//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // ozz-animation is hosted at http://github.com/guillaumeblanc/ozz-animation // // and distributed under the MIT License (MIT). // // // // Copyright (c) Guillaume Blanc // // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include #include "framework/application.h" #include "framework/imgui.h" #include "framework/profile.h" #include "framework/renderer.h" #include "framework/utils.h" #include "ozz/animation/offline/animation_builder.h" #include "ozz/animation/offline/animation_optimizer.h" #include "ozz/animation/offline/raw_animation.h" #include "ozz/animation/offline/raw_animation_utils.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/animation.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/local_to_model_job.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/sampling_job.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/skeleton.h" #include "ozz/base/io/archive.h" #include "ozz/base/io/stream.h" #include "ozz/base/log.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/math_ex.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/simd_math.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/soa_transform.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/vec_float.h" #include "ozz/base/memory/unique_ptr.h" #include "ozz/options/options.h" // Skeleton and animation file can be specified as an option. OZZ_OPTIONS_DECLARE_STRING(skeleton, "Path to the runtime skeleton file.", "media/skeleton.ozz", false) OZZ_OPTIONS_DECLARE_STRING(animation, "Path to the raw animation file.", "media/animation_raw.ozz", false) namespace { // Loads a raw animation from a file. bool LoadAnimation(const char* _filename, ozz::animation::offline::RawAnimation* _animation) { assert(_filename && _animation); ozz::log::Out() << "Loading raw animation archive: " << _filename << "." << std::endl; ozz::io::File file(_filename, "rb"); if (!file.opened()) { ozz::log::Err() << "Failed to open animation file " << _filename << "." << std::endl; return false; } ozz::io::IArchive archive(&file); if (!archive.TestTag()) { ozz::log::Err() << "Failed to load raw animation instance from file " << _filename << "." << std::endl; return false; } // Once the tag is validated, reading cannot fail. archive >> *_animation; // Ensure animation is valid. return _animation->Validate(); } } // namespace class OptimizeSampleApplication : public ozz::sample::Application { public: OptimizeSampleApplication() : selected_display_(eRuntimeAnimation), optimize_(true), joint_setting_enable_(true), joint_(0), error_record_med_(64), error_record_max_(64), joint_error_record_(64) {} protected: // Updates current animation time and skeleton pose. virtual bool OnUpdate(float _dt, float) { // Updates current animation time. controller_.Update(*animation_rt_, _dt); // Prepares sampling job. ozz::animation::SamplingJob sampling_job; sampling_job.context = &context_; sampling_job.ratio = controller_.time_ratio(); // Samples optimized animation (_according to the display mode). sampling_job.animation = animation_rt_.get(); sampling_job.output = make_span(locals_rt_); if (!sampling_job.Run()) { return false; } // Also samples non-optimized animation, from the raw animation. if (!SampleRawAnimation(raw_animation_, controller_.time_ratio() * raw_animation_.duration, make_span(locals_raw_))) { return false; } // Computes difference between the optimized and non-optimized animations // in local space, and rebinds it to the rest pose. { const ozz::span& rest_poses = skeleton_.joint_rest_poses(); const ozz::math::SoaTransform* rest_pose = rest_poses.begin(); const ozz::math::SoaTransform* locals_raw = locals_raw_.data(); const ozz::math::SoaTransform* locals_rt = locals_rt_.data(); ozz::math::SoaTransform* locals_diff = locals_diff_.data(); for (; rest_pose < rest_poses.end(); ++locals_raw, ++locals_rt, ++locals_diff, ++rest_pose) { assert(locals_raw < array_end(locals_raw_) && locals_rt < array_end(locals_rt_) && locals_diff < array_end(locals_diff_) && rest_pose < rest_poses.end()); // Computes difference. const ozz::math::SoaTransform diff = { locals_rt->translation - locals_raw->translation, locals_rt->rotation * Conjugate(locals_raw->rotation), locals_rt->scale / locals_raw->scale}; // Rebinds to the rest pose in the diff buffer. locals_diff->translation = rest_pose->translation + diff.translation; locals_diff->rotation = rest_pose->rotation * diff.rotation; locals_diff->scale = rest_pose->scale * diff.scale; } } // Converts from local space to model space matrices. ozz::animation::LocalToModelJob ltm_job; ltm_job.skeleton = &skeleton_; // Optimized samples. ltm_job.input = make_span(locals_rt_); ltm_job.output = make_span(models_rt_); if (!ltm_job.Run()) { return false; } // Non-optimized samples (from the raw animation). ltm_job.input = make_span(locals_raw_); ltm_job.output = make_span(models_raw_); if (!ltm_job.Run()) { return false; } // Difference between optimized and non-optimized samples. ltm_job.input = make_span(locals_diff_); ltm_job.output = make_span(models_diff_); if (!ltm_job.Run()) { return false; } // Computes the absolute error, aka the difference between the raw and // runtime model space transformation. const size_t num_joints = models_rt_.size(); float errors_sq[ozz::animation::Skeleton::kMaxJoints]; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_joints; ++i) { // Computes error based on the translation difference. errors_sq[i] = ozz::math::GetX(ozz::math::Length3Sqr( models_rt_[i].cols[3] - models_raw_[i].cols[3])); } std::sort(errors_sq, errors_sq + models_rt_.size()); error_record_med_.Push(std::sqrt(errors_sq[num_joints / 2]) * 1000.f); error_record_max_.Push(std::sqrt(errors_sq[num_joints - 1]) * 1000.f); joint_error_record_.Push(std::sqrt(errors_sq[joint_]) * 1000.f); return true; } bool SampleRawAnimation( const ozz::animation::offline::RawAnimation& _animation, float _time, ozz::span _locals) { // Ensure output is big enough. if (_locals.size() * 4 < _animation.tracks.size() && locals_raw_aos_.size() * 4 < _animation.tracks.size()) { return false; } // Sample raw animation and converts AoS transforms to SoA transform array. assert(_animation.Validate() && "Animation should be valid."); bool success = true; for (int i = 0; success && i < _animation.num_tracks(); i += 4) { ozz::math::SimdFloat4 translations[4]; ozz::math::SimdFloat4 rotations[4]; ozz::math::SimdFloat4 scales[4]; // Works on 4 consecutive tracks, or what remains to be processed if it's // lower than 4. const int jmax = ozz::math::Min(_animation.num_tracks() - i, 4); for (int j = 0; success && j < jmax; ++j) { // Samples raw animation. ozz::math::Transform transform; success &= SampleTrack(_animation.tracks[i + j], _time, &transform); // Convert transform to AoS SimdFloat4 values. translations[j] = ozz::math::simd_float4::Load3PtrU(&transform.translation.x); rotations[j] = ozz::math::simd_float4::LoadPtrU(&transform.rotation.x); scales[j] = ozz::math::simd_float4::Load3PtrU(&transform.scale.x); } // Fills remaining transforms. for (int j = jmax; j < 4; ++j) { translations[j] = ozz::math::simd_float4::zero(); rotations[j] = ozz::math::simd_float4::w_axis(); scales[j] = ozz::math::simd_float4::one(); } // Stores AoS keyframes to the SoA output. ozz::math::SoaTransform& output = _locals[i / 4]; ozz::math::Transpose4x3(translations, &output.translation.x); ozz::math::Transpose4x4(rotations, &output.rotation.x); ozz::math::Transpose4x3(scales, &output.scale.x); } return success; } // Selects model space matrices according to the display mode. ozz::span models() const { switch (selected_display_) { case eRuntimeAnimation: return make_span(models_rt_); case eRawAnimation: return make_span(models_raw_); case eAbsoluteError: return make_span(models_diff_); default: { assert(false && "Invalid display mode"); return make_span(models_rt_); } } } // Samples animation, transforms to model space and renders. virtual bool OnDisplay(ozz::sample::Renderer* _renderer) { bool success = true; const ozz::span transforms = models(); // Renders posture. success &= _renderer->DrawPosture(skeleton_, transforms, ozz::math::Float4x4::identity()); if (joint_setting_enable_) { // Renders an axes with targetted joint transform. const ozz::math::Float4x4 axes_scale = ozz::math::Float4x4::Scaling( ozz::math::simd_float4::Load1(joint_setting_.distance)); success &= _renderer->DrawAxes(transforms[joint_] * axes_scale); } return success; } virtual bool OnInitialize() { // Imports offline skeleton from a binary file. if (!ozz::sample::LoadSkeleton(OPTIONS_skeleton, &skeleton_)) { return false; } // Imports offline animation from a binary file. // Invalid animations are rejected by the load function. if (!LoadAnimation(OPTIONS_animation, &raw_animation_)) { return false; } const int num_joints = skeleton_.num_joints(); const int num_soa_joints = skeleton_.num_soa_joints(); // Finds the joint where the object should be attached. for (int i = 0; i < num_joints; i++) { if (std::strstr(skeleton_.joint_names()[i], "L Finger2Nub")) { joint_ = i; break; } } // Builds the runtime animation from the raw one. if (!BuildAnimations()) { return false; } // Allocates runtime buffers. locals_rt_.resize(num_soa_joints); models_rt_.resize(num_joints); locals_raw_aos_.resize(num_joints); locals_raw_.resize(num_soa_joints); models_raw_.resize(num_joints); locals_diff_.resize(num_soa_joints); models_diff_.resize(num_joints); // Allocates a context that matches animation requirements. context_.Resize(num_joints); return true; } virtual bool OnGui(ozz::sample::ImGui* _im_gui) { char label[64]; // Exposes animation runtime playback controls. { static bool open = true; ozz::sample::ImGui::OpenClose occ(_im_gui, "Animation control", &open); if (open) { controller_.OnGui(*animation_rt_, _im_gui); } } // Exposes optimizer's tolerances. { static bool open = true; ozz::sample::ImGui::OpenClose ocb(_im_gui, "Optimization tolerances", &open); if (open) { bool rebuild = false; rebuild |= _im_gui->DoCheckBox("Enable optimizations", &optimize_); std::sprintf(label, "Tolerance: %0.2f mm", setting_.tolerance * 1000); rebuild |= _im_gui->DoSlider(label, 0.f, .1f, &setting_.tolerance, .5f, optimize_); std::sprintf(label, "Distance: %0.2f mm", setting_.distance * 1000); rebuild |= _im_gui->DoSlider(label, 0.f, 1.f, &setting_.distance, .5f, optimize_); rebuild |= _im_gui->DoCheckBox("Enable joint setting", &joint_setting_enable_, optimize_); std::sprintf(label, "%s (%d)", skeleton_.joint_names()[joint_], joint_); rebuild |= _im_gui->DoSlider(label, 0, skeleton_.num_joints() - 1, &joint_, 1.f, joint_setting_enable_ && optimize_); std::sprintf(label, "Tolerance: %0.2f mm", joint_setting_.tolerance * 1000); rebuild |= _im_gui->DoSlider(label, 0.f, .1f, &joint_setting_.tolerance, .5f, joint_setting_enable_ && optimize_); std::sprintf(label, "Distance: %0.2f mm", joint_setting_.distance * 1000); rebuild |= _im_gui->DoSlider(label, 0.f, 1.f, &joint_setting_.distance, .5f, joint_setting_enable_ && optimize_); if (rebuild) { // Invalidates the context in case the new animation has the same // address as the previous one. Other cases (like changing animation) // are automatic handled by the context. See // SamplingJob::Context::Invalidate for more details. context_.Invalidate(); // Rebuilds a new runtime animation. if (!BuildAnimations()) { return false; } } } } { static bool open = true; ozz::sample::ImGui::OpenClose ocb(_im_gui, "Memory size", &open); if (open) { std::sprintf(label, "Original: %dKB", static_cast(raw_animation_.size() >> 10)); _im_gui->DoLabel(label); std::sprintf(label, "Optimized: %dKB (%.1f:1)", static_cast(raw_optimized_animation_.size() >> 10), static_cast(raw_animation_.size()) / raw_optimized_animation_.size()); _im_gui->DoLabel(label); std::sprintf( label, "Compressed: %dKB (%.1f:1)", static_cast(animation_rt_->size() >> 10), static_cast(raw_animation_.size()) / animation_rt_->size()); _im_gui->DoLabel(label); } } // Selects display mode. static bool open_mode = true; ozz::sample::ImGui::OpenClose mode(_im_gui, "Display mode", &open_mode); if (open_mode) { _im_gui->DoRadioButton(eRuntimeAnimation, "Runtime animation", &selected_display_); _im_gui->DoRadioButton(eRawAnimation, "Raw animation", &selected_display_); _im_gui->DoRadioButton(eAbsoluteError, "Absolute error", &selected_display_); } // Show absolute error. { char szLabel[64]; static bool error_open = true; ozz::sample::ImGui::OpenClose oc_stats(_im_gui, "Absolute error", &error_open); if (error_open) { { std::sprintf(szLabel, "Median error: %.2fmm", *error_record_med_.cursor()); const ozz::sample::Record::Statistics error_stats = error_record_med_.GetStatistics(); _im_gui->DoGraph(szLabel, 0.f, error_stats.max, error_stats.latest, error_record_med_.cursor(), error_record_med_.record_begin(), error_record_med_.record_end()); } { std::sprintf(szLabel, "Maximum error: %.2fmm", *error_record_max_.cursor()); const ozz::sample::Record::Statistics error_stats = error_record_max_.GetStatistics(); _im_gui->DoGraph(szLabel, 0.f, error_stats.max, error_stats.latest, error_record_max_.cursor(), error_record_max_.record_begin(), error_record_max_.record_end()); } { std::sprintf(szLabel, "Joint %d error: %.2fmm", joint_, *joint_error_record_.cursor()); const ozz::sample::Record::Statistics error_stats = joint_error_record_.GetStatistics(); _im_gui->DoGraph(szLabel, 0.f, error_stats.max, error_stats.latest, joint_error_record_.cursor(), joint_error_record_.record_begin(), joint_error_record_.record_end()); } } } return true; } virtual void OnDestroy() {} bool BuildAnimations() { // Instantiate an animation builder. ozz::animation::offline::AnimationBuilder animation_builder; // Builds the optimized animation. if (optimize_) { ozz::animation::offline::AnimationOptimizer optimizer; // Setup global optimization settings. optimizer.setting = setting_; // Setup joint specific optimization settings. if (joint_setting_enable_) { optimizer.joints_setting_override[joint_] = joint_setting_; } else { optimizer.joints_setting_override.clear(); } if (!optimizer(raw_animation_, skeleton_, &raw_optimized_animation_)) { return false; } } else { // Builds runtime animation from the brute one. raw_optimized_animation_ = raw_animation_; } // Builds runtime animation from the optimized one. animation_rt_ = animation_builder(raw_optimized_animation_); // Check if building runtime animation was successful. if (!animation_rt_) { return false; } return true; } virtual void GetSceneBounds(ozz::math::Box* _bound) const { ozz::sample::ComputePostureBounds(models(), _bound); } private: // Selects which animation is displayed. enum DisplayMode { eRuntimeAnimation, eRawAnimation, eAbsoluteError, }; int selected_display_; // Select whether optimization should be performed. bool optimize_; // Imported non-optimized animation. ozz::animation::offline::RawAnimation raw_animation_; // Optimized raw animation. ozz::animation::offline::RawAnimation raw_optimized_animation_; // Optimizer global settings. ozz::animation::offline::AnimationOptimizer::Setting setting_; // Optimizer joint specific settings. bool joint_setting_enable_; int joint_; ozz::animation::offline::AnimationOptimizer::Setting joint_setting_; // Playback animation controller. This is a utility class that helps with // controlling animation playback time. ozz::sample::PlaybackController controller_; // Runtime skeleton. ozz::animation::Skeleton skeleton_; // Sampling context, shared across optimized and non-optimized animations. // This is not optimal, but it's not an issue either. ozz::animation::SamplingJob::Context context_; // Runtime optimized animation. ozz::unique_ptr animation_rt_; // Buffer of local and model space transformations as sampled from the // rutime (optimized and compressed) animation. ozz::vector locals_rt_; ozz::vector models_rt_; // Buffer of local and model space transformations as sampled from the // non-optimized (raw) animation. // Sampling the raw animation results in AoS data, meaning we have to // allocate AoS data and do the SoA conversion by hand. ozz::vector locals_raw_aos_; ozz::vector locals_raw_; ozz::vector models_raw_; // Buffer of local and model space transformations storing samples from the // difference between optimized and non-optimized animations. ozz::vector locals_diff_; ozz::vector models_diff_; // Record of accuracy errors produced by animation compression and // optimization. ozz::sample::Record error_record_med_; ozz::sample::Record error_record_max_; ozz::sample::Record joint_error_record_; }; int main(int _argc, const char** _argv) { const char* title = "Ozz-animation sample: Animation keyframe optimization"; return OptimizeSampleApplication().Run(_argc, _argv, "1.0", title); }