//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // ozz-animation is hosted at http://github.com/guillaumeblanc/ozz-animation // // and distributed under the MIT License (MIT). // // // // Copyright (c) Guillaume Blanc // // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include #include #include #include #include "ozz/animation/runtime/animation.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/local_to_model_job.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/sampling_job.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/skeleton.h" #include "ozz/animation/offline/animation_builder.h" #include "ozz/animation/offline/raw_animation.h" #include "ozz/animation/offline/raw_skeleton.h" #include "ozz/animation/offline/skeleton_builder.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/quaternion.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/simd_math.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/soa_transform.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/vec_float.h" #include "framework/application.h" #include "framework/imgui.h" #include "framework/renderer.h" #include "framework/utils.h" using ozz::animation::offline::RawAnimation; using ozz::animation::offline::RawSkeleton; using ozz::math::Float3; using ozz::math::Float4; using ozz::math::Float4x4; using ozz::math::Quaternion; using ozz::math::SoaTransform; // A millipede slice is 2 legs and a spine. // Each slice is made of 7 joints, organized as follows. // * root // | // spine spine // | | | // left_up right_up left_down - left_u - . - right_u - right_down // | | | | // left_down right_down left_foot * root right_foot // | | // left_foot right_foot // The following constants are used to define the millipede skeleton and // animation. // Skeleton constants. const Float3 kTransUp = Float3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); const Float3 kTransDown = Float3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f); const Float3 kTransFoot = Float3(1.f, 0.f, 0.f); const Quaternion kRotLeftUp = Quaternion::FromAxisAngle(Float3::y_axis(), -ozz::math::kPi_2); const Quaternion kRotLeftDown = Quaternion::FromAxisAngle(Float3::x_axis(), ozz::math::kPi_2) * Quaternion::FromAxisAngle(Float3::y_axis(), -ozz::math::kPi_2); const Quaternion kRotRightUp = Quaternion::FromAxisAngle(Float3::y_axis(), ozz::math::kPi_2); const Quaternion kRotRightDown = Quaternion::FromAxisAngle(Float3::x_axis(), ozz::math::kPi_2) * Quaternion::FromAxisAngle(Float3::y_axis(), -ozz::math::kPi_2); // Animation constants. const float kDuration = 6.f; const float kSpinLength = .5f; const float kWalkCycleLength = 2.f; const int kWalkCycleCount = 4; const float kSpinLoop = 2 * kWalkCycleCount * kWalkCycleLength / kSpinLength; const RawAnimation::TranslationKey kPrecomputedKeys[] = { {0.f * kDuration, Float3(.25f * kWalkCycleLength, 0.f, 0.f)}, {.125f * kDuration, Float3(-.25f * kWalkCycleLength, 0.f, 0.f)}, {.145f * kDuration, Float3(-.17f * kWalkCycleLength, .3f, 0.f)}, {.23f * kDuration, Float3(.17f * kWalkCycleLength, .3f, 0.f)}, {.25f * kDuration, Float3(.25f * kWalkCycleLength, 0.f, 0.f)}, {.375f * kDuration, Float3(-.25f * kWalkCycleLength, 0.f, 0.f)}, {.395f * kDuration, Float3(-.17f * kWalkCycleLength, .3f, 0.f)}, {.48f * kDuration, Float3(.17f * kWalkCycleLength, .3f, 0.f)}, {.5f * kDuration, Float3(.25f * kWalkCycleLength, 0.f, 0.f)}, {.625f * kDuration, Float3(-.25f * kWalkCycleLength, 0.f, 0.f)}, {.645f * kDuration, Float3(-.17f * kWalkCycleLength, .3f, 0.f)}, {.73f * kDuration, Float3(.17f * kWalkCycleLength, .3f, 0.f)}, {.75f * kDuration, Float3(.25f * kWalkCycleLength, 0.f, 0.f)}, {.875f * kDuration, Float3(-.25f * kWalkCycleLength, 0.f, 0.f)}, {.895f * kDuration, Float3(-.17f * kWalkCycleLength, .3f, 0.f)}, {.98f * kDuration, Float3(.17f * kWalkCycleLength, .3f, 0.f)}}; const int kPrecomputedKeyCount = OZZ_ARRAY_SIZE(kPrecomputedKeys); class MillipedeSampleApplication : public ozz::sample::Application { public: MillipedeSampleApplication() : slice_count_(26) {} protected: virtual bool OnUpdate(float _dt, float) { // Updates current animation time controller_.Update(*animation_, _dt); // Samples animation at t = animation_time_. ozz::animation::SamplingJob sampling_job; sampling_job.animation = animation_.get(); sampling_job.cache = &cache_; sampling_job.ratio = controller_.time_ratio(); sampling_job.output = make_span(locals_); if (!sampling_job.Run()) { return false; } // Converts from local space to model space matrices. ozz::animation::LocalToModelJob ltm_job; ltm_job.skeleton = skeleton_.get(); ltm_job.input = make_span(locals_); ltm_job.output = make_span(models_); return ltm_job.Run(); } virtual bool OnDisplay(ozz::sample::Renderer* _renderer) { // Renders the animated posture. return _renderer->DrawPosture(*skeleton_, make_span(models_), ozz::math::Float4x4::identity()); } virtual bool OnInitialize() { return Build(); } virtual void OnDestroy() {} virtual bool OnGui(ozz::sample::ImGui* _im_gui) { // Rebuilds all if the number of joints has changed. int joints = skeleton_->num_joints(); char label[64]; std::sprintf(label, "Joints count: %d", joints); // Uses an exponential scale in the slider to maintain enough precision in // the lowest values. if (_im_gui->DoSlider(label, 8, ozz::animation::Skeleton::kMaxJoints, &joints, .3f, true)) { const int new_slice_count = (joints - 1) / 7; // Slider use floats, we need to check if it has really changed. if (new_slice_count != slice_count_) { slice_count_ = new_slice_count; if (!Build()) { return false; } } } // Updates controller Gui. controller_.OnGui(*animation_, _im_gui); return true; } // Procedurally builds millipede skeleton and walk animation bool Build() { // Initializes the root. The root pointer will change from a spine to the // next for each slice. RawSkeleton raw_skeleton; CreateSkeleton(&raw_skeleton); const int num_joints = raw_skeleton.num_joints(); // Build the run time skeleton. ozz::animation::offline::SkeletonBuilder skeleton_builder; skeleton_ = skeleton_builder(raw_skeleton); if (!skeleton_) { return false; } // Build a walk animation. RawAnimation raw_animation; CreateAnimation(&raw_animation); // Build the run time animation from the raw animation. ozz::animation::offline::AnimationBuilder animation_builder; animation_ = animation_builder(raw_animation); if (!animation_) { return false; } // Allocates runtime buffers. const int num_soa_joints = skeleton_->num_soa_joints(); locals_.resize(num_soa_joints); models_.resize(num_joints); // Allocates a cache that matches new animation requirements. cache_.Resize(num_joints); return true; } void CreateSkeleton(ozz::animation::offline::RawSkeleton* _skeleton) { _skeleton->roots.resize(1); RawSkeleton::Joint* root = &_skeleton->roots[0]; root->name = "root"; root->transform.translation = Float3(0.f, 1.f, -slice_count_ * kSpinLength); root->transform.rotation = Quaternion::identity(); root->transform.scale = Float3::one(); char buf[16]; for (int i = 0; i < slice_count_; ++i) { // Format joint number. std::sprintf(buf, "%d", i); root->children.resize(3); // Left leg. RawSkeleton::Joint& lu = root->children[0]; lu.name = "lu"; lu.name += buf; lu.transform.translation = kTransUp; lu.transform.rotation = kRotLeftUp; lu.transform.scale = Float3::one(); lu.children.resize(1); RawSkeleton::Joint& ld = lu.children[0]; ld.name = "ld"; ld.name += buf; ld.transform.translation = kTransDown; ld.transform.rotation = kRotLeftDown; ld.transform.scale = Float3::one(); ld.children.resize(1); RawSkeleton::Joint& lf = ld.children[0]; lf.name = "lf"; lf.name += buf; lf.transform.translation = Float3::x_axis(); lf.transform.rotation = Quaternion::identity(); lf.transform.scale = Float3::one(); // Right leg. RawSkeleton::Joint& ru = root->children[1]; ru.name = "ru"; ru.name += buf; ru.transform.translation = kTransUp; ru.transform.rotation = kRotRightUp; ru.transform.scale = Float3::one(); ru.children.resize(1); RawSkeleton::Joint& rd = ru.children[0]; rd.name = "rd"; rd.name += buf; rd.transform.translation = kTransDown; rd.transform.rotation = kRotRightDown; rd.transform.scale = Float3::one(); rd.children.resize(1); RawSkeleton::Joint& rf = rd.children[0]; rf.name = "rf"; rf.name += buf; rf.transform.translation = Float3::x_axis(); rf.transform.rotation = Quaternion::identity(); rf.transform.scale = Float3::one(); // Spine. RawSkeleton::Joint& sp = root->children[2]; sp.name = "sp"; sp.name += buf; sp.transform.translation = Float3(0.f, 0.f, kSpinLength); sp.transform.rotation = Quaternion::identity(); sp.transform.scale = Float3::one(); root = &sp; } } void CreateAnimation(ozz::animation::offline::RawAnimation* _animation) { _animation->duration = kDuration; _animation->tracks.resize(skeleton_->num_joints()); for (int i = 0; i < _animation->num_tracks(); ++i) { RawAnimation::JointTrack& track = _animation->tracks[i]; const char* joint_name = skeleton_->joint_names()[i]; if (strstr(joint_name, "ld") || strstr(joint_name, "rd")) { bool left = joint_name[0] == 'l'; // First letter of "ld". // Copy original keys while taking into consideration the spine number // as a phase. const int spine_number = std::atoi(joint_name + 2); const float offset = kDuration * (slice_count_ - spine_number) / kSpinLoop; const float phase = std::fmod(offset, kDuration); // Loop to find animation start. int i_offset = 0; while (i_offset < kPrecomputedKeyCount && kPrecomputedKeys[i_offset].time < phase) { i_offset++; } // Push key with their corrected time. track.translations.reserve(kPrecomputedKeyCount); for (int j = i_offset; j < i_offset + kPrecomputedKeyCount; ++j) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey& rkey = kPrecomputedKeys[j % kPrecomputedKeyCount]; float new_time = rkey.time - phase; if (new_time < 0.f) { new_time = kDuration - phase + rkey.time; } if (left) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey = {new_time, kTransDown + rkey.value}; track.translations.push_back(tkey); } else { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey = { new_time, Float3(kTransDown.x - rkey.value.x, kTransDown.y + rkey.value.y, kTransDown.z + rkey.value.z)}; track.translations.push_back(tkey); } } // Pushes rotation key-frame. if (left) { const RawAnimation::RotationKey rkey = {0.f, kRotLeftDown}; track.rotations.push_back(rkey); } else { const RawAnimation::RotationKey rkey = {0.f, kRotRightDown}; track.rotations.push_back(rkey); } } else if (strstr(joint_name, "lu")) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey = {0.f, kTransUp}; track.translations.push_back(tkey); const RawAnimation::RotationKey rkey = {0.f, kRotLeftUp}; track.rotations.push_back(rkey); } else if (strstr(joint_name, "ru")) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey0 = {0.f, kTransUp}; track.translations.push_back(tkey0); const RawAnimation::RotationKey rkey0 = {0.f, kRotRightUp}; track.rotations.push_back(rkey0); } else if (strstr(joint_name, "lf")) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey = {0.f, kTransFoot}; track.translations.push_back(tkey); } else if (strstr(joint_name, "rf")) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey0 = {0.f, kTransFoot}; track.translations.push_back(tkey0); } else if (strstr(joint_name, "sp")) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey skey = { 0.f, Float3(0.f, 0.f, kSpinLength)}; track.translations.push_back(skey); const RawAnimation::RotationKey rkey = { 0.f, ozz::math::Quaternion::identity()}; track.rotations.push_back(rkey); } else if (strstr(joint_name, "root")) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey0 = { 0.f, Float3(0.f, 1.f, -slice_count_ * kSpinLength)}; track.translations.push_back(tkey0); const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey1 = { kDuration, Float3(0.f, 1.f, kWalkCycleCount * kWalkCycleLength + tkey0.value.z)}; track.translations.push_back(tkey1); } // Make sure begin and end keys are looping. if (track.translations.front().time != 0.f) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey& front = track.translations.front(); const RawAnimation::TranslationKey& back = track.translations.back(); const float lerp_time = front.time / (front.time + kDuration - back.time); const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey = { 0.f, Lerp(front.value, back.value, lerp_time)}; track.translations.insert(track.translations.begin(), tkey); } if (track.translations.back().time != kDuration) { const RawAnimation::TranslationKey& front = track.translations.front(); const RawAnimation::TranslationKey& back = track.translations.back(); const float lerp_time = (kDuration - back.time) / (front.time + kDuration - back.time); const RawAnimation::TranslationKey tkey = { kDuration, Lerp(back.value, front.value, lerp_time)}; track.translations.push_back(tkey); } } } virtual void GetSceneBounds(ozz::math::Box* _bound) const { ozz::sample::ComputePostureBounds(make_span(models_), _bound); } private: // Playback animation controller. This is a utility class that helps with // controlling animation playback time. ozz::sample::PlaybackController controller_; // Millipede skeleton number of slices. 7 joints per slice. int slice_count_; // The millipede skeleton. ozz::unique_ptr skeleton_; // The millipede procedural walk animation. ozz::unique_ptr animation_; // Sampling cache, as used by SamplingJob. ozz::animation::SamplingCache cache_; // Buffer of local transforms as sampled from animation_. // These are shared between sampling output and local-to-model input. ozz::vector locals_; // Buffer of model matrices (local-to-model output). ozz::vector models_; }; int main(int _argc, const char** _argv) { const char* title = "Ozz-animation sample: RawAnimation/RawSkeleton building"; return MillipedeSampleApplication().Run(_argc, _argv, "1.0", title); }