types def is_enum_type(s): return s in enum_types def is_const_prim_ptr(s): for prim_type in prim_types: if s == f"const {prim_type} *": return True return False def is_prim_ptr(s): for prim_type in prim_types: if s == f"{prim_type} *": return True return False def is_const_struct_ptr(s): for struct_type in struct_types: if s == f"const {struct_type} *": return True return False def type_default_value(s): return prim_defaults[s] def funcptr_args(field_type, prefix): tokens = field_type[field_type.index('(*)')+4:-1].split(',') s = "" n = 0 for token in tokens: n += 1 arg_ctype = token.strip() if s != "": s += ", " arg_nimtype = as_nim_type(arg_ctype, prefix) if arg_nimtype == "": return "" # fun(void) s += f"a{n}:{arg_nimtype}" if s == "a1:void": s = "" return s def funcptr_result(field_type, prefix): ctype = field_type[:field_type.index('(*)')].strip() return as_nim_type(ctype, prefix) def as_nim_type(ctype, prefix, struct_ptr_as_value=False): if ctype == "void": return "" elif is_prim_type(ctype): return as_nim_prim_type(ctype) elif is_struct_type(ctype): return as_nim_type_name(ctype, prefix) elif is_enum_type(ctype): return as_nim_type_name(ctype, prefix) elif util.is_string_ptr(ctype): return "cstring" elif util.is_void_ptr(ctype) or util.is_const_void_ptr(ctype): return "pointer" elif is_const_struct_ptr(ctype): nim_type = as_nim_type(util.extract_ptr_type(ctype), prefix) if struct_ptr_as_value: return f"{nim_type}" else: return f"ptr {nim_type}" elif is_prim_ptr(ctype) or is_const_prim_ptr(ctype): return f"ptr {as_nim_type(util.extract_ptr_type(ctype), prefix)}" elif util.is_func_ptr(ctype): args = funcptr_args(ctype, prefix) res = funcptr_result(ctype, prefix) if res != "": res = ":" + res return f"proc({args}){res} {{.cdecl.}}" elif util.is_1d_array_type(ctype): array_ctype = util.extract_array_type(ctype) array_sizes = util.extract_array_sizes(ctype) return f'array[{array_sizes[0]}, {as_nim_type(array_ctype, prefix)}]' elif util.is_2d_array_type(ctype): array_ctype = util.extract_array_type(ctype) array_sizes = util.extract_array_sizes(ctype) return f'array[{array_sizes[0]}, array[{array_sizes[1]}, {as_nim_type(array_ctype, prefix)}]]' else: sys.exit(f"ERROR as_nim_type: {ctype}") def as_nim_struct_name(struct_decl, prefix): struct_name = check_override(struct_decl['name']) nim_type = f'{as_nim_type_name(struct_name, prefix)}' return nim_type def as_nim_field_name(field_decl, prefix, check_private=True): field_name = as_camel_case(check_override(field_decl['name']), prefix) if check_private: is_private = field_decl['name'].startswith('_') if not is_private: field_name += "*" return field_name def as_nim_field_type(struct_decl, field_decl, prefix): return as_nim_type(check_override(f"{struct_decl['name']}.{field_decl['name']}", default=field_decl['type']), prefix) def gen_struct(decl, prefix): l(f"type {as_nim_struct_name(decl, prefix)}* = object") for field in decl['fields']: l(f" {as_nim_field_name(field, prefix)}:{as_nim_field_type(decl, field, prefix)}") l("") def gen_consts(decl, prefix): l("const") for item in decl['items']: item_name = check_override(item['name']) l(f" {as_camel_case(item_name, prefix)}* = {item['value']}") l("") def gen_enum(decl, prefix): item_names_by_value = {} value = -1 has_explicit_values = False for item in decl['items']: item_name = check_override(item['name']) if item_name.endswith("_NUM") or item_name.endswith("_FORCE_U32"): continue else: if 'value' in item: has_explicit_values = True value = int(item['value']) else: value += 1 item_names_by_value[value] = as_enum_item_name(item_name) enum_name_nim = as_nim_type_name(decl['name'], prefix) l('type') l(f" {enum_name_nim}* {{.size:sizeof(int32).}} = enum") if has_explicit_values: # Nim requires explicit enum values to be declared in ascending order for value in sorted(item_names_by_value): name = item_names_by_value[value] l(f" {name} = {value},") else: for name in item_names_by_value.values(): l(f" {name},") l("") # returns C prototype compatible function args (with pointers) def funcdecl_args_c(decl, prefix): s = "" func_name = decl['name'] for param_decl in decl['params']: if s != "": s += ", " arg_name = param_decl['name'] arg_type = check_override(f'{func_name}.{arg_name}', default=param_decl['type']) s += f"{as_camel_case(arg_name, prefix)}:{as_nim_type(arg_type, prefix)}" return s # returns Nim function args (pass structs by value) def funcdecl_args_nim(decl, prefix): s = "" func_name = decl['name'] for param_decl in decl['params']: if s != "": s += ", " arg_name = param_decl['name'] arg_type = check_override(f'{func_name}.{arg_name}', default=param_decl['type']) s += f"{as_camel_case(arg_name, prefix)}:{as_nim_type(arg_type, prefix, struct_ptr_as_value=True)}" return s def funcdecl_result(decl, prefix): func_name = decl['name'] decl_type = decl['type'] result_type = check_override(f'{func_name}.RESULT', default=decl_type[:decl_type.index('(')].strip()) nim_res_type = as_nim_type(result_type, prefix) if nim_res_type == "": nim_res_type = "void" return nim_res_type def gen_func_nim(decl, prefix): c_func_name = decl['name'] nim_func_name = as_camel_case(check_override(c_func_name), prefix, wrap=False) nim_res_type = funcdecl_result(decl, prefix) if c_func_name in c_callbacks: l(f"proc {nim_func_name}*({funcdecl_args_c(decl, prefix)}):{nim_res_type} {{.cdecl, importc:\"{c_func_name}\".}}") else: l(f"proc c_{nim_func_name}({funcdecl_args_c(decl, prefix)}):{nim_res_type} {{.cdecl, importc:\"{c_func_name}\".}}") l(f"proc {wrap_keywords(nim_func_name)}*({funcdecl_args_nim(decl, prefix)}):{nim_res_type} =") s = f" c_{nim_func_name}(" for i, param_decl in enumerate(decl['params']): if i > 0: s += ", " arg_name = param_decl['name'] arg_type = param_decl['type'] if is_const_struct_ptr(arg_type): s += f"unsafeAddr({arg_name})" else: s += arg_name s += ")" l(s) l("") def gen_array_converters(decl, prefix): for field in decl['fields']: if util.is_array_type(field['type']): array_type = util.extract_array_type(field['type']) array_sizes = util.extract_array_sizes(field['type']) struct_name = as_nim_struct_name(decl, prefix) field_name = as_nim_field_name(field, prefix, check_private=False) array_base_type = as_nim_type(array_type, prefix) if util.is_1d_array_type(field['type']): n = array_sizes[0] l(f'converter to{struct_name}{field_name}*[N:static[int]](items: array[N, {array_base_type}]): array[{n}, {array_base_type}] =') l(f' static: assert(N < {n})') l(f' for index,item in items.pairs: result[index]=item') l('') elif util.is_2d_array_type(field['type']): x = array_sizes[1] y = array_sizes[0] l(f'converter to{struct_name}{field_name}*[Y:static[int], X:static[int]](items: array[Y, array[X, {array_base_type}]]): array[{y}, array[{x}, {array_base_type}]] =') l(f' static: assert(X < {x})') l(f' static: assert(Y < {y})') l(f' for indexY,itemY in items.pairs:') l(f' for indexX, itemX in itemY.pairs:') l(f' result[indexY][indexX] = itemX') l('') else: sys.exit('Unsupported converter array dimension (> 2)!') def pre_parse(inp): global struct_types global enum_types for decl in inp['decls']: kind = decl['kind'] if kind == 'struct': struct_types.append(decl['name']) elif kind == 'enum': enum_name = decl['name'] enum_types.append(enum_name) def gen_imports(inp, dep_prefixes): for dep_prefix in dep_prefixes: dep_module_name = module_names[dep_prefix] l(f'import {dep_module_name}') l('') def gen_extra(inp): if inp['prefix'] in ['sg_']: # FIXME: remove when sokol-shdc has been integrated! l('when defined gl:') l(' const gl* = true') l(' const d3d11* = false') l(' const metal* = false') l('elif defined windows:') l(' const gl* = false') l(' const d3d11* = true') l(' const metal* = false') l('elif defined macosx:') l(' const gl* = false') l(' const d3d11* = false') l(' const metal* = true') l('elif defined linux:') l(' const gl* = true') l(' const d3d11* = false') l(' const metal* = false') l('else:') l(' error("unsupported platform")') l('') if inp['prefix'] in ['sg_', 'sapp_']: l('when defined windows:') l(' when not defined vcc:') l(' {.passl:"-lkernel32 -luser32 -lshell32 -lgdi32".}') l(' when defined gl:') l(' {.passc:"-DSOKOL_GLCORE33".}') l(' else:') l(' {.passc:"-DSOKOL_D3D11".}') l(' when not defined vcc:') l(' {.passl:"-ld3d11 -ldxgi".}') l('elif defined macosx:') l(' {.passc:"-x objective-c".}') l(' {.passl:"-framework Cocoa -framework QuartzCore".}') l(' when defined gl:') l(' {.passc:"-DSOKOL_GLCORE33".}') l(' {.passl:"-framework OpenGL".}') l(' else:') l(' {.passc:"-DSOKOL_METAL".}') l(' {.passl:"-framework Metal -framework MetalKit".}') l('elif defined linux:') l(' {.passc:"-DSOKOL_GLCORE33".}') l(' {.passl:"-lX11 -lXi -lXcursor -lGL -lm -ldl -lpthread".}') l('else:') l(' error("unsupported platform")') l('') if inp['prefix'] in ['saudio_']: l('when defined windows:') l(' when not defined vcc:') l(' {.passl:"-lkernel32 -lole32".}') l('elif defined macosx:') l(' {.passl:"-framework AudioToolbox".}') l('elif defined linux:') l(' {.passl:"-lasound -lm -lpthread".}') l('else:') l(' error("unsupported platform")') l('') if inp['prefix'] in ['sg_']: l('## Convert a 4-element tuple of numbers to a gfx.Color') l('converter toColor*[R:SomeNumber,G:SomeNumber,B:SomeNumber,A:SomeNumber](rgba: tuple [r:R,g:G,b:B,a:A]):Color =') l(' Color(r:rgba.r.float32, g:rgba.g.float32, b:rgba.b.float32, a:rgba.a.float32)') l('') l('## Convert a 3-element tuple of numbers to a gfx.Color') l('converter toColor*[R:SomeNumber,G:SomeNumber,B:SomeNumber](rgba: tuple [r:R,g:G,b:B]):Color =') l(' Color(r:rgba.r.float32, g:rgba.g.float32, b:rgba.b.float32, a:1.float32)') l('') # NOTE: this simplistic to_Range() converter has various issues, some of them dangerous: # - doesn't work as expected for slice types # - it's very easy to create a range that points to invalid memory # (so far observed for stack-allocated structs <= 16 bytes) #if inp['prefix'] in ['sg_', 'sdtx_', 'sshape_']: # l('# helper function to convert "anything" into a Range') # l('converter to_Range*[T](source: T): Range =') # l(' Range(addr: source.unsafeAddr, size: source.sizeof.uint)') # l('') c_source_path = '/'.join(c_source_paths[inp['prefix']].split('/')[3:]) l('{.passc:"-DSOKOL_NIM_IMPL".}') l(f'{{.compile:"{c_source_path}".}}') def gen_module(inp, dep_prefixes): l('## machine generated, do not edit') l('') gen_imports(inp, dep_prefixes) pre_parse(inp) prefix = inp['prefix'] for decl in inp['decls']: if not decl['is_dep']: kind = decl['kind'] if kind == 'consts': gen_consts(decl, prefix) elif not check_ignore(decl['name']): if kind == 'struct': gen_struct(decl, prefix) gen_array_converters(decl, prefix) elif kind == 'enum': gen_enum(decl, prefix) elif kind == 'func': gen_func_nim(decl, prefix) gen_extra(inp) def prepare(): print('=== Generating Nim bindings:') if not os.path.isdir('sokol-nim/src/sokol'): os.makedirs('sokol-nim/src/sokol') if not os.path.isdir('sokol-nim/src/sokol/c'): os.makedirs('sokol-nim/src/sokol/c') def gen(c_header_path, c_prefix, dep_c_prefixes): if not c_prefix in module_names: print(f' >> warning: skipping generation for {c_prefix} prefix...') return global out_lines module_name = module_names[c_prefix] c_source_path = c_source_paths[c_prefix] print(f' {c_header_path} => {module_name}') reset_globals() shutil.copyfile(c_header_path, f'sokol-nim/src/sokol/c/{os.path.basename(c_header_path)}') ir = gen_ir.gen(c_header_path, c_source_path, module_name, c_prefix, dep_c_prefixes) gen_module(ir, dep_c_prefixes) output_path = f"sokol-nim/src/sokol/{ir['module']}.nim" with open(output_path, 'w', newline='\n') as f_outp: f_outp.write(out_lines)