# This module will try to located FBX SDK folder, based on the standard # directory structure proposed by Autodesk. # On every platform, the module will look for libraries that matches the # currently selected cmake generator. # A version can be specified to the find_package function. # # Once done, it will define # FBX_FOUND - System has Fbx SDK installed # FBX_INCLUDE_DIRS - The Fbx SDK include directories # FBX_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use Fbx SDK # FBX_LIBRARIES_DEBUG - The libraries needed to use debug Fbx SDK # FBX_SHARED_LIBRARIES - The shared library file (dll, so) to use Fbx # FBX_SHARED_LIBRARIES_DEBUG - The shared library file (dll, so) to use debug # Fbx SDK # # A cmake target named fbx::sdk is also created. Adding this target to your # project via target_link_libraries will setup everything automatically. # # It accepts the following variables as input: # FBX_SHARED - Optional. Select whether to use the shared version fbx sdk. # FBX_MSVC_RT_DLL - Optional. Select whether to use the DLL version or the # static library version of the Visual C++ runtime library. # Default is ON (aka, DLL version: /MD). # # Known issues: # - On ALL platforms: If there are multiple FBX SDK version installed, the # current implementation will select the first one it finds. # - On MACOS: If there are multiple FBX SDK compiler supported (clang or gcc), # the current implementation will select the first one it finds. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # # ozz-animation is hosted at http://github.com/guillaumeblanc/ozz-animation # # and distributed under the MIT License (MIT). # # # # Copyright (c) 2019 Guillaume Blanc # # # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ############################################################################### # Generic library search function definition ############################################################################### function(FindFbxLibrariesGeneric _FBX_ROOT_DIR _OUT_FBX_LIBRARIES _OUT_FBX_LIBRARIES_DEBUG _OUT_FBX_SHARED_LIBRARIES _OUT_FBX_SHARED_LIBRARIES_DEBUG) # Directory structure depends on the platform: # - Windows: \lib\\\ # - Mac OSX: \lib\\ub\\ # - Linux: \lib\\ # Figures out matching compiler/os directory. if("x${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "xMSVC") if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 19.30) set(FBX_CP_PATH "vs2022") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 19.20) set(FBX_CP_PATH "vs2019") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 19.10) set(FBX_CP_PATH "vs2017") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 19) set(FBX_CP_PATH "vs2015") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 18) set(FBX_CP_PATH "vs2013") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 17) set(FBX_CP_PATH "vs2012") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 16) set(FBX_CP_PATH "vs2010") else() message ("Unsupported MSVC compiler version ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}.") return() endif() elseif(APPLE) set(FBX_CP_PATH "*") else() set(FBX_CP_PATH "*") endif() # Detects current processor type. if(NOT APPLE) # No on APPLE platform if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set(FBX_PROCESSOR_PATH "x64") else() set(FBX_PROCESSOR_PATH "x86") endif() endif() # Select whether to use the DLL version or the static library version of fbx sdk. if (FBX_SHARED) # Dynamic libraries set(FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES ${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} libfbxsdk.lib libfbxsdk.dylib libfbxsdk.so) else() # static library names set(FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES ${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} libfbxsdk.a libfbxsdk-static.a) # Select whether to use the DLL version or the static library version of the Visual C++ runtime library. # Default is "md", aka use the multithread DLL version of the run-time library. if (NOT DEFINED FBX_MSVC_RT_DLL OR FBX_MSVC_RT_DLL) set(FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES ${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} libfbxsdk-md.lib) else() set(FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES ${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} libfbxsdk-mt.lib) endif() endif() # Set search path. set(FBX_SEARCH_LIB_PATH "${_FBX_ROOT_DIR}lib/${FBX_CP_PATH}/${FBX_PROCESSOR_PATH}") find_library(FBX_LIB ${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} HINTS "${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_PATH}/release/") if(FBX_LIB) # Searches debug version also find_library(FBX_LIB_DEBUG ${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} HINTS "${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_PATH}/debug/") # Looks for shared libraries if (FBX_SHARED) set(FBX_SEARCH_SHARED_LIB_NAMES libfbxsdk.dll libfbxsdk.so libfbxsdk.dylib) find_file(FBX_SHARED_LIB ${FBX_SEARCH_SHARED_LIB_NAMES} HINTS "${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_PATH}/release/") find_file(FBX_SHARED_LIB_DEBUG ${FBX_SEARCH_SHARED_LIB_NAMES} HINTS "${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_PATH}/debug/") set(${_OUT_FBX_SHARED_LIBRARIES} ${FBX_SHARED_LIB} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${_OUT_FBX_SHARED_LIBRARIES_DEBUG} ${FBX_SHARED_LIB_DEBUG} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() # Create a target for a convenient use of the sdk with cmake if(FBX_SHARED) add_library(fbx::sdk SHARED IMPORTED GLOBAL) set_property(TARGET fbx::sdk PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${FBX_SHARED_LIB}) set_property(TARGET fbx::sdk PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG ${FBX_SHARED_LIB_DEBUG}) set_property(TARGET fbx::sdk PROPERTY IMPORTED_IMPLIB ${FBX_LIB}) set_property(TARGET fbx::sdk PROPERTY IMPORTED_IMPLIB_DEBUG ${FBX_LIB_DEBUG}) target_compile_definitions(fbx::sdk INTERFACE FBXSDK_SHARED) else() add_library(fbx::sdk STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL) set_property(TARGET fbx::sdk PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${FBX_LIB}) set_property(TARGET fbx::sdk PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG ${FBX_LIB_DEBUG}) endif() target_include_directories(fbx::sdk INTERFACE "${_FBX_ROOT_DIR}include/") target_compile_options(fbx::sdk INTERFACE $<$:-Wno-null-dereference> INTERFACE $<$:-Wno-pragma-pack>) FindFbxVersion(${FBX_ROOT_DIR} PATH_VERSION) # 2019+ non-DLL SDK needs to link against bundled libxml and zlib if(PATH_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL "2019.1") if("x${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "xMSVC") set(ADDITIONAL_LIB_SEARCH_PATH_RELEASE "${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_PATH}/release/") set(ADDITIONAL_LIB_SEARCH_PATH_DEBUG "${FBX_SEARCH_LIB_PATH}/debug/") if (NOT DEFINED FBX_MSVC_RT_DLL OR FBX_MSVC_RT_DLL) set(XML_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES libxml2-md.lib) set(Z_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES zlib-md.lib) else() set(XML_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES libxml2-mt.lib) set(Z_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES zlib-mt.lib) endif() else() set(ADDITIONAL_LIB_SEARCH_PATH_RELEASE "") set(ADDITIONAL_LIB_SEARCH_PATH_DEBUG "") set(XML_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES "xml2") set(Z_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES "z") endif() find_library(XML_LIB ${XML_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} HINTS ${ADDITIONAL_LIB_SEARCH_PATH_RELEASE}) find_library(XML_LIB_DEBUG ${XML_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} HINTS ${ADDITIONAL_LIB_SEARCH_PATH_DEBUG}) if(XML_LIB AND XML_LIB_DEBUG) target_link_libraries(fbx::sdk INTERFACE optimized ${XML_LIB}) target_link_libraries(fbx::sdk INTERFACE debug ${XML_LIB_DEBUG}) else() message(WARNING "FBX found but required libxml2 was not found!") endif() find_library(Z_LIB ${Z_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} HINTS ${ADDITIONAL_LIB_SEARCH_PATH_RELEASE}) find_library(Z_LIB_DEBUG ${Z_SEARCH_LIB_NAMES} HINTS ${ADDITIONAL_LIB_SEARCH_PATH_DEBUG}) if(Z_LIB AND Z_LIB_DEBUG) target_link_libraries(fbx::sdk INTERFACE optimized ${Z_LIB}) target_link_libraries(fbx::sdk INTERFACE debug ${Z_LIB_DEBUG}) else() message(WARNING "FBX found but required zlib was not found!") endif() list(APPEND FBX_LIB ${XML_LIB} ${Z_LIB}) list(APPEND FBX_LIB_DEBUG ${XML_LIB_DEBUG} ${Z_LIB_DEBUG}) endif() # Other dependencies. if(APPLE) find_library(ICONV_LIB iconv) if(ICONV_LIB) target_link_libraries(fbx::sdk INTERFACE ${ICONV_LIB}) list(APPEND FBX_LIB ${ICONV_LIB}) list(APPEND FBX_LIB_DEBUG ${ICONV_LIB}) else() message(WARNING "FBX found but required iconv was not found!") endif() find_library(CARBON_FRAMEWORK Carbon) if(CARBON_FRAMEWORK) target_link_libraries(fbx::sdk INTERFACE ${CARBON_FRAMEWORK}) list(APPEND FBX_LIB ${CARBON_FRAMEWORK}) list(APPEND FBX_LIB_DEBUG ${CARBON_FRAMEWORK}) else() message(WARNING "FBX found but required Carbon was not found!") endif() endif() if(UNIX) find_package(Threads) target_link_libraries(fbx::sdk INTERFACE ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} dl) list(APPEND FBX_LIB ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} dl) list(APPEND FBX_LIB_DEBUG ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} dl) endif() set(${_OUT_FBX_LIBRARIES} ${FBX_LIB} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${_OUT_FBX_LIBRARIES_DEBUG} ${FBX_LIB_DEBUG} PARENT_SCOPE) else() message("A Fbx installation was found, but couldn't be matched with current compiler settings.") endif() endfunction() ############################################################################### # Deduce Fbx sdk version ############################################################################### function(FindFbxVersion _FBX_ROOT_DIR _OUT_FBX_VERSION) # Opens fbxsdk_version.h in _FBX_ROOT_DIR and finds version defines. set(fbx_version_filename "${_FBX_ROOT_DIR}include/fbxsdk/fbxsdk_version.h") if(NOT EXISTS ${fbx_version_filename}) message(SEND_ERROR "Unable to find fbxsdk_version.h") endif() file(READ ${fbx_version_filename} fbx_version_file_content) # Find version major if(fbx_version_file_content MATCHES "FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR[\t ]+([0-9]+)") set(fbx_version_file_major "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() # Find version minor if(fbx_version_file_content MATCHES "FBXSDK_VERSION_MINOR[\t ]+([0-9]+)") set(fbx_version_file_minor "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() # Find version patch if(fbx_version_file_content MATCHES "FBXSDK_VERSION_POINT[\t ]+([0-9]+)") set(fbx_version_file_patch "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() if (DEFINED fbx_version_file_major AND DEFINED fbx_version_file_minor AND DEFINED fbx_version_file_patch) set(${_OUT_FBX_VERSION} ${fbx_version_file_major}.${fbx_version_file_minor}.${fbx_version_file_patch} PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(SEND_ERROR "Unable to deduce Fbx version for root dir ${_FBX_ROOT_DIR}") set(${_OUT_FBX_VERSION} "unknown" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() ############################################################################### # Main find package function ############################################################################### # Tries to find FBX SDK path set(FBX_SEARCH_PATHS "${FBX_DIR}" "$ENV{FBX_DIR}" "$ENV{ProgramW6432}/Autodesk/FBX/FBX SDK/*/" "$ENV{PROGRAMFILES}/Autodesk/FBX/FBX SDK/*/" "/Applications/Autodesk/FBX SDK/*/") find_path(FBX_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES "include/fbxsdk.h" PATHS ${FBX_SEARCH_PATHS}) if(FBX_INCLUDE_DIR) # Deduce SDK root directory. set(FBX_ROOT_DIR "${FBX_INCLUDE_DIR}/") # Fills CMake standard variables set(FBX_INCLUDE_DIRS "${FBX_INCLUDE_DIR}/include") # Searches libraries according to the current compiler FindFbxLibrariesGeneric(${FBX_ROOT_DIR} FBX_LIBRARIES FBX_LIBRARIES_DEBUG FBX_SHARED_LIBRARIES FBX_SHARED_LIBRARIES_DEBUG) endif() # Handles find_package arguments and set FBX_FOUND to TRUE if all listed variables and version are valid. include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(Fbx FOUND_VAR FBX_FOUND REQUIRED_VARS FBX_LIBRARIES FBX_INCLUDE_DIRS VERSION_VAR PATH_VERSION) # Warn about how this script can fail to find the newest version. if(NOT FBX_FOUND) message("-- Note that the FindFbx.cmake script can fail to find the newest Fbx sdk if there are multiple ones installed. Please set \"FBX_DIR\" environment or cmake variable to choose a specific version/location.") endif()