//Disable a bunch of warnings for now #ifndef _MSC_VER #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #endif // Crude implementation of JSON value object and parser. // // VERSION 0.1 // // LICENSE // This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following // license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify, // publish, and distribute this file as you see fit. // // CREDITS // Written by Michal Cichon # include "crude_json.h" # include # include # include # include # include # include # if CRUDE_JSON_IO # include # include # endif namespace crude_json { value::value(value&& other) : m_Type(other.m_Type) { switch (m_Type) { case type_t::object: construct(m_Storage, std::move( *object_ptr(other.m_Storage))); break; case type_t::array: construct(m_Storage, std::move( *array_ptr(other.m_Storage))); break; case type_t::string: construct(m_Storage, std::move( *string_ptr(other.m_Storage))); break; case type_t::boolean: construct(m_Storage, std::move(*boolean_ptr(other.m_Storage))); break; case type_t::number: construct(m_Storage, std::move( *number_ptr(other.m_Storage))); break; default: break; } destruct(other.m_Storage, other.m_Type); other.m_Type = type_t::null; } value::value(const value& other) : m_Type(other.m_Type) { switch (m_Type) { case type_t::object: construct(m_Storage, *object_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; case type_t::array: construct(m_Storage, *array_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; case type_t::string: construct(m_Storage, *string_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; case type_t::boolean: construct(m_Storage, *boolean_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; case type_t::number: construct(m_Storage, *number_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; default: break; } } value& value::operator[](size_t index) { if (is_null()) m_Type = construct(m_Storage, type_t::array); if (is_array()) { auto& v = *array_ptr(m_Storage); if (index >= v.size()) v.insert(v.end(), index - v.size() + 1, value()); return v[index]; } CRUDE_ASSERT(false && "operator[] on unsupported type"); std::terminate(); } const value& value::operator[](size_t index) const { if (is_array()) return (*array_ptr(m_Storage))[index]; CRUDE_ASSERT(false && "operator[] on unsupported type"); std::terminate(); } value& value::operator[](const string& key) { if (is_null()) m_Type = construct(m_Storage, type_t::object); if (is_object()) return (*object_ptr(m_Storage))[key]; CRUDE_ASSERT(false && "operator[] on unsupported type"); std::terminate(); } const value& value::operator[](const string& key) const { if (is_object()) { auto& o = *object_ptr(m_Storage); auto it = o.find(key); CRUDE_ASSERT(it != o.end()); return it->second; } CRUDE_ASSERT(false && "operator[] on unsupported type"); std::terminate(); } bool value::contains(const string& key) const { if (is_object()) { auto& o = *object_ptr(m_Storage); auto it = o.find(key); return it != o.end(); } return false; } void value::push_back(const value& value) { if (is_null()) m_Type = construct(m_Storage, type_t::array); if (is_array()) { auto& v = *array_ptr(m_Storage); v.push_back(value); } else { CRUDE_ASSERT(false && "operator[] on unsupported type"); std::terminate(); } } void value::push_back(value&& value) { if (is_null()) m_Type = construct(m_Storage, type_t::array); if (is_array()) { auto& v = *array_ptr(m_Storage); v.push_back(std::move(value)); } else { CRUDE_ASSERT(false && "operator[] on unsupported type"); std::terminate(); } } size_t value::erase(const string& key) { if (!is_object()) return 0; auto& o = *object_ptr(m_Storage); auto it = o.find(key); if (it == o.end()) return 0; o.erase(it); return 1; } void value::swap(value& other) { using std::swap; if (m_Type == other.m_Type) { switch (m_Type) { case type_t::object: swap(*object_ptr(m_Storage), *object_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; case type_t::array: swap(*array_ptr(m_Storage), *array_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; case type_t::string: swap(*string_ptr(m_Storage), *string_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; case type_t::boolean: swap(*boolean_ptr(m_Storage), *boolean_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; case type_t::number: swap(*number_ptr(m_Storage), *number_ptr(other.m_Storage)); break; default: break; } } else { value tmp(std::move(other)); other.~value(); new (&other) value(std::move(*this)); this->~value(); new (this) value(std::move(tmp)); } } string value::dump(const int indent, const char indent_char) const { dump_context_t context(indent, indent_char); context.out.precision(std::numeric_limits::max_digits10 + 1); context.out << std::defaultfloat; dump(context, 0); return context.out.str(); } void value::dump_context_t::write_indent(int level) { if (indent <= 0 || level == 0) return; out.fill(indent_char); out.width(indent * level); out << indent_char; out.width(0); } void value::dump_context_t::write_separator() { if (indent < 0) return; out.put(' '); } void value::dump_context_t::write_newline() { if (indent < 0) return; out.put('\n'); } void value::dump(dump_context_t& context, int level) const { context.write_indent(level); switch (m_Type) { case type_t::null: context.out << "null"; break; case type_t::object: context.out << '{'; { context.write_newline(); bool first = true; for (auto& entry : *object_ptr(m_Storage)) { if (!first) { context.out << ','; context.write_newline(); } else first = false; context.write_indent(level + 1); context.out << '\"' << entry.first << "\":"; if (!entry.second.is_structured()) { context.write_separator(); entry.second.dump(context, 0); } else { context.write_newline(); entry.second.dump(context, level + 1); } } if (!first) context.write_newline(); } context.write_indent(level); context.out << '}'; break; case type_t::array: context.out << '['; { context.write_newline(); bool first = true; for (auto& entry : *array_ptr(m_Storage)) { if (!first) { context.out << ','; context.write_newline(); } else first = false; if (!entry.is_structured()) { context.write_indent(level + 1); entry.dump(context, 0); } else { entry.dump(context, level + 1); } } if (!first) context.write_newline(); } context.write_indent(level); context.out << ']'; break; case type_t::string: context.out << '\"'; if (string_ptr(m_Storage)->find_first_of("\"\\/\b\f\n\r") != string::npos || string_ptr(m_Storage)->find('\0') != string::npos) { for (auto c : *string_ptr(m_Storage)) { if (c == '\"') context.out << "\\\""; else if (c == '\\') context.out << "\\\\"; else if (c == '/') context.out << "\\/"; else if (c == '\b') context.out << "\\b"; else if (c == '\f') context.out << "\\f"; else if (c == '\n') context.out << "\\n"; else if (c == '\r') context.out << "\\r"; else if (c == '\t') context.out << "\\t"; else if (c == 0) context.out << "\\u0000"; else context.out << c; } } else context.out << *string_ptr(m_Storage); context.out << '\"'; break; case type_t::boolean: if (*boolean_ptr(m_Storage)) context.out << "true"; else context.out << "false"; break; case type_t::number: context.out << *number_ptr(m_Storage); break; default: break; } } struct value::parser { parser(const char* begin, const char* end) : m_Cursor(begin) , m_End(end) { } value parse() { value v; // Switch to C locale to make strtod and strtol work as expected auto previous_locale = std::setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // Accept single value only when end of the stream is reached. if (!accept_element(v) || !eof()) v = value(type_t::discarded); if (previous_locale && strcmp(previous_locale, "C") != 0) std::setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, previous_locale); return v; } private: struct cursor_state { cursor_state(parser* p) : m_Owner(p) , m_LastCursor(p->m_Cursor) { } void reset() { m_Owner->m_Cursor = m_LastCursor; } bool operator()(bool accept) { if (!accept) reset(); else m_LastCursor = m_Owner->m_Cursor; return accept; } private: parser* m_Owner; const char* m_LastCursor; }; cursor_state state() { return cursor_state(this); } bool accept_value(value& result) { return accept_object(result) || accept_array(result) || accept_string(result) || accept_number(result) || accept_boolean(result) || accept_null(result); } bool accept_object(value& result) { auto s = state(); object o; if (s(accept('{') && accept_ws() && accept('}'))) { result = o; return true; } else if (s(accept('{') && accept_members(o) && accept('}'))) { result = std::move(o); return true; } return false; } bool accept_members(object& o) { if (!accept_member(o)) return false; while (true) { auto s = state(); if (!s(accept(',') && accept_member(o))) break; } return true; } bool accept_member(object& o) { auto s = state(); value key; value v; if (s(accept_ws() && accept_string(key) && accept_ws() && accept(':') && accept_element(v))) { o.emplace(std::move(key.get()), std::move(v)); return true; } return false; } bool accept_array(value& result) { auto s = state(); if (s(accept('[') && accept_ws() && accept(']'))) { result = array(); return true; } array a; if (s(accept('[') && accept_elements(a) && accept(']'))) { result = std::move(a); return true; } return false; } bool accept_elements(array& a) { value v; if (!accept_element(v)) return false; a.emplace_back(std::move(v)); while (true) { auto s = state(); v = nullptr; if (!s(accept(',') && accept_element(v))) break; a.emplace_back(std::move(v)); } return true; } bool accept_element(value& result) { auto s = state(); return s(accept_ws() && accept_value(result) && accept_ws()); } bool accept_string(value& result) { auto s = state(); string v; if (s(accept('\"') && accept_characters(v) && accept('\"'))) { result = std::move(v); return true; } else return false; } bool accept_characters(string& result) { int c; while (accept_character(c)) { CRUDE_ASSERT(c < 128); // #todo: convert characters > 127 to UTF-8 result.push_back(static_cast(c)); } return true; } bool accept_character(int& c) { auto s = state(); if (accept('\\')) { return accept_escape(c); } else if (expect('\"')) return false; // #todo: Handle UTF-8 sequences. return s((c = peek()) >= 0) && advance(); } bool accept_escape(int& c) { if (accept('\"')) { c = '\"'; return true; } if (accept('\\')) { c = '\\'; return true; } if (accept('/')) { c = '/'; return true; } if (accept('b')) { c = '\b'; return true; } if (accept('f')) { c = '\f'; return true; } if (accept('n')) { c = '\n'; return true; } if (accept('r')) { c = '\r'; return true; } if (accept('t')) { c = '\t'; return true; } auto s = state(); string hex; hex.reserve(4); if (s(accept('u') && accept_hex(hex) && accept_hex(hex) && accept_hex(hex) && accept_hex(hex))) { char* end = nullptr; auto v = std::strtol(hex.c_str(), &end, 16); if (end != hex.c_str() + hex.size()) return false; c = v; return true; } return false; } bool accept_hex(string& result) { if (accept_digit(result)) return true; auto c = peek(); if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')) { advance(); result.push_back(static_cast(c)); return true; } return false; } bool accept_number(value& result) { auto s = state(); string n; if (s(accept_int(n) && accept_frac(n) && accept_exp(n))) { char* end = nullptr; auto v = std::strtod(n.c_str(), &end); if (end != n.c_str() + n.size()) return false; if (v != 0 && !std::isnormal(v)) return false; result = v; return true; } return false; } bool accept_int(string& result) { auto s = state(); string part; if (s(accept_onenine(part) && accept_digits(part))) { result += std::move(part); return true; } part.resize(0); if (accept_digit(part)) { result += std::move(part); return true; } part.resize(0); if (s(accept('-') && accept_onenine(part) && accept_digits(part))) { result += '-'; result += std::move(part); return true; } part.resize(0); if (s(accept('-') && accept_digit(part))) { result += '-'; result += std::move(part); return true; } return false; } bool accept_digits(string& result) { string part; if (!accept_digit(part)) return false; while (accept_digit(part)) ; result += std::move(part); return true; } bool accept_digit(string& result) { if (accept('0')) { result.push_back('0'); return true; } else if (accept_onenine(result)) return true; return false; } bool accept_onenine(string& result) { auto c = peek(); if (c >= '1' && c <= '9') { result.push_back(static_cast(c)); return advance(); } return false; } bool accept_frac(string& result) { auto s = state(); string part; if (s(accept('.') && accept_digits(part))) { result += '.'; result += std::move(part); } return true; } bool accept_exp(string& result) { auto s = state(); string part; if (s(accept('e') && accept_sign(part) && accept_digits(part))) { result += 'e'; result += std::move(part); return true; } part.resize(0); if (s(accept('E') && accept_sign(part) && accept_digits(part))) { result += 'E'; result += std::move(part); } return true; } bool accept_sign(string& result) { if (accept('+')) result.push_back('+'); else if (accept('-')) result.push_back('-'); return true; } bool accept_ws() { while (expect('\x09') || expect('\x0A') || expect('\x0D') || expect('\x20')) advance(); return true; } bool accept_boolean(value& result) { if (accept("true")) { result = true; return true; } else if (accept("false")) { result = false; return true; } return false; } bool accept_null(value& result) { if (accept("null")) { result = nullptr; return true; } return false; } bool accept(char c) { if (expect(c)) return advance(); else return false; } bool accept(const char* str) { auto last = m_Cursor; while (*str) { if (eof() || *str != *m_Cursor) { m_Cursor = last; return false; } advance(); ++str; } return true; } int peek() const { if (!eof()) return *m_Cursor; else return -1; } bool expect(char c) { return peek() == c; } bool advance(int count = 1) { if (m_Cursor + count > m_End) { m_Cursor = m_End; return false; } m_Cursor += count; return true; } bool eof() const { return m_Cursor == m_End; } const char* m_Cursor; const char* m_End; }; value value::parse(const string& data) { auto p = parser(data.c_str(), data.c_str() + data.size()); auto v = p.parse(); return v; } # if CRUDE_JSON_IO std::pair value::load(const string& path) { // Modern C++, so beautiful... std::unique_ptr file{nullptr, [](FILE* file) { if (file) fclose(file); }}; # if defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__STDC_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) FILE* handle = nullptr; if (fopen_s(&handle, path.c_str(), "rb") != 0) return {value{}, false}; file.reset(handle); # else file.reset(fopen(path.c_str(), "rb")); # endif if (!file) return {value{}, false}; fseek(file.get(), 0, SEEK_END); auto size = static_cast(ftell(file.get())); fseek(file.get(), 0, SEEK_SET); string data; data.resize(size); if (fread(const_cast(data.data()), size, 1, file.get()) != 1) return {value{}, false}; return {parse(data), true}; } bool value::save(const string& path, const int indent, const char indent_char) const { // Modern C++, so beautiful... std::unique_ptr file{nullptr, [](FILE* file) { if (file) fclose(file); }}; # if defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__STDC_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) FILE* handle = nullptr; if (fopen_s(&handle, path.c_str(), "wb") != 0) return false; file.reset(handle); # else file.reset(fopen(path.c_str(), "wb")); # endif if (!file) return false; auto data = dump(indent, indent_char); if (fwrite(data.data(), data.size(), 1, file.get()) != 1) return false; return true; } # endif } // namespace crude_json //Disable a bunch of warnings for now #ifndef _MSC_VER #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif